BOCA Maratona de Programação - Primeira fase

Run List

# Site User Time Problem Language Filename Status Judge (Site) Answer
1 1 Ricardo Anido -38 A C++ A-bruno.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
2 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -38 A C++ bruno.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) YES
3 1 Ricardo Anido -38 B C++ B-guilherme.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
4 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -37 K C++ bruno.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) YES
5 1 Ricardo Anido -37 C C++ C-pecinha_guilherme_hash_a_estrela.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
6 1 Paulo Cezar Pereira Costa -37 A Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) YES
7 1 Ricardo Anido -37 D C++ D-lfdorelli.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
8 1 Ricardo Anido -37 E C++ E-bruno2.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
9 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -37 J C++ bruno.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) YES
10 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -36 G C++ bruno.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) YES
11 1 Paulo Cezar Pereira Costa -36 B Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) YES
12 1 Ricardo Anido -36 F C++ F-guilherme_arvores.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
13 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -36 D C++ bruno.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
14 1 Ricardo Anido -36 G C++ G-go-dp-n2.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
15 1 Paulo Cezar Pereira Costa -36 B Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) YES
16 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -36 E C++ bruno3.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
17 1 Ricardo Anido -36 H C++ H-guilherme_vogais.c judged judgeranido (1) YES
18 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -36 E C++ bruno4.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
19 1 Ricardo Anido -35 I C++ I-lfdorelli.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
20 1 Ricardo Anido -35 J C++ J-bruno.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
21 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -35 E C++ bruno1.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) YES
22 1 Paulo Cezar Pereira Costa -35 D Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) YES
23 1 Ricardo Anido -35 K C++ K-guilherme_n_double.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
24 1 Ricardo Anido -34 L C++ L-ladrilho_guilherme.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
25 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -33 C C++ bruno.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) YES
26 1 Paulo Cezar Pereira Costa -33 E Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) YES
27 1 Ricardo Anido -32 A C++ A-WRONG-viagem-1.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
28 1 Paulo Cezar Pereira Costa -31 F Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) YES
29 1 Ricardo Anido -31 B C++ B-WRONG-paulo_sqrtloglog.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
30 1 Paulo Cezar Pereira Costa -31 B C++ paulo_sqrtloglog.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
31 1 Ricardo Anido -31 D C++ D-WRONG-guilherme_wrong1.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
32 1 Ricardo Anido -30 E C++ E-WRONG-estatistica-vinicius.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
33 1 Ricardo Anido -30 F C++ F-WRONG-bruno.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
34 1 Ricardo Anido -29 A C++ H-WRONG-bruno.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
35 1 Ricardo Anido -29 J C++ J-WRONG-bruno.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
36 1 Ricardo Anido -28 K C++ K-WRONG-bruno.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
37 1 Ricardo Anido -28 A C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
38 1 Paulo Cezar Pereira Costa -27 K C++ bruno.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) YES
39 1 Ricardo Anido -24 B C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
40 1 Ricardo Anido -24 C C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
41 1 Ricardo Anido -22 D C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
42 1 Ricardo Anido -22 E C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
43 1 Ricardo Anido -21 F C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
44 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -21 A C++ compilation_error.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
45 1 Ricardo Anido -21 G C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
46 1 Ricardo Anido -21 H C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
47 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -20 A C++ runtime_error.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Wrong answer
48 1 Ricardo Anido -20 I C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
49 1 Ricardo Anido -20 J C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
50 1 Ricardo Anido -20 K C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
51 1 Ricardo Anido -20 L C timeout1s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
52 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami -19 A C++ runtime_error.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Runtime error
53 1 Ricardo Anido -19 B C timeout2s.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
54 1 Claudio Leonardo Lucchesi -18 D Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) YES
55 1 Ricardo Anido -18 B C++ B-SLOW-lfdorelli_segtr.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
56 1 Ricardo Anido -17 B C++ B-SLOW-bruno.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
57 1 Ricardo Anido -17 F Python3 judged judgeranido (1) YES
58 1 Ricardo Anido -16 F Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
59 1 Ricardo Anido -15 F Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
60 1 Ricardo Anido -14 L Python3 judged judgeranido (1) YES
61 1 Ricardo Anido -13 H Python3 judged judgeranido (1) YES
62 1 Ricardo Anido -12 H C H-WRONG-wrong1.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
63 1 Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto -11 G Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
64 1 Ricardo Anido -11 A Java judged judgeranido (1) YES
65 1 Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto -10 G Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) YES
66 1 Ricardo Anido -10 B Java judged judgeranido (1) YES
67 1 Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto -8 C C++ bruno.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) YES
68 1 Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto -6 B C++ lfdorelli_nomo.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
69 1 Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto -6 B C++ lfdorelli_segtr.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
70 1 Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto -5 B C++ guilherme.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) YES
71 1 Ricardo Anido -5 K C++ K-bruno.cpp judged judgeranido (1) YES
72 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 2 A C A.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
73 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 3 A C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) YES
74 1 [UDESC] Pollos Hermanos 3 A C++ A.cpp judged teamblsc3 (1) YES
75 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 3 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) YES
76 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 4 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) YES
77 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 4 A C A.c judged teamvamg32 (1) YES
78 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU flloat Titanic = false; 4 A C++ soma.cpp judged teamerrs17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
79 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 4 A C++ a.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) YES
80 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 4 A Python3 judged teamrgrs14 (1) YES
81 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 4 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) YES
82 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 4 A C++ A.cpp judged teamctpr6 (1) YES
83 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 4 A C++ a.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) YES
84 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 5 A C++ test2.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) YES
85 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 5 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) YES
86 1 [UFRN] make balloons 5 A C++ A.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) YES
87 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 5 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) YES
88 1 [UNIOESTE] Presentation Error 5 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfipr19 (1) YES
89 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 5 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) YES
90 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 5 A C++ proA.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) YES
91 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 5 A C++ a.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
92 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 5 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) YES
93 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 5 A Java judged teamrjrj24 (1) YES
94 1 [UNIS] Unis1 5 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg7 (1) YES
95 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 5 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) YES
96 1 [IFTM campus UPT] D_bug, gogo! 5 A C++ A.cxx judged teamurmg19 (1) YES
97 1 [FEI] Instinct 5 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) YES
98 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
99 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 6 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) YES
100 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) YES
101 1 [UNIFEI] Gotta Code'em All 6 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg22 (1) YES
102 1 [UFES] Triplex 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) YES
103 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) YES
104 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) YES
105 1 [UFU] POKEBOLA, VAI! 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg24 (1) YES
106 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) YES
107 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 6 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) YES
108 1 [IFTM campus UPT] Codemakers 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teamurmg9 (1) YES
109 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 6 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) YES
110 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 6 H C++ h.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) YES
111 1 [Ufba] Três Homens em Conflito 6 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba12 (1) YES
112 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 6 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) YES
113 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 6 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) YES
114 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 6 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) YES
115 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 6 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) YES
116 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) YES
117 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Os Mario Verde 6 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp17 (1) YES
118 1 [UFMG] Que qui ta Cunteçenu? 6 A C++ a.cpp judged teambhmg17 (1) YES
119 1 [UERJ] XOR 6 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) YES
120 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 6 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) YES
121 1 [UFU] Medalha++ 6 A C++ teste.cpp judged teamulmg7 (1) YES
122 1 [Unifei Itabira] A Team Has A Name 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg12 (1) YES
123 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
124 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
125 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 7 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) YES
126 1 [UNIFEI] Kirchoff 's Theorem 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg8 (1) YES
127 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) YES
128 1 [UF Pernambuco] Vc foi a culpada do ACC ser WA 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe1 (1) YES
129 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamnarn5 (1) YES
130 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) YES
131 1 [UFPel] Ta Serto 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrgrs10 (1) YES
132 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 7 A Python3 judged teamcclolpe5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
133 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 7 A C programa.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Compilation error
134 1 [IFRN - CNAT] No Coffee, No Code 7 A Python3 judged teamnarn10 (1) YES
135 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) YES
136 1 [IFCE] Ctrl+Alt+Del 7 A C A.c judged teamfoce9 (1) YES
137 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
138 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) YES
139 1 [UFU] Ferinhas 7 A C A.c judged teamulmg45 (1) YES
140 1 [USP - São Carlos] OsKraNPara 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp22 (1) YES
141 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 7 A C A.c judged teamfoce5 (1) YES
142 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] GAG 7 H C++ risada.cpp judged teamulmg27 (1) YES
143 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) YES
144 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 7 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) YES
145 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 7 A C++ problemaa.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) YES
146 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) YES
147 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-GVG 7 A C tempo.c judged teammaam9 (1) YES
148 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 7 A C++ a.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
149 1 [PUC-MG] 7 A C a.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
150 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) YES
151 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) YES
152 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 7 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
153 1 [IFSP - Birigui] Perdi 7 A C tempo.c judged teambisp1 (1) YES
154 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 7 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) YES
155 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Garotos de Programa 7 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg26 (1) YES
156 1 [UFU] Golondrina 7 A Python3 judged teamulmg39 (1) YES
157 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 7 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) YES
158 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 7 H C++ H.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) YES
159 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 8 A C++ A.CPP judged teamrjrj9 (1) YES
160 1 [UDESC] MeGA 8 A C++ a.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) YES
161 1 [UFRN] Adhocracy 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamnarn7 (1) YES
162 1 [UDESC] Intruders 8 A C++ a.cpp judged teamblsc6 (1) YES
163 1 [UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfipr3 (1) YES
164 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 8 A C++ a.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) YES
165 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 8 A C a.c judged teamgogo14 (1) YES
166 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 8 A C A.c judged teampars2 (1) YES
167 1 [UEFS] Untitled (2).cpp 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfsba2 (1) YES
168 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) YES
169 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 8 H C++ h.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
170 1 [UFSCar-Sor] C ilá 8 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
171 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
172 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 8 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) YES
173 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
174 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
175 1 [PUC-MG] 8 A C a.c judged teambhmg6 (1) YES
176 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) YES
177 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) YES
178 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 8 A Java judged teampars3 (1) YES
179 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 8 H C++ H.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) YES
180 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) YES
181 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 8 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) YES
182 1 [UNIFESO] Nome é o de menos 8 H C++ h.cpp judged teamrjrj16 (1) YES
183 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) YES
184 1 [UF Paraná] Trypanãosomos 8 A Python3 judged judgerodolfo (1) NO - Runtime error
185 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 8 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) YES
186 1 [USP] forEACH 8 A Java judged teamspsp6 (1) YES
187 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 8 A C A.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
188 1 [INATEL] as mina 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) YES
189 1 [UFRGS] Code Runners 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teampars7 (1) YES
190 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) YES
191 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 8 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) YES
192 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] NP-Drada 8 H C++ a.cpp judged teamrjrj4 (1) YES
193 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) YES
194 1 [UCDB] Testemunhas de Java 8 A C++ A.cpp judged teamppms2 (1) YES
195 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) YES
196 1 [UFU] MME 8 A C a.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
197 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) YES
198 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 9 A C A.c judged teampars9 (1) YES
199 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 9 A C++ judged teamgogo6 (1) YES
200 1 [USP] sudo apt-get AC 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamspsp38 (1) YES
201 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) YES
202 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 9 A C++ a.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) YES
203 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] SucoDeUVa 9 A C++ a.cpp judged teamrjrj11 (1) YES
204 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 9 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) YES
205 1 [IPRJ] String Things 9 A C++ A.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
206 1 [UVA] teamUva 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsoce4 (1) YES
207 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Access Violation 9 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcrce6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
208 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 9 A Python3 judged teamrgrs8 (1) YES
209 1 [USJT] Scrumlambation 9 A Java judged teamspsp43 (1) YES
210 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) YES
211 1 [Unifei Itabira] CodersJam 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg9 (1) YES
212 1 [UTFdP- Ponta Grossa] Bug Busters 9 A C++ a.cpp judged teamctpr7 (1) YES
213 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) YES
214 1 [UEA] UEA_Coders 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam15 (1) YES
215 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 9 H C++ h.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) YES
216 1 [UFT] Valar Programmis 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teampato2 (1) YES
217 1 [UNIOESTE] Presentation Error 9 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr19 (1) YES
218 1 [USP] Pégasus 9 A Java judged teamspsp15 (1) YES
219 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) YES
220 1 [UFFS] AKM 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) YES
221 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 9 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) YES
222 1 [UFPB] fsociety - beta 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe30 (1) YES
223 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 9 A C++ a.cpp judged teambisp12 (1) YES
224 1 [UFMG] TSP 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
225 1 [UNOESTE] Batmain Returns 9 H C++ code.cpp judged teambisp3 (1) YES
226 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teammcmg3 (1) YES
227 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) YES
228 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 9 A C A.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Presentation error
229 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 9 A C A.c judged teamsaba13 (1) YES
230 1 [UFSCar] vai_na.sort(); 9 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp10 (1) YES
231 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) YES
232 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 8 A C++ a.cpp judged teamblsc10 (1) YES
233 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 10 A C a.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) YES
234 1 [IPRJ] String Things 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj5 (1) YES
235 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 10 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) YES
236 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 10 A C A.c judged teamfipr8 (1) YES
237 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 10 A C A.c judged teamcasp14 (1) YES
238 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] 404 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe12 (1) YES
239 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) YES
240 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) YES
241 1 [UFU] C + || - 10 A C a.c judged teamulmg28 (1) YES
242 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] Tm^2 10 A Java judged teamurmg4 (1) YES
243 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 10 A C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
244 1 [UFJF] Ah minhas roupa no varal! 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teamjfmg4 (1) YES
245 1 [UPF] Schrödinger's Code 10 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs16 (1) YES
246 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 10 H C++ h.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) YES
247 1 [Unifei Itabira] Karp...Kaarp!!! 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg14 (1) YES
248 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 10 A C++ a.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) YES
249 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 10 A C A.c judged teamcasp9 (1) YES
250 1 [CESF] others errors 10 H Python3 judged teammaam4 (1) YES
251 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) YES
252 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 10 A C++ a.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
253 1 [USJT] Coxinhas voadoras 10 A Java judged teamspsp21 (1) YES
254 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 10 A C A.c judged teamgogo21 (1) YES
255 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) YES
256 1 [CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis] Deu Ruim 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teamdimg3 (1) YES
257 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 10 A Java judged teamijrs6 (1) YES
258 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 10 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg17 (1) YES
259 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 10 H Python3 judged teamcclolpe5 (1) YES
260 1 [FCT-UNESP] O(log n) 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp14 (1) YES
261 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) YES
262 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teampars5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
263 1 [FACENS] ASC1 9 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsosp11 (1) YES
264 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 10 A C A.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) YES
265 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 10 A C A.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) YES
266 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 10 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) YES
267 1 [UFPA] Mock 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) YES
268 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 10 A C A.c judged teamvamg9 (1) YES
269 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 10 A C++ As.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) YES
270 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 10 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
271 1 [CCL-GO] no hope 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclgogo4 (1) YES
272 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 11 A C A.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) YES
273 1 [UFMG] Que qui ta Cunteçenu? 11 H C++ h.cpp judged teambhmg17 (1) YES
274 1 [FATEC-Itu] POG ITU 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsosp8 (1) YES
275 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) YES
276 1 [UDESC] X+2 11 A C A.c judged teamblsc13 (1) YES
277 1 [UFU] MME 11 A C a.c judged teamulmg14 (1) YES
278 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 11 A Java judged teampars4 (1) YES
279 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) YES
280 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 11 A Java judged teamulmg33 (1) YES
281 1 [UNIS] #!/bin/bash 11 A C A.c judged teamvamg30 (1) YES
282 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 11 A C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) YES
283 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 11 A C++ exe.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) YES
284 1 [UFMT - Várzea Grande] Vai dar bom 11 A C tempo.c judged teamcbmt7 (1) YES
285 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 11 A C++ a.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) YES
286 1 [ITA] SubKT 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) YES
287 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 11 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) YES
288 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 11 A C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) YES
289 1 [FEI] Forzinho 11 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) YES
290 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 11 A C problema.c judged teambisp11 (1) YES
291 1 [UFPel] NaN - Not a Name 11 A C++ main.cpp judged teamrgrs4 (1) YES
292 1 [USP] The WA Dead 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teamspsp49 (1) YES
293 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] GAG 11 A C++ tempo.cpp judged teamulmg27 (1) YES
294 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) YES
295 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 11 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) YES
296 1 [UFRN] CodeBuilders 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teamnarn4 (1) YES
297 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 11 C C A.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
298 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Carvalhos 11 A C++ a.cpp judged teamurmg5 (1) YES
299 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 11 A C Andando_no_tempo.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) YES
300 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp7 (1) YES
301 1 [UP] Bacon infernal 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teamctpr12 (1) YES
302 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 11 A C++ judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
303 1 [ITA] batata 11 A C++ a.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) YES
304 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 11 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) YES
305 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 11 A Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Presentation error
306 1 [Unisep] Agora ou nunca! 11 A Java judged teamfipr2 (1) YES
307 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 11 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) YES
308 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 11 H C++ H.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
309 1 [UFOP] C || !C 12 A C++ a.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) YES
310 1 [UFABC] Code Coxinha Builder 12 A C A.c judged teamsbsp5 (1) YES
311 1 [UFSCar-Sor] C ilá 12 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsosp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
312 1 [UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial 12 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr3 (1) YES
313 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 12 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) YES
314 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 12 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
315 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 12 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) YES
316 1 [USP - São Carlos] OsKraNPara 12 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp22 (1) YES
317 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 12 A C++ A.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) YES
318 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 12 A C A.c judged teamfoce13 (1) YES
319 1 [UNIJUI] Novatos 12 A Java judged teamijrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
320 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 12 A C++ A.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) YES
321 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 12 A Java judged teamijrs9 (1) NO - Presentation error
322 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 12 A C++ a.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
323 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Hackers Modestos 12 A Java judged teamspsp33 (1) YES
324 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 12 A C++ A.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) YES
325 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 12 A C++ teste.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) YES
326 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 12 D C D.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
327 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 12 A Java judged teamrbac5 (1) YES
328 1 [UFAL] Holmes 12 A C++ A.cpp judged teamscse6 (1) YES
329 1 [FACISA] Hamurábicos 12 H Python3 judged teamolpe16 (1) YES
330 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 12 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) YES
331 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Ajuda o malloc() que tá doente 12 A C++ questao.cpp judged teamvamg21 (1) YES
332 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 12 A C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) YES
333 1 [UFU] POKEBOLA, VAI! 12 H C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg24 (1) YES
334 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 12 A Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
335 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 12 A C++ A.cpp judged teampars5 (1) YES
336 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 12 A C A.c judged teamslma2 (1) YES
337 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 12 A C++ A.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) YES
338 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Loco cachorro 12 A C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg2 (1) YES
339 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 13 A C++ A.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) YES
340 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 13 A Python3 judged teampars8 (1) YES
341 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 13 A C++ A.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) YES
342 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 13 A C A.c judged teamctpr2 (1) YES
343 1 [IFSULMGMuz] JesusIsOutput 13 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg2 (1) YES
344 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 13 H C++ H.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) YES
345 1 [IFES] The Coders 13 A C a.c judged teamsees1 (1) YES
346 1 [IFTM campus UPT] D_bug, gogo! 13 D C++ D.cxx judged teamurmg19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
347 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 13 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) YES
348 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 13 A C code.c judged teamspsp27 (1) YES
349 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 13 A C a.c judged teamsosp18 (1) YES
350 1 [UFU] Golondrina 13 H Python3 judged teamulmg39 (1) YES
351 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 13 A C a.c judged teammasp6 (1) YES
352 1 [UEA] UEA_Coders 13 H C++ H.cpp judged teammaam15 (1) YES
353 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 13 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) YES
354 1 [FATEC-SJC] PAITOM 13 H C++ h.cpp judged teamtasp11 (1) YES
355 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 13 A C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) YES
356 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 13 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) YES
357 1 [UNIVAP] #teamSafadao 13 A C A.c judged teamtasp14 (1) YES
358 1 [UDESC] #teamLovelace 13 A C A.c judged teamblsc14 (1) YES
359 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU PotroVerdeSalgadinho++ 13 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs13 (1) YES
360 1 [UFMG] just for fun 13 A C++ main.cpp judged teambhmg3 (1) YES
361 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 13 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) YES
362 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] NP-Drada 13 A C++ a.cpp judged teamrjrj4 (1) YES
363 1 [UFFS] BNR 13 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) YES
364 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 13 H C++ h.cpp judged teammasp18 (1) YES
365 1 [IFCE] Pythoneiros 13 A C A.c judged teamfoce11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
366 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 13 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
367 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 13 H C++ test2.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) YES
368 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 13 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) YES
369 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 13 A C A.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Presentation error
370 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 13 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) YES
371 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 13 H C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) YES
372 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 13 A C a.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) YES
373 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 14 A C A.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
374 1 [IFSULMGMuz] TreeMain 14 A C A.c judged teamvamg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
375 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 13 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) YES
376 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 14 A C++ a.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) YES
377 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 14 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
378 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) YES
379 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 14 H C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) YES
380 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) YES
381 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) YES
382 1 [FPU] Avengers 14 A C A.c judged teamulmg22 (1) YES
383 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 14 H Python3 judged teamrgrs14 (1) YES
384 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
385 1 [UFSCar] vai_na.sort(); 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp10 (1) YES
386 1 [UNIFESO] Nome é o de menos 14 A C++ a.cpp judged teamrjrj16 (1) YES
387 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) YES
388 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) YES
389 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 14 A Java judged teamulmg11 (1) YES
390 1 [INATEL] esquadrão suicida 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg24 (1) YES
391 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) YES
392 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) YES
393 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Ma pare de ratia home 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs18 (1) YES
394 1 [UNIVASF] try {code} catch {pokemons} 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamjuba2 (1) YES
395 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 14 A C++ judged teamfipr22 (1) YES
396 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 14 A C++ a.cpp judged teamppms4 (1) YES
397 1 [UERN] BitFera 14 A C A judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
398 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Cyber Conda 14 A C Andando-no-tempo.c judged teamerrs20 (1) YES
399 1 [UERJ] XOR 14 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) YES
400 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) YES
401 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
402 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] ESC 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe31 (1) YES
403 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) YES
404 1 [UFU] Medalha++ 14 H C++ teste.cpp judged teamulmg7 (1) YES
405 1 [CUF] Loops 14 A Java judged teamsmrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
406 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 14 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) YES
407 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 14 A C A.c judged teamsaba1 (1) YES
408 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) YES
409 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] New Zeppelin 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg8 (1) YES
410 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 14 A C++ a.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) YES
411 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 14 H Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) YES
412 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) YES
413 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 14 A Java judged teamulmg20 (1) YES
414 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 14 A C exeA.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) YES
415 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Código 312 14 A C A.c judged teamitam2 (1) YES
416 1 [UFFS] _Rasteiro 14 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs26 (1) YES
417 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Quero Café 14 A C a.c judged teamfipr20 (1) YES
418 1 [UDESC] Pollos Hermanos 14 H C++ H.cpp judged teamblsc3 (1) YES
419 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 14 H C++ H.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) YES
420 1 [UNOESTE] Batmain Returns 14 A C++ code.cpp judged teambisp3 (1) YES
421 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 14 A C++ a.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) YES
422 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 14 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) YES
423 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 14 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) YES
424 1 [IME] Ad-Hoc Café 15 A C++ a.cpp judged teamrjrj30 (1) YES
425 1 [UFPB] fsociety - beta 15 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe30 (1) YES
426 1 [UVA] teamUva 15 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsoce4 (1) YES
427 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) YES
428 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 15 H C h.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
429 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 15 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) YES
430 1 [UNICENTRO] Safadão 15 A Java judged teamfipr17 (1) YES
431 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 15 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) YES
432 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) YES
433 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 15 A C++ a.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) YES
434 1 [USJT] P2G 15 A C ProblemaD.c judged teamspsp50 (1) YES
435 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 15 A C a.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) YES
436 1 [IFCE] O importante é não zerar! 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfoce1 (1) YES
437 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 15 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
438 1 [FEI] Dynamic Coders 15 A C++ problemaA.cpp judged teamsbsp3 (1) YES
439 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Presentation error
440 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 1 15 A Java judged teamdimg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
441 1 [UNIMONTES] Os Avassaladores 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teammcmg5 (1) YES
442 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) YES
443 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 15 D Python3 judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
444 1 [UVA] Grape 15 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) YES
445 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 15 H C++ As.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) YES
446 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) YES
447 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 15 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) YES
448 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) YES
449 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 15 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) YES
450 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 15 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) YES
451 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 15 H Java judged teamrjrj24 (1) YES
452 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 15 A C A.c judged teampisp12 (1) YES
453 1 [UECE] CodeBIRLders 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfoce4 (1) YES
454 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 15 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) YES
455 1 [ITA] batata 15 H C++ h.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) YES
456 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 15 H C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) YES
457 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 15 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) YES
458 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 15 A C A.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) YES
459 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 15 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) YES
460 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 3 15 A Java judged teamdimg8 (1) YES
461 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 15 A Python3 judged teamcclolpe5 (1) YES
462 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
463 1 [UFSCar] ReturnTwo(); 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp16 (1) YES
464 1 [UNIT] NullPointerException 15 A Java judged teamscse9 (1) YES
465 1 [CESF] Error.Code32 15 A C A.c judged teammaam5 (1) YES
466 1 [UFSCar] EstouraCom9 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
467 1 [UDESC] POXX 15 H C++ h.cpp judged teamblsc5 (1) YES
468 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 15 H Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
469 1 [EEP] Monty Python 15 A C codigo_de_problema.c judged teampisp14 (1) YES
470 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 15 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
471 1 [UEG] Muttley 15 A Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
472 1 [UESB] Ursos sem Curso 15 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvcba12 (1) YES
473 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 15 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
474 1 [FJN] k3rnel_pan1c 15 A Java judged teamcrce5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
475 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 15 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) YES
476 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclolpe7 (1) YES
477 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 15 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) YES
478 1 [UNIFESP] Trio de 11 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtasp13 (1) YES
479 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 16 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) YES
480 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg18 (1) YES
481 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 16 A Java judged teamijrs1 (1) YES
482 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 16 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) YES
483 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Developers 16 A C A.c judged teamitam1 (1) YES
484 1 [FATECZL] CodeBreaker 16 A Python3 judged teamspsp5 (1) YES
485 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 16 H C H.c judged teamscse11 (1) YES
486 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 16 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) YES
487 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 15 A C A.c judged teamsees12 (1) YES
488 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) YES
489 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 16 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) YES
490 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 16 A Java judged teamrbac7 (1) YES
491 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 16 A C A.c judged teamblsc17 (1) YES
492 1 [UFT] Valar Programmis 16 H C++ H.cpp judged teampato2 (1) YES
493 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 16 A C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) YES
494 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 16 A Java judged teamijrs9 (1) YES
495 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 16 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) YES
496 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 16 A Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) YES
497 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 16 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
498 1 [UEA] AlphaQ 16 A C++ x.cpp judged teammaam19 (1) YES
499 1 [USP] forEACH 16 H Java judged teamspsp6 (1) YES
500 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 16 C C++ andando_no_tempo.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
501 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 16 A Python3 judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
502 1 [UTFdP- Ponta Grossa] Bug Busters 16 H C++ h.cpp judged teamctpr7 (1) YES
503 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp16 (1) YES
504 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 16 A C a.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
505 1 [USP - São Carlos] E = mc++ 16 A C++ a.cpp judged teampisp11 (1) YES
506 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) YES
507 1 [UFU] Estupendos Búfalos Carecas 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg47 (1) YES
508 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 16 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) YES
509 1 [IFCE] Família 16 H Python3 judged teamfoce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
510 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 16 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) YES
511 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 16 D C D.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
512 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 16 A C A.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
513 1 [UNIME] Sem net não da 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba3 (1) YES
514 1 [UFPel] Ballester Reserva 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrgrs2 (1) YES
515 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 16 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) YES
516 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 16 A C++ D.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Compilation error
517 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 16 A C++ A.cpp judged teamgogo8 (1) YES
518 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] BOOST 16 A Java judged teamulmg42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
519 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 17 A C++ A.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
520 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 17 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) YES
521 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 17 A C++ A.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) YES
522 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Nerds no fim de semana 17 A Python3 judged teamjpro6 (1) YES
523 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 17 D Python3 judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
524 1 [UFU] Audazes Guaxinins Sonolentos 17 D C D.c judged teamulmg48 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
525 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 17 A Java judged teammasp10 (1) NO - Presentation error
526 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 17 A C A.c judged teamgogo1 (1) YES
527 1 [IFTM] Computação IFTM-2 17 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
528 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 17 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
529 1 [UDESC] MeGA 17 H C++ h.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) YES
530 1 [SETREM] Println 17 A Java judged teamijrs8 (1) YES
531 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 2 17 A C A.c judged teammcmg2 (1) YES
532 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 17 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
533 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 17 A C Andando_no_tempo.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
534 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 17 A Java judged teamijrs5 (1) YES
535 1 [UEG] The Horde 17 A C++ A.cxx judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Presentation error
536 1 [IPRJ] String Things 17 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj5 (1) YES
537 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 17 D Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
538 1 [UNIS] Unis2 17 A C Andandonotempo.c judged teamvamg11 (1) YES
539 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 17 A C++ problemaa.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) YES
540 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 17 A Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) YES
541 1 [IFRN - CNAT] No Coffee, No Code 17 D Python3 judged teamnarn10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
542 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 17 A C problemA.c judged teambepa2 (1) YES
543 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 17 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) YES
544 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 17 A C A.c judged teampars6 (1) YES
545 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Os Enrolados 17 A Java judged teammcmg9 (1) YES
546 1 [UNIVASF] The Targaryens 17 A C++ program.cpp judged teamjuba3 (1) YES
547 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 17 A Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
548 1 [FACIT] Accept Go 17 A C++ A.cpp judged teammcmg4 (1) YES
549 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 17 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) YES
550 1 [IFES] NaoDeuTLE 17 A C A.c judged teamsees7 (1) YES
551 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 17 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
552 1 [UFSCar-Sor] C ilá 17 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsosp9 (1) YES
553 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 17 A C A.c judged teamrgrs5 (1) YES
554 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 17 A C A.c judged teamfipr1 (1) YES
555 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 17 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) YES
556 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 17 A C A.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
557 1 [UNIMONTES] Os Avassaladores 17 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg5 (1) YES
558 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 17 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) NO - Presentation error
559 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 18 A C++ andando_no_tempo.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) YES
560 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) YES
561 1 [UFU] C + || - 18 D C d.c judged teamulmg28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
562 1 [UERN] BitFera 18 A C A.c judged teamnarn12 (1) YES
563 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) YES
564 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 18 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) YES
565 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 18 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) YES
566 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 18 H C++ h.cpp judged teamctpr6 (1) YES
567 1 [UEA] TheBuggados 18 A C++ a.cpp judged teammaam18 (1) YES
568 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] The Powerpuff Girls 18 A C A.c judged teamcbmt10 (1) YES
569 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 18 H Java judged teamblsc19 (1) YES
570 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 18 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) YES
571 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 18 H C++ h.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) YES
572 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 18 D C++ proB.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
573 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 18 A C Untitled1.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) YES
574 1 [URI - Erechim] Mangojatos 18 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs1 (1) YES
575 1 [UFFS] AKM 18 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) YES
576 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 18 A C A.c judged teamurmg7 (1) YES
577 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 18 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) YES
578 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 18 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) YES
579 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Esquadrão Classe C++ 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teamppms5 (1) YES
580 1 [USJT] NullPointerRevenge 18 A Python3 judged teamspsp4 (1) YES
581 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 18 A C A.c judged teamtasp3 (1) YES
582 1 [UnB] Batutas 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teambrdf2 (1) YES
583 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 18 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) YES
584 1 [EEP] ASAP 18 A C++ a.cpp judged teampisp1 (1) YES
585 1 [FATEC-SJC] PAITOM 18 A C++ a.cpp judged teamtasp11 (1) YES
586 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) YES
587 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) YES
588 1 [UFU] Troia 18 A Java judged teamulmg36 (1) YES
589 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 18 A C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
590 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 18 A C A.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) YES
591 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
592 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 18 H Python3 judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
593 1 [FCT-UNESP] BrainOverflow 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp4 (1) YES
594 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teampars10 (1) YES
595 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 18 D Python3 judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
596 1 [UFAL] U_FALL 18 D C D.c judged teamscse13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
597 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 18 H C++ h.cpp judged teambisp12 (1) YES
598 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 18 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) YES
599 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] TeamC++ 18 A C++ a.cpp judged teamurmg12 (1) YES
600 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 18 A C A.c judged teamrjrj6 (1) YES
601 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 18 H C++ H.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) YES
602 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 18 D C d.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
603 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) YES
604 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Ajuda o malloc() que tá doente 18 H C++ questao.cpp judged teamvamg21 (1) YES
605 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 19 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
606 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 19 H C h.c judged teamsosp18 (1) YES
607 1 [FIP] Faculdade Porto 19 H Java judged teamjpro5 (1) YES
608 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 19 A Python3 judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Presentation error
609 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 19 A Python3 judged teamctpr13 (1) YES
610 1 [UNIOESTE] Ladies Coding 19 A C tempo.c judged teamfipr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
611 1 [UFU] C + || - 19 D C d.c judged teamulmg28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
612 1 [UFMG] TSP 19 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
613 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 19 A Python3 judged teamrjrj19 (1) YES
614 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 19 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
615 1 [UDESC] Priviet 19 H C++ h.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
616 1 [UFMS/CPAN] X-Coders 19 H C H.c judged teamppms6 (1) YES
617 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 19 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) YES
618 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 19 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) YES
619 1 [UNICENTRO] Emulador MIPS 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfipr12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
620 1 [FAP] Batateam 19 D C D.c judged teamcrce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
621 1 [UFT] C de Cilada 19 H C++ H.cpp judged teampato1 (1) YES
622 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) YES
623 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 19 A C A.c judged teamscse2 (1) YES
624 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 19 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) YES
625 1 [UFSCar] EstouraCom9 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp13 (1) YES
626 1 [PUC-MG] 19 H C h.c judged teambhmg6 (1) YES
627 1 [ITA] SubKT 19 I C++ I.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
628 1 [UFFS] Hu3++ 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs2 (1) YES
629 1 [UFJF] Ah minhas roupa no varal! 19 H C++ H.cpp judged teamjfmg4 (1) YES
630 1 [Senai Cimatic] Harambe 19 A C ProblemaA.c judged teamsaba11 (1) YES
631 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) YES
632 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 19 A Java judged teamolpe18 (1) YES
633 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 19 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) YES
634 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 19 H C++ h.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) YES
635 1 [UEG] The Horde 19 A C++ A.cxx judged teamgogo15 (1) YES
636 1 [UNIFOR] UNIFOR-1 19 A Python3 judged teamfoce12 (1) YES
637 1 [UnB/FGA] Nós Oceano 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teambrdf12 (1) YES
638 1 [UNIVAS] Pergunta no Posto Ipiranga 19 A C A.c judged teamvamg31 (1) YES
639 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 19 A Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) YES
640 1 [UFU] Jabba 19 A C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) YES
641 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Bugs From Hell 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs15 (1) YES
642 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 19 A C A.c judged teamcasp3 (1) YES
643 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 19 A C A.c judged teamsmrs2 (1) YES
644 1 [UNIFEI] Gotta Code'em All 19 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
645 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) YES
646 1 [CESF] others errors 19 H Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
647 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não sei 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba10 (1) NO - Presentation error
648 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 19 A C A.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Presentation error
649 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 19 A C andandonotempo.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
650 1 [UFT] code_builders 19 A C A.c judged teampato6 (1) YES
651 1 [UnB] Turkeys 19 A C++ A.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) YES
652 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) YES
653 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) YES
654 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) YES
655 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 18 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) YES
656 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 20 H C++ h.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) YES
657 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 20 A Java judged teampisp25 (1) YES
658 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 20 D C++ proB.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
659 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 20 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) YES
660 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 20 A C a.c judged teamfipr21 (1) YES
661 1 [IFTM] Computação IFTM-2 20 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
662 1 [CU - IESB] Programação Orientada a Cebola 20 A C a.c judged teambrdf7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
663 1 [IFSULMGMuz] The dark side of the code 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg5 (1) YES
664 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 20 A C a judged judgeranido (1) NO - Compilation error
665 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 20 A C++ A.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) YES
666 1 [Área1] Filhos de ADA 20 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba2 (1) YES
667 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 20 A Java judged teambama3 (1) YES
668 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 18 A C++ a.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
669 1 [UFF-PURO] +paçoca -wa 20 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj15 (1) YES
670 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) YES
671 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 20 H Java judged teamppms4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
672 1 [IFSULMGMuz] TreeMain 20 A C A.c judged teamvamg1 (1) YES
673 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 20 A C A.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
674 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 20 H C++ h.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) YES
675 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 20 A C A.c judged teamsosp6 (1) YES
676 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) YES
677 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 20 A Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) YES
678 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 20 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) YES
679 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 20 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) YES
680 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 20 H C h.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
681 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 20 H C++ judged teambhmg18 (1) YES
682 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 20 A C++ tempo.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) YES
683 1 [USP] sudo apt-get AC 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp38 (1) YES
684 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) YES
685 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 20 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
686 1 [UDESC] POXX 20 A C++ a.cpp judged teamblsc5 (1) YES
687 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 20 H C++ h.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) YES
688 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Presentation error
689 1 [UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos 20 A C++ A.cpp judged teamslma1 (1) NO - Presentation error
690 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 20 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
691 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 20 A C++ a.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) YES
692 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 20 A Python3 judged teamnarn8 (1) YES
693 1 [UFT] Ada 20 C C++ A.cpp judged teampato5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
694 1 [UFRGS] Code Runners 20 H C++ H.cpp judged teampars7 (1) YES
695 1 [UnB] Turkeys 21 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) YES
696 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 21 D C D.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
697 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 21 H C++ h.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
698 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 21 H Python3 judged teamcclsaba2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
699 1 [IFPE] kill -9 bill 21 A Java judged teamolpe4 (1) YES
700 1 [UCG] majin bool 21 A C++ A.cpp judged teamgogo3 (1) YES
701 1 [USJT] Scrumlambation 21 H Java judged teamspsp43 (1) YES
702 1 [EEP] Nameless 21 A C a.c judged teampisp26 (1) YES
703 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 21 H C++ h.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) YES
704 1 [UFU] Malandramente 21 H C++ problemah.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) YES
705 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 21 H C++ h.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) YES
706 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 21 A C++ A.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) YES
707 1 [UEG] Muttley 21 A Java judged teamgogo5 (1) YES
708 1 [FATECZL] BagGuy 21 A Java judged teamspsp42 (1) YES
709 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] MeuCrôMacio 21 A C A.c judged teamcbmt6 (1) YES
710 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 21 H Java judged teamspsp20 (1) YES
711 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 21 H C H.c judged teamfoce5 (1) YES
712 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 21 A C++ a.cpp judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
713 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 21 A C++ A.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) YES
714 1 [UEM] quit() 21 A C++ andandonotempo.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) YES
715 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 21 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
716 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 21 A Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
717 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 21 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
718 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 21 D Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
719 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 21 A Java judged teamspsp40 (1) YES
720 1 [UESC] Devilopers 21 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
721 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 21 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
722 1 [USP] The WA Dead 21 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp49 (1) NO - Wrong answer
723 1 [UESB] Java++ 21 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba11 (1) NO - Presentation error
724 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 21 A C++ A.cpp judged teamgogo19 (1) YES
725 1 [UnB] deBuggers 21 A C++ a.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) YES
726 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 21 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) YES
727 1 [UFOP] C || !C 21 D C++ d.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
728 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 21 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) YES
729 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 21 A C A.c judged teamfoce15 (1) YES
730 1 [UPF] Schrödinger's Code 21 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs16 (1) YES
731 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 21 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
732 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 21 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
733 1 [FATEC Americana] a; DROP TABLE user; -- 21 A C A.c judged teampisp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
734 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 21 A C adando_no_tempo.c judged teamurmg10 (1) YES
735 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 21 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) YES
736 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 21 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
737 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 21 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) YES
738 1 [UNIVILLE] Biluzitos 21 A C++ Andando_Tempo.cpp judged teamblsc4 (1) YES
739 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 21 A C codigo_de_problema_C.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
740 1 [UNIFESO] Demogorgon 21 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj8 (1) YES
741 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 21 A Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
742 1 [ITA] EitaMah 21 A C++ a.cpp judged teamtasp1 (1) YES
743 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) YES
744 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 22 D C D.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
745 1 [CUF] Os barbada 22 A Java judged teamsmrs3 (1) YES
746 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 22 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Presentation error
747 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 22 A C A.c judged teamfoce7 (1) YES
748 1 [Unifei Itabira] CodersJam 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg9 (1) YES
749 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 22 A C++ a.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Compilation error
750 1 [Pitagoras/SI] DevOps 22 A Java judged teamulmg12 (1) YES
751 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 22 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
752 1 [CESF] others errors 22 D Python3 judged teammaam4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
753 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 22 A Java judged teamblsc1 (1) YES
754 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 22 L C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) YES
755 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 22 D Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
756 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 22 B Java judged teamulmg33 (1) NO - Wrong answer
757 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) YES
758 1 [UFCG] Quem Chorava Hoje Ri 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe6 (1) YES
759 1 [UNISAL] Time Teste 20 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtasp10 (1) YES
760 1 [UFRN] make balloons 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) YES
761 1 [UNIFEI] Kirchoff 's Theorem 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg8 (1) YES
762 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 22 A C++ a.cpp judged teammasp18 (1) YES
763 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) YES
764 1 [UFU] MME 22 H Python3 judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
765 1 [IFES] Pointer to Hell 22 A C++ a_envio_01.cpp judged teamsees15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
766 1 [UFT] Ada 22 A C++ A.cpp judged teampato5 (1) YES
767 1 [UFTM] the big bang theory 22 A C A.c judged teamurmg18 (1) YES
768 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Loco cachorro 22 H C++ h.cpp judged teamulmg2 (1) YES
769 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 22 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) YES
770 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 22 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
771 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 22 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) YES
772 1 [Unifei Itabira] Karp...Kaarp!!! 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg14 (1) YES
773 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 22 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
774 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 22 A Java judged teambama1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
775 1 [FPU] Neuron 22 A C andando_no_tempo.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
776 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 22 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) YES
777 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 22 H Java judged teamppms4 (1) YES
778 1 [Unisalesiano] RasenshurikenC 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teambisp14 (1) YES
779 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 22 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) YES
780 1 [CCL-DF] Go Horse and The Bottle of Vini ™ 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclbrdf2 (1) YES
781 1 [UFRN] Adhocracy 22 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
782 1 [UNIVILLE] FSociety 22 H C++ h.cpp judged teamblsc2 (1) YES
783 1 [UEA] TheBuggados 22 H C++ h.cpp judged teammaam18 (1) YES
784 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 22 H C++ h.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) YES
785 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 22 D Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
786 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 22 A C A.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) YES
787 1 [UEFS] Untitled (2).cpp 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfsba2 (1) YES
788 1 [UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos 22 A C++ A.cpp judged teamslma1 (1) YES
789 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 22 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) YES
790 1 [CPCX/UFMS] Não me byte 22 A Java judged teamppms3 (1) YES
791 1 [CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis] Deu Ruim 22 D C++ D.cpp judged teamdimg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
792 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Girls++ 22 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
793 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 22 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) YES
794 1 [UFPB] fsociety - beta 22 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe30 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
795 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 22 A C Andando_no_tempo.c judged teamurmg15 (1) YES
796 1 [FACOM - UFMS] UFMSX 23 H C++ A.cpp judged teamppms7 (1) YES
797 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 23 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
798 1 [UFRGS] Tamo Call Confia 23 A C A.c judged teampars12 (1) YES
799 1 [FEI] Instinct 23 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
800 1 [UDESC] Priviet 23 H C++ h.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
801 1 [UnB/FGA] Nós Oceano 23 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf12 (1) YES
802 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Bit Please 23 H C++ h.cpp judged teamulmg15 (1) YES
803 1 [USP - São Carlos] C++ Remote Control 23 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp7 (1) YES
804 1 [CCL-SC] UDESC01 23 A C A.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Compilation error
805 1 [UNIFESP] Trio de 11 23 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtasp13 (1) YES
806 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 23 D C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
807 1 [UDESC] Priviet 23 H C++ h.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) YES
808 1 [UFU] Audazes Guaxinins Sonolentos 23 D C D.c judged teamulmg48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
809 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 23 H C++ H.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) YES
810 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 23 A C A.c judged teamsosp2 (1) YES
811 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 23 A C a.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
812 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Eramos 3 23 A Java judged teamrgrs12 (1) YES
813 1 [IFSP-Salto] Deadlockers 23 A C A1.c judged teamsosp15 (1) YES
814 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 23 H C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) YES
815 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 23 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) YES
816 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 23 A C A.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
817 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 23 H C++ h.cpp judged teamgogo14 (1) YES
818 1 [UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial 23 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfipr3 (1) YES
819 1 [UNIPÊ] Los Miserables 23 H Java judged teamolpe21 (1) YES
820 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 23 A C A.c judged teamulmg26 (1) YES
821 1 [CCL-DF] Bodybuilders Aposentados 23 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclbrdf1 (1) YES
822 1 [CESF] others errors 23 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam4 (1) YES
823 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 23 A C A.c judged teammasp8 (1) YES
824 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 23 D C D.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
825 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 23 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) YES
826 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 23 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
827 1 [UFFS] _Rasteiro 23 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs26 (1) YES
828 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 23 L C++ l.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) YES
829 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 23 H C H.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
830 1 [UNIBALSAS] Bransky 23 C Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
831 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 23 A C A.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
832 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 23 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba14 (1) YES
833 1 [UFSCar] ReturnTwo(); 23 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp16 (1) YES
834 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 23 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) YES
835 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 23 A C A.c judged teamspsp1 (1) YES
836 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 23 H C++ H.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) YES
837 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 23 H C++ test2.cpp judged judgerodolfo (1) NO - Runtime error
838 1 [UFAL] RX Team 23 H C++ h.cpp judged teamscse12 (1) YES
839 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 23 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
840 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 23 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) YES
841 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 23 A C a.c judged teammcmg11 (1) YES
842 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 23 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
843 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 23 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) YES
844 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 23 A Java judged teamurmg1 (1) YES
845 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 23 D Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
846 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 23 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) YES
847 1 [IFES] Mallocadores 23 A C A.c judged teamsees10 (1) YES
848 1 [FAJ] FAJ-VÉNUS 23 A C a.c judged teamcasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
849 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 23 H Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
850 1 [FIBM] NullReferenceException 24 A Java judged teamolpe11 (1) YES
851 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 24 I C i.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
852 1 [UESB] Ursos sem Curso 24 H C++ h.cpp judged teamvcba12 (1) YES
853 1 [Ceunes UFES] PPKillers 23 A C++ andando-no-tempo.cpp judged teamsees14 (1) YES
854 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 2 24 C C A.c judged teamrgrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
855 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 24 A C++ andando_no_tempo.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) YES
856 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 24 A Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
857 1 [UFRGS] Algorithmics 24 H C H.c judged teampars11 (1) YES
858 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 24 A Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
859 1 [UNIJUI] Novatos 24 A Java judged teamijrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
860 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 24 A C A.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) YES
861 1 [UEA] Assassin's Creept 24 A C++ a.cpp judged teammaam11 (1) YES
862 1 [CCL-DF] Bodybuilders Aposentados 24 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclbrdf1 (1) YES
863 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 24 A C A.c judged teampisp20 (1) YES
864 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 24 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
865 1 [FJN] k3rnel_pan1c 24 A Java judged teamcrce5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
866 1 [IFSULMGMuz] The dark side of the code 24 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg5 (1) YES
867 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 24 A C andandonotempo.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
868 1 [UFU] Audazes Guaxinins Sonolentos 24 D C D.c judged teamulmg48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
869 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 24 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
870 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 24 D C++ D.cpp judged teampars10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
871 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 24 H C++ H.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) YES
872 1 [FAI] UAIFAI 24 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg25 (1) YES
873 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] <<<coffee with milk>>> 24 A C++ problemA.cpp judged teamcrce2 (1) YES
874 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] GAG 24 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
875 1 [UFU] Usa a Desigualdade Triangular 24 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg3 (1) YES
876 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 24 A C A.c judged teammcmg10 (1) YES
877 1 [USP - São Carlos] E = mc++ 24 H C++ h.cpp judged teampisp11 (1) YES
878 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 24 H Python3 judged teamcclsaba2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
879 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 24 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
880 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 24 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
881 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 24 A C++ A.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) YES
882 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 24 H C++ h.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) YES
883 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 24 A Java judged teampars14 (1) YES
884 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 24 A C++ A.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) YES
885 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 24 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) YES
886 1 [ESPM] ParseInt 24 A Java judged teamspsp29 (1) YES
887 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 24 A C Untitled2.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
888 1 [UFU] Audazes Guaxinins Sonolentos 24 D C D.c judged teamulmg48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
889 1 [UNIBALSAS] Bransky 24 A Java judged teambama2 (1) YES
890 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Os Mario Verde 24 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp17 (1) YES
891 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 24 A C++ a.cpp judged teamcasp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
892 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 24 L C++ L.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) YES
893 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 24 A C++ A.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) YES
894 1 [UFMA] UFMA Fido's Door 24 A Java judged teamslma4 (1) YES
895 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 25 H Java judged teamijrs6 (1) YES
896 1 [IFCE] Ctrl+Alt+Del 25 D C D.c judged teamfoce9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
897 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU_4A 25 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
898 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 25 D C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
899 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 25 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) YES
900 1 [UFU] Digito, logo existo 25 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg21 (1) YES
901 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-GVG 25 H C risada.c judged teammaam9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
902 1 [IFCE] Pythoneiros 25 A C A.c judged teamfoce11 (1) YES
903 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] BOOST 25 A Java judged teamulmg42 (1) YES
904 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 25 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) YES
905 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 25 A C++ codigo_de_problema judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
906 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Access Violation 25 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcrce6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
907 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 25 A C a.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
908 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] SucoDeUVa 25 H C++ h.cpp judged teamrjrj11 (1) YES
909 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 25 D C D.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
910 1 [UESC] Devilopers 25 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
911 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 25 H Python3 judged teamvamg17 (1) YES
912 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] So_No_Compiuter 25 H Java judged teamcbmt15 (1) YES
913 1 [UFMS/CPAN] ++Strangers 25 A C A.c judged teamppms1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
914 1 [UNIOESTE] Byte me 25 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfipr18 (1) YES
915 1 [UFRN] CodeBuilders 25 G C++ G.cpp judged teamnarn4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
916 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-StrangerCodes 25 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
917 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 25 D C D.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
918 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] UNIFails 25 C C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
919 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 25 A Java judged teamspsp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
920 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 25 H C++ code.cpp judged teamspsp27 (1) YES
921 1 [USJT] Tariraki 25 H Java judged teamspsp25 (1) YES
922 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] Tm^2 25 D Java judged teamurmg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
923 1 [UECE] CodeBIRLders 25 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfoce4 (1) YES
924 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 25 D C D.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
925 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 26 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) YES
926 1 [UFU] Deadlock 26 A C A.c judged teamulmg44 (1) YES
927 1 [FIP] Faculdade Porto 26 A Java judged teamjpro5 (1) YES
928 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 26 A C codigo_de_problema_C.c judged teambrdf6 (1) YES
929 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 26 D C++ d.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
930 1 [IFRN - CNAT] No Coffee, No Code 26 H Python3 judged teamnarn10 (1) YES
931 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Árvaro Binário 26 H C++ H.cpp judged teampars13 (1) YES
932 1 [UVV] No Token: ; 26 A C A.c judged teamsees8 (1) YES
933 1 [FCT-UNESP] O(log n) 26 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp14 (1) YES
934 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 26 A Java judged teamulmg51 (1) YES
935 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 26 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
936 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 26 H Python3 judged teamrgrs8 (1) YES
937 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 26 I C++ i.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
938 1 [FEI] Bellatores 26 C C++ A.cpp judged teamsbsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
939 1 [UVA] Grape 26 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
940 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 26 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) YES
941 1 [USJT] MET 26 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
942 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 26 D C D.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
943 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 26 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
944 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/EC] Uberabassauro 26 A Java judged teamurmg3 (1) NO - Presentation error
945 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 26 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) YES
946 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 26 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
947 1 [UFRN] CodeBuilders 26 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn4 (1) YES
948 1 [UNITAU] Sombra dos colossos 26 A C A.c judged teamtasp12 (1) YES
949 1 [IFCE] O importante é não zerar! 26 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfoce1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
950 1 [UF Pernambuco] Vc foi a culpada do ACC ser WA 26 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe1 (1) YES
951 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 26 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) YES
952 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 26 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
953 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Yakuza-MT 26 A C A.c judged teamcbmt1 (1) YES
954 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 26 A Java judged teamulmg16 (1) YES
955 1 [IME] Mr Pickles 26 H C++ brasil.cpp judged teamrjrj29 (1) YES
956 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 26 J C J.c judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
957 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 26 H Python3 judged teampars8 (1) YES
958 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 26 A C++ andando_no_tempo.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
959 1 [UNIVAS] Pode isso, Arnaldo? 26 A C A.c judged teamvamg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
960 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 26 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
961 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 26 H C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
962 1 [USP] The WA Dead 27 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp49 (1) NO - Wrong answer
963 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 27 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
964 1 [CCL-SC] UDESC01 27 A C A.c judged teamcclblsc2 (1) YES
965 1 [UnB] Batutas 27 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf2 (1) YES
966 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 27 D C++ A.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
967 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Girls++ 27 A C++ A.cpp judged teambhmg4 (1) YES
968 1 [UFC-Quixadá] O que tiver que C vai C 27 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfoce8 (1) YES
969 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 27 H C H.c judged teamfoce13 (1) YES
970 1 [FEI] Dynamic Coders 27 H C++ problemaH.cpp judged teamsbsp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
971 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 27 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
972 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 27 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
973 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 27 A C++ A.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) YES
974 1 [FPU] Neuron 27 A C andando_no_tempo.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
975 1 [EEP] SudoCode 27 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
976 1 [IFES] NaoDeuTLE 27 H Python3 judged teamsees7 (1) YES
977 1 [UP] Bacon infernal 27 H C H.c judged teamctpr12 (1) YES
978 1 [FPU] Avengers 27 H Java judged teamulmg22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
979 1 [UFF-PURO] HUEligans 27 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj28 (1) YES
980 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 27 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp10 (1) YES
981 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 27 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
982 1 [UNIBAVE] Orleans 27 A Java judged teamblsc12 (1) YES
983 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Programmers 27 A Python3 judged teamolpe9 (1) YES
984 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] Tm^2 27 D Java judged teamurmg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
985 1 [FATEC Cruzeiro] FEIC#AS DE LUZ 27 A C A.c judged teamtasp8 (1) YES
986 1 [UP] Queijo com casca 27 A C a.c judged teamctpr3 (1) YES
987 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 27 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) YES
988 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] SuperMain 27 A C A.c judged teamrjrj22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
989 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 27 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
990 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 27 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) YES
991 1 [INATEL] as mina 27 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
992 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 28 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
993 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 28 A C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) YES
994 1 [FEI] Bellatores 28 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsbsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
995 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 2 28 A C A.c judged teamrgrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
996 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 28 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
997 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 28 H C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) YES
998 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 28 H C++ H.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
999 1 [UTFPR] A Void 28 H C H.c judged teamctpr11 (1) YES
1000 1 [USP] sudo apt-get AC 28 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1001 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 28 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) YES
1002 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 28 A C A.c judged teampisp3 (1) YES
1003 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 28 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1004 1 [UFAL] U_FALL 28 A C A.c judged teamscse13 (1) YES
1005 1 [UFT] C de Cilada 28 A C++ A.cpp judged teampato1 (1) YES
1006 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 28 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1007 1 [UFPel] NaN - Not a Name 28 H C++ main.cpp judged teamrgrs4 (1) YES
1008 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 28 A C exercicio1.c judged teambrdf4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1009 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 28 H C H.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
1010 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 28 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) YES
1011 1 [IFCE] Ctrl+Alt+Del 28 D C D.c judged teamfoce9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1012 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 1 28 A Java judged teamdimg9 (1) YES
1013 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 28 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1014 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] GAG 28 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1015 1 [USP] Icarus 28 A Java judged teamspsp17 (1) YES
1016 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 28 H Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
1017 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 28 D Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
1018 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 28 H Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) YES
1019 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Define 28 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe29 (1) YES
1020 1 [FACOM - UFMS] UFMSX 28 A C++ B.cpp judged teamppms7 (1) YES
1021 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Garotos de Programa 28 H C++ h.cpp judged teamvamg26 (1) YES
1022 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 28 A C++ andando.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) YES
1023 1 [UNIFEI] Gotta Code'em All 28 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1024 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 28 A C andandonotempo.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1025 1 [UFU] Malandramente 28 A C++ problemaa.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) YES
1026 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 28 A C++ A.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) YES
1027 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 28 A C A.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1028 1 [FPU] Avengers 28 H Java judged teamulmg22 (1) YES
1029 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 28 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) YES
1030 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Esquadrão Classe C++ 28 H C++ H.cpp judged teamppms5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1031 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 25 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) YES
1032 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 28 H C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1033 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 25 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1034 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 28 A C programa2.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1035 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 28 A C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1036 1 [UFSCar-Sor] C ilá 25 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsosp9 (1) YES
1037 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 28 D C D.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1038 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 28 A C++ A.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) YES
1039 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) YES
1040 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 29 D Python3 judged teamvamg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1041 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 29 H C H.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) YES
1042 1 [USJT] Tariraki 29 A Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1043 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 29 H C++ h.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) YES
1044 1 [FATECZL] CodeBreaker 29 H Python3 judged teamspsp5 (1) YES
1045 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) YES
1046 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Ma pare de ratia home 29 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs18 (1) YES
1047 1 [Senai Cimatic] 3M 29 A C tempo.c judged teamsaba15 (1) YES
1048 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 29 H C++ H.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1049 1 [UNISAL] Return. O; 29 A C ProblemaA.C judged teamtasp5 (1) YES
1050 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] FullStackOverkill 29 H C h.c judged teamsosp20 (1) YES
1051 1 [Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Goiás] Calangos de Aço 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teamgogo17 (1) YES
1052 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 29 D C D.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1053 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 29 I C++ i.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) YES
1054 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 29 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg3 (1) YES
1055 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) YES
1056 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Nerds no fim de semana 29 H Python3 judged teamjpro6 (1) YES
1057 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) YES
1058 1 [USP] The WA Dead 29 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp49 (1) YES
1059 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU flloat Titanic = false; 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs17 (1) YES
1060 1 [URI - Erechim] Mangojatos 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs1 (1) YES
1061 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 29 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) YES
1062 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) YES
1063 1 [EEP] ASAP 29 A C++ a.cpp judged teampisp1 (1) YES
1064 1 [UNIFESP] Equipe muito Bacana 29 H Java judged teamtasp9 (1) YES
1065 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 29 D C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1066 1 [UFPel] 418 29 A C A.c judged teamrgrs15 (1) YES
1067 1 [UnB] War Machine 29 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1068 1 [ITA] EitaMah 29 I C++ I.cpp judged teamtasp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1069 1 [UFMG] just for fun 29 H C++ main.cpp judged teambhmg3 (1) YES
1070 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] VOID - Do not expect a return 29 A Java judged teamrgrs1 (1) YES
1071 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 29 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1072 1 [FAI] UAIFAI 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg25 (1) YES
1073 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 29 D C D.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1074 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 29 I C++ i.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1075 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 29 H C++ h.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1076 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Duas princesas e um sapo 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teamppms8 (1) YES
1077 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Eternal Debug 29 A C A.c judged teamsosp19 (1) YES
1078 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/EC] Uberabassauro 29 A Java judged teamurmg3 (1) NO - Presentation error
1079 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 29 I C++ i.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) YES
1080 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Ep. II: Padawans de Aderbal 29 A C A.c judged teamcrce7 (1) YES
1081 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 29 A C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) YES
1082 1 [EEP] ASAP 29 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp1 (1) YES
1083 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 29 A C A.c judged teamscse15 (1) YES
1084 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 2 29 H C H.c judged teammcmg2 (1) NO - Presentation error
1085 1 [UFU] Jabba 29 H Python3 judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1086 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 29 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1087 1 [USP] Pégasus 29 H Java judged teamspsp15 (1) YES
1088 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 29 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) YES
1089 1 [Unisep] Agora ou nunca! 29 H Java judged teamfipr2 (1) YES
1090 1 [UEG] The Horde 29 H C H.c judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1091 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 30 H Python3 judged teamcclolpe7 (1) YES
1092 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 30 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1093 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 30 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1094 1 [UF Paraná] Trypanãosomos 30 H C++ H.C judged teamctpr5 (1) YES
1095 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 30 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1096 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 30 H C++ huaauhahhuahau.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) YES
1097 1 [IFTM] Computação-IFTM-1 30 H Java judged teamulmg53 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1098 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 30 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) YES
1099 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 30 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) YES
1100 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 30 A C exe_a.c judged teambisp9 (1) YES
1101 1 [FATEC-SJC] SEMPACTO 29 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtasp20 (1) YES
1102 1 [UFU] Ferinhas 30 D C D.c judged teamulmg45 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1103 1 [IFSP-Salto] Tridentes de Salto 30 A C andando_no_tempo.c judged teamsosp13 (1) YES
1104 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 30 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) YES
1105 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 30 H C++ h.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) YES
1106 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Os Enrolados 30 D Java judged teammcmg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1107 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 30 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1108 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 30 H Java judged teamgogo8 (1) YES
1109 1 [UnB] Turkeys 30 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1110 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 30 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) YES
1111 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 30 D C++ D.cpp judged teampars10 (1) YES
1112 1 [IFCE] Família 30 A C a.c judged teamfoce2 (1) YES
1113 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 30 H Python3 judged teamrjrj25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1114 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 30 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) YES
1115 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 30 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1116 1 [UEA] Debians 30 A C A.c judged teamitam6 (1) YES
1117 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 30 A Java judged teammasp20 (1) YES
1118 1 [UFOP] C || !C 30 H C++ h.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) YES
1119 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 30 H Java judged teamulmg20 (1) YES
1120 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 30 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) YES
1121 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 30 H C problemah.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1122 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 30 H C++ problemaH.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) YES
1123 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 30 D C d.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1124 1 [FACENS] B4TEU! 26 H C++ huaauhahhuahau.cpp judged teamsosp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1125 1 [FATEC-Itu] Código Descendente 30 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsosp4 (1) YES
1126 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 30 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1127 1 [UFCG] Quem Chorava Hoje Ri 30 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe6 (1) YES
1128 1 [UDESC] Pollos Hermanos 30 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc3 (1) YES
1129 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 30 D Python3 judged teamvamg17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1130 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Crash Test Dummies 31 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs25 (1) YES
1131 1 [CCL-BA] Ecompalouros 31 D C D.c judged teamcclfsba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1132 1 [UFLA] JSus 31 H Java judged teamvamg29 (1) YES
1133 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 31 H C H.c judged teamvamg32 (1) YES
1134 1 [IFSULMGMuz] JesusIsOutput 31 H C++ H.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Compilation error
1135 1 [UVA] GLHF 31 A C++ codigo_de_a.cpp judged teamsoce2 (1) YES
1136 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 31 A C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) YES
1137 1 [IFCE] O importante é não zerar! 31 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfoce1 (1) YES
1138 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 31 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) YES
1139 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 31 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) YES
1140 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 31 D Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
1141 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 31 A C A.c judged teamscse8 (1) YES
1142 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 31 A C++ a.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) YES
1143 1 [UNOESTE] Batmain Returns 31 L C++ code.cpp judged teambisp3 (1) YES
1144 1 [IFFar] XaBlau 31 A C A.c judged teamijrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1145 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 31 A Java judged teamijrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1146 1 [UFSCar] vai_na.sort(); 31 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp10 (1) YES
1147 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 31 A Java judged teamspsp8 (1) YES
1148 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 31 H C H.c judged teamsees12 (1) YES
1149 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] 404 31 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe12 (1) YES
1150 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 31 H Python3 judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1151 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 31 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) YES
1152 1 [EEP] SudoCode 31 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp6 (1) YES
1153 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 31 D C D.c judged teamcasp14 (1) YES
1154 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 31 H C++ risada.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) YES
1155 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 31 A Python3 judged teamrjrj25 (1) YES
1156 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 31 H C++ proH.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) YES
1157 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 31 D C programa2.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1158 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 31 A C++ andando_no_tempo.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) YES
1159 1 [UNIT] NullPointerException 31 H Java judged teamscse9 (1) YES
1160 1 [UFPel] Ballester Reserva 31 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrgrs2 (1) YES
1161 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 31 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1162 1 [UNIJUI] Capivara Club 31 A C++ A.cpp judged teamijrs11 (1) YES
1163 1 [UNIVAP] new equipe 31 A C++ problema_a.cpp judged teamtasp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1164 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 31 A C A.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1165 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 31 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1166 1 [CU - IESB] Programação Orientada a Cebola 31 A C a.c judged teambrdf7 (1) YES
1167 1 [UnB] War Machine 32 A C++ A.cpp judged teambrdf5 (1) YES
1168 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 32 H C H.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1169 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 32 H C++ H.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1170 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 32 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) YES
1171 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 32 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) YES
1172 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 32 D C d.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1173 1 [ITA] SubKT 32 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) YES
1174 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 32 A C++ A.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Presentation error
1175 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 32 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1176 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 32 J C J.c judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1177 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 32 D C D.c judged teamsosp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1178 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 30 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) YES
1179 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 32 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1180 1 [UFMS/CPAN] X-Coders 32 A C A.c judged teamppms6 (1) YES
1181 1 [UNICENTRO] Safadão 32 H Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
1182 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 32 H Python3 judged teamcclsaba2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1183 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 32 H Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1184 1 [UESB-Jequié] Malandramentte 32 H C H.c judged teamvcba9 (1) YES
1185 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 32 H C A.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1186 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 32 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1187 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 32 A Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
1188 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] NullPointException 32 A Java judged teamjpro7 (1) YES
1189 1 [UFMT - Várzea Grande] Vai dar bom 32 H C risos.c judged teamcbmt7 (1) YES
1190 1 [USP - São Carlos] Not Even Twice 32 A C++ a.cpp judged teampisp19 (1) YES
1191 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 32 A Java judged teambama1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1192 1 [USJT] MET 32 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1193 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 32 H C H.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1194 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 32 I C++ i.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) YES
1195 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 32 H C++ H.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
1196 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 32 H Java judged teampars3 (1) YES
1197 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 32 D Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1198 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 32 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1199 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 32 A Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
1200 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 32 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1201 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 32 H C H.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1202 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 32 C C++ C.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) YES
1203 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 32 H C++ H.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) YES
1204 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 32 H C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1205 1 [UVA] Grape 32 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1206 1 [IFSP - Birigui] Perdi 32 D C divisores.c judged teambisp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1207 1 [USP - São Carlos] C++ Remote Control 32 H C++ H judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
1208 1 [UDESC] Priviet 32 A C++ a.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) YES
1209 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 32 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1210 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 32 H Python3 judged teamcclsaba2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1211 1 [UFC-Quixadá] O que tiver que C vai C 32 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1212 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 32 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1213 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 32 A C A.c judged teamsosp22 (1) YES
1214 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 32 H C H.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1215 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 32 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Presentation error
1216 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 32 A C A.c judged teamscse11 (1) YES
1217 1 [INATEL] as mina 32 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1218 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Árvaro Binário 32 A C A.c judged teampars13 (1) YES
1219 1 [UFPel] 418 32 H C H.c judged teamrgrs15 (1) YES
1220 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 32 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) YES
1221 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 32 A C++ A.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) YES
1222 1 [UFU] Audazes Guaxinins Sonolentos 32 D C D.c judged teamulmg48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1223 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 33 H C H.c judged teamgogo21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1224 1 [IMED] Team Imed 33 A Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1225 1 [USP - São Carlos] C++ Remote Control 33 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp7 (1) YES
1226 1 [UNIME] push_front(equipeC++) 33 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsaba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1227 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] U mo bu kai fei di tal 33 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg18 (1) YES
1228 1 [UnB] deBuggers 33 H C++ h.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) YES
1229 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 33 H C H.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1230 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 33 H Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) YES
1231 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 33 A Java judged teambama1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1232 1 [CCL-BA] Ecompalouros 33 D C D.c judged teamcclfsba4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1233 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 33 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1234 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 33 H C++ H.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) YES
1235 1 [IFSP] IFSP-SP 33 A C A.c judged teamspsp28 (1) YES
1236 1 [CUF] Loops 33 D Java judged teamsmrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1237 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 33 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1238 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 33 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1239 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 33 H C++ h.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1240 1 [USJT] P2G 33 H C ProblemaH.c judged teamspsp50 (1) YES
1241 1 [FCT-UNESP] BrainOverflow 33 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp4 (1) YES
1242 1 [UEA] AlphaQ 33 H C++ h1.cpp judged teammaam19 (1) YES
1243 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 33 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1244 1 [IME] Ad-Hoc Café 33 H C++ h.cpp judged teamrjrj30 (1) YES
1245 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 33 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1246 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 33 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg18 (1) YES
1247 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 33 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1248 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 33 H C problemah.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1249 1 [EEP] IDK 33 A C a.c judged teampisp27 (1) YES
1250 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 33 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1251 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 33 H Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) YES
1252 1 [UFU] Golondrina 33 D Python3 judged teamulmg39 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1253 1 [UFU] MME 33 D C d.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1254 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 33 H C++ H.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) YES
1255 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 33 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1256 1 [UP] Bacon infernal 33 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1257 1 [UDESC] MeGA 33 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) YES
1258 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 2 33 A C A.c judged teamrgrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1259 1 [FIBM] AESO 1 34 A Python3 judged teamolpe5 (1) YES
1260 1 [UFES] Triplex 33 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1261 1 [USP] sudo apt-get AC 32 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1262 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 34 D C D.c judged teamfoce13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1263 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 2 34 H C H.c judged teammcmg2 (1) YES
1264 1 [UFFS] BNR 34 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1265 1 [IFCE] Ctrl+Alt+Del 34 D C D.c judged teamfoce9 (1) YES
1266 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 34 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1267 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 34 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) YES
1268 1 [ITA] SubKT 34 I C++ I.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) YES
1269 1 [UNISAL] Time Teste 33 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtasp10 (1) YES
1270 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 34 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1271 1 [UENP] contando_com.sort() 34 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp5 (1) YES
1272 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 34 A C A.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
1273 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 34 A C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1274 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 34 H C exeB.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) YES
1275 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 34 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) YES
1276 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 34 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) YES
1277 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 34 H C++ H.cpp judged teampars5 (1) YES
1278 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 34 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1279 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 34 D C d.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1280 1 [IFSULMGMuz] JesusIsOutput 34 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg2 (1) YES
1281 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 34 H Python3 judged teamnarn8 (1) YES
1282 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 34 H Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
1283 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 34 A C exercicio1.c judged teambrdf4 (1) YES
1284 1 [IFTM campus UPT] Codemakers 34 D C++ d.cpp judged teamurmg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1285 1 [UTFdP- Ponta Grossa] Bug Busters 34 I C++ i.cpp judged teamctpr7 (1) YES
1286 1 [UTFPR] A Void 34 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1287 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 34 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1288 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 34 D C d.c judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1289 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 34 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1290 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 34 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) YES
1291 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 34 H Python3 judged teamrgrs5 (1) YES
1292 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] The Boys of Java 35 A Java judged teamjpro4 (1) NO - Presentation error
1293 1 [USP - São Carlos] E = mc++ 35 D C++ d.cpp judged teampisp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1294 1 [UFU] Ferinhas 35 D C D.c judged teamulmg45 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1295 1 [UFAL] Holmes 35 H C++ H.cpp judged teamscse6 (1) YES
1296 1 [UF Paraná] Trypanãosomos 35 A Python3 judged teamctpr5 (1) YES
1297 1 [UFJF] Stack EvenFlow 35 A C++ A.cpp judged teamjfmg12 (1) YES
1298 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 35 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1299 1 [IFTM campus UPT] D_bug, gogo! 35 H C++ H.cxx judged teamurmg19 (1) YES
1300 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 35 A C A.c judged teamsmrs4 (1) YES
1301 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 35 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1302 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 35 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) YES
1303 1 [UFAM] UFAM-ICOMP-GameOfCodes 35 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam2 (1) YES
1304 1 [UEG] The Horde 35 D C D.c judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1305 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 35 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) YES
1306 1 [CU - IESB] We can't see SharP 35 A C a.c judged teambrdf11 (1) YES
1307 1 [UNIVAS] Pode isso, Arnaldo? 35 A C A.c judged teamvamg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1308 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 35 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1309 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Bit Please 35 A C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg15 (1) YES
1310 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 35 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
1311 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 35 A C a.c judged teampisp21 (1) YES
1312 1 [Unifei Itabira] Karp...Kaarp!!! 35 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1313 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 35 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) YES
1314 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 35 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1315 1 [IME] Mr Pickles 35 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj29 (1) YES
1316 1 [UNIME] push_front(equipeC++) 35 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsaba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1317 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 35 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1318 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 35 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) YES
1319 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 35 D Python3 judged teammasp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1320 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 36 H Java judged teammasp7 (1) YES
1321 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 36 A C++ andando_no_tempo.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1322 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 36 A C aCerto.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
1323 1 [UNIJUI] Challengers 36 A Java judged teamijrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1324 1 [Unifei Itabira] A Team Has A Name 36 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg12 (1) YES
1325 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] Tm^2 36 H Java judged teamurmg4 (1) YES
1326 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] SuperMain 36 A C A.c judged teamrjrj22 (1) YES
1327 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 3 36 D Java judged teamdimg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1328 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 36 H Python3 judged teamcbmt2 (1) YES
1329 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 36 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn5 (1) YES
1330 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 36 A C A.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1331 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 36 D C++ test2.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1332 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 36 A C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) YES
1333 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 36 H Python3 judged teamcclsaba2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1334 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 36 D C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1335 1 [ITA] EitaMah 36 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1336 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 36 H Java judged teamijrs5 (1) YES
1337 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 36 D Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1338 1 [UFU] C + || - 36 H C h.c judged teamulmg28 (1) YES
1339 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Hackers Modestos 36 H Java judged teamspsp33 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1340 1 [IMED] Team Imed 36 A Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
1341 1 [UNIT - MG] Deployers 36 H C H.c judged teamulmg19 (1) YES
1342 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 36 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1343 1 [UNIVILLE] FSociety 36 A C++ a.cpp judged teamblsc2 (1) YES
1344 1 [FAP] NullLoseException 36 D C D.c judged teamcrce4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1345 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 36 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) YES
1346 1 [UFRGS] Algorithmics 36 A C A.c judged teampars11 (1) YES
1347 1 [UNICENTRO] Safadão 36 H Java judged teamfipr17 (1) YES
1348 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 36 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1349 1 [FEI] Dynamic Coders 36 H C++ problemaH.cpp judged teamsbsp3 (1) YES
1350 1 [Unifei Itabira] Karp...Kaarp!!! 36 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1351 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 36 D C d.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1352 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 36 D C++ d.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1353 1 [UNIRG] MalditoPontoEVirgula 36 A C A.c judged teampato4 (1) YES
1354 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/EC] Uberabassauro 36 A Java judged teamurmg3 (1) YES
1355 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 36 A Java judged teamspsp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1356 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 37 H C h.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1357 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 37 H C++ h.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) YES
1358 1 [USJT] MET 37 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1359 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 37 H C H.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1360 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 37 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1361 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] So_No_Compiuter 37 A Java judged teamcbmt15 (1) YES
1362 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 37 D Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1363 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 37 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1364 1 [UFFS] BNR 37 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1365 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 37 D C D.c judged teamscse15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1366 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 37 H Python3 judged teamrjrj19 (1) YES
1367 1 [IFTM] Computação-IFTM-1 37 A Java judged teamulmg53 (1) YES
1368 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU PotroVerdeSalgadinho++ 37 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs13 (1) YES
1369 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 37 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) YES
1370 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 37 A C++ A.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) YES
1371 1 [FGOC] getBalao 37 H C++ h.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) YES
1372 1 [UFRN] Adhocracy 37 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1373 1 [UESC] Devilopers 37 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1374 1 [UESB-Jequié] Return 0 37 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1375 1 [CCL-GO] old boys 37 D Java judged teamcclgogo2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1376 1 [UNIJUI] Challengers 37 A Java judged teamijrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1377 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 37 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) YES
1378 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 37 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1379 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 37 H C H.c judged teammcmg10 (1) YES
1380 1 [FGOC] getBalao 37 A C++ a.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) YES
1381 1 [FTC] Geany 37 A Java judged teamvcba8 (1) NO - Presentation error
1382 1 [UFPel] Ta Serto 37 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrgrs10 (1) YES
1383 1 [UDESC] X+2 37 H C H.c judged teamblsc13 (1) YES
1384 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 37 H Python3 judged teamrjrj25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1385 1 [UEG] Muttley 37 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1386 1 [FAJ] FAJ JÚPTER 37 D C++ teste2.cpp judged teamcasp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1387 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 38 H C++ h.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) YES
1388 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 38 A C A.c judged teamgogo4 (1) YES
1389 1 [UFT] C de Cilada 38 D C++ D.cpp judged teampato1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1390 1 [FGOC] getBalao 38 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1391 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 38 G C++ G.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) YES
1392 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 38 H C++ h.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1393 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 38 L C++ L.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) YES
1394 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 38 H Python3 judged teamspsp16 (1) YES
1395 1 [UFFS] Hu3++ 38 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs2 (1) YES
1396 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 38 H C H.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) YES
1397 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 38 H Java judged teamblsc1 (1) YES
1398 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 38 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) YES
1399 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 38 A C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1400 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 38 A C a.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Presentation error
1401 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 38 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1402 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 38 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1403 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 38 A C aCerto.c judged teamcasp11 (1) YES
1404 1 [UEA] Assassin's Creept 38 H C++ h.cpp judged teammaam11 (1) YES
1405 1 [USP] Icarus 38 H Java judged teamspsp17 (1) YES
1406 1 [UTFPR] A Void 38 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1407 1 [USJT] Tariraki 38 A Java judged teamspsp25 (1) YES
1408 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 38 H Java judged teamspsp11 (1) YES
1409 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 38 H Java judged teamulmg33 (1) YES
1410 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 38 H C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1411 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 38 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1412 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 38 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) YES
1413 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 38 A Java judged teamblsc11 (1) YES
1414 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 38 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1415 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 38 H C++ h.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) YES
1416 1 [UFU] Jabba 38 H Python3 judged teamulmg38 (1) YES
1417 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 38 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) YES
1418 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 38 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1419 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 38 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1420 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 38 A Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
1421 1 [UFC-Quixadá] O que tiver que C vai C 38 H Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
1422 1 [UFPR-JA] NONAME 38 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1423 1 [UFU] MME 38 H Python3 judged teamulmg14 (1) YES
1424 1 [UFU] Troia 38 H Java judged teamulmg36 (1) YES
1425 1 [FATEC Americana] a; DROP TABLE user; -- 38 A C A.c judged teampisp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1426 1 [UFU] Golondrina 39 D Python3 judged teamulmg39 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1427 1 [UnB] Turkeys 39 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) YES
1428 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 39 H C H.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Wrong answer
1429 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 39 H C++ H.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) YES
1430 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] RTG 39 A C A.c judged teamrjrj26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1431 1 [UNIOESTE] Figurantes 39 D C Divisores.c judged teamfipr7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1432 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 39 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) YES
1433 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] SuperMain 39 H C h.c judged teamrjrj22 (1) YES
1434 1 [ITA] EitaMah 39 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp1 (1) YES
1435 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 39 C C++ C.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
1436 1 [IPRJ] String Things 39 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1437 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] AJ? 39 A C A.c judged teamcbmt5 (1) YES
1438 1 [Ufba] Três Homens em Conflito 39 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba12 (1) YES
1439 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 39 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsmrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1440 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 39 A Pascal A.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) YES
1441 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 39 D C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1442 1 [USP] sudo apt-get AC 39 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1443 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Cabeção++ 39 D C D.c judged teamcrce1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1444 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 39 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1445 1 [CCL-AM] Hello Word 39 A C A.c judged teamcclitam3 (1) NO - Presentation error
1446 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 39 A C a.c judged teamsees11 (1) YES
1447 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 39 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) YES
1448 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 39 H Java judged teamijrs1 (1) YES
1449 1 [UFRN] Adhocracy 39 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn7 (1) YES
1450 1 [UNIJUI] Novatos 39 A Java judged teamijrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1451 1 [UFPR-JA] NONAME 39 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp1 (1) YES
1452 1 [UFJF] Rodou de primeira 39 H C H.c judged teamjfmg6 (1) YES
1453 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 39 D C D.c judged teamctpr2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1454 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 39 H C H.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) YES
1455 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 39 H C++ h.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1456 1 [UFFS] AKM 39 L C++ L.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) YES
1457 1 [UNIFESP] Equipe muito Bacana 39 A Java judged teamtasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1458 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 39 H C H.c judged teamurmg7 (1) YES
1459 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 39 H C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1460 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 40 H Python3 A.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
1461 1 [FTC] Neo Gênesis 40 A Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
1462 1 [UFJF] Rodou de primeira 40 A C A.c judged teamjfmg6 (1) YES
1463 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 40 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) YES
1464 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 40 H Python3 judged teamrjrj25 (1) YES
1465 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 40 D Python3 judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1466 1 [IFTM] Computação IFTM-2 40 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1467 1 [IFES] Pointer to Hell 40 A C++ a_envio_02.cpp judged teamsees15 (1) YES
1468 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 40 H C++ h.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1469 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 40 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1470 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 40 A C a.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1471 1 [CESF] Marotos de Programa 40 A C A.c judged teammaam17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1472 1 [FATEC-Itu] POG ITU 40 H Java judged teamsosp8 (1) YES
1473 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 40 H C problemah.c judged teambisp11 (1) YES
1474 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 40 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1475 1 [UESB-Jequié] Malandramentte 40 A C A.c judged teamvcba9 (1) YES
1476 1 [CU - IESB] Programação Orientada a Cebola 40 H C h.c judged teambrdf7 (1) YES
1477 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 40 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) YES
1478 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] UNIFails 40 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg23 (1) YES
1479 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 40 H C H.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1480 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 40 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) YES
1481 1 [IFRN - CNAT] Potýmon Go 40 A C++ a.cpp judged teamnarn9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1482 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 40 L C++ l.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) YES
1483 1 [UEG] Muttley 40 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1484 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 40 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) YES
1485 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 40 A C Andandonotempo.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1486 1 [UFPA] Lambda 40 A C++ A.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
1487 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 40 A C++ problemaA.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) YES
1488 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 40 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1489 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 40 H C++ h.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) YES
1490 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 40 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1491 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 40 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1492 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 40 D C programa2.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1493 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 40 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1494 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 40 H C++ H.cpp judged teampars10 (1) YES
1495 1 [UESB] Java++ 40 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba11 (1) YES
1496 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-StrangerCodes 40 A C A.c judged teammaam1 (1) YES
1497 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Access Violation 40 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcrce6 (1) YES
1498 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Garotos de Programa 40 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1499 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 40 A C++ A.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Presentation error
1500 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 40 I C I.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1501 1 [FACENS] B4TEU! 36 A C++ andando_no_tempo.cpp judged teamsosp17 (1) YES
1502 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 4 40 C Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
1503 1 [FACENS] ASC1 36 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsosp11 (1) YES
1504 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 33 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1505 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 39 D C D.c judged teamsosp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1506 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 40 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) YES
1507 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 40 A C main.c judged teamctpr8 (1) YES
1508 1 [ITA] EitaMah 40 I C++ I.cpp judged teamtasp1 (1) YES
1509 1 [CCL-DF] Go Horse and The Bottle of Vini ™ 40 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclbrdf2 (1) YES
1510 1 [UFPA] Mock 40 H Java judged teambepa9 (1) YES
1511 1 [UNIOESTE] Byte me 40 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr18 (1) YES
1512 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 40 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) YES
1513 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 41 D Java judged teamrjrj33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1514 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1515 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 40 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1516 1 [USP - São Carlos] OsKraNPara 41 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp22 (1) YES
1517 1 [UFMA] UFMA Fido's Door 41 D Java judged teamslma4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1518 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 41 A Java judged teamulmg46 (1) YES
1519 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Carvalhos 41 D C++ d.cpp judged teamurmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1520 1 [IFTM] Computação IFTM-2 41 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1521 1 [UFJF] Khan 41 A C++ A.cpp judged judgerodolfo (1) NO - Compilation error
1522 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 41 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) YES
1523 1 [FEI] Bellatores 41 A C++ A.cpp judged judgerodolfo (1) NO - Runtime error
1524 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 41 H C H.c judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1525 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 41 J C J.c judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1526 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 41 D Python3 D.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
1527 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] BugBusters 41 A C A.c judged teamcbmt11 (1) YES
1528 1 [IMED] Team Imed 41 A Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1529 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 41 C C++ C.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) YES
1530 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 41 L C++ l.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1531 1 [UnB] deBuggers 41 D C++ d.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1532 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 41 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1533 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1534 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 41 H Java judged teamulmg51 (1) YES
1535 1 [UNIARARAS] Cadê o churrasco? 41 A C A.c judged teampisp24 (1) YES
1536 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Define 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1537 1 [UCG] majin bool 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1538 1 [CCL-PE] WALL-E 41 A Java judged teamcclolpe2 (1) YES
1539 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 41 H C H.c judged teamtasp3 (1) YES
1540 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1541 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 41 A C A.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Presentation error
1542 1 [UNIFEI] Kirchoff 's Theorem 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1543 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teampars5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1544 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Os Mario Verde 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1545 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 41 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) YES
1546 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 41 H C++ H.cpp judged teamscse2 (1) YES
1547 1 [UTFPR] A Void 41 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1548 1 [CCL-AM] Iostream 30 A C A.c judged teamcclitam1 (1) NO - Presentation error
1549 1 [IFES] Mallocadores 41 H C H.c judged teamsees10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1550 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 41 H Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) YES
1551 1 [IFSULMGMuz] The dark side of the code 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1552 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] U mo bu kai fei di tal 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1553 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 41 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1554 1 [CUEdA] Team Code 41 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1555 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 41 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1556 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 41 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) YES
1557 1 [UFU] Medalha++ 41 L C++ teste.cpp judged teamulmg7 (1) YES
1558 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 41 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1559 1 [UFJF] jambo livre 41 A C A.c judged teamjfmg7 (1) YES
1560 1 [IFES] The Coders 41 H Python3 judged teamsees1 (1) YES
1561 1 [Unifei Itabira] A Team Has A Name 42 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1562 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 42 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsmrs2 (1) NO - Presentation error
1563 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 42 D C programa2.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1564 1 [UNIVAS] Pode isso, Arnaldo? 42 A C A.c judged teamvamg19 (1) YES
1565 1 [UFU] POKEBOLA, VAI! 42 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg24 (1) YES
1566 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 42 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1567 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 42 H C++ H.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) YES
1568 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 42 D C D.c judged teamscse15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1569 1 [UFMS/CPAN] ++Strangers 42 H C H.c judged teamppms1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1570 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Código 312 42 H Java judged teamitam2 (1) YES
1571 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 42 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1572 1 [FAJ] FAJ JÚPTER 42 D C++ teste2.cpp judged teamcasp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1573 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 42 A Java judged teambama1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1574 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 42 C C c.c judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1575 1 [CESF] others errors 42 D Python3 judged teammaam4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1576 1 [UERN] BitFera 42 H C H.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1577 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 42 H C H.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1578 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 42 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) YES
1579 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 42 A Java judged teamblsc19 (1) YES
1580 1 [UFU] Usa a Desigualdade Triangular 42 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1581 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 42 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Presentation error
1582 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] The Boys of Java 42 A Java judged teamjpro4 (1) YES
1583 1 [USP] sudo apt-get AC 42 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp38 (1) YES
1584 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 42 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1585 1 [UVA] Grape 42 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) YES
1586 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 42 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) YES
1587 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 42 D C D.c judged teamfoce13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1588 1 [USJT] MET 42 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1589 1 [IFTM] Computação-IFTM-1 42 H Java judged teamulmg53 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1590 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] FullStackOverkill 42 A C a.c judged teamsosp20 (1) YES
1591 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 42 H C++ judged teamfipr22 (1) YES
1592 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 42 D C d.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1593 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 42 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1594 1 [UFC-Quixadá] O que tiver que C vai C 42 H Python3 judged teamfoce8 (1) YES
1595 1 [Unisalesiano] RasenshurikenC 42 A C++ A.cpp judged teambisp14 (1) YES
1596 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 42 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclgogo6 (1) YES
1597 1 [UFABC] Code Coxinha Builder 42 H Java judged teamsbsp5 (1) YES
1598 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 42 D Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Presentation error
1599 1 [UNORP] ZupaTeam 42 A C++ A.cpp judged teambisp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1600 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] quartz 42 H Java judged teamurmg2 (1) YES
1601 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 43 D C D.c judged teamsees12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1602 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 43 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
1603 1 [UNIVAP] #teamSafadao 42 H Java judged teamtasp14 (1) YES
1604 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 43 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsmrs2 (1) YES
1605 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 43 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1606 1 [UFU] Audazes Guaxinins Sonolentos 43 A C A.c judged teamulmg48 (1) YES
1607 1 [UFSCar] ReturnTwo(); 43 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1608 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 43 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) YES
1609 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 43 H C H.c judged teamsosp22 (1) YES
1610 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 43 A Python3 judged teamspsp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1611 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 43 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1612 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 43 H Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
1613 1 [UFRN] CodeBuilders 43 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1614 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 43 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1615 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 43 H C++ H.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) YES
1616 1 [USP] The WA Dead 43 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp49 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1617 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 43 D C D.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1618 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 43 J C++ J.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1619 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 43 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1620 1 [UFU] Usa a Desigualdade Triangular 43 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1621 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 43 H C++ h.cpp judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1622 1 [CCL-GO] old boys 43 A Java judged teamcclgogo2 (1) YES
1623 1 [UFLA] JSus 43 D Java judged teamvamg29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1624 1 [FGOC] Primary Key 43 A C++ A.cpp judged teamjfmg11 (1) YES
1625 1 [IFTM] Computação-IFTM-1 43 H Java judged teamulmg53 (1) YES
1626 1 [IFRN - CNAT] No Coffee, No Code 43 D Python3 judged teamnarn10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1627 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 43 A C A.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) YES
1628 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 43 A C Andandonotempo.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1629 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 43 D Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1630 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 43 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1631 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 43 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1632 1 [FGOC] getBalao 44 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1633 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 44 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1634 1 [IFS] The Flash 44 A Java judged teamscse14 (1) YES
1635 1 [CCL-AM] Hello Word 44 A C A.c judged teamcclitam3 (1) YES
1636 1 [UNIVASF] try {code} catch {pokemons} 44 H C++ H.cpp judged teamjuba2 (1) YES
1637 1 [UNIPÊ] Los Miserables 44 A Java judged teamolpe21 (1) YES
1638 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Duas princesas e um sapo 44 H C++ H.cpp judged teamppms8 (1) YES
1639 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 44 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Presentation error
1640 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 44 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1641 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 44 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1642 1 [IFCE] Família 44 H C h.c judged teamfoce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1643 1 [UNIJUI] Challengers 44 A Java judged teamijrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1644 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 44 D C d.c judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1645 1 [UFAC] Adas 44 D Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1646 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 44 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1647 1 [INATEL] as mina 44 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) YES
1648 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 44 D C D.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
1649 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 44 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1650 1 [IFRN - CNAT] Potýmon Go 44 A C++ a.cpp judged teamnarn9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1651 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] GAG 44 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1652 1 [UFT] Valar Programmis 44 L C++ L.cpp judged teampato2 (1) YES
1653 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Esquadrão Classe C++ 44 H C++ H.cpp judged teamppms5 (1) YES
1654 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 44 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1655 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Hackers Modestos 44 H Java judged teamspsp33 (1) YES
1656 1 [USP - São Carlos] Not Even Twice 44 H C++ h.cpp judged teampisp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1657 1 [UNIBAVE] Orleans 44 D Java judged teamblsc12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1658 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 44 H Python3 judged teamsmrs1 (1) YES
1659 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 44 A C A.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1660 1 [UERN] BitFera 44 H C H.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1661 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 44 A C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1662 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 44 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1663 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 44 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1664 1 [FGOC] Veteranos 44 A C++ A.cpp judged teamjfmg1 (1) YES
1665 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 44 A C a.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Presentation error
1666 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 44 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1667 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 44 A Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1668 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 44 D C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1669 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 44 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) YES
1670 1 [IFSULMGMuz] The dark side of the code 45 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1671 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 45 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) YES
1672 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 45 D Java judged teampars3 (1) YES
1673 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] SuperMain 45 D C d.c judged teamrjrj22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1674 1 [UFU] Usa a Desigualdade Triangular 45 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1675 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Bug Funcional 45 A Java judged teamjpro8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1676 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 45 A C a.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
1677 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 45 G C++ G.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) YES
1678 1 [CCL-GO] old boys 45 D Java judged teamcclgogo2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1679 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 45 A Java judged judgerodolfo (1) NO - Runtime error
1680 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 45 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1681 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 45 H Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) YES
1682 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 45 J C++ J.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1683 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 45 D C D.c judged teamscse11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1684 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 45 A C A.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1685 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 45 H C H.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1686 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 45 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1687 1 [IFRSRestinga] Bravus 45 A Java judged teampars1 (1) YES
1688 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] VOID - Do not expect a return 45 H Java judged teamrgrs1 (1) YES
1689 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 45 H C H.c judged teamgogo21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1690 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 45 H Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
1691 1 [UnB] War Machine 45 H C++ H.cpp judged teambrdf5 (1) YES
1692 1 [USJT] CoolGeeks 45 I Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
1693 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 45 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1694 1 [ITA] batata 45 I C++ i.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) YES
1695 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Cyber Conda 45 D C Divisores.c judged teamerrs20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1696 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 45 L C++ l.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) YES
1697 1 [CCL-SC] UDESC02 45 A C a.c judged teamcclblsc3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1698 1 [FACISA] CompilouValeu 45 D Python3 judged teamolpe28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1699 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 45 H C++ huaauhahhuahau.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1700 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 45 H C H.c judged teamcclgogo3 (1) YES
1701 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 45 I C i.c judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1702 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 46 A C++ A.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) YES
1703 1 [ESPM] Casa das Ovelhas 46 H Java judged teamspsp12 (1) YES
1704 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 45 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1705 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 44 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1706 1 [FAJ] FAJ JÚPTER 46 D C++ teste2.cpp judged teamcasp1 (1) YES
1707 1 [UNIS] #!/bin/bash 46 D C D.c judged teamvamg30 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1708 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 46 B Java judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1709 1 [USJT] CoolGeeks 46 A Java judged teamspsp32 (1) YES
1710 1 [UNIJUI] Challengers 46 A Java judged teamijrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1711 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 46 H C H.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1712 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 46 H C h.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) YES
1713 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 46 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1714 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 46 B Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
1715 1 [Ufba] Três Homens em Conflito 46 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1716 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 46 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1717 1 [Chapecó] Pied Piper 46 A C andando_no_tempo.c judged teamerrs9 (1) YES
1718 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 46 A C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) YES
1719 1 [CUF] Loops 46 H Java judged teamsmrs5 (1) YES
1720 1 [EEP] GreenHat 46 A C A.c judged teampisp2 (1) YES
1721 1 [USJT] Buiatchaka 46 A Python3 judged teamspsp39 (1) YES
1722 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 46 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1723 1 [UFT] code_builders 46 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1724 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 46 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1725 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 46 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1726 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 46 H C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1727 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 46 H Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
1728 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 46 H C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) YES
1729 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 46 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1730 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 46 A Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1731 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 44 D C d.c judged teamsosp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1732 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 46 A Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) YES
1733 1 [Senai Cimatic] Harambe 46 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamsaba11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1734 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 46 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1735 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 46 G C++ G.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) YES
1736 1 [Chapecó] Aviato 46 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1737 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 2 46 A C A.c judged teamrgrs3 (1) YES
1738 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 46 H C++ H.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1739 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 47 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1740 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 47 H C H.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
1741 1 [UFU] C + || - 47 D C d.c judged teamulmg28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1742 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 47 H Java judged teammasp20 (1) YES
1743 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 47 H C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1744 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Os Mario Verde 47 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1745 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] U mo bu kai fei di tal 47 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1746 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 47 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1747 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 3 47 H Java judged teamdimg8 (1) YES
1748 1 [UFES] Triplex 47 H C++ h2.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) YES
1749 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 47 D C D.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1750 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 47 H Python3 judged teamcclolpe4 (1) YES
1751 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 47 G C++ G.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) YES
1752 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 47 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1753 1 [UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos 47 H C++ H.cpp judged teamslma1 (1) YES
1754 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 47 H C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1755 1 [Unifei Itabira] Karp...Kaarp!!! 47 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1756 1 [CCL-GO] no hope 47 H C H.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
1757 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 47 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1758 1 [IME] Ad-Hoc Café 47 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj30 (1) YES
1759 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 47 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
1760 1 [UFU] Ferinhas 47 D C D.c judged teamulmg45 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1761 1 [UFT] C de Cilada 47 D C++ D.cpp judged teampato1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1762 1 [CCL-AM] Iostream 47 A C A.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
1763 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 47 H C++ h.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1764 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 47 C C++ C.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) YES
1765 1 [FEI] Instinct 47 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) YES
1766 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 47 H Java judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1767 1 [EEP] SudoCode 47 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1768 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Access Violation 47 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcrce6 (1) YES
1769 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 47 H C J.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1770 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 47 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1771 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 47 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) YES
1772 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 48 C C++ c.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
1773 1 [Ufba] Três Homens em Conflito 48 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1774 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 48 A C A.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) YES
1775 1 [IMED] Team Imed 48 A Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1776 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 48 A C A.c judged teamspsp44 (1) YES
1777 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] RTG 48 A C A.c judged teamrjrj26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1778 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] quartz 48 A Java judged teamurmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1779 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 48 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1780 1 [UNIMONTES] Os Avassaladores 48 J C++ J.cpp judged teammcmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1781 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 48 H C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) YES
1782 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 48 A C a.c judged teamspsp47 (1) YES
1783 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 48 D C D.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1784 1 [UNIS] Unis1 48 H C++ h.cpp judged teamvamg7 (1) YES
1785 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 48 A Java judged teamdimg2 (1) NO - Presentation error
1786 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 48 H C H.c judged teamscse15 (1) YES
1787 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 48 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1788 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 48 A Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1789 1 [UFPA] Lambda 48 A C++ A.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
1790 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 48 D C D.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1791 1 [UFJF] Stack EvenFlow 48 H C++ H.cpp judged teamjfmg12 (1) YES
1792 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 48 H C H.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1793 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 48 A C a.c judged teambisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1794 1 [UENP] contando_com.sort() 48 A C++ A.cpp judged teammasp5 (1) YES
1795 1 [UPF] Hadoop 48 A Java judged teamerrs19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1796 1 [CCL-AM] Iostream 48 A C A.c judged teamcclitam1 (1) YES
1797 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 48 A Java judged teamspsp45 (1) YES
1798 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 49 L C++ L.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) YES
1799 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 49 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) YES
1800 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 49 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) YES
1801 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 49 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) YES
1802 1 [UESB] Java++ 49 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvcba11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1803 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 49 A C a.c judged teamnarn1 (1) YES
1804 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 49 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1805 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 49 A Java judged teambepa6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1806 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 49 I Java judged teamulmg33 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1807 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 49 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1808 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 49 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) YES
1809 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 49 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1810 1 [CUF] Os barbada 49 H Java judged teamsmrs3 (1) YES
1811 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 49 A C A.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) YES
1812 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 49 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1813 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 49 H Java judged teamijrs9 (1) YES
1814 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 49 A C A.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1815 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 49 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1816 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] MeuCrôMacio 49 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcbmt6 (1) YES
1817 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 49 H C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1818 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 49 I C++ i.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) YES
1819 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 49 G C++ g.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) YES
1820 1 [Mackenzie] PseudoLoredo 49 H Python3 judged teamspsp7 (1) YES
1821 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] 404 49 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1822 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 49 H C H.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1823 1 [UFFS] BNR 49 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1824 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 49 H Java judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1825 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 49 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1826 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 49 H C++ h.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1827 1 [UDESC] POXX 49 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1828 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 49 J C++ J.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1829 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 49 H C problemah.c judged teamurmg15 (1) YES
1830 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 49 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1831 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 49 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1832 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Cabeção++ 49 A C A.c judged teamcrce1 (1) YES
1833 1 [USJT] MET 49 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1834 1 [FTC] Geany 49 A Java judged teamvcba8 (1) NO - Presentation error
1835 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 49 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1836 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] 404 49 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe12 (1) YES
1837 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Access Violation 50 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcrce6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1838 1 [FPU] Neuron 49 A C andando_no_tempo.c judged teamulmg5 (1) YES
1839 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 50 H C++ h.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) YES
1840 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 50 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1841 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 50 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1842 1 [IFCE] Família 50 H C h.c judged teamfoce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1843 1 [IMED] Team Imed 50 A Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1844 1 [UNIOESTE] Figurantes 50 A C Andando-no-tempo.c judged teamfipr7 (1) YES
1845 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 50 D Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1846 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 50 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1847 1 [UFJF] Khan 50 A C++ A.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) YES
1848 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 50 A C A.c judged teamspsp24 (1) YES
1849 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 50 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) YES
1850 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 50 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1851 1 [IFES] Mallocadores 50 H C H.c judged teamsees10 (1) YES
1852 1 [USJT] MET 50 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1853 1 [UNICENTRO] Emulador MIPS 50 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1854 1 [UNIT] NullPointerException 50 D Java judged teamscse9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1855 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 50 A C A.c judged teambepa7 (1) YES
1856 1 [UESC] Devilopers 50 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1857 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 50 A Java judged teamerrs14 (1) YES
1858 1 [UNORP] ZupaTeam 50 A C++ A.cpp judged teambisp5 (1) YES
1859 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 50 A C a.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1860 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 50 H C++ h.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1861 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 50 H C++ H.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) YES
1862 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 50 I C I.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1863 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 50 J Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1864 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 50 D Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
1865 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 50 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1866 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 50 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1867 1 [CUF] Loops 51 A Java judged teamsmrs5 (1) YES
1868 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 51 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1869 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 51 H C H.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1870 1 [UFTM] the big bang theory 51 D C D.c judged teamurmg18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1871 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 51 A Java judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Runtime error
1872 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 51 D C D.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1873 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Agora Vai 51 A Java judged teamulmg49 (1) YES
1874 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Girls++ 51 H C++ H.cpp judged teambhmg4 (1) YES
1875 1 [UEMG - Divinópolis] UEMGDIVI 51 A Python3 judged teamdimg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1876 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 51 D Python3 judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1877 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 51 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1878 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 51 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1879 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 51 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1880 1 [UNIME] push_front(equipeC++) 51 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsaba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1881 1 [ITA] SubKT 51 L C++ L.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) YES
1882 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 51 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1883 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 51 A C A.c judged teamijrs10 (1) YES
1884 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 51 D C D.c judged teamscse11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1885 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 51 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1886 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 51 D C D.c judged teamsees12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1887 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 51 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1888 1 [UFU] C + || - 51 D C d.c judged teamulmg28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1889 1 [UFU] Usa a Desigualdade Triangular 51 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1890 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 51 I C i.c judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1891 1 [IFSULMGMuz] The dark side of the code 51 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1892 1 [FACISA] Hamurábicos 51 A Python3 judged teamolpe16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1893 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 51 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1894 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 51 A Java judged teamspsp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1895 1 [UNIVILLE] Biluzitos 52 H C++ ProblemaH.cpp judged teamblsc4 (1) YES
1896 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 52 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1897 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 52 H C++ h.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) YES
1898 1 [UVA] GLHF 52 H C++ problema_de_h.cpp judged teamsoce2 (1) YES
1899 1 [IMED] Team Imed 52 A Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
1900 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 52 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1901 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 52 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1902 1 [UFU] Troia 52 D Java judged teamulmg36 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1903 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 52 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1904 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] ESC 52 H C++ H.cpp judged teamolpe31 (1) YES
1905 1 [UDESC] #teamLovelace 52 D C D.c judged teamblsc14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1906 1 [UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial 52 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr3 (1) YES
1907 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 52 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1908 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 52 H C h.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) YES
1909 1 [CCL-SC] UDESC02 52 A C a.c judged teamcclblsc3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1910 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 52 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1911 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 52 H C++ H.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) YES
1912 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 52 D C D.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1913 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 52 D Java judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1914 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 52 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1915 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 52 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1916 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 52 D Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1917 1 [UNIOESTE] Figurantes 52 D C Divisores.c judged teamfipr7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1918 1 [UFU] Jabba 52 I C++ i.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1919 1 [FACENS] B4TEU! 50 H C++ huaauhahhuahau.cpp judged teamsosp17 (1) YES
1920 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 52 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1921 1 [UFF-PURO] +paçoca -wa 52 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1922 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 51 D C d.c judged teamsosp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1923 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 52 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1924 1 [FATEC-Itu] Código Descendente 52 H Java judged teamsosp4 (1) YES
1925 1 [UFAM] UFAM-ICOMP-GameOfCodes 52 H C++ H.cpp judged teammaam2 (1) YES
1926 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 1 52 H Java judged teamdimg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1927 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 52 A C A.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1928 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 52 D C++ problemaD.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1929 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 52 H C H.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1930 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 52 A Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1931 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 53 D Java judged teamrbac4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1932 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 53 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1933 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] SuperMain 53 D C d.c judged teamrjrj22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1934 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 53 D C++ proB.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1935 1 [UESB] Java++ 53 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvcba11 (1) YES
1936 1 [UNIBAVE] Orleans 53 D Java judged teamblsc12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1937 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 53 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) YES
1938 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 53 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1939 1 [UNIVAP] new equipe 53 A C++ problema_a.cpp judged teamtasp15 (1) YES
1940 1 [CPCX/UFMS] Não me byte 53 H Java judged teamppms3 (1) YES
1941 1 [UFU] Medalha++ 53 D C++ teste.cpp judged teamulmg7 (1) YES
1942 1 [IFCE] Ctrl+Alt+Del 53 H Python3 judged teamfoce9 (1) YES
1943 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 53 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1944 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 53 H Java judged teamrbac7 (1) YES
1945 1 [CCL-DF] Go Horse and The Bottle of Vini ™ 53 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclbrdf2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1946 1 [UFSCar] vai_na.sort(); 53 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1947 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 53 D Java judged teamulmg33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1948 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 53 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1949 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 53 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
1950 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 53 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1951 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 53 H Java judged teamdimg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1952 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 53 A C A.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Presentation error
1953 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 53 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) YES
1954 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 53 D C++ D.cpp judged teampars5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1955 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 53 A C a.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1956 1 [UNIFOR] UNIFOR-1 53 H Python3 judged teamfoce12 (1) YES
1957 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 53 C C c.c judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1958 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 53 H C++ H.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
1959 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 4 53 A Java judged teamdimg6 (1) YES
1960 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 53 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1961 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 53 H Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) YES
1962 1 [IMED] Team Imed 54 A Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1963 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 54 D C d.c judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1964 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 54 A Java judged teamdimg2 (1) YES
1965 1 [INATEL] as mina 54 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1966 1 [UNICENTRO] Emulador MIPS 54 A C++ Andando-no-tempo.cpp judged teamfipr12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1967 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] quartz 54 A Java judged teamurmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1968 1 [FATEC Americana] a; DROP TABLE user; -- 54 A C A.c judged teampisp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1969 1 [IFPE] kill -9 bill 54 H C H.c judged teamolpe4 (1) NO - Presentation error
1970 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 54 H C H.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1971 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 54 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1972 1 [UNIFESP] Equipe muito Bacana 54 A Java judged teamtasp9 (1) YES
1973 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Cabeção++ 54 D C D.c judged teamcrce1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1974 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 54 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1975 1 [UNIRG] MalditoPontoEVirgula 54 H C H.c judged teampato4 (1) YES
1976 1 [UnB] Turkeys 54 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) YES
1977 1 [UFJF] Khan 54 H C++ H.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) YES
1978 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 54 A Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1979 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 54 H C++ H.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1980 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 54 H Java judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1981 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 54 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1982 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 54 L C++ judged teambhmg18 (1) YES
1983 1 [UFOP] C || !C 54 I C++ i.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1984 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 54 F C F.c judged teambhmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1985 1 [UFU] C + || - 54 D C d.c judged teamulmg28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1986 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 54 H C H.c judged teamfoce7 (1) YES
1987 1 [FAP] NullLoseException 54 A C A.c judged teamcrce4 (1) YES
1988 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 54 A C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1989 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 54 H C H.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1990 1 [CCL-PE] Game of Drones 54 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclolpe1 (1) YES
1991 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 55 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1992 1 [FAJ] FAJ-VÉNUS 55 A C a.c judged teamcasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1993 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não sei 55 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1994 1 [UFPel] 418 55 D C D.c judged teamrgrs15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1995 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 55 A C a.c judged teamsosp12 (1) YES
1996 1 [UNIOESTE] Presentation Error 55 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfipr19 (1) YES
1997 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 55 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
1998 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 55 C C d.c judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
1999 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 55 G C++ G.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) YES
2000 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 55 A Java judged teambepa6 (1) YES
2001 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Eramos 3 55 H Java judged teamrgrs12 (1) YES
2002 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 55 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) YES
2003 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 55 A Java judged teamspsp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2004 1 [UFU] Usa a Desigualdade Triangular 55 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg3 (1) YES
2005 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 55 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2006 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 55 A Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2007 1 [UP] Bacon infernal 55 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr12 (1) YES
2008 1 [UFPA] Lambda 55 H Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
2009 1 [IFBA-VC] NumberOne 55 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2010 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 55 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2011 1 [UNIFESP] Trio de 11 55 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2012 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 55 L C++ l.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) YES
2013 1 [EEP] SudoCode 55 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2014 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 55 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2015 1 [IFPE] kill -9 bill 55 H C H.c judged teamolpe4 (1) YES
2016 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 55 D C++ B.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2017 1 [UNIRG] Black Lotus 55 A Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2018 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 55 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) YES
2019 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 55 D C D.c judged teamsmrs2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2020 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 55 H C H.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
2021 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 55 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) YES
2022 1 [UNIVASF] Bug is coming 56 D C D.c judged teamjuba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2023 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 56 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) YES
2024 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 56 D Java judged teamspsp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2025 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 55 A Java judged teamjpro1 (1) YES
2026 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 56 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) YES
2027 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 56 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2028 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 56 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2029 1 [Ceunes UFES] PPKillers 56 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsees14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2030 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] NullPointException 56 B Java judged teamjpro7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2031 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 56 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) YES
2032 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 56 H C H.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
2033 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 56 H C aCerto.c judged teamcasp11 (1) YES
2034 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 56 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2035 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 56 D C problemad.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2036 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Carvalhos 56 J C++ j.cpp judged teamurmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2037 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 56 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2038 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 56 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) YES
2039 1 [UFMG] just for fun 56 D C++ main.cpp judged teambhmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2040 1 [UFPA] Lambda 56 A C++ A.cpp judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Presentation error
2041 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 55 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2042 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 56 H C++ huaauhahhuahau.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) YES
2043 1 [UFRGS] Tamo Call Confia 56 H C H.c judged teampars12 (1) YES
2044 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 56 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2045 1 [UNICAMP] TCR 57 A C A.c judged teamcasp5 (1) YES
2046 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 57 D C D.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2047 1 [UEG] Muttley 57 H Java judged teamgogo5 (1) YES
2048 1 [UNIJUI] Challengers 57 A Java judged teamijrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2049 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 57 A C A.c judged teamulmg41 (1) YES
2050 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 57 A C A1.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) YES
2051 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Bug Funcional 57 A Java judged teamjpro8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2052 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 57 D C Divisores judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
2053 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 57 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) YES
2054 1 [UEFS] Untitled (2).cpp 57 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfsba2 (1) YES
2055 1 [USJT] NullPointerRevenge 57 H Python3 judged teamspsp4 (1) YES
2056 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 57 D C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2057 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] ESC 57 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe31 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2058 1 [USP] The WA Dead 57 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp49 (1) YES
2059 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 57 G C++ g.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2060 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 57 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2061 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 57 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2062 1 [UFPel] NaN - Not a Name 57 D C++ main.cpp judged teamrgrs4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2063 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 57 D C D.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2064 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 57 A Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
2065 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 57 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2066 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 57 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2067 1 [UF Paraná] Trypanãosomos 57 I C++ I.C judged teamctpr5 (1) YES
2068 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 57 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) YES
2069 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 57 H C H.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2070 1 [IFSP] IFSP-SP 57 H C H.c judged teamspsp28 (1) YES
2071 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 57 A C A.c judged teamspsp37 (1) YES
2072 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 57 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) YES
2073 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 57 G C++ G.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) YES
2074 1 [UFAC] Error 404 57 A C A.c judged teamrbac8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2075 1 [UESB-Jequié] Return 0 57 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba2 (1) YES
2076 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] NullPointException 57 H Java judged teamjpro7 (1) YES
2077 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Árvaro Binário 58 D C D.c judged teampars13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2078 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 58 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2079 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Garotos de Programa 58 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2080 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 58 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) YES
2081 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 58 A Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
2082 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 58 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2083 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 58 D C D.c judged teamsees12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2084 1 [UESC] Devilopers 58 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) YES
2085 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 58 H Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
2086 1 [UERJ] XOR 58 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2087 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 58 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) YES
2088 1 [UVV] No Token: ; 57 H C H.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
2089 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 58 H C H.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Presentation error
2090 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 58 A C a.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2091 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 58 D C D.c judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2092 1 [UNIOESTE] Os Noob 58 A Pascal viaje.pas judged teamfipr11 (1) YES
2093 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 58 H Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2094 1 [FATEC Cruzeiro] FEIC#AS DE LUZ 58 H C H.c judged teamtasp8 (1) YES
2095 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 58 D C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2096 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 58 D C d.c judged teamsosp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2097 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Crash Test Dummies 58 D C++ D.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
2098 1 [EEP] Monty Python 58 H C codigo_de_problema.c judged teampisp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2099 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 58 A C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2100 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 58 H Java judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2101 1 [USP] Pégasus 58 L Java judged teamspsp15 (1) YES
2102 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 58 A Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2103 1 [IFCE] Família 58 H C h.c judged teamfoce2 (1) YES
2104 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 58 H Python3 judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2105 1 [UNIJUI] Challengers 58 A Java judged teamijrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2106 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 58 A C A.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2107 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 58 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) YES
2108 1 [UFU] Ferinhas 58 D C D.c judged teamulmg45 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2109 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU_4A 58 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2110 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 58 I C++ i.cpp judged teamctpr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2111 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 58 H C++ main.cpp judged teamctpr8 (1) YES
2112 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 59 D C D.c judged teamctpr2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2113 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 58 I Java judged teamulmg33 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2114 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 59 D C d.c judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2115 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 59 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2116 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 59 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2117 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 59 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2118 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 59 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg18 (1) YES
2119 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 59 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) YES
2120 1 [UFLA] JSus 59 D Java judged teamvamg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2121 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 59 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2122 1 [FTC] Neo Gênesis 59 A Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
2123 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 59 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2124 1 [USP] forEACH 59 L Java judged teamspsp6 (1) YES
2125 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 59 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2126 1 [EEP] Monty Python 59 H C codigo_de_problema.c judged teampisp14 (1) YES
2127 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 59 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2128 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 59 J Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
2129 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 59 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2130 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 59 H C H.c judged teamcasp9 (1) YES
2131 1 [USP - São Carlos] Not Even Twice 59 H C++ h.cpp judged teampisp19 (1) YES
2132 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 59 H C H.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2133 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 59 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2134 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 59 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) YES
2135 1 [Mackenzie] PseudoLoredo 59 A Python3 judged teamspsp7 (1) YES
2136 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Girls++ 59 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2137 1 [Senai Cimatic] Harambe 59 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamsaba11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2138 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 59 L C++ l.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) YES
2139 1 [UDESC] Pollos Hermanos 59 L C++ L.cpp judged teamblsc3 (1) YES
2140 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 59 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2141 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 59 A Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2142 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 59 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2143 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 59 H Java judged teamspsp40 (1) YES
2144 1 [UNIT] NullPointerException 59 D Java judged teamscse9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2145 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 59 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2146 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 59 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) YES
2147 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 60 D C d.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2148 1 [IFCE] O importante é não zerar! 60 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce1 (1) YES
2149 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 60 F C++ f.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2150 1 [UESB] Ursos sem Curso 60 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvcba12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2151 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 60 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2152 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 58 J C++ J.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2153 1 [UFFS] AKM 60 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) YES
2154 1 [INATEL] esquadrão suicida 60 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg24 (1) YES
2155 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 60 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2156 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 60 A Python3 judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2157 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 60 H C++ h.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) YES
2158 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 60 H C H.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) YES
2159 1 [UFSCar] EstouraCom9 60 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp13 (1) YES
2160 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 60 H C H.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2161 1 [UFOP] C || !C 60 D C++ d.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2162 1 [IFBA-VC] NumberOne 60 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvcba6 (1) YES
2163 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 60 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2164 1 [EEP] SudoCode 60 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2165 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 60 L C++ l.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2166 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 60 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2167 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 60 H Java judged teamdimg7 (1) NO - Presentation error
2168 1 [FAJ] FAJ-VÉNUS 60 A C a.c judged teamcasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2169 1 [USJT] Tariraki 60 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2170 1 [INATEL] as mina 60 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2171 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Os Compiladores 60 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2172 1 [UFT] Ada 60 H C++ H.cpp judged teampato5 (1) YES
2173 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 60 H C H.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
2174 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 60 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2175 1 [UFAL] U_FALL 60 H C H.c judged teamscse13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2176 1 [IFPI] iVikings 60 H Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) YES
2177 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] quartz 60 A Java judged teamurmg2 (1) YES
2178 1 [UNISAL] Return. O; 60 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamtasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2179 1 [UFU] MME 60 D C d.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2180 1 [CCL-GO] old boys 60 H Java judged teamcclgogo2 (1) YES
2181 1 [UCG] majin bool 60 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo3 (1) YES
2182 1 [PUC-MG] 61 D C d.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
2183 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 61 H Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
2184 1 [CCL-DF] Go Horse and The Bottle of Vini ™ 61 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclbrdf2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2185 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 61 H C H.c judged teamvamg9 (1) YES
2186 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 61 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2187 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 61 H Java judged teamdimg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2188 1 [UNIOESTE] Ladies Coding 61 H C kkk.c judged teamfipr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2189 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 61 D C D.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2190 1 [UFU] Golondrina 61 D Python3 judged teamulmg39 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2191 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 4 61 D Java judged teamdimg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2192 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 61 A Pascal H.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2193 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 61 H C H.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2194 1 [Ceunes UFES] PPKillers 61 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsees14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2195 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 61 D C D.c judged teamscse15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2196 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 61 H C H.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2197 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 61 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2198 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 61 A C a.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2199 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 61 A C++ D.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2200 1 [FEI] Instinct 61 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2201 1 [UFAC] Adas 61 D Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2202 1 [FGOC] Primary Key 61 H Java judged teamjfmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2203 1 [UNIP] Os Mallocqueiros 61 A C programaa.c judged teambisp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2204 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 61 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2205 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 61 D Java judged teamdimg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2206 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 61 A Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2207 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 61 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2208 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 61 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Presentation error
2209 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 61 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2210 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 61 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2211 1 [UFMA] UFMA Fido's Door 61 H Java judged teamslma4 (1) YES
2212 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 61 D C problemad.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2213 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 61 H C Untitled3.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2214 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 61 D C++ D.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2215 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 61 I Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) YES
2216 1 [FAP] NullLoseException 61 D C D.c judged teamcrce4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2217 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 61 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2218 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 61 I C I.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2219 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Agora Vai 61 H Java judged teamulmg49 (1) YES
2220 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 61 D Java judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2221 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 61 F C++ f.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2222 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] UNIFails 61 H C++ H.cpp judged teamulmg23 (1) YES
2223 1 [Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Goiás] Calangos de Aço 61 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo17 (1) YES
2224 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Programmers 61 A Python3 judged teamolpe9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2225 1 [Unifei Itabira] CodersJam 62 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2226 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 55 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2227 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 62 H Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2228 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 62 A C codigo_de_problema_A.c judged teamulmg10 (1) YES
2229 1 [UFAL] RX Team 62 A C++ a_2.cpp judged teamscse12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2230 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 62 L C++ L.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) YES
2231 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 62 A Python3 judged teamspsp16 (1) YES
2232 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Os Enrolados 62 D Java judged teammcmg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2233 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 62 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2234 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 62 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2235 1 [UNIVAS] Pode isso, Arnaldo? 62 H C H.c judged teamvamg19 (1) YES
2236 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 62 D Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2237 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 2 62 D C D.c judged teammcmg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2238 1 [EEP] SudoCode 62 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2239 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Programmers 62 H Python3 judged teamolpe9 (1) YES
2240 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 62 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2241 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 62 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2242 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 62 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) YES
2243 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 62 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Presentation error
2244 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 62 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2245 1 [FEI] Bellatores 62 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp1 (1) YES
2246 1 [FACIT] Accept Go 62 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg4 (1) YES
2247 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 62 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2248 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 62 A Python3 judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2249 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 62 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2250 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 62 D C d.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2251 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 62 A C a.c judged teambisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2252 1 [FAJ] FAJ-VÉNUS 62 A C a.c judged teamcasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2253 1 [UEG] Muttley 62 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2254 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 62 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2255 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 62 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2256 1 [UFF-PURO] +paçoca -wa 62 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj15 (1) YES
2257 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 62 D C D.c judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2258 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 63 A C A.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Presentation error
2259 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 63 D Java judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2260 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 63 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2261 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 63 C C++ C.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2262 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 63 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2263 1 [USP - São Carlos] OsKraNPara 63 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp22 (1) YES
2264 1 [UFMG] Que qui ta Cunteçenu? 63 L C++ l.cpp judged teambhmg17 (1) YES
2265 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 63 A C letraA.c judged teamslma5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2266 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 63 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2267 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 63 L C++ l.cpp judged teambisp12 (1) YES
2268 1 [IFES] NaoDeuTLE 63 D Python3 judged teamsees7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2269 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Bugs From Hell 63 H C H.c judged teamerrs15 (1) YES
2270 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 63 A C A.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) YES
2271 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 63 D Java judged teampars14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2272 1 [UFMT - Várzea Grande] Vai dar bom 63 D C divisores.c judged teamcbmt7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2273 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 63 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2274 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 63 D Java judged teamrbac4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2275 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 63 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2276 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 63 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2277 1 [USJT] Tariraki 63 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2278 1 [FEI] Bellatores 63 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsbsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2279 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 63 H C H.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2280 1 [UFRGS] Code Runners 63 D C++ D.cpp judged teampars7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2281 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 63 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2282 1 [UNIJUI] Novatos 63 A Java judged teamijrs2 (1) YES
2283 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 63 I C I.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2284 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Nerds no fim de semana 63 D Python3 judged teamjpro6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2285 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 64 D C Divisores.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2286 1 [FIP] Faculdade Porto 64 D Java judged teamjpro5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2287 1 [ITA] EitaMah 64 L C++ L.cpp judged teamtasp1 (1) YES
2288 1 [URI - Erechim] Mangojatos 64 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2289 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 64 A Java judged teamspsp11 (1) YES
2290 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 64 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) YES
2291 1 [UNIJUI] Challengers 64 A Java judged teamijrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2292 1 [UFRGS] Algorithmics 64 D C D.c judged teampars11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2293 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 64 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) YES
2294 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 64 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2295 1 [UEG] The Horde 64 D C D.c judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2296 1 [UF Pernambuco] Vc foi a culpada do ACC ser WA 64 D C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe1 (1) YES
2297 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 64 J Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
2298 1 [UNIS] #!/bin/bash 64 D C D.c judged teamvamg30 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2299 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 64 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2300 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 64 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2301 1 [UEMG - Divinópolis] UEMGDIVI 64 A Python3 judged teamdimg1 (1) YES
2302 1 [UEA] AlphaQ 64 L C++ l.cpp judged teammaam19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2303 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 64 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2304 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Esquadrão Classe C++ 64 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2305 1 [UNIBAVE] Orleans 64 D Java judged teamblsc12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2306 1 [IFTM] Computação IFTM-2 64 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2307 1 [UNIVILLE] Biluzitos 64 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamblsc4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2308 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] New Zeppelin 64 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2309 1 [UTFPR] A Void 64 A C A.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2310 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 64 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) YES
2311 1 [UFFS] Hu3++ 64 I C++ i.cpp judged teamerrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2312 1 [UNICENTRO] Emulador MIPS 64 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfipr12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2313 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 64 A C andando_no_tempo.c judged teamgogo10 (1) YES
2314 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 64 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2315 1 [USJT] MET 64 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2316 1 [UEA] AlphaQ 64 L C++ l.cpp judged teammaam19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2317 1 [UNIVAS] Pergunta no Posto Ipiranga 64 H C H.c judged teamvamg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2318 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 64 J C++ j.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2319 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] VOID - Do not expect a return 64 D Java judged teamrgrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2320 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 64 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2321 1 [UFLA] JSus 65 A Java judged teamvamg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2322 1 [CPCX/UFMS] Não me byte 65 D Java judged teamppms3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2323 1 [UFPel] 418 65 D C D.c judged teamrgrs15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2324 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 65 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2325 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 65 H Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2326 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 65 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2327 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 65 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) YES
2328 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 65 H Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
2329 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 65 H C H.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) YES
2330 1 [UFU] Jabba 65 I C++ i.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) YES
2331 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 65 H C h.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2332 1 [FIBM] NullReferenceException 65 H Java judged teamolpe11 (1) YES
2333 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 65 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2334 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 65 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2335 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 65 A C A.c judged teamgogo12 (1) YES
2336 1 [FIBM] AESO 1 65 H Python3 judged teamolpe5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2337 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 65 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2338 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 65 H Java judged teamblsc17 (1) YES
2339 1 [USJT] Tariraki 65 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2340 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 65 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) YES
2341 1 [UFJF] Stack EvenFlow 65 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2342 1 [UFJF] Rodou de primeira 65 D C D.c judged teamjfmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2343 1 [UVV] No Token: ; 65 H C H.c judged teamsees8 (1) YES
2344 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Girls_System 65 A C A.c judged teamitam5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2345 1 [IFSULMGMuz] JesusIsOutput 65 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2346 1 [UFJF] jambo livre 65 D C D.c judged teamjfmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2347 1 [CCL-GO] no hope 65 H C H.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
2348 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 65 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) YES
2349 1 [FCT-UNESP] BrainOverflow 65 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2350 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 65 C C++ C.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) YES
2351 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 65 H C H.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2352 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 65 D C++ D.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2353 1 [Pitagoras/SI] DevOps 65 D Java judged teamulmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2354 1 [IFES] The Coders 65 D C d.c judged teamsees1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2355 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 65 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2356 1 [UFU] Audazes Guaxinins Sonolentos 66 H C H.c judged teamulmg48 (1) YES
2357 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 66 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2358 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 66 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2359 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] ESC 66 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe31 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2360 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 66 H C H.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2361 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 66 H C H.c judged teampars9 (1) YES
2362 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 66 D C++ problemaD.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2363 1 [IFTM] Computação IFTM-2 66 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2364 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] MeuCrôMacio 66 D C D.c judged teamcbmt6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2365 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 66 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2366 1 [UFJF] Khan 66 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2367 1 [USJT] MET 66 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2368 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 66 A C problema_A.c judged teamtepi6 (1) YES
2369 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 66 G C++ G.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2370 1 [Ufba] Três Homens em Conflito 66 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2371 1 [PUC-MG] 66 D C d.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2372 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 66 H Python3 judged teambepa7 (1) YES
2373 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 66 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2374 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 66 C C++ C.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) YES
2375 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 62 D C d.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
2376 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 66 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2377 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 66 H C H.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2378 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 66 A Python3 judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2379 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 66 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2380 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] <<<coffee with milk>>> 66 H Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2381 1 [UNIBAVE] Orleans 67 H Java judged teamblsc12 (1) YES
2382 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 67 H C H.c judged teamrjrj6 (1) YES
2383 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-StrangerCodes 67 H Java judged teammaam1 (1) YES
2384 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 67 I C++ i.cpp judged teamctpr6 (1) YES
2385 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 67 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2386 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 67 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2387 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 67 A Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2388 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 67 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2389 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 67 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2390 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] MainBox 67 A Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
2391 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Árvaro Binário 67 D C D.c judged teampars13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2392 1 [EEP] SudoCode 67 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2393 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 67 C C++ C.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) YES
2394 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 67 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2395 1 [IPRJ] String Things 67 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2396 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 67 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2397 1 [UNIRG] Black Lotus 67 A Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2398 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 67 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2399 1 [IFBA-VC] NumberOne 67 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2400 1 [UEG] The Horde 67 D C D.c judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2401 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Cyber Conda 67 D C Divisores.c judged teamerrs20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2402 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 67 D C D.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2403 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] VDL 67 A C A.c judged teamcbmt8 (1) YES
2404 1 [IFPI] EOJ2 67 H Python3 judged teamtepi3 (1) YES
2405 1 [UEA] TheBuggados 68 J C++ j.cpp judged teammaam18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2406 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 68 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2407 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 64 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2408 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 68 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
2409 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 68 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) YES
2410 1 [IFES] Mallocadores 68 D C D.c judged teamsees10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2411 1 [SETREM] Println 68 H Java judged teamijrs8 (1) YES
2412 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 68 D Java judged teamspsp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2413 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 68 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2414 1 [UVA] Grape 68 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2415 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 68 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2416 1 [USP] Icarus 68 L Java judged teamspsp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2417 1 [FIBM] AESO 1 68 H Python3 judged teamolpe5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2418 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 68 D C D.c judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2419 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 68 D C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2420 1 [USJT] MET 68 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2421 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Carvalhos 68 H C++ h.cpp judged teamurmg5 (1) YES
2422 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 68 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) YES
2423 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 68 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2424 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 68 L C l.c judged teamsosp18 (1) YES
2425 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 68 H C H.c judged teampisp20 (1) YES
2426 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 68 A Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2427 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 68 D C++ problemaD.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2428 1 [UFLA] JSus 68 D Java judged teamvamg29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2429 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 68 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2430 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 68 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2431 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 68 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2432 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 68 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2433 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 68 A Java judged teamulmg40 (1) YES
2434 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 68 H C++ h.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) YES
2435 1 [Mackenzie] PseudoLoredo 69 D Python3 judged teamspsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2436 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 69 J C++ j.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2437 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 69 D Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2438 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Esquadrão Classe C++ 69 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2439 1 [UTFdP- Ponta Grossa] Bug Busters 69 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr7 (1) YES
2440 1 [UDESC] X+2 69 D C D.c judged teamblsc13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2441 1 [USJT] P2G 69 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamspsp50 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2442 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 69 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2443 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 69 H C H.c judged teamcasp3 (1) YES
2444 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 69 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2445 1 [IFTM campus UPT] Codemakers 69 H Java judged judgelfdorelli (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2446 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 69 H Java judged teamdimg7 (1) NO - Presentation error
2447 1 [UFJF] Khan 69 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2448 1 [IFRN - CNAT] Potýmon Go 69 A C++ a.cpp judged teamnarn9 (1) YES
2449 1 [USP - São Carlos] E = mc++ 69 D C++ d.cpp judged teampisp11 (1) YES
2450 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 69 I C++ I.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) YES
2451 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 69 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2452 1 [FACISA] Hamurábicos 69 A Python3 judged teamolpe16 (1) YES
2453 1 [FEI] Dynamic Coders 69 I C++ problemaI.cpp judged teamsbsp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2454 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 69 G C++ G.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2455 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 69 H C++ programah.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) YES
2456 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 69 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2457 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 69 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2458 1 [USJT] Tariraki 69 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2459 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 69 D C code.c judged teamspsp27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2460 1 [UDESC] #teamLovelace 69 D C D.c judged teamblsc14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2461 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 69 H Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2462 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 69 D C D.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2463 1 [USP] sudo apt-get AC 69 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2464 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 70 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2465 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 70 D Java judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2466 1 [UNIVASF] Bug is coming 70 A C A.c judged teamjuba1 (1) YES
2467 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 70 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2468 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 70 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2469 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 70 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2470 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 70 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2471 1 [FATECZL] BagGuy 70 D Java judged teamspsp42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2472 1 [UNISAL] Return. O; 70 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamtasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2473 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 70 D Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2474 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 70 C C++ C.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) YES
2475 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 70 D C++ problemaD.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
2476 1 [FJN] k3rnel_pan1c 70 D Java judged teamcrce5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2477 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 70 D C++ d.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2478 1 [UFLA] JSus 70 A Java judged teamvamg29 (1) YES
2479 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 70 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) YES
2480 1 [UNIS] Unis1 70 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2481 1 [USJT] Coxinhas voadoras 70 H Java judged teamspsp21 (1) YES
2482 1 [UDESC] Pollos Hermanos 70 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2483 1 [IFPI] iVikings 70 A Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) YES
2484 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 70 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) YES
2485 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 70 L C++ l.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2486 1 [UFJF] Stack EvenFlow 70 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2487 1 [IFPI] Equipe Foguete 70 A Python3 judged teamtepi9 (1) YES
2488 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 70 D Java judged teamulmg16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2489 1 [UFU] Jabba 70 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2490 1 [EEP] SudoCode 71 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2491 1 [UFAC] Adas 71 D Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2492 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] TeamAragão 71 A Java judged teamtepi1 (1) YES
2493 1 [CPCX/UFMS] Não me byte 71 D Java judged teamppms3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2494 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 71 H C H.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2495 1 [UF Pernambuco] Vc foi a culpada do ACC ser WA 71 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe1 (1) YES
2496 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 71 H Java judged teamolpe18 (1) YES
2497 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 71 C C++ C.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
2498 1 [UNIVILLE] Biluzitos 71 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2499 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 71 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2500 1 [IFSP - Birigui] Perdi 71 H C++ hue.cxx judged teambisp1 (1) YES
2501 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 71 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) YES
2502 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 71 D C++ d.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) YES
2503 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 71 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) YES
2504 1 [Chapecó] Aviato 71 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2505 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 71 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
2506 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 71 A C++ A.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) YES
2507 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Garotos_de_Programas 71 D C D.c judged teamitam4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2508 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 71 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2509 1 [UFFS] BNR 71 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) YES
2510 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 71 L C++ L.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) YES
2511 1 [FAI] UAIFAI 71 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2512 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 71 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2513 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 71 A Java judged teamrbac4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2514 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 71 L C++ L.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) YES
2515 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 1 71 D Java judged teamdimg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2516 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] Gothan 71 A C A.c judged teamtepi12 (1) YES
2517 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 71 A C Andandonotempo.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2518 1 [INATEL] as mina 71 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2519 1 [FEOL] FEOL 71 A Java judged teamdimg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2520 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 71 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2521 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 71 H Java judged teampars4 (1) YES
2522 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 71 A C a.c judged teammaam8 (1) YES
2523 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 71 I C++ i.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) YES
2524 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 71 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2525 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 71 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2526 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 71 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2527 1 [CCL-GO] no hope 72 H C D.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
2528 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 68 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2529 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 72 I C I.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2530 1 [USP - São Carlos] C++ Remote Control 72 L C++ L.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
2531 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 72 D C D.c judged teamscse15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2532 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 72 A C A.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2533 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 72 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2534 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 72 D C++ hua.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2535 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 72 D Java judged teamrbac7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2536 1 [UF Paraná] Trypanãosomos 72 D C++ D.C judged teamctpr5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2537 1 [UFPB] fsociety - beta 72 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe30 (1) YES
2538 1 [UNIJUI] Challengers 72 A Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Compilation error
2539 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 72 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2540 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 72 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2541 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 72 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2542 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 72 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2543 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 72 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2544 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 72 D C D.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2545 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 72 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2546 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 72 H C exercicio2.c judged teambrdf4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2547 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 72 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2548 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 72 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2549 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 72 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2550 1 [UNIARARAS] Cadê o churrasco? 72 D C D.c judged teampisp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2551 1 [Pitagoras/SI] DevOps 72 D Java judged teamulmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2552 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] NP-Drada 72 I C++ a.cpp judged teamrjrj4 (1) YES
2553 1 [UNIFEI] Kirchoff 's Theorem 72 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2554 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 72 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2555 1 [IFBA-VC] NumberOne 72 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba6 (1) YES
2556 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 72 H C++ problemah.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) YES
2557 1 [FGOC] Veteranos 72 H C++ H.cpp judged teamjfmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2558 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 72 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2559 1 [UFPI] Panelinha 73 A Python3 judged teamtepi11 (1) YES
2560 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 73 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2561 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 73 H C++ hua.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2562 1 [UEG] The Horde 73 D C D.c judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2563 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 73 L C++ code.cpp judged teamspsp27 (1) YES
2564 1 [UFU] Ferinhas 73 H C H.c judged teamulmg45 (1) YES
2565 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 73 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2566 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 73 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) YES
2567 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 73 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2568 1 [USP] The WA Dead 73 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp49 (1) YES
2569 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] New Zeppelin 73 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2570 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 73 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
2571 1 [IFPI] EOJ2 73 A Python3 judged teamtepi3 (1) YES
2572 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 73 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2573 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 73 I C++ I.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) YES
2574 1 [IFPI-Picos] Corrida de Bits 73 A Java judged teamtepi4 (1) YES
2575 1 [Unifei Itabira] CodersJam 73 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2576 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 73 F C++ F.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) YES
2577 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 73 A C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2578 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 73 A C A.c judged teamspsp46 (1) YES
2579 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 73 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2580 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 73 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2581 1 [IFPI] EOJ2 73 D Python3 judged teamtepi3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2582 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 74 H Java judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2583 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 74 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2584 1 [IFSULMGMuz] JesusIsOutput 74 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2585 1 [UFTM] the big bang theory 74 H C H.c judged teamurmg18 (1) YES
2586 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 74 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2587 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 74 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2588 1 [URI - Erechim] Mangojatos 74 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2589 1 [UVA] Grape 74 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2590 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 74 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2591 1 [UFMG] TSP 74 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
2592 1 [UERN] BitFera 74 H C H.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2593 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 74 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) YES
2594 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 74 A Java judged teamspsp20 (1) YES
2595 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 74 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) YES
2596 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 74 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2597 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 74 H C H.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2598 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 74 H Java judged teambama1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2599 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 74 A Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2600 1 [UnB] War Machine 74 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2601 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 74 H C H.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2602 1 [UNIVASF] try {code} catch {pokemons} 74 L C++ L.cpp judged teamjuba2 (1) YES
2603 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 74 D Java judged teampars14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2604 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 74 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2605 1 [UFJF] Khan 74 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2606 1 [CU - IESB] We can't see SharP 74 D C divisores.c judged teambrdf11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2607 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 74 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2608 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 74 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2609 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 74 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2610 1 [Ufba] Três Homens em Conflito 74 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2611 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 74 D Java judged teamulmg33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2612 1 [UNIVASF] Bug is coming 74 D C D.c judged teamjuba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2613 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 74 H C++ h.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2614 1 [UFPA] Lambda 74 H Python3 judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2615 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 74 D C D.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2616 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 74 D C D.c judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2617 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 74 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2618 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 74 D Java judged teamijrs1 (1) YES
2619 1 [UFU] MME 74 D C d.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2620 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 74 A C++ A.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) YES
2621 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 74 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2622 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 75 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2623 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 75 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2624 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 75 H C H.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2625 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 74 I C++ I2.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) YES
2626 1 [UFU] Jabba 75 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2627 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 75 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2628 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 75 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2629 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 75 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2630 1 [UNICAMP] TCR 75 H C H.c judged teamcasp5 (1) YES
2631 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] VOID - Do not expect a return 75 D Java judged teamrgrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2632 1 [UEG] Muttley 75 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2633 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 75 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2634 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 75 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2635 1 [USJT] Scrumlambation 75 D Java judged teamspsp43 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2636 1 [UNIVAS] Pergunta no Posto Ipiranga 75 H C H.c judged teamvamg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2637 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 75 J C J.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2638 1 [UESB-Jequié] Malandramentte 75 D C D.c judged teamvcba9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2639 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 75 A C A.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Presentation error
2640 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 75 D C D.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2641 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 75 J C J.c judged teamgogo21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2642 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 75 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) YES
2643 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 75 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2644 1 [IFES] The Coders 75 D C d.c judged teamsees1 (1) YES
2645 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 75 G C++ G.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) YES
2646 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 75 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2647 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 75 A C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2648 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 75 I C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) YES
2649 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 75 A Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2650 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 75 H C h.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2651 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 75 D C D.c judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2652 1 [UFFS] Hu3++ 75 I C++ i.cpp judged teamerrs2 (1) YES
2653 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 75 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2654 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 75 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2655 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 76 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2656 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Os Enrolados 76 H Java judged teammcmg9 (1) YES
2657 1 [UESC] Devilopers 76 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) YES
2658 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 76 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2659 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 76 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2660 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 76 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) YES
2661 1 [CCL-BA] Ecompalouros 76 H C H.c judged teamcclfsba4 (1) YES
2662 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 76 D Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2663 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 76 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2664 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 76 D Java judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2665 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 76 G C++ G.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) YES
2666 1 [UFAC] Adas 76 A Java judged teamrbac6 (1) YES
2667 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 76 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2668 1 [UFRN] make balloons 76 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2669 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 76 D C D.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2670 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 76 F C++ f.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2671 1 [UNICENTRO] Emulador MIPS 76 A C++ A.cpp judged teamfipr12 (1) YES
2672 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Cabeção++ 76 D C D.c judged teamcrce1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2673 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 76 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) YES
2674 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 76 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) YES
2675 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 76 D C D.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2676 1 [CU - IESB] We can't see SharP 76 D C divisores.c judged teambrdf11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2677 1 [FATECZL] BagGuy 76 D Java judged teamspsp42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2678 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 76 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2679 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 76 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2680 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 76 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2681 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 76 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2682 1 [UFU] Usa a Desigualdade Triangular 76 H C++ H.cpp judged teamulmg3 (1) YES
2683 1 [FACISA] CompilouValeu 76 A Python3 judged teamolpe28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2684 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 77 L C++ L.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2685 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 77 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2686 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 77 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2687 1 [UFRGS] Algorithmics 77 D C D.c judged teampars11 (1) YES
2688 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 77 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2689 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 77 H C++ h.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) YES
2690 1 [FACENS] B4TEU! 77 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamsosp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2691 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 77 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) YES
2692 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 77 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) YES
2693 1 [UNIFEI] Gotta Code'em All 77 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2694 1 [UFPA] Lambda 77 H Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
2695 1 [UNIMONTES] Os Avassaladores 77 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg5 (1) YES
2696 1 [CUF] Os barbada 77 D Java judged teamsmrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2697 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 77 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) YES
2698 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 77 H C H.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2699 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] MeuCrôMacio 77 D C D.c judged teamcbmt6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2700 1 [IFPI] Equipe Foguete 75 H Python3 judged teamtepi9 (1) YES
2701 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 77 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2702 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 77 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2703 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 77 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2704 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 77 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) YES
2705 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 77 A C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2706 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 77 H C h.c judged teamnarn1 (1) YES
2707 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 77 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2708 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 77 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2709 1 [CCL-PE] Game of Drones 77 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclolpe1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2710 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 77 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2711 1 [FGOC] Veteranos 77 H C++ H.cpp judged teamjfmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2712 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 77 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2713 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 77 H C H.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2714 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 77 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2715 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 77 L C++ l judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
2716 1 [UFU] Jabba 77 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2717 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 77 D C D.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2718 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 78 L C++ l.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) YES
2719 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 78 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2720 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 78 D C D.c judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2721 1 [IFES] Mallocadores 78 D C D.c judged teamsees10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2722 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 78 A Java judged teamrbac4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2723 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 78 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2724 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Loco cachorro 78 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2725 1 [UFSCar] vai_na.sort(); 78 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp10 (1) YES
2726 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 78 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2727 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 78 H C H.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2728 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 78 D Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2729 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 78 H C H.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2730 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 78 H C H.c judged teampars2 (1) YES
2731 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 78 L C++ l.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) YES
2732 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 78 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2733 1 [UEG] Muttley 78 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2734 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 78 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2735 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 78 I C++ I.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2736 1 [UESB-Jequié] Malandramentte 78 D C D.c judged teamvcba9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2737 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 78 A Java judged teamurmg6 (1) YES
2738 1 [FATEC-SJC] PAITOM 78 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2739 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 78 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2740 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 78 D C++ problemaD.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2741 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 78 D C aCerto.c judged teamcasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2742 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 78 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2743 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 78 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2744 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 78 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2745 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 78 D Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2746 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 78 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2747 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 78 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2748 1 [USP] sudo apt-get AC 78 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp38 (1) YES
2749 1 [CCL-PE] WALL-E 78 A Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2750 1 [FATEC-Itu] POG ITU 78 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2751 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 78 D C D.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2752 1 [UNICAMP] TCR 78 D C D.c judged teamcasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2753 1 [UNIVILLE] FSociety 78 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2754 1 [IFSP-Salto] Tridentes de Salto 78 H C auhuahuah.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
2755 1 [UEFS] Untitled (2).cpp 79 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfsba2 (1) YES
2756 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 79 H Java judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Presentation error
2757 1 [UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos 79 D C++ D.cpp judged teamslma1 (1) YES
2758 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 79 A C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) YES
2759 1 [IFTM campus UPT] Codemakers 79 H Java judged teamurmg9 (1) YES
2760 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 79 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2761 1 [USJT] MET 79 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2762 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 79 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2763 1 [CCL-DF] Go Horse and The Bottle of Vini ™ 79 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclbrdf2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2764 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Nerds no fim de semana 79 D Python3 judged teamjpro6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2765 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Programmers 79 D Python3 judged teamolpe9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2766 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 79 H C++ isoceles.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
2767 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 79 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) YES
2768 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Developers 79 I C I.c judged teamitam1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2769 1 [UEG] The Horde 79 D C D.c judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2770 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 79 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2771 1 [UNIOESTE] Figurantes 79 D C Divisores.c judged teamfipr7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2772 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 79 H C H.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2773 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 79 I C++ I.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) YES
2774 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 79 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2775 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 79 A C a.c judged teamspsp14 (1) YES
2776 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 79 H Java judged teamblsc11 (1) YES
2777 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 79 I C++ isoceles.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2778 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 79 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2779 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 79 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) YES
2780 1 [ITA] EitaMah 79 H Python3 judged teamtasp1 (1) YES
2781 1 [UFRGS] Code Runners 79 I C++ I.cpp judged teampars7 (1) YES
2782 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 79 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2783 1 [UnB] War Machine 79 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf5 (1) YES
2784 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 79 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Presentation error
2785 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 79 F C++ f.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) YES
2786 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 80 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2787 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 80 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2788 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 80 H C H.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2789 1 [Mackenzie] PseudoLoredo 80 D Python3 judged teamspsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2790 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 80 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2791 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 80 D C D.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2792 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 80 D C D.c judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2793 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 80 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2794 1 [UFPI] Panelinha 80 H Python3 judged teamtepi11 (1) YES
2795 1 [CEFET/RJ] AlfaBytes 80 A Python3 judged teamrjrj31 (1) YES
2796 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 80 D Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2797 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 80 H C H.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2798 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 80 F C++ f.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2799 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/EC] Uberabassauro 80 D Java judged teamurmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2800 1 [UEG] Muttley 80 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2801 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 80 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2802 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 80 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2803 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 80 I C++ i.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) YES
2804 1 [UFRN] make balloons 80 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2805 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 80 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2806 1 [UFSCar] EstouraCom9 80 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp13 (1) YES
2807 1 [ESPM] Casa das Ovelhas 80 D Java judged teamspsp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2808 1 [USJT] CoolGeeks 80 H Java judged teamspsp32 (1) YES
2809 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 80 D Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2810 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 80 A Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
2811 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 80 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2812 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] <<<coffee with milk>>> 80 H Java judged teamcrce2 (1) YES
2813 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 80 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) YES
2814 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 80 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2815 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 80 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) YES
2816 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 80 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) YES
2817 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 80 D Java judged teamulmg33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2818 1 [UFMG] just for fun 80 D C++ main.cpp judged teambhmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2819 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 80 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2820 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 80 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2821 1 [FACISA] CompilouValeu 81 A Python3 judged teamolpe28 (1) YES
2822 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 81 A C a.c judged teambisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2823 1 [UCG] majin bool 81 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2824 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 81 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) YES
2825 1 [UFU] Troia 81 D Java judged teamulmg36 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2826 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 81 A C a.c judged teamsosp7 (1) YES
2827 1 [CUEdA] Team Code 81 H C++ H.cpp judged teammaam7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2828 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 81 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2829 1 [Senai Cimatic] Harambe 81 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamsaba11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2830 1 [UNIFEI] Gotta Code'em All 81 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2831 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-StrangerCodes 81 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2832 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 81 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2833 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 81 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2834 1 [USJT] MET 81 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2835 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 81 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2836 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 81 D C D.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2837 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Blackbirds 81 A C A.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
2838 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 81 I C I.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) YES
2839 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 81 A Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2840 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 81 D C D.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2841 1 [ITA] SubKT 81 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) YES
2842 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 81 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2843 1 [UNIARARAS] Cadê o churrasco? 81 D C D.c judged teampisp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2844 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 81 A C++ problema_D.c++ judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2845 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 81 D C d.c judged teamppms4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2846 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 81 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2847 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 81 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) YES
2848 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 81 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2849 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 81 H C H.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2850 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 81 D C++ D.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
2851 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 81 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2852 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 81 A Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2853 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 81 H C h.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2854 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 81 D C D.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2855 1 [UNIP] Os Mallocqueiros 81 A C programaa.c judged teambisp7 (1) NO - Presentation error
2856 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 82 D C d.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2857 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] BugBusters 82 H Python3 judged teamcbmt11 (1) YES
2858 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 81 A Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2859 1 [UFPA] Mock 82 H Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
2860 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 81 A Java judged teamjpro2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2861 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 82 A Java judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2862 1 [UDESC] #teamLovelace 82 H C H.c judged teamblsc14 (1) YES
2863 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 81 H Python3 judged teamtasp2 (1) YES
2864 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 82 L C++ l.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) YES
2865 1 [UFFS] _Rasteiro 82 D C D.c judged teamerrs26 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2866 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 82 H Java judged teamulmg43 (1) YES
2867 1 [UFPA] Mock 82 G Java judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2868 1 [UERJ] XOR 82 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) YES
2869 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 82 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2870 1 [FACOM - UFMS] UFMSX 82 L C++ L.cpp judged teamppms7 (1) YES
2871 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 82 J Java judged teamijrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2872 1 [CU - IESB] Programação Orientada a Cebola 82 D C d.c judged teambrdf7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2873 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 82 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2874 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 82 D C d.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2875 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 82 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) YES
2876 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 82 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2877 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 82 H C H.c judged teamsosp6 (1) YES
2878 1 [EEP] ASAP 82 D C++ d.cpp judged teampisp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2879 1 [IMED] Team Imed 83 A Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) YES
2880 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 83 H C H.c judged teamspsp24 (1) YES
2881 1 [UEPI] Noobs 2.0 83 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtepi7 (1) YES
2882 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] New Zeppelin 83 H Java judged teamulmg8 (1) YES
2883 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 83 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2884 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 83 D C++ d.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2885 1 [UnB] Batutas 83 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf2 (1) YES
2886 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 83 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2887 1 [IME] Ad-Hoc Café 83 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj30 (1) YES
2888 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 83 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2889 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 83 H C H.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2890 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 83 H Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2891 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 83 I C++ i.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) YES
2892 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 83 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2893 1 [UFMG] Que qui ta Cunteçenu? 83 I C++ i.cpp judged teambhmg17 (1) YES
2894 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Código 312 83 D C D.c judged teamitam2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2895 1 [IFFar] XaBlau 83 A C A.c judged teamijrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2896 1 [UFAL] U_FALL 83 D C D.c judged teamscse13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2897 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 83 D C d.c judged teamppms4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2898 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 83 H Python3 judged teamtasp2 (1) YES
2899 1 [UF Pernambuco] Vc foi a culpada do ACC ser WA 83 I C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe1 (1) YES
2900 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Crash Test Dummies 83 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2901 1 [CU - IESB] We can't see SharP 83 D C divisores.c judged teambrdf11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2902 1 [UFPel] Ballester Reserva 83 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2903 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 83 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2904 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 83 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) YES
2905 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 83 A Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2906 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 83 H C H.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2907 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 83 D C D.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2908 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 83 J C++ J.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2909 1 [UNIP] Os Mallocqueiros 83 A C programaa.c judged teambisp7 (1) YES
2910 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 83 L C++ L.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) YES
2911 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 83 D C D.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2912 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 83 L C++ L.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) YES
2913 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 83 J C++ j.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2914 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 83 J C++ jogos.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2915 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 83 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) YES
2916 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 83 H Java judged teammasp10 (1) YES
2917 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 84 D C D.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
2918 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 84 H C H.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2919 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 84 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2920 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 84 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2921 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 84 J C++ J.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2922 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 84 D C D.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
2923 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 84 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2924 1 [IFES] Pointer to Hell 84 H C++ h_1_envio_01.cpp judged teamsees15 (1) YES
2925 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 84 L C++ L.cpp judged teamctpr6 (1) YES
2926 1 [USJT] MET 84 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2927 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Eramos 3 84 D Java judged teamrgrs12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2928 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 84 G C++ g.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2929 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 84 H Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2930 1 [UEG] The Horde 84 D C D.c judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2931 1 [IFTM] Computação-IFTM-1 84 D Java judged teamulmg53 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2932 1 [Unisep] Agora ou nunca! 84 L Java judged teamfipr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2933 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 84 L C++ l.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) YES
2934 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 84 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2935 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU PotroVerdeSalgadinho++ 84 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2936 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 84 D Java judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2937 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 84 H C H.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2938 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 84 D C D.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2939 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 82 D C d.c judged teamsosp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2940 1 [FATECZL] BagGuy 84 D Java judged teamspsp42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2941 1 [UFRN] Adhocracy 84 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn7 (1) YES
2942 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 84 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2943 1 [UFPA] Lambda 84 A C++ A.cpp judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Presentation error
2944 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 84 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2945 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 84 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2946 1 [IFTM] Computação IFTM-2 84 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2947 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 84 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2948 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 84 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) YES
2949 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 85 D C D.c judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2950 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 85 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2951 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 85 A C++ problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2952 1 [FAJ] FAJ JÚPTER 85 H C++ teste2.cpp judged teamcasp1 (1) YES
2953 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 85 I Python3 judged teamvamg17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2954 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 85 H C H.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
2955 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 85 I Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2956 1 [EEP] SudoCode 85 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2957 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 85 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2958 1 [USJT] Tariraki 85 D C D.c judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2959 1 [UFSCar] ReturnTwo(); 85 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp16 (1) YES
2960 1 [UFMG] TSP 85 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
2961 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 85 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2962 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 85 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2963 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 85 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) YES
2964 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 85 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2965 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 85 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2966 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 85 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2967 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 85 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2968 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 85 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) YES
2969 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 85 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2970 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 85 D C D.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2971 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 85 H C Untitled3.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) YES
2972 1 [UFFS] _Rasteiro 85 D C D.c judged teamerrs26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2973 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 85 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2974 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 85 J C exeJ.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2975 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 86 D C D.c judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2976 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 86 H C H.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Presentation error
2977 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 86 J C J.c judged teamblsc17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2978 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 86 D C D.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2979 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 86 D C d.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2980 1 [USJT] MET 86 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2981 1 [UESB] Ursos sem Curso 86 J C++ j.cpp judged teamvcba12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2982 1 [Unifei Itabira] CodersJam 86 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2983 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 86 C C++ c.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) YES
2984 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 86 D Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2985 1 [UFT] code_builders 86 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2986 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 86 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2987 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 86 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2988 1 [UnB] War Machine 86 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2989 1 [CUEdA] Team Code 86 H C++ H.cpp judged teammaam7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2990 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 86 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2991 1 [UFMT - Várzea Grande] Vai dar bom 86 D C divisores.c judged teamcbmt7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2992 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 86 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) YES
2993 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] SucoDeUVa 86 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj11 (1) YES
2994 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 86 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
2995 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 86 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2996 1 [UNIJUI] Challengers 86 A Java judged teamijrs7 (1) YES
2997 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 86 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) YES
2998 1 [UFAC] Error 404 86 I C I.c judged teamrbac8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
2999 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 86 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3000 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 86 L Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) YES
3001 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 86 H C++ H.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) YES
3002 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 86 D Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
3003 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 86 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3004 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 86 A Java judged teamijrs3 (1) YES
3005 1 [FGOC] Primary Key 87 H Java judged teamjfmg11 (1) YES
3006 1 [UEG] Muttley 87 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3007 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 87 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3008 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 87 D C D.c judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3009 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 87 A C A.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3010 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 87 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3011 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 87 D Python3 judged teamspsp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3012 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 87 C C++ C.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) YES
3013 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 87 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3014 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 87 D C d.c judged teamppms4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3015 1 [UEG] The Horde 87 D C D.c judged teamgogo15 (1) YES
3016 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 87 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3017 1 [IFFar] XaBlau 87 A C A.c judged teamijrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3018 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 1 87 D Java judged teamdimg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3019 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 87 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3020 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Eramos 3 87 D Java judged teamrgrs12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3021 1 [IPRJ] String Things 87 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3022 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 87 H Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3023 1 [UnB] Turkeys 87 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3024 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 87 J C J.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3025 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 87 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3026 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 87 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3027 1 [UFPI] Trinity 87 A C++ A.cpp judged teamtepi10 (1) YES
3028 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 87 J C++ J.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3029 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 87 H C H.cpp judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3030 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 87 F Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
3031 1 [UDESC] MeGA 87 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3032 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 87 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3033 1 [FCT-UNESP] O(log n) 87 C C++ C.cpp judged teammasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3034 1 [ITA] batata 87 F C++ f.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3035 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 87 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3036 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 87 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3037 1 [FACISA] CompilouValeu 87 D Python3 judged teamolpe28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3038 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 88 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3039 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 88 D C++ d.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3040 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 88 D C D.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3041 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 88 A C++ problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3042 1 [UFPI] Trinity 88 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3043 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 88 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3044 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 88 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3045 1 Bruno Junqueira Adami 88 A C++ runtime_error.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Wrong answer
3046 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 88 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3047 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 88 G C++ G.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) YES
3048 1 [FATEC-Itu] Código Descendente 88 D Java judged teamsosp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3049 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 91 D Java judged teamrjrj33 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3050 1 [UNIVAP] #teamSafadao 91 D Java judged teamtasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3051 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 91 H Java judged teamrjrj33 (1) YES
3052 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 91 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3053 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 91 J C J.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3054 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 91 A Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) YES
3055 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 90 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3056 1 [UnB] Turkeys 91 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) YES
3057 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 91 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3058 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 91 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3059 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 91 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3060 1 [USP - São Carlos] C++ Remote Control 91 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp7 (1) YES
3061 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 91 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3062 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Garotos de Programa 91 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg26 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3063 1 [UFJF] jambo livre 89 D C D.c judged teamjfmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3064 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 88 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3065 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Agora Vai 91 L Java judged teamulmg49 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3066 1 [UFT] code_builders 90 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3067 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 90 A C a.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3068 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 91 I C++ i.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3069 1 [IFSULMGMuz] TreeMain 91 H C H.c judged teamvamg1 (1) YES
3070 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 89 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3071 1 [UEG] Muttley 88 D Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
3072 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 90 D C aCerto.c judged teamcasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3073 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 92 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3074 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 90 C C++ C.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3075 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 90 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3076 1 [CCL-GO] old boys 89 J Python3 judged teamcclgogo2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3077 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 90 H C H.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3078 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 89 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3079 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 89 H Python3 judged teamcclolpe6 (1) YES
3080 1 [CCL-GO] no hope 89 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3081 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 89 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3082 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 90 D C D.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3083 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 89 D C D.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3084 1 [UFPel] Ballester Reserva 89 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3085 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 88 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3086 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 90 H Java judged teamspsp8 (1) YES
3087 1 [FAJ] FAJ JÚPTER 91 A C++ teste.cpp judged teamcasp1 (1) YES
3088 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 90 L C++ L.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) YES
3089 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 88 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3090 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 89 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) YES
3091 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 90 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3092 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 90 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3093 1 [UFU] Troia 89 D Java judged teamulmg36 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3094 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 89 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3095 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 90 H Java judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3096 1 [UDESC] MeGA 91 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3097 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 90 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3098 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 90 D Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3099 1 [CUF] Os barbada 89 D Java judged teamsmrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3100 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 90 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3101 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Loco cachorro 89 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3102 1 [FIBM] AESO 1 89 H Python3 judged teamolpe5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3103 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 90 H Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3104 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 91 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3105 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 92 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) YES
3106 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 90 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3107 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 89 D Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3108 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 88 H C problemH.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
3109 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 89 D Java judged teamulmg33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3110 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 90 A Java judged teamrbac4 (1) YES
3111 1 [Ufba] Três Homens em Conflito 92 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3112 1 [IFBA-VC] NumberOne 89 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3113 1 [UFU] POKEBOLA, VAI! 88 L C++ l.cpp judged teamulmg24 (1) YES
3114 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 89 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
3115 1 [UFRN] Adhocracy 89 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3116 1 [FGOC] Veteranos 90 H C++ H.cpp judged teamjfmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3117 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 90 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3118 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 92 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3119 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 89 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3120 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 90 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) YES
3121 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 92 F C++ F.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
3122 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 89 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3123 1 [UNICAMP] TCR 91 D C D.c judged teamcasp5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3124 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 92 D C d.c judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3125 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU PotroVerdeSalgadinho++ 90 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3126 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 89 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3127 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 89 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) YES
3128 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 92 A C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3129 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 92 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) YES
3130 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 92 D C++ d.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) YES
3131 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 92 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) YES
3132 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 92 D C D.c judged teamfoce13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3133 1 [UNIVASF] The Targaryens 92 H C++ h.cpp judged teamjuba3 (1) YES
3134 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 92 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3135 1 [UFCG] Quem Chorava Hoje Ri 92 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe6 (1) YES
3136 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 92 A Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Presentation error
3137 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 92 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) YES
3138 1 [UFT] C de Cilada 90 D C++ D.cpp judged teampato1 (1) YES
3139 1 [UFTM] the big bang theory 92 D C D.c judged teamurmg18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3140 1 [FACIT] Accept Go 92 I C I.c judged teammcmg4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3141 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 92 A Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3142 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 92 A Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
3143 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 92 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3144 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 90 D C D.c judged teamsosp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3145 1 [UTFdP- Ponta Grossa] Bug Busters 92 L C++ l.cpp judged teamctpr7 (1) YES
3146 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Bug Funcional 92 H Java judged teamjpro8 (1) YES
3147 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Crash Test Dummies 92 D C++ D.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
3148 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 92 I Python3 judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3149 1 [UFAL] RX Team 92 A C++ a_2.cpp judged teamscse12 (1) YES
3150 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 93 H C++ judged teamgogo6 (1) YES
3151 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 93 L Java judged teamulmg20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3152 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 93 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3153 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 90 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3154 1 [UPF] Schrödinger's Code 91 D C++ d.cpp judged teamerrs16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3155 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 93 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3156 1 [Mackenzie] PseudoLoredo 93 D Python3 judged teamspsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3157 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 93 D Java judged teamppms4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3158 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Carvalhos 89 D C++ d.cpp judged teamurmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3159 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Garotos_de_Programas 91 A C A.c judged teamitam4 (1) YES
3160 1 [FEOL] FEOL 90 A Java judged teamdimg5 (1) YES
3161 1 [CCL-AM] #include<stdlib.h> 91 A C A.c judged teamcclitam2 (1) YES
3162 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 93 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3163 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 93 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3164 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 93 J C++ J.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3165 1 [FAP] NullLoseException 93 H C H.c judged teamcrce4 (1) YES
3166 1 [UDESC] Intruders 93 H C++ h.cpp judged teamblsc6 (1) YES
3167 1 [UNIME] Sem net não da 93 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3168 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 93 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3169 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 93 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) YES
3170 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 93 D C++ d.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3171 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 93 D C D.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3172 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 93 D C D.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3173 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 93 H Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3174 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 94 A Pascal H.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3175 1 [UFRGS] Tamo Call Confia 94 D C D.c judged teampars12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3176 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 94 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3177 1 [Área1] Filhos de ADA 94 H C++ H1.cpp judged teamsaba2 (1) YES
3178 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 94 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3179 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 94 H C H.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3180 1 [UFAC] Adas 94 D Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3181 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Crash Test Dummies 94 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3182 1 [UEPI] 0OR1 92 A C++ teste.cpp judged teamtepi8 (1) YES
3183 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 94 H Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3184 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 94 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3185 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 94 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3186 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 94 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3187 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 94 D C D.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3188 1 [FATEC-SJC] SEMPACTO 94 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtasp20 (1) YES
3189 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 94 H C H.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) YES
3190 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 94 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3191 1 [Pitagoras/SI] DevOps 94 D Java judged teamulmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3192 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 94 A C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3193 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] NP-Drada 94 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3194 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 94 D C++ d.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3195 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 94 D C D.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3196 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 95 D C D.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3197 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 95 D C exercicio3.c judged teambrdf4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3198 1 [UFMS/CPAN] ++Strangers 95 H C H.c judged teamppms1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3199 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 95 H Pascal H.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3200 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 95 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) YES
3201 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] RTG 95 A C A.c judged teamrjrj26 (1) YES
3202 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 95 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3203 1 [UVA] GLHF 95 D C++ problema_de_d.cpp judged teamsoce2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3204 1 [CCL-PE] Game of Drones 95 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclolpe1 (1) YES
3205 1 [IFRSRestinga] Bravus 95 H Java judged teampars1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3206 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 95 D C D.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3207 1 [Ceunes UFES] PPKillers 95 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees14 (1) YES
3208 1 [UNISAL] Return. O; 95 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamtasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3209 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 95 L C++ l.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) YES
3210 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 95 J C++ J.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3211 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 95 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) YES
3212 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 95 A Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) YES
3213 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 95 D C D.c judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3214 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 95 H C H.c judged teampars6 (1) YES
3215 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 95 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3216 1 [IME] Mr Pickles 95 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3217 1 [UESC] Devilopers 95 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3218 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 95 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3219 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 95 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) YES
3220 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 95 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) YES
3221 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Código 312 95 D Java judged teamitam2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3222 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 95 D C D.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3223 1 [FGOC] getBalao 96 I C++ i.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) YES
3224 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 96 H C++ h.cpp judged teampisp21 (1) YES
3225 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 95 D Java judged teamdimg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3226 1 [UNOESTE] Batmain Returns 96 L C++ code.cpp judged teambisp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3227 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 96 J C J.c judged teamvamg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3228 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 96 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3229 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 96 L C++ L.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) YES
3230 1 [FATEC-SJC] PAITOM 96 L C++ l.cpp judged teamtasp11 (1) YES
3231 1 [UFU] Medalha++ 96 I C++ teste.cpp judged teamulmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3232 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 1 96 H Java judged teamdimg9 (1) YES
3233 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 96 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3234 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 96 A Python3 judged teamtasp2 (1) YES
3235 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 96 D Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3236 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 96 D C D.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3237 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 96 D C D.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3238 1 [UnB] War Machine 96 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3239 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 96 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3240 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 96 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) YES
3241 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 96 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3242 1 [IFTM] Computação-IFTM-1 96 D Java judged teamulmg53 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3243 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 96 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) YES
3244 1 [CCL-BA] Ecompalouros 96 A C A.c judged teamcclfsba4 (1) YES
3245 1 [UFU] Troia 96 D Java judged teamulmg36 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3246 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 96 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3247 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 96 I C main.c judged teamctpr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3248 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 96 I Python3 judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3249 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] The Powerpuff Girls 96 D C D.c judged teamcbmt10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3250 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 96 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3251 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 96 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3252 1 [FCT-UNESP] BrainOverflow 97 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3253 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 97 I C++ i.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3254 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 97 A Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
3255 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 97 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3256 1 [Unifei Itabira] CodersJam 97 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3257 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 97 H Python3 judged teamctpr13 (1) YES
3258 1 [IFCE] Pythoneiros 97 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
3259 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 97 L C++ L.cpp judged teammcmg3 (1) YES
3260 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 97 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3261 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 97 D C D.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3262 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 97 D C++ d.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3263 1 [IFCE] Pythoneiros 97 H C H.c judged teamfoce11 (1) YES
3264 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 97 A C A.c judged teambisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3265 1 [CEFET/RJ] AlfaBytes 97 D Python3 judged teamrjrj31 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3266 1 [CCL-GO] no hope 97 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3267 1 [IFES] NaoDeuTLE 97 D Python3 judged teamsees7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3268 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Loco cachorro 97 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3269 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 97 D C++ d.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3270 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 97 A Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
3271 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 97 I Python3 judged teamvamg17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3272 1 [CUEdA] Team Code 97 H C++ H.cpp judged teammaam7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3273 1 [UNIVASF] Bug is coming 98 D C D.c judged teamjuba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3274 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 98 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) YES
3275 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 98 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3276 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 98 H C huaauahahuahau.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3277 1 [FEI] Bellatores 98 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsbsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3278 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 98 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3279 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 98 H Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3280 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 98 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3281 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 98 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3282 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] U mo bu kai fei di tal 98 H C++ H.cpp judged teamulmg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3283 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 98 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3284 1 [UFABC] Code Coxinha Builder 98 D C D.c judged teamsbsp5 (1) YES
3285 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 98 A C A.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3286 1 [UFJF] Rodou de primeira 98 D C D.c judged teamjfmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3287 1 [UDESC] Priviet 98 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3288 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 98 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3289 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 98 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3290 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] TeamFRV 98 A C tempo.c judged teamulmg30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3291 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 98 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3292 1 [UP] Queijo com casca 98 H C h.c judged teamctpr3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3293 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 98 A C A.c judged teamgogo16 (1) YES
3294 1 [UNIT - MG] Deployers 98 D C D.c judged teamulmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3295 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 98 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3296 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 98 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3297 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 98 A Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3298 1 [IFSULMGMuz] JesusIsOutput 98 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3299 1 [EEP] GreenHat 98 D C D.c judged teampisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3300 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 98 I Python3 judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3301 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 98 H C++ h.cpp judged teamblsc10 (1) YES
3302 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] U mo bu kai fei di tal 98 H C++ H.cpp judged teamulmg18 (1) YES
3303 1 [FJN] k3rnel_pan1c 98 A Java judged teamcrce5 (1) YES
3304 1 [UFU] Ferinhas 98 D C D.c judged teamulmg45 (1) YES
3305 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 98 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3306 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 99 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3307 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 99 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3308 1 [UFPI] Trinity 99 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3309 1 [UNIJUI] Novatos 99 H Java judged teamijrs2 (1) YES
3310 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Bit Please 99 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg15 (1) YES
3311 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 99 D C Untitled4.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3312 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 99 F C++ f.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) YES
3313 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 99 A C++ A.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) YES
3314 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 99 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3315 1 [UVA] GLHF 99 D C++ problema_de_d.cpp judged teamsoce2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3316 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 99 H C h.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3317 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 99 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3318 1 [UFLA] JSus 99 D Java judged teamvamg29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3319 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 99 H Pascal H.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3320 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 99 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3321 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 99 H Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
3322 1 [CESF] Marotos de Programa 99 H C H.c judged teammaam17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3323 1 [UEA] AlphaQ 99 L C++ l.cpp judged teammaam19 (1) YES
3324 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 99 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3325 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 99 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3326 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 99 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3327 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 99 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) YES
3328 1 [UEG] Muttley 99 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3329 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 99 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) YES
3330 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Ep. II: Padawans de Aderbal 99 H Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
3331 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 99 L C++ l.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) YES
3332 1 [FAJ] FAJ-VÉNUS 100 A C a.c judged teamcasp7 (1) YES
3333 1 [Unifei Itabira] CodersJam 100 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3334 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 100 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3335 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 100 F C++ F.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3336 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 100 J C exeJ.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3337 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 100 D Java judged teampars14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3338 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 100 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3339 1 [FAI] UAIFAI 100 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg25 (1) YES
3340 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 100 H C H.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3341 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 100 C C++ C.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) YES
3342 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 100 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3343 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 100 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3344 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 100 H C problemH.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3345 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 100 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3346 1 [IFRSRestinga] Bravus 100 H Java judged teampars1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3347 1 [FATEC Cruzeiro] FEIC#AS DE LUZ 100 D C D.c judged teamtasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3348 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 100 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) YES
3349 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 100 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3350 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 100 D C exercicio3.c judged teambrdf4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3351 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 100 I C I.c judged teamfoce5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3352 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 100 A Java judged teamdimg7 (1) YES
3353 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 100 F C++ F.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
3354 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 100 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3355 1 [Unisalesiano] RasenshurikenC 100 I C++ I.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
3356 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Girls_System 100 A C A.c judged teamitam5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3357 1 [UFMG] Que qui ta Cunteçenu? 100 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3358 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 100 C C++ C.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) YES
3359 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 95 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3360 1 [FACENS] ASC1 95 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3361 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 100 H Java judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3362 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 100 G C++ g.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) YES
3363 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 101 D Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
3364 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 101 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3365 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 101 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3366 1 [UFTM] the big bang theory 101 D C D.c judged teamurmg18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3367 1 [UNIFESP] Trio de 11 101 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3368 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 101 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3369 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 101 D C D.c judged teamsosp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3370 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 101 D C D.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3371 1 [ITA] batata 101 G C++ g.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) YES
3372 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 101 J Java judged teamrbac7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3373 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 101 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3374 1 [UNIFOR] UNIFOR-1 101 D Python3 judged teamfoce12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3375 1 [UFFS] BNR 101 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3376 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 101 D C D.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3377 1 [UFJF] Stack EvenFlow 101 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3378 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 101 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) YES
3379 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 101 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3380 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Garotos de Programa 101 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg26 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3381 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 101 H C H.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3382 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 101 D Java judged teamijrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3383 1 [USP] Icarus 101 D Java judged teamspsp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3384 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 101 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3385 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 101 A Java judged teamrjrj33 (1) YES
3386 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 101 A Python3 judged teamcclolpe6 (1) YES
3387 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 96 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3388 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 102 D C problemad.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3389 1 [IFSULMGMuz] TreeMain 102 L C L.c judged teamvamg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3390 1 [FAGAMMON] Bug's++ 102 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3391 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-StrangerCodes 102 D C D.c judged teammaam1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3392 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 102 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3393 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 102 G C++ G.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) YES
3394 1 [UNIS] Unis2 102 D C divisores.c judged teamvamg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3395 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 102 H C++ judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
3396 1 [UNIOESTE] Ladies Coding 102 H C kkk.c judged teamfipr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3397 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 102 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3398 1 [Senai Cimatic] Harambe 102 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamsaba11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3399 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 102 H C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3400 1 [UFMG] Que qui ta Cunteçenu? 102 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3401 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 102 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3402 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 102 D C D.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3403 1 [FEI] Dynamic Coders 102 I C++ problemaI.cpp judged teamsbsp3 (1) YES
3404 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 102 L C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) YES
3405 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 102 H C h.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3406 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 102 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3407 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 102 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3408 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 102 H Python3 judged teamcclsaba2 (1) YES
3409 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 102 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3410 1 [EEP] GreenHat 102 D C D.c judged teampisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3411 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Ep. II: Padawans de Aderbal 103 H Python3 judged teamcrce7 (1) NO - Presentation error
3412 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 103 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) YES
3413 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 103 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3414 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 103 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3415 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 103 H C huaauahahuahau.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3416 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 103 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) YES
3417 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 103 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3418 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 103 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) YES
3419 1 [UVA] Grape 103 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3420 1 [UDESC] X+2 103 D C D.c judged teamblsc13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3421 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 103 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3422 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 103 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3423 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 103 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3424 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 103 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3425 1 [IFFar] XaBlau 103 A C A.c judged teamijrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3426 1 [UFFS] AKM 103 G C++ G.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) YES
3427 1 [UFPA] Mock 103 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3428 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 103 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3429 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 103 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3430 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 103 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3431 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 103 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3432 1 [UNIJUI] Capivara Club 103 H Java judged teamijrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3433 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 103 D C D.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3434 1 [UERJ] XOR 103 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3435 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 103 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3436 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 103 D Java judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3437 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 103 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3438 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 103 D C main.c judged teamctpr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3439 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 103 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3440 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 103 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3441 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 103 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3442 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 104 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3443 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 104 A Java judged teamulmg25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3444 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 104 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3445 1 [UFPA] Lambda 104 A C++ A.cxx judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Presentation error
3446 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 104 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) YES
3447 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 104 D C++ d.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3448 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 104 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3449 1 [UEA] TheBuggados 104 D C++ d.cpp judged teammaam18 (1) YES
3450 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 104 H Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Presentation error
3451 1 [UFU] Audazes Guaxinins Sonolentos 104 J C J.c judged teamulmg48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3452 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 104 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3453 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 104 J C J.c judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3454 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 104 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcclolpe5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3455 1 [UFRGS] Tamo Call Confia 104 D C D.c judged teampars12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3456 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 104 D C d.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3457 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] U mo bu kai fei di tal 104 J C++ J.cpp judged teamulmg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3458 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 104 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3459 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 104 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3460 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 104 H Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3461 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 104 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3462 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 104 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3463 1 [UFMT - Várzea Grande] Vai dar bom 104 D C divisores.c judged teamcbmt7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3464 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 104 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3465 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 104 H Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
3466 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 104 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3467 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 104 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3468 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 104 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3469 1 [UFPA] Mock 104 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3470 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 105 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3471 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 105 D C D.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3472 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 105 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3473 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 105 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3474 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 105 H Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
3475 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 105 D C code.c judged teamspsp27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3476 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] FullStackOverkill 105 L C l.c judged teamsosp20 (1) YES
3477 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 105 I C++ iin judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
3478 1 [UFAC] Adas 105 D Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3479 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 105 J C J.c judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3480 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 105 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3481 1 [UEMG - Divinópolis] UEMGDIVI 105 H Python3 judged teamdimg1 (1) YES
3482 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 105 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3483 1 [ESPM] Casa das Ovelhas 105 A Java judged teamspsp12 (1) YES
3484 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 105 H C H.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3485 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 105 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
3486 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 105 H C++ H.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) YES
3487 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU_4A 105 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3488 1 [UFSCar] ReturnTwo(); 105 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3489 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 105 H Java judged teamerrs14 (1) YES
3490 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 105 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3491 1 [USP] Icarus 106 D Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
3492 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 106 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3493 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 106 H Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
3494 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 106 G C++ g.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) YES
3495 1 [CEFET/RJ] AlfaBytes 106 D Python3 judged teamrjrj31 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3496 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 106 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3497 1 [UNIVAP] #teamSafadao 102 D Java judged teamtasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3498 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] GAG 106 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3499 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 106 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3500 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 106 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3501 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 106 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3502 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 106 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3503 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 106 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3504 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 106 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3505 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 106 H C++ H.cpp judged teambisp4 (1) YES
3506 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 106 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3507 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 106 D C D.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3508 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 106 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3509 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 106 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) YES
3510 1 [UEA] UEA_Coders 106 D C++ d.cpp judged teammaam15 (1) YES
3511 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 106 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) YES
3512 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 106 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3513 1 [FIBM] NullReferenceException 106 D Java judged teamolpe11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3514 1 [UFPA] Mock 106 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3515 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 106 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3516 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 106 H C H1.c judged teamgogo4 (1) YES
3517 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 107 I C++ i.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) YES
3518 1 [EEP] SudoCode 107 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp6 (1) YES
3519 1 [UFT] Valar Programmis 107 I C++ I.cpp judged teampato2 (1) YES
3520 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 107 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3521 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 107 H C H.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3522 1 [UEM] quit() 107 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3523 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 107 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3524 1 [UCDB] Testemunhas de Java 107 H Java judged teamppms2 (1) YES
3525 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 107 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
3526 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 107 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3527 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 107 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3528 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 107 D Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3529 1 [UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial 107 G C++ G.cpp judged teamfipr3 (1) YES
3530 1 [UDESC] Intruders 107 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3531 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 107 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) YES
3532 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Ep. II: Padawans de Aderbal 107 H Python3 judged teamcrce7 (1) YES
3533 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 107 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3534 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 107 D Java judged teamulmg33 (1) YES
3535 1 [UP] Bacon infernal 107 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr12 (1) YES
3536 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 107 A Java judged teamspsp13 (1) YES
3537 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 107 D Python3 judged teamrgrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3538 1 [EEP] GreenHat 107 D C D.c judged teampisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3539 1 [CEFET/RJ] AlfaBytes 108 D Python3 judged teamrjrj31 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3540 1 [UNIBAVE] Orleans 108 D Java judged teamblsc12 (1) YES
3541 1 [Ceunes UFES] PPKillers 108 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsees14 (1) YES
3542 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 108 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3543 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 108 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3544 1 [UESB] Ursos sem Curso 108 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvcba12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3545 1 [Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Goiás] Calangos de Aço 108 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3546 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 108 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3547 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 108 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
3548 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 108 A Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
3549 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 108 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3550 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 108 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3551 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 108 H C huaauahahuahau.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) YES
3552 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 108 D C D.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3553 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Eramos 3 108 D Java judged teamrgrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3554 1 [UFPA] Mock 108 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3555 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 108 H C++ H.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) YES
3556 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 108 A Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3557 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 108 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) YES
3558 1 [UFPA] Lambda 108 A C++ A.cxx judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Presentation error
3559 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 108 H C H.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3560 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 108 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3561 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] ESC 108 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3562 1 [UNIMONTES] Os Avassaladores 108 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3563 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 108 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) YES
3564 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 108 D C++ d.cpp judged teampisp21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3565 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 108 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3566 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 108 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3567 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 108 D Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3568 1 [UNICAMP] TCR 109 D C D.c judged teamcasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3569 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 109 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3570 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 109 H Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3571 1 [FACOM - UFMS] UFMSX 109 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3572 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 109 D C d.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3573 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 109 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3574 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 109 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3575 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Árvaro Binário 109 D C D.c judged teampars13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3576 1 [UFMG] TSP 109 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
3577 1 [FEI] Bellatores 109 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3578 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] TeamAragão 109 H Java judged teamtepi1 (1) YES
3579 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 109 A Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3580 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 109 I Python3 judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3581 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] U mo bu kai fei di tal 109 J C++ J.cpp judged teamulmg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3582 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 109 H Java judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3583 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 109 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3584 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 109 D C D.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3585 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 109 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3586 1 [UEPI] Noobs 2.0 109 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtepi7 (1) NO - Presentation error
3587 1 [UNIVASF] Bug is coming 109 H C H.c judged teamjuba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3588 1 [IFSP - Birigui] Perdi 109 D C divisores.c judged teambisp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3589 1 [CUEdA] Team Code 109 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam7 (1) YES
3590 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 109 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) YES
3591 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 109 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3592 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 109 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3593 1 [IME] Mr Pickles 109 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj29 (1) YES
3594 1 [Unisalesiano] RasenshurikenC 109 I C++ I.cpp judged teambisp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3595 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 109 D C Divisores.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3596 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 102 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Presentation error
3597 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 109 H Java judged teamdimg7 (1) NO - Presentation error
3598 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 110 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcclolpe5 (1) YES
3599 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 110 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3600 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Cyber Conda 110 L C Ladrilhos.c judged teamerrs20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3601 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 110 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3602 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 110 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3603 1 [UENP] contando_com.sort() 110 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3604 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 110 H C H.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) YES
3605 1 [UnB] deBuggers 110 D C++ d.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) YES
3606 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 110 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3607 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 110 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3608 1 [UNIMONTES] Os Avassaladores 110 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3609 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 110 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3610 1 [Unisep] Agora ou nunca! 110 L Java judged teamfipr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3611 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 110 D C d.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3612 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 110 D Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3613 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 110 H C h.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3614 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 110 H C++ H.cpp judged teamcclgogo6 (1) YES
3615 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 110 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) YES
3616 1 [UEPI] Noobs 2.0 110 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtepi7 (1) YES
3617 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 110 L C++ L.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) YES
3618 1 [UNIJUI] Capivara Club 110 H Java judged teamijrs11 (1) NO - Presentation error
3619 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 110 A Java judged teambama1 (1) YES
3620 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 110 D Java judged teampars14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3621 1 [FTC] Geany 110 H Java judged teamvcba8 (1) NO - Presentation error
3622 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 111 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3623 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 111 H C h.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) YES
3624 1 [FACIT] Accept Go 111 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg4 (1) YES
3625 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 111 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3626 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU PotroVerdeSalgadinho++ 111 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3627 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 111 A Python3 judged teamcclsaba2 (1) YES
3628 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 111 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3629 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 111 D C D.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3630 1 [UNIS] Unis1 111 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3631 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 111 A Java judged teamulmg25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3632 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 111 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3633 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 111 H Java judged teamurmg6 (1) YES
3634 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 111 J C J.c judged teamblsc17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3635 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 111 H Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
3636 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 111 G C++ G.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
3637 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 111 C C++ C.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) YES
3638 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 111 D C d.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3639 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 111 L C++ l.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) YES
3640 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 111 A Java judged teamjpro2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3641 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 111 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3642 1 [UESC] Devilopers 111 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3643 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 111 A Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
3644 1 [FEI] Forzinho 111 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3645 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 111 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3646 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 111 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3647 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 111 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3648 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 111 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3649 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 111 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) YES
3650 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 111 H Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3651 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 111 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3652 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] BOOST 111 A Java D.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
3653 1 [UFU] Medalha++ 111 I C++ teste.cpp judged teamulmg7 (1) YES
3654 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 112 D C D.c judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3655 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 112 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3656 1 [UFRN] CodeBuilders 112 L C++ L.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
3657 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 112 D Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3658 1 [UFMG] just for fun 112 L C++ main.cpp judged teambhmg3 (1) YES
3659 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 112 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3660 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 112 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3661 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 112 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3662 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 112 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3663 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 112 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3664 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 112 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Presentation error
3665 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 112 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3666 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 112 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3667 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 112 D C++ d.cpp judged teampisp21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3668 1 [UNIRG] Black Lotus 112 A Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
3669 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 112 F C F.c judged teamsees12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3670 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 112 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3671 1 [IME] Ad-Hoc Café 112 L C++ l.cpp judged teamrjrj30 (1) YES
3672 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 112 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3673 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 112 D C D.c judged teamscse15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3674 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 112 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) YES
3675 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] BOOST 112 D C++ D.c judged teamulmg42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3676 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 112 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3677 1 [UFPA] Code com Farinha 112 A C++ q1.cpp judged teambepa3 (1) YES
3678 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 112 D C D.c judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3679 1 [UFAL] Holmes 112 L C++ L.cpp judged teamscse6 (1) YES
3680 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 113 J C++ J.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3681 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 113 H C H.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3682 1 [UDESC] MeGA 113 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3683 1 [UNIVAP] #teamSafadao 113 D Java judged teamtasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3684 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 113 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3685 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 113 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3686 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/EC] Uberabassauro 113 D Java judged teamurmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3687 1 [UFU] MME 113 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3688 1 [UNIT - MG] Deployers 113 A C A.c judged teamulmg19 (1) YES
3689 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 113 D C problemad.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3690 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 113 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3691 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 113 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3692 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 113 I C exeI.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3693 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 113 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3694 1 [UEA] UEA_Coders 113 L C++ l.cpp judged teammaam15 (1) YES
3695 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 113 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3696 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 113 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3697 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 113 I Python3 judged teamvamg17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3698 1 [CUF] Os barbada 113 J Java judged teamsmrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3699 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 113 H C H.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3700 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 113 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3701 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 113 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3702 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 113 A Java judged teamulmg25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3703 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 113 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3704 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 113 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3705 1 [CCL-DF] Bodybuilders Aposentados 113 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcclbrdf1 (1) YES
3706 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 113 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3707 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 113 H Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
3708 1 [UFU] C + || - 113 D C d.c judged teamulmg28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3709 1 [USJT] A Iira de Khan 113 A C A.c judged teamspsp34 (1) YES
3710 1 [UFU] Estupendos Búfalos Carecas 113 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3711 1 [ITA] batata 113 L C++ l.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) YES
3712 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 113 D C D.c judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3713 1 [CPCX/UFMS] Não me byte 113 L Java judged teamppms3 (1) YES
3714 1 [IFPI] Equipe Foguete 113 D Python3 judged teamtepi9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3715 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 113 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj10 (1) YES
3716 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 113 D Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3717 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Loco cachorro 113 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3718 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 114 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3719 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 114 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3720 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 114 L Java judged teamulmg20 (1) YES
3721 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 114 D C exercicio3.c judged teambrdf4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3722 1 [FACISA] CompilouValeu 114 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe28 (1) YES
3723 1 [Unisep] Agora ou nunca! 114 L Java judged teamfipr2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3724 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 114 H C H.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
3725 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 114 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3726 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 114 G C++ G.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) YES
3727 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 114 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3728 1 [FEI] Forzinho 114 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) YES
3729 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 114 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Presentation error
3730 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 114 L C++ l.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3731 1 [UERJ] XOR 114 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3732 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 114 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3733 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 114 I C I.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3734 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 114 F C++ F.cpp judged teammasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3735 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 114 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3736 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 114 J Java judged teamijrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3737 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 114 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3738 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 114 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3739 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 114 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) YES
3740 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] RTG 114 D C D.c judged teamrjrj26 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3741 1 [UEM] quit() 115 D C++ divisor.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3742 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 1 115 D Java judged teamdimg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3743 1 [IFTM campus UPT] D_bug, gogo! 115 I C++ I.cxx judged teamurmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3744 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 115 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3745 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 115 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) YES
3746 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 115 H Pascal H.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3747 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 115 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3748 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 115 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3749 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 115 H C H.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) YES
3750 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 115 D Java judged teamspsp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3751 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 115 D C D.c judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3752 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Knights of Nlogonia 115 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp3 (1) YES
3753 1 [CUF] Loops 115 G Java judged teamsmrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3754 1 [UFAL] U_FALL 115 H C H.c judged teamscse13 (1) YES
3755 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 115 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3756 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 115 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3757 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 115 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3758 1 [UFPB] fsociety - beta 115 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe30 (1) YES
3759 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 115 I C++ i.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) YES
3760 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 116 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3761 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 116 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3762 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 116 I Python3 judged teamrjrj25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3763 1 [FACIT] Accept Go 116 I C I.c judged teammcmg4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3764 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 116 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3765 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 116 D Java judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3766 1 [UFRN] CodeBuilders 116 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3767 1 [UFPA] Mock 116 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3768 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 116 D C d.c judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3769 1 [UFPA] Code com Farinha 116 D C++ q2.cpp judged teambepa3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3770 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 116 A C Andandonotempo.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3771 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 116 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) YES
3772 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 116 J C J.c judged teamblsc17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3773 1 [UNIFESO] Demogorgon 116 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj8 (1) YES
3774 1 [USP] Pégasus 116 D Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3775 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 116 F C++ F.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3776 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 116 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3777 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 116 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3778 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 116 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3779 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 117 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3780 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 117 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3781 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 117 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) YES
3782 1 [CESF] Marotos de Programa 117 H C H.c judged teammaam17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3783 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 117 C C++ c.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) YES
3784 1 [ITA] EitaMah 117 F C++ F.cpp judged teamtasp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3785 1 [UFPA] Mock 117 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3786 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 117 H Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3787 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 117 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3788 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 117 L C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3789 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 117 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) YES
3790 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 117 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3791 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 117 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3792 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 117 D C D.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3793 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 117 D Java judged teamrbac4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3794 1 [FEI] Dynamic Coders 117 D C++ problemaD.cpp judged teamsbsp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3795 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 117 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3796 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 117 H Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
3797 1 [FPU] Neuron 117 J C jogos_olimpicos.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3798 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] SucoDeUVa 117 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj11 (1) YES
3799 1 [UFAC] Error 404 117 H Java judged teamrbac8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3800 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 117 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3801 1 [FIBM] NullReferenceException 117 D Java judged teamolpe11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3802 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 117 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3803 1 [UFAL] Holmes 118 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3804 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 118 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3805 1 [UFAM] UFAM-ICOMP-GameOfCodes 113 D C++ D.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
3806 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Ep. II: Padawans de Aderbal 118 D C D.c judged teamcrce7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3807 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 118 A C huahua.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3808 1 [USP] Pégasus 118 D Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3809 1 [UNITAU] Sombra dos colossos 118 H Java judged teamtasp12 (1) YES
3810 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 118 J C j.c judged teamppms4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3811 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 118 D C probD.c judged teamgogo6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3812 1 [ESPM] ParseInt 118 H Java judged teamspsp29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3813 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 118 D C D.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3814 1 [FACISA] Hamurábicos 118 D Python3 judged teamolpe16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3815 1 [UFES] Triplex 118 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3816 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 118 I C++ I.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3817 1 [IMED] Team Imed 118 H Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
3818 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 118 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3819 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 118 A Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3820 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 118 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3821 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 118 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) YES
3822 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 118 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3823 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 118 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) YES
3824 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 118 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3825 1 [UFT] code_builders 118 H C++ H.cpp judged teampato6 (1) YES
3826 1 [UEG] Muttley 118 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3827 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 118 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) YES
3828 1 [CUF] Loops 119 G Java judged teamsmrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3829 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 119 I C i.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3830 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 119 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3831 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 119 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) YES
3832 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 119 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3833 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 119 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3834 1 [UNIS] Unis1 119 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3835 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 119 J C exeJ.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3836 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 119 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3837 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 119 F C++ F.cpp judged teammasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3838 1 [IFCE] Família 119 D C d.c judged teamfoce2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3839 1 [USJT] MET 119 A C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3840 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 119 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3841 1 [IFPI] iVikings 119 D Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3842 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 119 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3843 1 [USJT] MET 119 D C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3844 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 119 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3845 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 119 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) YES
3846 1 [UTFdP- Ponta Grossa] Bug Busters 119 F C++ f.cpp judged teamctpr7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3847 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 120 D Java judged teamrjrj33 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3848 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 120 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3849 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 120 D Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3850 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU PotroVerdeSalgadinho++ 120 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3851 1 [UFPA] Lambda 120 H Python3 judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3852 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 120 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3853 1 [UNIOESTE] Presentation Error 120 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr19 (1) YES
3854 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Bug Funcional 120 A Java judged teamjpro8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3855 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 120 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3856 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 120 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) YES
3857 1 [UNIVILLE] FSociety 120 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3858 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 120 D C D.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3859 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 120 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3860 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 120 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3861 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 120 D Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3862 1 [UEM] quit() 120 D C++ divisor.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3863 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 120 H C H.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3864 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 120 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3865 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 120 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3866 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 120 D Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
3867 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 120 H Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
3868 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 120 G C++ G.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3869 1 [CCL-DF] Go Horse and The Bottle of Vini ™ 120 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclbrdf2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3870 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 120 H Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) YES
3871 1 [CESF] others errors 120 D C D.c judged teammaam4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3872 1 [UFSCar] vai_na.sort(); 120 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp10 (1) YES
3873 1 [UFAC] Error 404 120 H Java judged teamrbac8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3874 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 120 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3875 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 121 H Java judged teamdimg7 (1) NO - Presentation error
3876 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 121 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3877 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 121 I C++ I.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3878 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 121 D C c.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
3879 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 121 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3880 1 [UFAL] Holmes 121 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3881 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 121 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3882 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 121 J Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
3883 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 121 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3884 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 121 D C++ proB.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3885 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 121 H Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3886 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 121 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3887 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 121 E C++ E.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3888 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 121 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3889 1 [IFPI] iVikings 121 D Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3890 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 121 D C++ d.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3891 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 121 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3892 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 121 H C H.c judged teamslma2 (1) YES
3893 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 121 A Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
3894 1 [Pitagoras/SI] DevOps 121 H Java judged teamulmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3895 1 [UFRN] Adhocracy 121 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn7 (1) YES
3896 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 121 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3897 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 122 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3898 1 [IFS] The Flash 114 H Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
3899 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 122 D Java judged teamulmg20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3900 1 [UNIOESTE] Os Noob 122 H Pascal risada.pas judged teamfipr11 (1) YES
3901 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 122 L C++ l.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3902 1 [EEP] SudoCode 122 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3903 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 122 D C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3904 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 122 A C letraA.c judged teamslma5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3905 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 122 D C++ d.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
3906 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 122 J C++ J.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3907 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 122 D C Untitled4.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3908 1 [IFES] Pointer to Hell 122 D C++ d_envio_01.cpp judged teamsees15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3909 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 122 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3910 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 122 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) YES
3911 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] TeamAragão 122 D Java judged teamtepi1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3912 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 122 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3913 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 122 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3914 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 122 A Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
3915 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 122 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3916 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Bug Funcional 122 A Java judged teamjpro8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3917 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 122 J C++ j.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3918 1 [SETREM] Println 122 J Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
3919 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 122 H Java judged teamrbac5 (1) YES
3920 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 122 D Java judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3921 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 122 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3922 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 122 D Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3923 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 122 D C++ d.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3924 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 122 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3925 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 122 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3926 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 119 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) YES
3927 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 122 A Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
3928 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 122 D C d.c judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3929 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 122 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) YES
3930 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 122 D Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3931 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 122 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3932 1 [PUC-MG] 122 J C j.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3933 1 [UDESC] Intruders 122 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3934 1 [UFPA] Mock 123 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3935 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 123 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3936 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 123 D Java judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3937 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] The Powerpuff Girls 123 J C J.c judged teamcbmt10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3938 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 123 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3939 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 123 H C H.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3940 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 123 I C exeI.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3941 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 123 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) YES
3942 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 123 G C++ G.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) YES
3943 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 123 H C H.c judged teamcasp14 (1) YES
3944 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 123 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3945 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 123 H Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3946 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 123 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3947 1 [UFAM] UFAM-ICOMP-GameOfCodes 123 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3948 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 123 I C++ i.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) YES
3949 1 [UFFS] Hu3++ 123 L C++ L.cpp judged teamerrs2 (1) YES
3950 1 [IFPI] Equipe Foguete 123 D Python3 judged teamtepi9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3951 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 123 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3952 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 123 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3953 1 [UFCG] Quem Chorava Hoje Ri 123 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3954 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 123 D C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3955 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 123 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3956 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 124 D C Untitled4.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3957 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 124 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3958 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 124 D Python3 judged teammasp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3959 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 124 D C probD.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
3960 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 124 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3961 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 124 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3962 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Ep. II: Padawans de Aderbal 124 D C D.c judged teamcrce7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3963 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 124 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3964 1 [IFCE] Pythoneiros 124 D Python3 judged teamfoce11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3965 1 [UFPI] Trinity 124 H C++ H.cpp judged teamtepi10 (1) YES
3966 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 124 D C D.c judged teamvamg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3967 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 124 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3968 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 124 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3969 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 124 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg3 (1) YES
3970 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Eramos 3 124 D Java judged teamrgrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3971 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 124 D Java judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3972 1 [FACISA] Hamurábicos 124 D Python3 judged teamolpe16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3973 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 124 J C J.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3974 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 124 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3975 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 124 L C++ l.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3976 1 [FIBM] NullReferenceException 124 D Java judged teamolpe11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3977 1 [UFPel] 418 124 D C D.c judged teamrgrs15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3978 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 124 G C++ G.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3979 1 [IFTM] Computação-IFTM-1 125 D Java judged teamulmg53 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3980 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 125 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) YES
3981 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 125 H C h.c judged teammasp6 (1) YES
3982 1 [UFPel] Ballester Reserva 125 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3983 1 [PUC-MG] 125 J C j.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3984 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 125 D C Untitled4.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3985 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 125 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3986 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 125 I Python3 judged teamrjrj25 (1) YES
3987 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 125 H C H.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3988 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 125 H C++ huaauhahhuahau.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3989 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] Tm^2 125 D Java judged teamurmg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3990 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 125 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3991 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 125 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3992 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Developers 125 J C J.c judged teamitam1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3993 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 125 D Python3 judged teammasp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3994 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 125 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
3995 1 [IFCE] Ctrl+Alt+Del 125 I C I.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
3996 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 125 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3997 1 [PUC-MG] 125 J C j.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
3998 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 125 J Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
3999 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 123 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4000 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 126 D C d.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4001 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 126 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4002 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 126 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4003 1 [UNIVAP] #teamSafadao 126 D Java judged teamtasp14 (1) YES
4004 1 [FATEC-SJC] PAITOM 126 I C++ i.cpp judged teamtasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4005 1 [UFT] code_builders 126 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4006 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 126 D Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
4007 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 126 D C D.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4008 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 126 I C++ I.cpp judged teampars5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4009 1 [CUF] Loops 126 D Java judged teamsmrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4010 1 [UNITAU] Sombra dos colossos 126 D C D.c judged teamtasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4011 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 126 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4012 1 [CCL-SC] UDESC02 126 A C a.c judged teamcclblsc3 (1) YES
4013 1 [UFFS] BNR 126 L C++ l.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) YES
4014 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 126 H Java judged teamdimg2 (1) YES
4015 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 126 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4016 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 126 F C++ F.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4017 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 126 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4018 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 126 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4019 1 [UFJF] Stack EvenFlow 126 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4020 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 126 D C++ probD.cpp judged teamgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4021 1 [UVA] teamUva 126 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsoce4 (1) YES
4022 1 [UDESC] MeGA 126 G C++ g.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4023 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 126 I Python3 judged teamvamg17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4024 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 126 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4025 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 123 H C H.c judged teamsosp2 (1) YES
4026 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 127 H Java judged teambepa6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4027 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Os Enrolados 127 D Java judged teammcmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4028 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 127 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4029 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 127 A Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
4030 1 [UNIJUI] Capivara Club 127 H Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
4031 1 [UEG] Muttley 127 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4032 1 [UFU] Estupendos Búfalos Carecas 127 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4033 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 127 D Python3 judged teammasp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4034 1 [FGOC] getBalao 127 L C++ l.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) YES
4035 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 127 D C D.c judged teamvamg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4036 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 127 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4037 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 127 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4038 1 [IFCE] Pythoneiros 127 D Python3 judged teamfoce11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4039 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 127 D Java judged teamulmg20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4040 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 127 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4041 1 [IFCE] O importante é não zerar! 127 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfoce1 (1) YES
4042 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 128 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4043 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 128 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4044 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 128 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4045 1 [UNIRG] MalditoPontoEVirgula 128 D C D.c judged teampato4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4046 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Duas princesas e um sapo 128 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4047 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 128 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4048 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 128 A C huahua.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4049 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 128 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4050 1 [UESB] Java++ 128 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4051 1 [UFU] Troia 128 D Java judged teamulmg36 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4052 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 128 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4053 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 128 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4054 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 128 J C++ J.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4055 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 128 L C L.c judged teamfoce5 (1) YES
4056 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 128 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4057 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 128 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4058 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 128 J Java judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4059 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 128 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4060 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 128 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4061 1 [UFRGS] Code Runners 128 L C++ L.cpp judged teampars7 (1) YES
4062 1 [UPF] Hadoop 128 H Java judged teamerrs19 (1) YES
4063 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 128 D C++ d.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4064 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] VDL 128 H C H.c judged teamcbmt8 (1) YES
4065 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 128 C C++ C.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) YES
4066 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 128 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4067 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 128 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4068 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 129 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) YES
4069 1 [IFPI] iVikings 129 D Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4070 1 [Unifei Itabira] A Team Has A Name 129 D C++ D.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4071 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 129 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4072 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 129 D C D.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4073 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 129 H Python3 judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4074 1 [UFU] Deadlock 129 A C H.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4075 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] MainBox 129 D Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
4076 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 129 G C++ G.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
4077 1 [UFU] Audazes Guaxinins Sonolentos 129 D C D.c judged teamulmg48 (1) YES
4078 1 [UFMG] TSP 129 F C++ F.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
4079 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 129 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4080 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 129 L C++ l.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) YES
4081 1 [FACOM - UFMS] UFMSX 129 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4082 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 129 A Java judged teamscse4 (1) YES
4083 1 [UFU] Malandramente 129 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4084 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 129 H Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4085 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 129 L C++ l.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) YES
4086 1 [UFPA] Lambda 129 H Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4087 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 129 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4088 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 129 D Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
4089 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 129 D C D.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4090 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 129 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4091 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 129 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4092 1 [UFAC] Error 404 129 A C A.c judged teamrbac8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4093 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 129 L C++ l.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) YES
4094 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 129 L C L.c judged teamfoce7 (1) YES
4095 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 129 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4096 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] TeamAragão 129 D Java judged teamtepi1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4097 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 129 D C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4098 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 130 F C++ F.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4099 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 130 H Java judged teamscse4 (1) YES
4100 1 [USJT] Tariraki 130 L Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4101 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 130 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4102 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 130 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4103 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] U mo bu kai fei di tal 130 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4104 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 130 L Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
4105 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 130 J C exeJ.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4106 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-GVG 130 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teammaam9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4107 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 130 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4108 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 130 J C j.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4109 1 [CU - IESB] We can't see SharP 130 D C divisores.c judged teambrdf11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4110 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 130 D Java judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4111 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 130 D Java judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4112 1 [CCL-GO] no hope 130 H C H.c judged teamcclgogo4 (1) YES
4113 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 130 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4114 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] Tm^2 130 D Java judged teamurmg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4115 1 [UNICAMP] TCR 130 D C D.c judged teamcasp5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4116 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 130 J C J.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4117 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 130 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4118 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 130 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4119 1 [UFRN] CodeBuilders 130 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4120 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 130 H C H.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4121 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 130 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4122 1 [UF Pernambuco] Vc foi a culpada do ACC ser WA 131 C C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe1 (1) YES
4123 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] GAG 131 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4124 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 131 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4125 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 131 I C++ I.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4126 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 131 D C d.c judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4127 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 131 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4128 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 131 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4129 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 131 K C++ k.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4130 1 [UDESC] POXX 131 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4131 1 [UFMS/CPAN] ++Strangers 131 A C A.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
4132 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 131 C C++ C.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4133 1 [UF Paraná] Trypanãosomos 131 L C++ l.cpp judged teamctpr5 (1) YES
4134 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU flloat Titanic = false; 131 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4135 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] New Zeppelin 131 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4136 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 131 C C++ judged teambhmg18 (1) YES
4137 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 131 D C D.c judged teamscse15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4138 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 131 D C Untitled4.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4139 1 [UFU] Deadlock 131 H C H.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4140 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 131 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4141 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 131 I C++ i.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) YES
4142 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 131 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4143 1 [UNIFEI] Gotta Code'em All 131 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvamg22 (1) YES
4144 1 [UFJF] jambo livre 132 H C H.c judged teamjfmg7 (1) YES
4145 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 132 D C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4146 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 132 D C D.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4147 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 128 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4148 1 [USJT] CoolGeeks 132 D Java judged teamspsp32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4149 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 132 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4150 1 [UNIS] Unis2 132 D C divisores.c judged teamvamg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4151 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 132 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4152 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 132 C C++ C.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) YES
4153 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 132 F C++ f.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4154 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 132 I C i.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4155 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 132 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4156 1 [UVA] teamUva 132 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4157 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 132 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4158 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 132 F C F.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4159 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 132 H Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4160 1 [UNIFESP] Equipe muito Bacana 132 D Java judged teamtasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4161 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU_4A 132 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4162 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 132 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4163 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 132 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4164 1 [FEI] Instinct 132 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) YES
4165 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 132 D C d.c judged teamppms4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4166 1 [UNIBALSAS] Bransky 132 H Java judged teambama2 (1) YES
4167 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 132 D Java judged teamdimg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4168 1 [UNIS] Unis1 132 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4169 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Quero Café 133 L Python3 judged teamfipr20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4170 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 133 A C Andandonotempo.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4171 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 133 H Java judged teambepa6 (1) YES
4172 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 133 A C A.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) YES
4173 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 133 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4174 1 [UFJF] Ah minhas roupa no varal! 133 F C++ F.cpp judged teamjfmg4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4175 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 133 D C d.c judged teamsosp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4176 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 133 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4177 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 133 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4178 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 133 D C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4179 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 133 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4180 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 133 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4181 1 [USJT] MET 133 D C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4182 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 133 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) YES
4183 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 133 H Pascal H.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4184 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 133 L C++ L.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
4185 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 133 I C I.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4186 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 133 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4187 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 133 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4188 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 133 D Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4189 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 133 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4190 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 133 B C++ b.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4191 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 133 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4192 1 [FEI] Forzinho 133 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4193 1 [IFSULMGMuz] JesusIsOutput 133 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4194 1 [IFPI] iVikings 133 D Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4195 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 133 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4196 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 133 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4197 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 133 D C code.c judged teamspsp27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4198 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 133 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4199 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 133 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4200 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 133 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4201 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 133 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4202 1 [UFT] code_builders 133 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4203 1 [UFU] Deadlock 133 H C H.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4204 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 133 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4205 1 [UnB] deBuggers 133 L C++ l.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) YES
4206 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 133 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4207 1 [UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos 133 L C++ L.cpp judged teamslma1 (1) YES
4208 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 133 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4209 1 [UFJF] Khan 133 J C++ J.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4210 1 [CEFET/RJ] AlfaBytes 134 H Python3 judged teamrjrj31 (1) YES
4211 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 134 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4212 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 134 C C++ C.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) YES
4213 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 134 L Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4214 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 134 J Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4215 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 134 H C exe_h.c judged teambisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4216 1 [UFAC] Error 404 134 A Java judged teamrbac8 (1) YES
4217 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 134 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4218 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 134 H C H.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4219 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 134 D Python3 judged teammasp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4220 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 134 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) YES
4221 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 134 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) YES
4222 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 134 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4223 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 134 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4224 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 134 D C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4225 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 134 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4226 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU flloat Titanic = false; 134 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4227 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 134 L C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) YES
4228 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 134 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4229 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 134 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4230 1 [UERN] BitFera 134 D C D.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4231 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 134 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4232 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 134 E C++ E.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4233 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 134 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4234 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] The Powerpuff Girls 135 J C J.c judged teamcbmt10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4235 1 [SETREM] Println 135 J Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
4236 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 135 D Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4237 1 [UESB] Java++ 135 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4238 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 135 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4239 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 135 H Java judged teamdimg7 (1) NO - Presentation error
4240 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 135 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4241 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 135 A C Andandonotempo.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4242 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 135 D C++ problemaD.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) YES
4243 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 135 H C H.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4244 1 [UFJF] Stack EvenFlow 135 D C++ D.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
4245 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 135 D C D.c judged teamscse11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4246 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Duas princesas e um sapo 135 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4247 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 135 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4248 1 [UFMS/CPAN] ++Strangers 135 A C A.c judged teamppms1 (1) YES
4249 1 [FACOM - UFMS] UFMSX 135 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4250 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 135 F C F.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4251 1 [IFPI] iVikings 135 D Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4252 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 135 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4253 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 135 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4254 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 135 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) YES
4255 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 135 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4256 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 135 A C letraA.c judged teamslma5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4257 1 [UFPA] Mock 135 I Java judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4258 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 135 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4259 1 [UNIVAP] new equipe 135 H C++ problema_h.cpp judged teamtasp15 (1) YES
4260 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 136 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4261 1 [UFU] Malandramente 136 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4262 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 136 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4263 1 [FACOM - UFMS] UFMSX 136 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4264 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 136 J Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4265 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU flloat Titanic = false; 136 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4266 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 136 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4267 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 136 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4268 1 [UFRN] make balloons 136 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) YES
4269 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 136 H Java judged teamulmg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4270 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 136 D C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4271 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 136 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4272 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 136 D C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4273 1 [CUEdA] Team Code 136 H Java judged teammaam7 (1) YES
4274 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 136 C C++ C.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) YES
4275 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 136 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4276 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 136 D C main.c judged teamctpr8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4277 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 136 I C i.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4278 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 136 D C Untitled4.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4279 1 [UFFS] _Rasteiro 136 L C++ J.cpp judged teamerrs26 (1) YES
4280 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 136 D C D.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4281 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 136 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4282 1 [UNISAL] Return. O; 136 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamtasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4283 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 136 C C++ C.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4284 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 136 H C H.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4285 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 136 D C D.c judged teamblsc17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4286 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 136 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) YES
4287 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 136 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4288 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 136 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) YES
4289 1 [UnB] War Machine 136 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf5 (1) YES
4290 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] TeamFRV 136 A C tempo.c judged teamulmg30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4291 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 136 D C d.c judged teamsosp18 (1) YES
4292 1 [IPRJ] String Things 137 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj5 (1) YES
4293 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 137 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4294 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 137 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4295 1 [UFMA] UFMA Fido's Door 137 D Java judged teamslma4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4296 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 137 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4297 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 137 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4298 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 137 L C L.c judged teamctpr2 (1) YES
4299 1 [UFPel] Ballester Reserva 137 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4300 1 [UNIOESTE] Byte me 137 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4301 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 137 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4302 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 137 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4303 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 137 C C++ c.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4304 1 [EEP] SudoCode 137 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4305 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 137 H C H.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4306 1 [CCL-DF] Go Horse and The Bottle of Vini ™ 137 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclbrdf2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4307 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 137 H Java judged teamspsp45 (1) YES
4308 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] ESC 137 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe31 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4309 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 137 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4310 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 137 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) YES
4311 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 137 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4312 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 137 I Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4313 1 [UFPA] Lambda 137 H Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4314 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 137 G C++ G.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4315 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 137 H Pascal H.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4316 1 [CCL-BA] Ecompalouros 137 D C D.c judged teamcclfsba4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4317 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 137 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) YES
4318 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 137 I Python3 judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4319 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 137 I C++ problemai.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4320 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 137 D C D.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4321 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 138 J Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4322 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 138 J C++ J.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4323 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 138 J C exeJ.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4324 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 138 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4325 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 138 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4326 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 138 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4327 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Yakuza-MT 138 H C H.c judged teamcbmt1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4328 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 138 A Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
4329 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 138 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) YES
4330 1 [UFU] Estupendos Búfalos Carecas 138 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4331 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 138 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4332 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 138 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4333 1 [UFJF] Rodou de primeira 138 I C I.c judged teamjfmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4334 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 138 H Python3 judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Presentation error
4335 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 138 D C++ D.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
4336 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 138 D C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) YES
4337 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 138 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4338 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 138 A Python3 judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4339 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 138 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4340 1 [FEI] Bellatores 138 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4341 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 138 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) YES
4342 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 138 H Java judged teamurmg8 (1) YES
4343 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 138 D Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4344 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 138 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4345 1 [UFU] Deadlock 138 H C H.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4346 1 [UFU] Malandramente 138 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4347 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 138 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4348 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 138 J C++ j.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4349 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 138 A C Andandonotempo.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4350 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 138 H C H.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4351 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 138 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4352 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 138 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4353 1 [UFPA] Mock 139 I Java judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4354 1 [UNIME] Sem net não da 139 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4355 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 139 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4356 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] UNIFails 139 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4357 1 [USJT] Scrumlambation 139 D Java judged teamspsp43 (1) YES
4358 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 139 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4359 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 139 D C D.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4360 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 139 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4361 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 139 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4362 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 139 G C++ G.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4363 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 139 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4364 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 139 D C d.c judged teamsosp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4365 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 139 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4366 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 139 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4367 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 139 I C I.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
4368 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 139 C C++ c.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) YES
4369 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 139 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4370 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] FullStackOverkill 139 J C j.c judged teamsosp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4371 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 139 I Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4372 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 139 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Presentation error
4373 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 139 D C D.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4374 1 [UFU] MME 139 J C J.C judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4375 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 139 H C H.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4376 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 139 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4377 1 [UFPel] NaN - Not a Name 140 I C++ main.cpp judged teamrgrs4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4378 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 140 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4379 1 [UNIOESTE] Byte me 140 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4380 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 140 D Python3 judged teamrgrs5 (1) YES
4381 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 140 D C D.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4382 1 [UNIVASF] Bug is coming 140 H C H.c judged teamjuba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4383 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 140 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4384 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 140 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4385 1 [UnB] deBuggers 140 I C++ i.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4386 1 [UVA] Grape 140 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) YES
4387 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 140 L C++ l.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Presentation error
4388 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 142 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4389 1 [USP - São Carlos] E = mc++ 143 L C++ l.cpp judged teampisp11 (1) YES
4390 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 142 D Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4391 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 142 L C L.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) YES
4392 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 142 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4393 1 [FATEC-Itu] POG ITU 143 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4394 1 [UFU] MME 143 J C J.C judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4395 1 [UNIVAS] Pergunta no Posto Ipiranga 143 H C H.c judged teamvamg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4396 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 142 H C h.c judged teammcmg11 (1) YES
4397 1 [FIP] Faculdade Porto 143 D Java judged teamjpro5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4398 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 143 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) YES
4399 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 143 H C++ huaauhahhuahau.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4400 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 143 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4401 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 143 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4402 1 [UEG] Muttley 143 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4403 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 143 D C d.c judged teampisp21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4404 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 143 H C H.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4405 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 143 H Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4406 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 142 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4407 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 143 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4408 1 [UFSCar-Sor] C ilá 143 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsosp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4409 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 143 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4410 1 [CU - IESB] We can't see SharP 143 H C h.c judged teambrdf11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4411 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-StrangerCodes 143 D C D.c judged teammaam1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4412 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 143 D Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
4413 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 140 D C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4414 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 140 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4415 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 143 H C H.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4416 1 [CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis] Deu Ruim 143 H C++ H.cpp judged teamdimg3 (1) YES
4417 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 143 G C++ G.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) YES
4418 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 143 D C D.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
4419 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 143 F C++ F.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4420 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 141 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4421 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 143 H C H.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4422 1 [USP] forEACH 143 D Java judged teamspsp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4423 1 [USP] Pégasus 143 F Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4424 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 140 H C H.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4425 1 [UFT] code_builders 141 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4426 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 143 D C Untitled4.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4427 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Os Compiladores 143 H C++ H.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
4428 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 143 D C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4429 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 143 I C problemai.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
4430 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 143 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4431 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 142 I C i.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) YES
4432 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 143 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4433 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 143 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4434 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 143 I C++ i.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4435 1 [FAP] Batateam 141 A Java judged teamcrce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4436 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 143 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4437 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 143 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4438 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 143 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4439 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 141 I C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4440 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 142 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4441 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 140 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4442 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 144 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4443 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 140 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4444 1 [UFAL] RX Team 142 D C++ d.cpp judged teamscse12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4445 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 140 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4446 1 [UTFPR] A Void 141 A C A.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4447 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 140 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4448 1 [UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial 142 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfipr3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4449 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 141 D C++ d.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
4450 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 142 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) YES
4451 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 140 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4452 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 142 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4453 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 140 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4454 1 [CESF] Marotos de Programa 141 A C A.c judged teammaam17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4455 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 141 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4456 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 141 L C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4457 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 142 D Java judged teamijrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4458 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 141 I C++ I.cpp judged teampars10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4459 1 [UFU] Deadlock 140 H C H.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4460 1 [UFU] Jabba 140 L C++ l.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4461 1 [CESF] others errors 142 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4462 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 142 F C F.c judged teamsees12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4463 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 142 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) YES
4464 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Define 141 H C H.c judged teamolpe29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4465 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 141 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4466 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 141 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4467 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 141 G C++ G2.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4468 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 144 H Java judged teamscse3 (1) YES
4469 1 [Unifei Itabira] A Team Has A Name 140 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4470 1 [CESF] Error.Code32 141 H C H.c judged teammaam5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4471 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 144 I C++ L.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
4472 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 144 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4473 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 140 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4474 1 [FATEC-SJC] SEMPACTO 144 L C++ L.cpp judged teamtasp20 (1) YES
4475 1 [USP - São Carlos] Not Even Twice 144 I C++ a.cpp judged teampisp19 (1) YES
4476 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 140 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4477 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 144 D C D.c judged teampars8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4478 1 [FATECZL] BagGuy 144 H Java judged teamspsp42 (1) YES
4479 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 144 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4480 1 [UFPA] Mock 144 G Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
4481 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 144 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4482 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 144 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4483 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 144 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) YES
4484 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 144 H C H.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Presentation error
4485 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 144 H Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4486 1 [UFFS] BNR 140 I C++ i.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4487 1 [UFU] Jabba 144 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4488 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 144 H Python3 judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Presentation error
4489 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 144 D Java judged teampars14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4490 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 144 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4491 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 144 D Python3 judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
4492 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 144 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4493 1 [UFPel] 418 144 D C D.c judged teamrgrs15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4494 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] RTG 145 D C D.c judged teamrjrj26 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4495 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 145 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4496 1 [FEI] Dynamic Coders 145 D C++ problemaD.cpp judged teamsbsp3 (1) YES
4497 1 [UFPA] Mock 145 I Java judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4498 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 145 L C++ l.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) YES
4499 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 145 D C D.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4500 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 145 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4501 1 [UDESC] MeGA 145 G C++ g.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) YES
4502 1 [UFRN] make balloons 145 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4503 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 145 H C H.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4504 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 145 H C++ huaauhahhuahau.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4505 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 145 D C++ proB.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4506 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 145 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4507 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 145 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4508 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 145 I C++ modelo.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4509 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 145 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4510 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 145 H Java judged teamdimg7 (1) YES
4511 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 145 H C++ H.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4512 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 145 D C D.c judged teamulmg20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4513 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 145 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4514 1 [USP - São Carlos] OsKraNPara 145 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp22 (1) YES
4515 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 145 I Java judged teamrjrj33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4516 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] New Zeppelin 145 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4517 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 145 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4518 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 145 D C D.c judged teamvamg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4519 1 [UTFPR] A Void 145 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4520 1 [Pitagoras/SI] ifElse 145 H Java judged teamulmg37 (1) YES
4521 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 145 A Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
4522 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 145 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4523 1 [IFPI-Picos] Corrida de Bits 145 D Java judged teamtepi4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4524 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] BOOST 145 D C++ D.c judged teamulmg42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4525 1 [IFPI] iVikings 145 D Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4526 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 145 J C exeJ.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4527 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 145 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) YES
4528 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 145 D C D.c judged teamvamg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4529 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 145 D C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4530 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 145 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4531 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 145 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) YES
4532 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 145 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4533 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 145 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4534 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 146 D C D.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4535 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 146 D C d.c judged teampisp21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4536 1 [UFU] Malandramente 146 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4537 1 [UnB] Batutas 146 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf2 (1) YES
4538 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 146 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4539 1 [IFES] NaoDeuTLE 146 D Python3 judged teamsees7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4540 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 146 F C++ F.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4541 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] UNIFails 146 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4542 1 [UEG] Muttley 146 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4543 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 146 A C h.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4544 1 [IFBA-VC] NumberOne 146 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba6 (1) YES
4545 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 146 D Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
4546 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 146 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4547 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 146 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4548 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 146 D C D.c judged teampars8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4549 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 146 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4550 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] Tm^2 146 D Java judged teamurmg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4551 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 146 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) YES
4552 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 146 H Python3 judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Presentation error
4553 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 146 H C H.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4554 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 147 H Java judged teamulmg16 (1) YES
4555 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 147 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4556 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 147 J C++ J.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4557 1 [UEPI] 0OR1 147 D Java judged teamtepi8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4558 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU_4A 147 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4559 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 147 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) YES
4560 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 147 L Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4561 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 147 A C++ a.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) YES
4562 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 147 I C++ I.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Runtime error
4563 1 [Senai Cimatic] 3M 147 H C risada.c judged teamsaba15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4564 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 147 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4565 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 147 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
4566 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 147 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4567 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 02 147 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe6 (1) YES
4568 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 147 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4569 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 147 I Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4570 1 [Unifei Itabira] Karp...Kaarp!!! 147 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4571 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 147 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4572 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 147 C C++ C.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4573 1 [UNIFEI] Kirchoff 's Theorem 147 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4574 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 147 I C++ I.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) YES
4575 1 [FTC] Geany 147 H Java judged teamvcba8 (1) YES
4576 1 [UFFS] BNR 147 I C++ i.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) YES
4577 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 147 I C++ I.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4578 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 147 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4579 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 148 C C++ C.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) YES
4580 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 148 I C++ I.cpp judged teampars5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4581 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 148 H Java judged teamulmg11 (1) YES
4582 1 [UFES] Triplex 147 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4583 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 148 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4584 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 148 D C D.c judged teamscse11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4585 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 148 D C D.c judged teamsosp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4586 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 148 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4587 1 [Senai Cimatic] Harambe 148 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamsaba11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4588 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 148 D Java judged teampars14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4589 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 148 D C++ D.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
4590 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 148 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr6 (1) YES
4591 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 148 F C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4592 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 148 C C++ C.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4593 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 148 I C++ i.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4594 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 148 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4595 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 148 D C++ d1.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4596 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 148 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4597 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 148 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4598 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 148 C C++ C.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) YES
4599 1 [UNICAMP] TCR 148 D C D.c judged teamcasp5 (1) YES
4600 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 148 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) YES
4601 1 [UECE] CodeBIRLders 148 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfoce4 (1) YES
4602 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 149 F C++ F.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4603 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 149 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4604 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 149 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4605 1 [UESB-Jequié] Return 0 149 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4606 1 [UFT] code_builders 149 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4607 1 [UFRGS] Tamo Call Confia 149 D C D.c judged teampars12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4608 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 149 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4609 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 149 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4610 1 [UVA] Grape 149 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4611 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 149 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4612 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 149 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4613 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 149 I Python3 judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4614 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 149 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4615 1 [IFTM] Computação IFTM-2 149 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4616 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 149 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4617 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 149 H Python3 judged teammaam8 (1) YES
4618 1 [UTFPR] A Void 149 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4619 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 149 H C H.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4620 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 149 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4621 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 149 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4622 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 149 H Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) YES
4623 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] NP-Drada 150 L C++ l.cpp judged teamrjrj4 (1) YES
4624 1 [IFPI] Equipe Foguete 150 D Python3 judged teamtepi9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4625 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 150 D Python3 judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4626 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 150 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4627 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 150 J C++ J.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4628 1 [CESF] Error.Code32 150 H C H.c judged teammaam5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4629 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 150 I C i.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4630 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 150 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4631 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 150 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4632 1 [UnB] deBuggers 150 I C++ i.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4633 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 150 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4634 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 150 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4635 1 [FATEC-SJC] PAITOM 150 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp11 (1) YES
4636 1 [UNIOESTE] Byte me 150 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4637 1 [UEG] Muttley 150 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4638 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 150 L Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4639 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 150 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4640 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 150 I C++ I.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
4641 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] So_No_Compiuter 150 D Java judged teamcbmt15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4642 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 147 H Java judged teambama1 (1) NO - Presentation error
4643 1 [UFSCar-Sor] C ilá 150 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsosp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4644 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 151 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4645 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 151 I C I.c judged teamfoce5 (1) YES
4646 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 151 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4647 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 151 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4648 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 151 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4649 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 151 H C++ hua.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) YES
4650 1 [INATEL] esquadrão suicida 151 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4651 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 151 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4652 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 151 H C H.c judged teamgogo21 (1) YES
4653 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 151 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4654 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 151 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) YES
4655 1 [FAGAMMON] ALFA 151 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4656 1 [FATEC-Itu] POG ITU 151 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4657 1 [FEI] Bellatores 151 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4658 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 151 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4659 1 [UFMG] just for fun 151 I C++ main.cpp judged teambhmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4660 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 151 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4661 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 151 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4662 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 151 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4663 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 151 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4664 1 [UFJF] jambo livre 151 D C D.c judged teamjfmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4665 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 151 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) YES
4666 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 151 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4667 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Ma pare de ratia home 151 L C++ L.cpp judged teamerrs18 (1) YES
4668 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 151 C C++ C.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) YES
4669 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 151 D Python3 judged teamspsp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4670 1 [UFPA] Lambda 152 A C++ A.cxx judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Presentation error
4671 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 152 F C F.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4672 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 152 J C++ J.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4673 1 [UFRN] CodeBuilders 152 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn4 (1) YES
4674 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 152 D C d.c judged teamsosp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4675 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 152 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4676 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 152 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4677 1 [UESC] Devilopers 152 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4678 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 152 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4679 1 [FTC] Geany 152 A Java judged teamvcba8 (1) YES
4680 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 152 D C divisores.c judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4681 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 152 H C H.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4682 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 152 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4683 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 152 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4684 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Loco cachorro 152 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg2 (1) YES
4685 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 152 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4686 1 [FEI] Forzinho 152 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4687 1 [FATECZL] CodeBreaker 152 D Python3 judged teamspsp5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4688 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] NullPointException 152 I Java judged teamjpro7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4689 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 152 I C I.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) YES
4690 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 152 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4691 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 152 C C++ C.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) YES
4692 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 152 H C H.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4693 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 152 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4694 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 152 D C++ D1.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4695 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 152 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4696 1 [CESF] Marotos de Programa 152 A C A.c judged teammaam17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4697 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 152 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4698 1 [UFPA] Code com Farinha 153 H C++ q3_t.cpp judged teambepa3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4699 1 [CCL-GO] old boys 153 J Python3 judged teamcclgogo2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4700 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 153 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4701 1 [UNIME] push_front(equipeC++) 153 H C++ h.cpp judged teamsaba7 (1) YES
4702 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Crash Test Dummies 153 H C++ H.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
4703 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 153 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4704 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 153 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) YES
4705 1 [UNIME] Sem net não da 153 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsaba3 (1) YES
4706 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 153 I C++ i.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4707 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 153 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4708 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 153 F Python3 judged teamrgrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4709 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 153 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4710 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 153 L Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4711 1 [UNICENTRO] Emulador MIPS 153 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4712 1 [UTFPR] A Void 153 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4713 1 [UFAC] Adas 153 J Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4714 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 153 D Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4715 1 [IME] Ad-Hoc Café 153 G C++ g.cpp judged teamrjrj30 (1) YES
4716 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 153 D C D.c judged teamsees12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4717 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 153 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4718 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 153 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4719 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 153 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4720 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 153 A C A.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) YES
4721 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 153 D Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4722 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 153 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4723 1 [UFAL] RX Team 153 D C++ d.cpp judged teamscse12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4724 1 [UFSCar-Sor] C ilá 154 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsosp9 (1) YES
4725 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 154 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4726 1 [FATEC-SJC] SEMPACTO 154 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4727 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 154 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4728 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 154 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4729 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 154 L C++ main.cpp judged teamctpr8 (1) YES
4730 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Define 154 D C D.c judged teamolpe29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4731 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 154 D Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
4732 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 154 H C h.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4733 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 154 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4734 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 154 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4735 1 [ESPM] ParseInt 154 H Java judged teamspsp29 (1) YES
4736 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 154 D C d.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4737 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 154 D C D judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
4738 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 154 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4739 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 154 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4740 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 154 D C D.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
4741 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 154 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4742 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 154 C C++ C.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) YES
4743 1 [UFSCar] EstouraCom9 154 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4744 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 154 J C++ J.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4745 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 154 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4746 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 154 H C H.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4747 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 154 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4748 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 154 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4749 1 [USJT] Buiatchaka 154 H Python3 judged teamspsp39 (1) YES
4750 1 [FAB] Uninorte-003 154 A C A.c judged teamrbac1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4751 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 154 D C++ probD.cpp judged teamgogo6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4752 1 [UEFS] Untitled (2).cpp 154 G C++ G.cpp judged teamfsba2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4753 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 154 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4754 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Developers 154 J C J.c judged teamitam1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4755 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 154 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4756 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 154 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4757 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 155 D C d.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4758 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 155 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4759 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] BugBusters 155 D Python3 judged teamcbmt11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4760 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 155 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4761 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 155 I C++ I.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
4762 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 155 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4763 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 155 H C H.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4764 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 155 D Java judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4765 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 2 155 L C L.c judged teammcmg2 (1) YES
4766 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 155 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4767 1 [IFRN - CNAT] No Coffee, No Code 155 D Python3 judged teamnarn10 (1) YES
4768 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 155 F C++ f.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4769 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 155 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4770 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 155 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4771 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 155 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4772 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 155 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) YES
4773 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 155 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4774 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 155 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4775 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 155 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4776 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 155 D C++ d1.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4777 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 155 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) YES
4778 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 155 H C H.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4779 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 155 D C d.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4780 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 155 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4781 1 [UNIS] Unis2 155 D C divisores.c judged teamvamg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4782 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 155 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4783 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 155 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4784 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 155 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4785 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 155 I C++ I.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4786 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 156 D C D.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4787 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 156 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4788 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 156 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4789 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 156 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4790 1 [USP - São Carlos] Not Even Twice 156 L C++ new.cpp judged teampisp19 (1) YES
4791 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 156 I C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4792 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 156 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4793 1 [IFRN - CNAT] Potýmon Go 156 H C++ hcerto.cpp judged teamnarn9 (1) YES
4794 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 156 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4795 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 156 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4796 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 156 H C H.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4797 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 156 I C++ isoceles.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4798 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 156 D C++ D1.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4799 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] Gothan 154 D C D.c judged teamtepi12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4800 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 156 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4801 1 [UNISAL] Return. O; 156 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamtasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4802 1 [CCL-GO] no hope 156 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo4 (1) YES
4803 1 [USJT] MET 156 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
4804 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 156 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4805 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 156 C C++ c.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) YES
4806 1 [EEP] SudoCode 156 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4807 1 [UP] Queijo com casca 156 H C h.c judged teamctpr3 (1) YES
4808 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 156 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4809 1 [FATEC Americana] a; DROP TABLE user; -- 156 A C A.c judged teampisp8 (1) YES
4810 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 156 L C L.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4811 1 [UFU] Malandramente 156 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4812 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 157 D C D.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4813 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 157 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4814 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 157 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4815 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 157 A C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4816 1 [Unifei Itabira] Karp...Kaarp!!! 157 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4817 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] TeamAragão 157 D Java judged teamtepi1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4818 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 157 F C F.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4819 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 157 H Java judged teamgogo12 (1) YES
4820 1 [UEM] quit() 157 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4821 1 [UNIMONTES] Os Avassaladores 157 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4822 1 [USJT] MET 157 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
4823 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 157 D C D.c judged teamblsc17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4824 1 [CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis] Deu Ruim 157 D C++ D.cpp judged teamdimg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4825 1 [UTFPR] A Void 157 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4826 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 157 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4827 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 157 I C++ i.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) YES
4828 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 157 A C h.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4829 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 157 L C L.c judged teambhmg10 (1) YES
4830 1 [UnB] deBuggers 157 I C++ i.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) YES
4831 1 [FGOC] Veteranos 157 H C++ H.cpp judged teamjfmg1 (1) YES
4832 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 157 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4833 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 157 F C++ f.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) YES
4834 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 157 I C problemai.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4835 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 157 D C d.c judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4836 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] NP-Drada 157 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4837 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 157 F C++ F.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4838 1 [UNIRG] MalditoPontoEVirgula 157 D C D.c judged teampato4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4839 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 157 H C H.c judged teamfoce15 (1) YES
4840 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 157 D C++ i.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4841 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 158 D C d.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4842 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 155 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4843 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 158 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4844 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 158 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4845 1 [FATEC-Itu] POG ITU 158 J C++ J.cpp judged teamsosp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4846 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 158 A C h.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4847 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 158 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4848 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 158 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4849 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 158 D C D.c judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4850 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 158 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4851 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 158 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4852 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 158 I C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4853 1 [FPU] Neuron 158 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4854 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 158 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4855 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 158 I C++ i.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4856 1 [FIBM] AESO 1 158 H Python3 judged teamolpe5 (1) YES
4857 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 158 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4858 1 [FAGAMMON] ALFA 158 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4859 1 [USJT] MET 158 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
4860 1 [UFAC] Adas 158 J Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4861 1 [UFJF] Stack EvenFlow 158 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4862 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 158 D C D.c judged teamscse15 (1) YES
4863 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 158 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4864 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 158 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4865 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 158 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4866 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 158 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4867 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 158 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) YES
4868 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 158 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4869 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 158 D C++ modelo3.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4870 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 158 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4871 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 158 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
4872 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] SuperMain 158 D C d.c judged teamrjrj22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4873 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 159 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4874 1 [UNIME] push_front(equipeC++) 159 A C++ a.cpp judged teamsaba7 (1) YES
4875 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 159 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4876 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 159 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4877 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 159 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4878 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 159 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) YES
4879 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 159 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4880 1 [USJT] MET 159 A C A.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
4881 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 159 J C exeJ.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4882 1 [UEPI] 0OR1 159 D Java judged teamtepi8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4883 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 159 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4884 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 159 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4885 1 [UNIVILLE] FSociety 159 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4886 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 159 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4887 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 159 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4888 1 [UFSCar] EstouraCom9 159 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4889 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 159 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4890 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 159 I C++ modelo2.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4891 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 159 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4892 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 159 F C++ F.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4893 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 159 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4894 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 160 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4895 1 [FAP] NullLoseException 160 D C D.c judged teamcrce4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4896 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 160 H Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4897 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 160 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4898 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 160 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4899 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 160 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4900 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 160 H C H.c judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4901 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 160 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4902 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 160 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4903 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 160 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4904 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 160 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) YES
4905 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 160 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4906 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 160 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4907 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 160 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4908 1 [UPF] Hadoop 160 A Java judged teamerrs19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4909 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 160 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4910 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 160 D C Dpelosanto.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4911 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 160 G C++ peladinho.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4912 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-GVG 160 D C div.c judged teammaam9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4913 1 [UFU] Malandramente 160 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4914 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] Gothan 160 D C D.c judged teamtepi12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4915 1 [CCL-DF] Go Horse and The Bottle of Vini ™ 160 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclbrdf2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4916 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 160 D C D.c judged teamulmg20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4917 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 160 D C++ modelo3.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4918 1 [UESB] Ursos sem Curso 161 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvcba12 (1) YES
4919 1 [FAP] Batateam 161 H C H.c judged teamcrce3 (1) YES
4920 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 161 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4921 1 [UFMS/CPAN] ++Strangers 161 J C J.c judged teamppms1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4922 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Quero Café 161 H Python3 judged teamfipr20 (1) YES
4923 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 161 L C l.c judged teamnarn1 (1) YES
4924 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 161 D C++ D.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4925 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 161 D C d.c judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4926 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 161 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4927 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 161 D C D.c judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4928 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 161 G C++ peladinho.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4929 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 161 D C D.c judged teammasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4930 1 [UnB/FGA] Nós Oceano 161 L C++ L.cpp judged teambrdf12 (1) YES
4931 1 [Ufba] Três Homens em Conflito 161 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsaba12 (1) YES
4932 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 161 F C++ F.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) YES
4933 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 161 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4934 1 [USJT] Tariraki 161 L Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4935 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 161 F Python3 judged teamrgrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4936 1 [FEI] Forzinho 161 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4937 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 161 F C++ F.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4938 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 161 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4939 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 161 I C++ i.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4940 1 [UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial 161 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfipr3 (1) YES
4941 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 161 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4942 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 161 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4943 1 [FPU] Neuron 162 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
4944 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 162 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4945 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 162 B C++ B.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4946 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 162 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4947 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 162 I C problemai.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4948 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 162 K C++ K.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
4949 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 162 A C A.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4950 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 162 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4951 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 162 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4952 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 162 J C++ J.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4953 1 [IFCE] O importante é não zerar! 162 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce1 (1) YES
4954 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 162 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4955 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 162 I C I.c judged teamctpr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4956 1 [UFAC] Adas 162 J Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4957 1 [USJT] MET 162 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
4958 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 162 I C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4959 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 162 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4960 1 [FPU] Avengers 162 L Java judged teamulmg22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4961 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 162 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4962 1 [FAB] Uninorte-003 162 A C A.c judged teamrbac1 (1) NO - Presentation error
4963 1 [IFSP-Salto] Tridentes de Salto 162 H C auhuahuah.c judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
4964 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 162 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4965 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 162 D C D.c judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4966 1 [Senai Cimatic] 3M 162 H C risada.c judged teamsaba15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4967 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 162 D Java judged teamdimg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4968 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] BugBusters 162 D Python3 judged teamcbmt11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4969 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 162 I C i.c judged teamppms4 (1) YES
4970 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 163 H Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4971 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Bit Please 163 L C++ l.cpp judged teamulmg15 (1) YES
4972 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 163 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4973 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 163 L Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4974 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 163 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4975 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 163 D C D.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
4976 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 163 L Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4977 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 163 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4978 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 163 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn5 (1) YES
4979 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 163 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4980 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-GVG 163 D C risada.c judged teammaam9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4981 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 163 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4982 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 163 H C h.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4983 1 [FTC] Geany 163 D Java judged teamvcba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4984 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Developers 163 J C J.c judged teamitam1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4985 1 [UFF-PURO] +paçoca -wa 164 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj15 (1) YES
4986 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 164 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4987 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Loco cachorro 164 L C++ l.cpp judged teamulmg2 (1) YES
4988 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] TeamFRV 164 A C tempo.c judged teamulmg30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4989 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 164 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) YES
4990 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] So_No_Compiuter 164 D C D.c judged teamcbmt15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4991 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Cyber Conda 164 H C risada.c judged teamerrs20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4992 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 164 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
4993 1 [UTFPR] A Void 164 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4994 1 [FACISA] CompilouValeu 164 H Python3 judged teamolpe28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4995 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 164 D C++ d.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) YES
4996 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-GVG 164 H C risada.c judged teammaam9 (1) YES
4997 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 164 L Python3 judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4998 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 164 H C H.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
4999 1 [EEP] ASAP 164 D C++ d.cpp judged teampisp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5000 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 164 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5001 1 [FCT-UNESP] O(log n) 164 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5002 1 [UNIFESO] Nome é o de menos 164 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5003 1 [UDESC] Priviet 164 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5004 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 164 C C++ C.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) YES
5005 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 164 H C H.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5006 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 164 D Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
5007 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 164 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5008 1 [USJT] MET 164 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
5009 1 [USJT] P2G 164 D C ProblemaD2.c judged teamspsp50 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5010 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 164 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5011 1 [Unifei Itabira] Karp...Kaarp!!! 164 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5012 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 164 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5013 1 [UFU] MME 164 J C J.C judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5014 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 164 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5015 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 164 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5016 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 164 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5017 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 164 H C h.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5018 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Blackbirds 164 H Java judged teamitam3 (1) YES
5019 1 [UEG] Muttley 165 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5020 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 165 G C++ g.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5021 1 [UFPel] Ballester Reserva 165 D C++ D.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
5022 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 165 D C D.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5023 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 165 D Java judged teambepa6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5024 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 165 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5025 1 [UFJF] Rodou de primeira 165 I C I.c judged teamjfmg6 (1) YES
5026 1 [USJT] MET 165 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
5027 1 [FAM] INTEGRAL 165 D C D.c judged teamspsp44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5028 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 165 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) YES
5029 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 165 H C problemH.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
5030 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 165 I C++ I.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5031 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 165 I C++ i2.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5032 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 165 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) YES
5033 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 165 D C++ d1.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5034 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 165 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5035 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 165 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5036 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 165 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5037 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 165 D C D.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5038 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 165 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5039 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 165 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5040 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 165 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5041 1 [Unifei Itabira] Karp...Kaarp!!! 165 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg14 (1) YES
5042 1 [UNISAL] Time Teste 165 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5043 1 [UFU] Jabba 165 L C++ l.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) YES
5044 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 165 D Java judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5045 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 166 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5046 1 [USJT] MET 166 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
5047 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 159 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5048 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 166 A Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
5049 1 [PUC-MG] 166 D C d.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5050 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 166 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5051 1 [FAB] Uninorte-003 166 A C A.c judged teamrbac1 (1) NO - Presentation error
5052 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 166 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) YES
5053 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 166 D C D.c judged teamscse11 (1) YES
5054 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 166 D C D.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5055 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 166 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5056 1 [UNIFEI] Gotta Code'em All 166 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5057 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 166 I C++ Ib.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) YES
5058 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 166 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5059 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 166 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5060 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 166 H Java judged teambama1 (1) NO - Presentation error
5061 1 [CPPP - UFMS] DigitaTrivialQueEhAccepted 166 I C++ modelo2.cpp judged teamppms9 (1) YES
5062 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 166 H Java judged teammasp16 (1) YES
5063 1 [UESC] Devilopers 166 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5064 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 166 J Java judged teamrjrj24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5065 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 166 H C H.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5066 1 [IFSULMGMuz] The dark side of the code 166 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5067 1 [IFSP - Birigui] Perdi 166 D C divisores.c judged teambisp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5068 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 167 E C++ E.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5069 1 [UFLA] JSus 167 L Java judged teamvamg29 (1) YES
5070 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Crash Test Dummies 167 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs25 (1) YES
5071 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 167 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5072 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 167 A Java judged teamulmg25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5073 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] SucoDeUVa 167 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj11 (1) YES
5074 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 167 D C d.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5075 1 [UFAL] RX Team 167 D C++ d.cpp judged teamscse12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5076 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 167 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5077 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 167 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Presentation error
5078 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 167 L C++ L.cpp judged teampars5 (1) YES
5079 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 167 D C exeD.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5080 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 167 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5081 1 [UNIMONTES] Os Avassaladores 167 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5082 1 [USJT] MET 167 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
5083 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 167 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5084 1 [UCDB] Testemunhas de Java 167 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5085 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 167 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5086 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 167 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5087 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Define 167 D C D.c judged teamolpe29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5088 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 167 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) YES
5089 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 167 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5090 1 [UNIME] Sem net não da 167 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5091 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 167 H Java judged teambama1 (1) YES
5092 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] The Boys of Java 167 H Java judged teamjpro4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5093 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 167 H Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
5094 1 [CCL-GO] old boys 167 J Python3 judged teamcclgogo2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5095 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 167 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5096 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 168 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
5097 1 [UFPel] Ta Serto 168 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrgrs10 (1) YES
5098 1 [FPU] Neuron 168 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
5099 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 168 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5100 1 [USP] Icarus 168 D Java judged teamspsp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5101 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 168 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5102 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 168 H Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Presentation error
5103 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 168 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5104 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 168 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5105 1 [EEP] SudoCode 168 D C D.c judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5106 1 [FAP] Batateam 168 A Java judged teamcrce3 (1) YES
5107 1 [FATECZL] CodeBreaker 168 D Python3 judged teamspsp5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5108 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 168 F C++ f.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5109 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 168 D C D.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5110 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 168 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5111 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 168 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5112 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] So_No_Compiuter 168 D C D.c judged teamcbmt15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5113 1 [FATEC-SJC] SEMPACTO 168 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5114 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 168 L C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5115 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 168 D C D.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5116 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 168 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5117 1 [IFTM campus UPT] D_bug, gogo! 168 I C++ I.cxx judged teamurmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5118 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 168 F C++ F.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5119 1 [UNIP] Os Mallocqueiros 168 H C programah.c judged teambisp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5120 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 168 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5121 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 168 I C problemai.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5122 1 [FEI] Instinct 168 F C++ f.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5123 1 [IMED] Team Imed 168 H Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5124 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 169 L Python3 judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5125 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 169 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5126 1 [UFT] Valar Programmis 169 D C++ D.cpp judged teampato2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5127 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 169 D C exeD.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5128 1 [FIP] Faculdade Porto 169 D C D.c judged teamjpro5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5129 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 169 D C D.c judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5130 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 169 I Python3 judged teamvamg17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5131 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] The Powerpuff Girls 169 J C J.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Compilation error
5132 1 [UFPA] Code com Farinha 169 H C++ q3_t.cpp judged teambepa3 (1) YES
5133 1 [PUC-MG] 169 D C d.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5134 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 169 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5135 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 169 H Python3 judged teammaam14 (1) YES
5136 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 169 D Java judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5137 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 169 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5138 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 169 I C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5139 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 169 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5140 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 169 L C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) YES
5141 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 169 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5142 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 169 D C D.c judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5143 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 169 D Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5144 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 169 E C++ E.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5145 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 169 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5146 1 [UNIOESTE] Byte me 169 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr18 (1) YES
5147 1 [UFU] POKEBOLA, VAI! 169 I C++ i.cpp judged teamulmg24 (1) YES
5148 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 170 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5149 1 [USJT] Coxinhas voadoras 170 I Java judged teamspsp21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5150 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 170 I C++ i.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5151 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 165 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5152 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 170 C C++ c.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) YES
5153 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 170 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5154 1 [IMED] Team Imed 170 H Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) YES
5155 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 170 D C D.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5156 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 170 I Python3 judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5157 1 [USP] sudo apt-get AC 170 C C++ C.cpp judged teamspsp38 (1) YES
5158 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 170 D Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5159 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 170 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5160 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 170 D C D.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5161 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 170 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5162 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 170 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5163 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Duas princesas e um sapo 170 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5164 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 170 L C++ l.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) YES
5165 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 170 I C I.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
5166 1 [UFPA] Lambda 170 H Python3 judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5167 1 [UEPI] Noobs 2.0 170 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5168 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 170 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5169 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 170 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5170 1 [UFPA] Mock 170 I Java judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5171 1 [FJN] k3rnel_pan1c 170 H Java judged teamcrce5 (1) YES
5172 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 170 D Java judged teamijrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5173 1 [UFU] Malandramente 170 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5174 1 [UnB] Turkeys 170 C C++ C.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) YES
5175 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 170 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5176 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 170 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5177 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 170 D C++ D.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
5178 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 171 D C D.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5179 1 [USJT] MET 171 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5180 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 171 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5181 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 171 D C D.c judged teamgogo21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5182 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 171 F C++ F.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) YES
5183 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 171 H C H.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5184 1 [UnB/FGA] Nós Oceano 171 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5185 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 171 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5186 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 171 I C++ i.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5187 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 171 L C++ l.cpp judged teammasp18 (1) YES
5188 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 171 C C++ C.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) YES
5189 1 [UNIP] Os Mallocqueiros 171 D C programa.c judged teambisp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5190 1 [UFRN] Adhocracy 171 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn7 (1) YES
5191 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 171 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5192 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 171 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5193 1 [CUF] Loops 171 I Java judged teamsmrs5 (1) YES
5194 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 171 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5195 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 171 D Python3 judged teamspsp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5196 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 171 H C H.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5197 1 [UDESC] Intruders 172 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc6 (1) YES
5198 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 172 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5199 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 172 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5200 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 172 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5201 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 172 H C H.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5202 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 172 I Java judged teamrjrj33 (1) YES
5203 1 [UFPA] Mock 172 G Java judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5204 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 172 D Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5205 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 172 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5206 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 172 C C++ C.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) YES
5207 1 [FTC] Geany 172 D Java judged teamvcba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5208 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 172 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5209 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 172 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5210 1 [UNIFESO] Nome é o de menos 172 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5211 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 172 D C D.c judged teammasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5212 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 172 D C d.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5213 1 [USP] Pégasus 172 D Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5214 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Os Mario Verde 172 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5215 1 [UFU] Deadlock 172 H C H.c judged teamulmg44 (1) YES
5216 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] The Powerpuff Girls 172 J C J.c judged teamcbmt10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5217 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 172 J C++ j.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5218 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 172 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) YES
5219 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 172 J C J.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5220 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 172 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5221 1 [UNIME] Sem net não da 173 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5222 1 [UNIOESTE] Ladies Coding 173 A C tempo.c judged teamfipr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5223 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 173 D Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5224 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 173 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5225 1 [UnB] Turkeys 173 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5226 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 173 J C++ J.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5227 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 173 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5228 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 173 H Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
5229 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 173 L C++ L.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) YES
5230 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 173 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5231 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 173 B C++ b.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
5232 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 173 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Presentation error
5233 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 173 D C d.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5234 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 173 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) YES
5235 1 [IME] Mr Pickles 173 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5236 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 173 H C++ H.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
5237 1 [USJT] MET 173 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5238 1 [UNIJUI] Capivara Club 173 H Java judged teamijrs11 (1) YES
5239 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 173 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5240 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 173 L C++ L.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5241 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 173 H C++ H.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) YES
5242 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 173 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo8 (1) YES
5243 1 [UFPA] Lambda 173 A C++ A.cxx judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Presentation error
5244 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] MainBox 173 D Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5245 1 [UFT] code_builders 173 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5246 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Blackbirds 173 A C A.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
5247 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 174 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5248 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 174 I C main.c judged teamctpr8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5249 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 174 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5250 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 174 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5251 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 174 D Java judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5252 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 174 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5253 1 [IFPE] kill -9 bill 174 D C D.c judged teamolpe4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5254 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 174 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5255 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 174 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5256 1 [UFF-PURO] HUEligans 174 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5257 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 174 D Java judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5258 1 [USJT] MET 174 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5259 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] Gothan 174 D C D.c judged teamtepi12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5260 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 174 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5261 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 174 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) YES
5262 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 174 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5263 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 174 A Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5264 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 174 I Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5265 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 174 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5266 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 174 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5267 1 [USJT] MET 174 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5268 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 174 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5269 1 [UEM] quit() 174 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5270 1 [USJT] Tariraki 174 L Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5271 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] NullPointException 174 I Java judged teamjpro7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5272 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 174 J C++ J.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5273 1 [UFU] Golondrina 174 D Python3 judged teamulmg39 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5274 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 174 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5275 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 174 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5276 1 [USJT] MET 174 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5277 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 174 G C++ g.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) YES
5278 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 174 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5279 1 [CESF] Marotos de Programa 174 A C A.c judged teammaam17 (1) YES
5280 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 174 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5281 1 [USJT] MET 174 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5282 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 174 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5283 1 [UVV] No Token: ; 174 D C D.c judged teamsees8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5284 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 174 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5285 1 [UNIVAP] new equipe 175 D C++ problema_d.cpp judged teamtasp15 (1) YES
5286 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 175 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5287 1 [UPF] Schrödinger's Code 175 I C++ i.cpp judged teamerrs16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5288 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 175 D C++ D2.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5289 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Cabeção++ 175 D C D.c judged teamcrce1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5290 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 175 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5291 1 [UFT] code_builders 175 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5292 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 175 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5293 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 175 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5294 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 175 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5295 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 175 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5296 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 175 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5297 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 175 D C++ D.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
5298 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 175 I C I.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5299 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 175 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5300 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 175 D C d.c judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5301 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 175 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5302 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Garotos_de_Programas 175 H C H.c judged teamitam4 (1) YES
5303 1 [UVA] Grape 175 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5304 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 175 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5305 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 175 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5306 1 [CEFET/RJ] AlfaBytes 175 D Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
5307 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 175 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5308 1 [USJT] MET 175 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5309 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 175 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5310 1 [FEI] Forzinho 175 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5311 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 175 H Java judged teamjpro3 (1) YES
5312 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 176 I C++ i3.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
5313 1 [UNIVILLE] FSociety 176 D C++ d.cxx judged teamblsc2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5314 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 176 I C problemai.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5315 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 176 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5316 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 176 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5317 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 176 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) YES
5318 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 176 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5319 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] The Powerpuff Girls 176 J C J.c judged teamcbmt10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5320 1 [UFPA] Lambda 176 A C++ A.cxx judged teambepa5 (1) NO - Presentation error
5321 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 176 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) YES
5322 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 176 H C exercicio2.c judged teambrdf4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5323 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 176 J C++ J.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5324 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 176 D C D.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5325 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 176 H Pascal H.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) NO - Presentation error
5326 1 [UNIP] Os Mallocqueiros 176 D C programa.c judged teambisp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5327 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] UNIFails 176 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5328 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 176 J C J.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5329 1 [UNIARARAS] Cadê o churrasco? 176 D C D.c judged teampisp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5330 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 176 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5331 1 [UNIVASF] Bug is coming 176 H C H.c judged teamjuba1 (1) YES
5332 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 176 I C++ i.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5333 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 176 F C++ F.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5334 1 [FEI] Bellatores 176 A C++ A.cpp judged teamsbsp1 (1) YES
5335 1 [FAP] NullLoseException 176 D C D.c judged teamcrce4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5336 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 176 H C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) YES
5337 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 176 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5338 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 176 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5339 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 176 H C H.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5340 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] SuperMain 176 I C i2.c judged teamrjrj22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5341 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 176 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5342 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 177 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5343 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 177 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5344 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 177 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5345 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Garotos de Programa 177 L C++ l.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
5346 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 177 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5347 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 177 D C D.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5348 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Os Mario Verde 177 I C++ I.cpp judged teammasp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5349 1 [UCDB] Testemunhas de Java 177 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5350 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 177 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5351 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 177 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) YES
5352 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 177 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5353 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] <<<coffee with milk>>> 177 D C++ problemD.cpp judged teamcrce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5354 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 177 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5355 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 177 D Python3 judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5356 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 177 J C++ J.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5357 1 [UDESC] Intruders 177 L C++ l.cpp judged teamblsc6 (1) YES
5358 1 [USJT] Tariraki 177 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5359 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Keep Coding 177 J C++ j.cpp judged teammasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5360 1 [UECE] REVIMAT 177 D C++ D2.cpp judged teamfoce10 (1) YES
5361 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 177 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5362 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU_4A 177 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5363 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 178 H C H.c judged teamsosp12 (1) YES
5364 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 178 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5365 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 178 I C++ I.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5366 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 178 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5367 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 178 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5368 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 178 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5369 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 178 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5370 1 [UTFPR] A Void 178 A C A.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5371 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 178 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
5372 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Eternal Debug 178 H C H.c judged teamsosp19 (1) YES
5373 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 178 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5374 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 178 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5375 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] RTG 178 H C H.c judged teamrjrj26 (1) YES
5376 1 [EEP] GreenHat 178 H C H.c judged teampisp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5377 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 178 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce13 (1) YES
5378 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 178 D C D.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5379 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 178 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5380 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 178 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5381 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 178 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5382 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 178 J Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5383 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] MeuCrôMacio 178 D C D.c judged teamcbmt6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5384 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 178 H C H.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5385 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Carvalhos 178 D C++ d.cpp judged teamurmg5 (1) YES
5386 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 178 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5387 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 178 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5388 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 178 D C D.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5389 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 178 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5390 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 179 I C I.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5391 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] NullPointException 179 I Java judged teamjpro7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5392 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 179 I Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5393 1 [UFRGS] Code Runners 179 F C++ F.cpp judged teampars7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5394 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 179 I Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
5395 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 179 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5396 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 179 F C++ problemaF.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) YES
5397 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 179 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5398 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 179 D C d.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5399 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 179 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5400 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 179 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) YES
5401 1 [UNIFESO] Nome é o de menos 179 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj16 (1) YES
5402 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 179 H C H.c judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5403 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 179 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5404 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 179 A Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5405 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 179 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5406 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 179 H C H.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5407 1 [UFRGS] Tamo Call Confia 179 D C D.c judged teampars12 (1) YES
5408 1 [UDESC] MeGA 179 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) YES
5409 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 179 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5410 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 179 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5411 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 179 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5412 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 179 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5413 1 [UP] Bacon infernal 172 L Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
5414 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 180 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5415 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 180 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5416 1 [Senai Cimatic] Harambe 180 H C H.c judged teamsaba11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5417 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 180 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5418 1 [FPU] Avengers 180 L Java judged teamulmg22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5419 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] The Powerpuff Girls 180 J C J.c judged teamcbmt10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5420 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 180 F C++ f.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) YES
5421 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 180 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5422 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 180 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5423 1 [FPU] Neuron 180 J C jogos_olimpicos.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5424 1 [CPCX/UFMS] Não me byte 180 I Java judged teamppms3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5425 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 180 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5426 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 180 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5427 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 3 180 F Java judged teamdimg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5428 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 180 G C G.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5429 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 180 D C D.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5430 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 180 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5431 1 [EEP] GreenHat 180 H C H.c judged teampisp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5432 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 180 L C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) YES
5433 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 180 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5434 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 180 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5435 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 181 D C++ D_2.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5436 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 181 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5437 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 181 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5438 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 181 D C D.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5439 1 [UNIOESTE] Presentation Error 181 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5440 1 [UPF] Hadoop 181 A Java judged teamerrs19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5441 1 [UFU] Jabba 181 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5442 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 181 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5443 1 [UESB-Jequié] Malandramentte 181 D C D.c judged teamvcba9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5444 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 181 D Python3 judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5445 1 [UnB] Turkeys 181 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) YES
5446 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 181 I Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5447 1 [USP] Icarus 181 D Java judged teamspsp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5448 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 181 J C++ J.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5449 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 181 D C d.c judged teampisp21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5450 1 [USJT] Tariraki 181 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5451 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 181 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5452 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 181 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5453 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 181 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5454 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 181 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5455 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 181 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5456 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 181 G C++ G.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5457 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 181 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5458 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 181 I Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5459 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU_4A 181 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5460 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 181 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5461 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 181 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5462 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Garotos de Programa 181 L C++ l.cpp judged teamvamg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5463 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 182 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5464 1 [USP - São Carlos] OsKraNPara 182 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp22 (1) YES
5465 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 182 J C J.c judged teamsosp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5466 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 182 I C I.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5467 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 182 D Java judged teamdimg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5468 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 182 L C++ L.cpp judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5469 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 182 D C++ d1.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5470 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Bixão da Goiaba 182 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5471 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 182 G C++ G2.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) YES
5472 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 182 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5473 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 182 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5474 1 [UFJF] Ah minhas roupa no varal! 182 L C++ L.cpp judged teamjfmg4 (1) YES
5475 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 182 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5476 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 182 J Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5477 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 182 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5478 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 182 E C++ E.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
5479 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 182 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5480 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Garotos_de_Programas 182 D C D.c judged teamitam4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5481 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 182 G C++ G.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5482 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 182 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5483 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 182 H C H.c judged teamctpr2 (1) YES
5484 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 182 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) YES
5485 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 183 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5486 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 183 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Presentation error
5487 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 183 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5488 1 [FGOC] Primary Key 183 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5489 1 [UNIP] Os Mallocqueiros 183 D C programa.c judged teambisp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5490 1 [UERJ] XOR 183 I C++ I4.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) YES
5491 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 183 D C D.c judged teamvamg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5492 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 183 F C++ f.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) YES
5493 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 183 L C++ L.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5494 1 [UNIS] Unis2 183 D C divisores.c judged teamvamg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5495 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 183 A Java judged teamdimg10 (1) YES
5496 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 183 D Python3 judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5497 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 183 J C++ J.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5498 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 183 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5499 1 [IFTM campus UPT] D_bug, gogo! 184 D C++ D.cxx judged teamurmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5500 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU_4A 184 A C++ a.cpp judged teamerrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5501 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 184 H C H.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5502 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 184 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5503 1 [FACOM - UFMS] UFMSX 184 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms7 (1) YES
5504 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 184 A C A.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5505 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 184 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5506 1 [FPU] Neuron 184 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5507 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 184 H C++ H.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5508 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 184 I C code.c judged teamspsp27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5509 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não sei 184 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvcba10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5510 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 184 J C++ J.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5511 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 184 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5512 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 184 D C d.c judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5513 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 184 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5514 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 184 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5515 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 184 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5516 1 [UNIOESTE] Hanzens 184 H Pascal H.pas judged teamfipr23 (1) YES
5517 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 184 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5518 1 [UFSCar] EstouraCom9 184 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5519 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Garotos de Programa 184 L C++ l.cpp judged teamvamg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5520 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 184 D C++ d1.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) YES
5521 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 185 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5522 1 [UDESC] Intruders 185 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5523 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 185 D Java judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Runtime error
5524 1 [IFPE] kill -9 bill 185 D C D.c judged teamolpe4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5525 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 185 D C++ D_2.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) YES
5526 1 [Unisalesiano] RasenshurikenC 185 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5527 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 185 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5528 1 [FGOC] Primary Key 185 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5529 1 [UEA] TheBuggados 185 L C++ l.cpp judged teammaam18 (1) YES
5530 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 185 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5531 1 [IME] Mr Pickles 185 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5532 1 [UFRN] CodeBuilders 185 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5533 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 185 H C++ H.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
5534 1 [UNIT - MG] Deployers 185 D C D.c judged teamulmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5535 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 185 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5536 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 185 J C problemaj.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5537 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] quartz 185 L Java judged teamurmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5538 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 185 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Presentation error
5539 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 185 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5540 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 185 A C A.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5541 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 185 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5542 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 185 I Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5543 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 185 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5544 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 185 H C problemH.c judged teambepa2 (1) YES
5545 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 185 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5546 1 [UFFS] AKM 185 F C++ F.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) YES
5547 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 186 F C++ F.cpp judged teamctpr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5548 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 186 F C++ problemaf.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5549 1 [USP] Pégasus 186 F Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5550 1 [USJT] Tariraki 186 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5551 1 [CESF] Marotos de Programa 187 H C H.c judged teammaam17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5552 1 [UNIT - MG] Deployers 187 D C D.c judged teamulmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5553 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 187 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5554 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 187 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5555 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 186 A C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5556 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 187 A C A.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5557 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não sei 187 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba10 (1) NO - Presentation error
5558 1 [UFPA] Code com Farinha 187 D C++ q2.cpp judged teambepa3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5559 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 187 H C huahua.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5560 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 187 H C exe_h.c judged teambisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5561 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 187 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5562 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 187 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5563 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 186 H C exercicio2.c judged teambrdf4 (1) YES
5564 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 187 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5565 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 187 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5566 1 [UNIVASF] try {code} catch {pokemons} 187 C C++ C.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
5567 1 [FAB] Uninorte-003 187 A C A.c judged teamrbac1 (1) YES
5568 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU_4A 187 A C++ problemaA.cpp judged teamerrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5569 1 [UFAC] Error 404 187 J Java judged teamrbac8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5570 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 187 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5571 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 187 I Java judged teamrbac7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5572 1 [UFU] Ferinhas 187 J C J.c judged teamulmg45 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5573 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 187 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5574 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 187 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5575 1 [UNIFEI] Kirchoff 's Theorem 187 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg8 (1) YES
5576 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 187 I C I.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5577 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 187 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5578 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 186 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5579 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 188 I C I.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5580 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 188 I C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5581 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] Tm^2 188 D Java judged teamurmg4 (1) YES
5582 1 [FACIT] Accept Go 186 J C++ J.cpp judged teammcmg4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5583 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 188 F C++ F.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5584 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 186 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5585 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 186 F C++ F.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5586 1 [IFPE] kill -9 bill 185 D C D.c judged teamolpe4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5587 1 [UFPI] Trinity 160 I C++ I.cpp judged teamtepi10 (1) YES
5588 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 186 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5589 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 188 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
5590 1 [UFCG] Queria ser Abella 188 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe2 (1) YES
5591 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] TeamAragão 165 D Java judged teamtepi1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5592 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 188 D C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5593 1 [UESB-Jequié] Return 0 188 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5594 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 188 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5595 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 188 I C main.c judged teamctpr8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5596 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 186 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5597 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 188 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5598 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 186 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5599 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 186 L C++ proL.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5600 1 [USJT] Scrumlambation 188 L Java judged teamspsp43 (1) YES
5601 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 188 I C I.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
5602 1 [CCL-PE] WALL-E 188 A Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
5603 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 188 F C++ f.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5604 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 188 J Java judged teamulmg33 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5605 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 188 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5606 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 186 L C++ L.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5607 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Hackers Modestos 188 J Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5608 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 188 A C A.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5609 1 [Unisalesiano] RasenshurikenC 188 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5610 1 [Senai Cimatic] Harambe 188 H C H.c judged teamsaba11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5611 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 188 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Presentation error
5612 1 [UTFPR] A Void 188 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5613 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 188 H Java judged teamrbac4 (1) YES
5614 1 [UNIVAS] Pode isso, Arnaldo? 188 I C i2.c judged teamvamg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5615 1 [IFES] Mallocadores 188 D C D.c judged teamsees10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5616 1 [UFAL] U_FALL 188 D C D.c judged teamscse13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5617 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 188 D Java judged teamulmg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5618 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 188 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) YES
5619 1 [IPRJ] String Things 188 I C++ I.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5620 1 [INATEL] esquadrão suicida 188 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5621 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 188 H C++ H.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5622 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] BugBusters 188 D Python3 judged teamcbmt11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5623 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 188 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5624 1 [USJT] Tariraki 189 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5625 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 189 B C++ B.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) YES
5626 1 [FTC] Geany 189 D Java judged teamvcba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5627 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 189 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5628 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 189 D C D.c judged teammasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5629 1 [UNIPÊ] Los Miserables 189 D Java judged teamolpe21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5630 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 189 D C d.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5631 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 189 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5632 1 [FPU] Neuron 189 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5633 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 189 D Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5634 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 189 C C++ C.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) YES
5635 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 189 I C exeI.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5636 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 189 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5637 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 189 D Java judged teamrjrj33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5638 1 [CCL-PE] WALL-E 189 D Java judged teamcclolpe2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5639 1 [UNIT - MG] Deployers 189 D C D.c judged teamulmg19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5640 1 [FEI] Instinct 189 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) YES
5641 1 [UEA] Debians 189 H C H.c judged teamitam6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5642 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 189 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5643 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 189 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5644 1 [Pitagoras/SI] DevOps 189 H Java judged teamulmg12 (1) YES
5645 1 [ITA] SubKT 189 C C++ C.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5646 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 189 L C L.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) YES
5647 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 189 D Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5648 1 [USJT] MET 189 A C J.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
5649 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 189 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Presentation error
5650 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 190 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5651 1 [CCL-PE] WALL-E 190 H Java judged teamcclolpe2 (1) YES
5652 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 190 D Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5653 1 [UERN] BitFera 190 D C D.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5654 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 190 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) YES
5655 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 189 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5656 1 [UNIT] NullPointerException 190 I Java judged teamscse9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5657 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 190 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5658 1 [FPU] Neuron 190 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5659 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 190 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5660 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Define 190 H C H.c judged teamolpe29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5661 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 190 H C++ H.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5662 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Árvaro Binário 190 L C++ L.cpp judged teampars13 (1) YES
5663 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 190 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) YES
5664 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 190 H Java judged teampars14 (1) YES
5665 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 190 D C d.c judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5666 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 190 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5667 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 190 D Java judged teambepa6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5668 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 190 H C H.c judged teamfipr8 (1) YES
5669 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 190 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5670 1 [UFPI] Trinity 191 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5671 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 191 D C problemad.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5672 1 [UNIRG] MalditoPontoEVirgula 191 D C D.c judged teampato4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5673 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 191 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Presentation error
5674 1 [FGOC] getBalao 191 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5675 1 [UESC] Devilopers 191 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5676 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 191 B C++ B.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5677 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 191 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5678 1 [UEA] Debians 191 H C H.c judged teamitam6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5679 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 191 D Java judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5680 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 191 L C l.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) YES
5681 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 191 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5682 1 [PUC-Campinas] Nome 191 I C exx1.c judged teamcasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5683 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 191 H C++ H.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5684 1 [IME] Ad-Hoc Café 191 F C++ f.cpp judged teamrjrj30 (1) YES
5685 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 191 I C++ i3.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5686 1 [UNIT - MG] Deployers 191 D C D.c judged teamulmg19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5687 1 [UFABC] Code Coxinha Builder 191 I C I.c judged teamsbsp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5688 1 [Chapecó] Aviato 191 H C++ H.cpp judged teamerrs4 (1) YES
5689 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 191 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5690 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 192 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5691 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 188 L C L.c judged teamsees12 (1) YES
5692 1 [UDESC] POXX 192 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc5 (1) YES
5693 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 192 D Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
5694 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 191 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5695 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 188 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5696 1 [INATEL] as mina 192 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5697 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 192 D Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5698 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 192 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5699 1 [UFPA] Code com Farinha 192 D C++ q2.cpp judged teambepa3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5700 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 192 E C++ E.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) YES
5701 1 [UFFS] _Rasteiro 192 D C D.c judged teamerrs26 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5702 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 192 D Java judged teambepa6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5703 1 [UFT] Valar Programmis 192 D C++ D.cpp judged teampato2 (1) YES
5704 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 192 G C++ G.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) YES
5705 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 193 L C++ L.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) YES
5706 1 [UVA] teamUva 193 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5707 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 193 D Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5708 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 193 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5709 1 [UFF-PURO] HUEligans 193 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5710 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 193 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5711 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 193 I Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5712 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 193 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5713 1 [INATEL] as mina 193 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5714 1 [UNIVASF] Bug is coming 193 D C D.c judged teamjuba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5715 1 [FACISA] CompilouValeu 193 H Python3 judged teamolpe28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5716 1 [UDESC] X+2 194 D C D.c judged teamblsc13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5717 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 194 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5718 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 193 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) YES
5719 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 194 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5720 1 [UFU] Malandramente 194 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5721 1 [IFCE] Família 194 D C d.c judged teamfoce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5722 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 194 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5723 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] VOID - Do not expect a return 194 A Java judged teamrgrs1 (1) YES
5724 1 [IFSULMGMuz] The dark side of the code 194 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5725 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 194 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5726 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 194 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5727 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 194 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5728 1 [FATEC Cruzeiro] FEIC#AS DE LUZ 194 D C D.c judged teamtasp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5729 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 194 H C++ H.cpp judged teamvcba14 (1) YES
5730 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 194 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5731 1 [UFMA] UFMA Fido's Door 194 D Java judged teamslma4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5732 1 [UFAC] Adas 194 H Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5733 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 194 L C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5734 1 [UDESC] X+2 194 D C D.c judged teamblsc13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5735 1 [UESB-Jequié] Malandramentte 194 D C D.c judged teamvcba9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5736 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 194 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5737 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 194 I C I.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5738 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 194 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5739 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] A Dama e os Vagabundos 194 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5740 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 194 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5741 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 194 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5742 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 194 A C++ letraA.c judged teamslma5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5743 1 [CCL-SC] UDESC01 195 D C D.c judged teamcclblsc2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5744 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 195 F C++ f.cpp judged teambhmg18 (1) YES
5745 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 195 D C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5746 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 195 J Java judged teamijrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5747 1 [FPU] Neuron 195 J C jogos_olimpicos.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5748 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 195 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5749 1 [UFAL] RX Team 195 D C++ d.cpp judged teamscse12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5750 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 195 I Python3 judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5751 1 [ITA] SubKT 195 C C++ C.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5752 1 [USJT] MET 195 A C A2.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
5753 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 195 D C D.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5754 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 195 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5755 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Access Violation 195 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcrce6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5756 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 195 D C D.c judged teamcasp9 (1) YES
5757 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 195 I Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5758 1 [UESB] Java++ 195 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5759 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 195 I C++ I.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5760 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] quartz 195 J Java judged teamurmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5761 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 195 F C++ F.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5762 1 [UNIFOR] UNIFOR-1 195 L Python3 judged teamfoce12 (1) YES
5763 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 195 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5764 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 196 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5765 1 [UERJ] XOR 196 D C++ D.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
5766 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Developers 196 H C H.c judged teamitam1 (1) YES
5767 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 196 I Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5768 1 [FAP] Batateam 196 D C D.c judged teamcrce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5769 1 [UNIFESO] Nome é o de menos 196 L C++ l.cpp judged teamrjrj16 (1) YES
5770 1 [UF Paraná] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre 196 F C++ f.cpp judged teamctpr14 (1) YES
5771 1 [USJT] MET 196 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
5772 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 196 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5773 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 196 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5774 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Bug Funcional 196 A Java judged teamjpro8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5775 1 [UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos 196 G C++ G.cpp judged teamslma1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5776 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 196 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5777 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 196 H C problema_H.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5778 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 196 D C aeho.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5779 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 196 I C I.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5780 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 196 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5781 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 196 A Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5782 1 [Unisalesiano] RasenshurikenC 196 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5783 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 196 F C++ F2.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5784 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 196 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5785 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Código 312 196 D C D.c judged teamitam2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5786 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 196 D C D.c judged teamulmg20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5787 1 [UFMA] UFMA Fido's Door 196 D Java judged teamslma4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5788 1 [UFMG] just for fun 196 I C++ main.cpp judged teambhmg3 (1) YES
5789 1 [CCL-SC] UDESC01 196 D C D.c judged teamcclblsc2 (1) NO - Presentation error
5790 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 196 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5791 1 [IFSP] IFSP-SP 196 D C D.c judged teamspsp28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5792 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 196 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5793 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 197 D C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5794 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 197 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5795 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 197 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5796 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 197 A Java judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5797 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 197 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5798 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-StrangerCodes 197 J C J.c judged teammaam1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5799 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 197 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5800 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 197 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
5801 1 [ITA] EitaMah 197 F C++ F_2.cpp judged teamtasp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5802 1 [UNIVAS] Pode isso, Arnaldo? 197 I C i2.c judged teamvamg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5803 1 [PUC-MG] 197 L C l.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5804 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 197 G C G.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5805 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 197 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5806 1 [FPU] Neuron 197 J C jogos_olimpicos.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5807 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 197 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5808 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 197 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5809 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] BALÃO SEM NOME 197 I C++ i.cpp judged teamgogo18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5810 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não sei 197 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5811 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 197 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5812 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 197 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5813 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 197 C C++ c.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) YES
5814 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 197 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5815 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] VOID - Do not expect a return 197 H Java judged teamrgrs1 (1) YES
5816 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 197 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5817 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 197 J C J.c judged teamspsp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5818 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 197 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsmrs2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5819 1 [CU - IESB] We can't see SharP 197 H C h.c judged teambrdf11 (1) YES
5820 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 198 D C D.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5821 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 198 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5822 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 198 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5823 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 198 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5824 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 198 D C D.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5825 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 196 A C C.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5826 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 198 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5827 1 [UNIFESP] Trio de 11 198 L C++ L.cpp judged teamtasp13 (1) YES
5828 1 [IFCE] Ctrl+Alt+Del 198 I C I.c judged teamfoce9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5829 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 198 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5830 1 [UTFdP- Ponta Grossa] Bug Busters 198 C C++ c.cpp judged teamctpr7 (1) YES
5831 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 198 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5832 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 198 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5833 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 198 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5834 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 198 I C++ I.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5835 1 [CCL-SC] UDESC01 198 D C D.c judged teamcclblsc2 (1) YES
5836 1 [CESF] Error.Code32 198 H C H.c judged teammaam5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5837 1 [UESB] Ursos sem Curso 198 I C++ i.cpp judged teamvcba12 (1) YES
5838 1 [UFPA] Mock 198 L Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Compilation error
5839 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 198 D C D.c judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5840 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 198 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5841 1 [IPRJ] String Things 198 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5842 1 [UDESC] Intruders 198 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5843 1 [UFTM] the big bang theory 198 D C D.c judged teamurmg18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5844 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 198 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5845 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 198 A C A.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5846 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 4 199 D Java judged teamdimg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5847 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 199 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5848 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 199 A C A.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) YES
5849 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 199 C C C.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5850 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 199 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5851 1 [UFES] Triplex 199 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) YES
5852 1 [IFPE] kill -9 bill 199 D C D.c judged teamolpe4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5853 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 199 F C++ F.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5854 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 199 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5855 1 [UVA] teamUva 199 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsoce4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5856 1 [IFBA-VC] NumberOne 199 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvcba6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5857 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 199 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) YES
5858 1 [UP] Bacon infernal 199 L Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
5859 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 199 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5860 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 199 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5861 1 [UFU] Golondrina 199 D Python3 judged teamulmg39 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5862 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 199 L C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5863 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 199 D Python3 judged teammasp18 (1) YES
5864 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 199 D C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5865 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 199 C C++ C.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5866 1 [UF Paraná] Trypanãosomos 199 D C++ D.C judged teamctpr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5867 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 199 F C++ f.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5868 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 199 I C++ i.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5869 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] quartz 199 J Java judged teamurmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5870 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 200 D C aeho.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5871 1 [IFSP - Birigui] Perdi 200 D C++ divis.cxx judged teambisp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5872 1 [UFPA] Mock 200 L Java judged teambepa9 (1) YES
5873 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 200 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5874 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 200 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5875 1 [UFRGS] Algorithmics 200 L C L.c judged teampars11 (1) YES
5876 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 200 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5877 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 200 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) YES
5878 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 3 200 F Java judged teamdimg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5879 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 200 D Java judged teamijrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5880 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 200 I C++ I.cpp judged teampars10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5881 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 200 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5882 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 200 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5883 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 200 A Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5884 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 200 H C problema_H.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5885 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 200 D Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5886 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 200 J C problemaj.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5887 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 200 D C++ D.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
5888 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 200 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) YES
5889 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 200 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5890 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 200 I Python3 judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5891 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 200 I C++ I.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
5892 1 [USJT] MET 200 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Presentation error
5893 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 200 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5894 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 201 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
5895 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 201 I C++ ohyeah.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5896 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 201 H Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
5897 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 201 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5898 1 [USP - São Carlos] C++ Remote Control 201 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5899 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 201 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5900 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 201 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5901 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] NP-Drada 201 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5902 1 [FPU] Neuron 201 J C jogos_olimpicos.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5903 1 [UNIT - MG] Deployers 201 D C D.c judged teamulmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5904 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] VOID - Do not expect a return 201 D Java judged teamrgrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5905 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 201 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5906 1 [UFMG] Que qui ta Cunteçenu? 201 F C++ f.cpp judged teambhmg17 (1) YES
5907 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 201 H C huahua.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5908 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 201 D C D.c judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5909 1 [CESF] Marotos de Programa 201 H C H.c judged teammaam17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5910 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 201 A Java judged teamulmg25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5911 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 201 D C D.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5912 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 201 D C d.c judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5913 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 201 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) YES
5914 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 201 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5915 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 201 D C exercicio3.c judged teambrdf4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5916 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 202 L C++ L.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5917 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 202 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5918 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 202 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5919 1 [FACIT] Accept Go 202 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5920 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 202 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5921 1 [IFCE] Pythoneiros 202 L C L.c judged teamfoce11 (1) YES
5922 1 [UNIVASF] try {code} catch {pokemons} 202 C C++ C.cpp judged teamjuba2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5923 1 [UNIRG] Black Lotus 202 H Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
5924 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 202 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5925 1 [UFMA] UFMA Fido's Door 202 D Java judged teamslma4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5926 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 202 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5927 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] <<<coffee with milk>>> 202 D C++ problemD.cpp judged teamcrce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5928 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 202 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5929 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 202 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5930 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 202 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
5931 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 202 I C code.c judged teamspsp27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5932 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 202 D C++ judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
5933 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 202 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5934 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 203 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5935 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 203 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5936 1 [UDESC] #teamLovelace 203 D C D.c judged teamblsc14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5937 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 203 I Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5938 1 [UCDB] Testemunhas de Java 203 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5939 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 203 I C++ ohyeah.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5940 1 [FATEC-Itu] Código Descendente 203 L Java judged teamsosp4 (1) YES
5941 1 [USJT] MET 203 A C A.c judged teamspsp23 (1) YES
5942 1 [UFPel] Ta Serto 203 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs10 (1) YES
5943 1 [FPU] Neuron 203 J C jogos_olimpicos.c judged teamulmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5944 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 203 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5945 1 [UCG] majin bool 203 L C++ L2.cpp judged teamgogo3 (1) YES
5946 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 203 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5947 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 203 L C++ L.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) YES
5948 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 203 H C H.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) YES
5949 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 203 D Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5950 1 [UNISO] Kamikazi 204 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamsosp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5951 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 204 D Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5952 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 204 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5953 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 204 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5954 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 198 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) YES
5955 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 201 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5956 1 [PUC-MG] 204 L C l.c judged teambhmg6 (1) YES
5957 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 204 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5958 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 204 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5959 1 [UFES] Triplex 204 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5960 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 204 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5961 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Cyber Conda 204 H C risada.c judged teamerrs20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5962 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 204 C C++ C.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5963 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 204 A Java judged teamulmg25 (1) YES
5964 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 204 D C D.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5965 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 204 D Java judged teamrbac4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5966 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 204 G C++ G.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) YES
5967 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 204 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5968 1 [UNIVILLE] FSociety 204 D C++ d.cxx judged teamblsc2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5969 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 204 D C D.c judged teamulmg20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5970 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 205 I C++ I.cpp judged teammasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5971 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 205 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5972 1 [UFMS/CPAN] X-Coders 205 D Python3 judged teamppms6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5973 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 204 H Java judged teamjpro1 (1) YES
5974 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 205 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5975 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 205 H C h.c judged teamsees11 (1) YES
5976 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 205 D C D.cpp judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5977 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 205 D C d.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5978 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 205 D Java judged teambepa6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5979 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 205 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5980 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 205 H Java judged teamdimg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5981 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 205 A C A.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5982 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 205 D C d.c judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5983 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 205 L C++ L.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5984 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 205 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5985 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 205 D C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5986 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 205 D Java judged teamblsc17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5987 1 [UNIVERSO] Universo 205 D Java judged teamjfmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5988 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 205 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) YES
5989 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 4 205 D Java judged teamdimg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
5990 1 [UFPA] Mock 205 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5991 1 [IFTM campus UPT] Codemakers 206 D C++ d.cpp judged teamurmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5992 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 206 B C++ B.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5993 1 [UFRN] make balloons 206 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5994 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 206 H C huahua.c judged teamurmg10 (1) YES
5995 1 [Chapecó] Aviato 206 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5996 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 206 D C D.c judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Compilation error
5997 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 206 L C++ L.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5998 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 206 D C D.c judged teamulmg20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
5999 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 206 D C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) YES
6000 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 206 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6001 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 206 D C D.c judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6002 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 206 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6003 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 206 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6004 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 206 I C I.c judged teamctpr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6005 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 206 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6006 1 [IFSULMGMuz] TreeMain 206 D C D.c judged teamvamg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6007 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 206 G C++ g.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) YES
6008 1 [UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial 206 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr3 (1) YES
6009 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 206 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6010 1 [UEM] quit() 206 H C++ h.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6011 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 206 D C++ D.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
6012 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 206 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) YES
6013 1 [UFPel] 418 206 I C I.c judged teamrgrs15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6014 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 206 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
6015 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 206 G C++ peladinho.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) YES
6016 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Girls_System 206 A C A.c judged teamitam5 (1) YES
6017 1 [PUC-MG] 206 D C d.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6018 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 207 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6019 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 207 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6020 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 207 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6021 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 207 D Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6022 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 207 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6023 1 [Pitagoras/SI] DevOps 207 D Java judged teamulmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6024 1 [FACIT] Accept Go 207 J C++ J.cpp judged teammcmg4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6025 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 207 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6026 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 207 L C++ L.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
6027 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 207 D Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6028 1 [UFAL] U_FALL 207 D C D.c judged teamscse13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6029 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 207 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6030 1 [UFES] Triplex 207 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6031 1 [UVV] No Token: ; 207 D C D.c judged teamsees8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6032 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 207 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6033 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 202 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6034 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 207 D Java judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6035 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Developers 207 J C J.c judged teamitam1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6036 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 207 G C++ g2.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) YES
6037 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 207 D C D.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6038 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 207 D C D.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6039 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 207 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6040 1 [UEG] Muttley 207 L Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6041 1 [UFU] Jabba 207 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6042 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 207 D C D.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6043 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 207 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6044 1 [UFMS/CPAN] ++Strangers 207 D C D.c judged teamppms1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6045 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 207 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6046 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 208 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6047 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 208 A C A.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6048 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 208 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6049 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 199 A Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
6050 1 [IFSULMGMuz] TreeMain 208 D C D.c judged teamvamg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6051 1 [ESPM] ParseInt 208 D Java judged teamspsp29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6052 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/EC] Uberabassauro 208 D Java judged teamurmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6053 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] quartz 208 L Java judged teamurmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6054 1 [ITA] batata 208 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6055 1 [Ufba] Dona Bira e seus dois Gabrieis 208 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsaba16 (1) YES
6056 1 [UNIS] Unis1 208 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6057 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 208 D C D.c judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6058 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 208 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6059 1 [UNIT - MG] Google C+ 208 D C D.c judged teamulmg20 (1) YES
6060 1 [IME] Mr Pickles 208 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj29 (1) YES
6061 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 208 A C A.c judged teamfipr5 (1) YES
6062 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 208 D C++ d.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6063 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 208 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6064 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 208 F C++ F.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) YES
6065 1 [UFPA] Lambda 208 D Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
6066 1 [EEP] ASAP 208 D C++ d.cpp judged teampisp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6067 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 208 C C C.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6068 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 208 L C++ L.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6069 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 209 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) YES
6070 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 209 H C H.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6071 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 209 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6072 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 209 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6073 1 [UFMS/CPAN] X-Coders 209 D Python3 judged teamppms6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6074 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 209 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6075 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 209 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6076 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 209 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6077 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Bug Funcional 209 A Java judged teamjpro8 (1) NO - Presentation error
6078 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 209 G C G.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6079 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 209 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6080 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 209 I C++ I.cpp judged teampars5 (1) YES
6081 1 [UNICENTRO] Safadão 209 I Java judged teamfipr17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6082 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 209 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6083 1 [UFPA] Mock 209 D C++ D.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
6084 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 209 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6085 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 209 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6086 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 209 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6087 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 209 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6088 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 209 D Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6089 1 [Chapecó] Aviato 209 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6090 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 209 H C++ H2.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6091 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 209 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6092 1 [UNIJUI] Novatos 209 C Java judged teamijrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6093 1 [UDESC] Pollos Hermanos 210 G C++ G.cpp judged teamblsc3 (1) YES
6094 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 210 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6095 1 [UFRGS] Code Runners 210 F C++ F.cpp judged teampars7 (1) YES
6096 1 [UFAL] RX Team 210 D C++ d.cpp judged teamscse12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6097 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 210 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6098 1 [IFPI-Picos] Corrida de Bits 208 D Java judged teamtepi4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6099 1 [Chapecó] Aviato 210 A C++ A.cpp judged teamerrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6100 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 210 G C G.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6101 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 210 D C D.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6102 1 [FACISA] CompilouValeu 210 H Python3 judged teamolpe28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6103 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 210 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6104 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 210 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6105 1 [ITA] SubKT 210 J C++ J.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6106 1 [Unifei Itabira] A Team Has A Name 210 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6107 1 [FJN] k3rnel_pan1c 210 D Java judged teamcrce5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6108 1 [UVV] No Token: ; 210 D C D.c judged teamsees8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6109 1 [USP - São Carlos] C++ Remote Control 210 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6110 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 210 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6111 1 [USJT] Tariraki 210 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6112 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 210 I C++ I.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) YES
6113 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 210 D Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6114 1 [UDESC] Priviet 210 F C++ f.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6115 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 210 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6116 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 210 D Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6117 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 210 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6118 1 [UFU] Golondrina 210 D Python3 judged teamulmg39 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6119 1 [UNIJUI] Novatos 210 C Java judged teamijrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6120 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 211 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6121 1 [USP] Icarus 211 L Java judged teamspsp17 (1) YES
6122 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 211 D C++ judged teamgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6123 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 211 G C++ g2.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) YES
6124 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 211 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6125 1 [USP] Pégasus 211 D Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6126 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 211 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6127 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 211 A C A.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
6128 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 211 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6129 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 211 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6130 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Programmers 211 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6131 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 211 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6132 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 211 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
6133 1 [UFPA] Mock 211 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6134 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 211 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6135 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 211 I C++ I.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
6136 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 211 I Python3 judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6137 1 [UFU] Malandramente 211 L C++ L.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6138 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 211 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6139 1 [IFTM campus UPT] Codemakers 211 D C++ d.cpp judged teamurmg9 (1) YES
6140 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 211 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6141 1 [UESB] Ursos sem Curso 211 L C++ j.cpp judged teamvcba12 (1) YES
6142 1 [UNIRG] MalditoPontoEVirgula 211 D C D.c judged teampato4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6143 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 211 D C++ c.cpp judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6144 1 [UFFS] AKM 211 C C++ C.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) YES
6145 1 [UERJ] XOR 211 D C++ D.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
6146 1 [CCL-DF] Go Horse and The Bottle of Vini ™ 211 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclbrdf2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6147 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 211 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6148 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 211 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Presentation error
6149 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 211 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6150 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 211 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6151 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 212 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6152 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 212 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6153 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 212 C C d.c judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6154 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 212 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6155 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 212 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6156 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 212 D C D.c judged teamfoce5 (1) YES
6157 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 212 D Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6158 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 212 K C++ k.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6159 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 212 J Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
6160 1 [UNIRG] Black Lotus 212 H Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
6161 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 212 C C C.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
6162 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 212 F C++ I.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6163 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 212 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6164 1 [UNIFESO] Nome é o de menos 212 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj16 (1) YES
6165 1 [FATEC-SJC] SEMPACTO 212 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp20 (1) YES
6166 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 212 I Java judged teamrbac7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6167 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 212 A C A.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6168 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 212 H Java judged teamdimg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6169 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 212 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6170 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 212 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6171 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 212 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) YES
6172 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 212 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) YES
6173 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 213 I Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6174 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 213 J C J.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6175 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 213 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6176 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 213 D C++ aCerto.c judged teamcasp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6177 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 213 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6178 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 213 F C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6179 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 213 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6180 1 [Unifei Itabira] A Team Has A Name 213 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6181 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 213 C C++ c.cpp judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6182 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 213 A C letraA.c judged teamslma5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6183 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 213 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6184 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 213 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) YES
6185 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 213 D C D.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) YES
6186 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 213 C C++ C.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) YES
6187 1 [ITA] batata 213 C C++ C.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) YES
6188 1 [UNIVAP] new equipe 213 L C++ problema_l.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
6189 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 213 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6190 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 213 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6191 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 213 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) YES
6192 1 [UECE] CodeBIRLders 213 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce4 (1) YES
6193 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 213 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6194 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 213 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6195 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 213 D Java judged teamdimg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6196 1 [UNISAL] Time Teste 213 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6197 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 213 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6198 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 213 L C++ L.cpp judged teampars10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6199 1 [USJT] MET 213 D C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6200 1 [UNICENTRO] Safadão 213 I Java judged teamfipr17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6201 1 [UEM] quit() 213 H C++ h.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6202 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 213 D Java judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6203 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Os Compiladores 213 A C++ A.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
6204 1 [UFU] Deadlock 213 D C D.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6205 1 [Mackenzie] PseudoLoredo 213 D Python3 judged teamspsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6206 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 214 K C++ K.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6207 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] New Zeppelin 214 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6208 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 214 D C D.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
6209 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 214 H C++ H.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
6210 1 [IFSULMGMuz] TreeMain 214 D C D.c judged teamvamg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6211 1 [UEPI] 0OR1 214 H Java judged teamtepi8 (1) YES
6212 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 214 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6213 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 214 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6214 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 214 G C++ G.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
6215 1 [USJT] Tariraki 214 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6216 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 214 I C++ ohyeah.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) YES
6217 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 214 D C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6218 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 214 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6219 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 214 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6220 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Hackers Modestos 214 D Java judged teamspsp33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6221 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Ajuda o malloc() que tá doente 214 L C++ questao.cpp judged teamvamg21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6222 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Bug Funcional 214 A Java judged teamjpro8 (1) YES
6223 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 214 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse2 (1) YES
6224 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 214 A C a.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6225 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 214 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6226 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 214 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6227 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 214 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Presentation error
6228 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 214 I C I.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6229 1 [CEFET/RJ] AlfaBytes 214 D Python3 judged teamrjrj31 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6230 1 [IFSP-Salto] Tridentes de Salto 214 J C olimpicos.c judged teamsosp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6231 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 214 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6232 1 [IFTM] Computação-IFTM-1 214 D Java judged teamulmg53 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6233 1 [IFSP] IFSP-SP 214 D C D.c judged teamspsp28 (1) YES
6234 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 214 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6235 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 215 D Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
6236 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 215 G C++ G.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) YES
6237 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 215 L C++ L.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) YES
6238 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 215 H C H.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6239 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 215 J Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6240 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 215 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6241 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 215 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6242 1 [IFES] Pointer to Hell 215 D C++ novo_bora_hora_do_show.cpp judged teamsees15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6243 1 [UFU] Deadlock 215 D C D.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
6244 1 [UFFS] Hu3++ 215 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6245 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 215 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6246 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 215 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) YES
6247 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 215 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6248 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 215 I C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6249 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 215 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6250 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 215 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6251 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 215 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6252 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 215 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6253 1 [FEI] Instinct 215 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6254 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 215 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6255 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 216 D C D.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6256 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 216 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6257 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 216 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6258 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 216 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6259 1 [UFES] Triplex 216 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6260 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 216 F C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6261 1 [IFTM] Chove-La-Fora-Pinga-ca-dentro 216 I Java judged teamulmg33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6262 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 216 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6263 1 [IFPI] EOJ2 214 L Python3 judged teamtepi3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6264 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 216 I Python3 judged teamrgrs14 (1) YES
6265 1 [USJT] MET 216 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
6266 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 216 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) YES
6267 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 216 D C D.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6268 1 [UVA] Grape 216 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6269 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 216 G C G.c judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6270 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 216 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6271 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Ma pare de ratia home 216 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6272 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 216 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6273 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 216 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6274 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 216 I C++ i.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6275 1 [UNIFESP] Equipe muito Bacana 216 J Java judged teamtasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6276 1 [UFT] C de Cilada 216 L C++ L.cpp judged teampato1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6277 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Programmers 216 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6278 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 216 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6279 1 [UFPel] 418 216 I C I.c judged teamrgrs15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6280 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 216 F C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6281 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 216 D C++ D.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6282 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 216 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6283 1 [UFAL] RX Team 217 D C++ d.cpp judged teamscse12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6284 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 217 F C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6285 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 217 D C D.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6286 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 217 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Presentation error
6287 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 217 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6288 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 217 G C++ G.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6289 1 [UEA] AlphaQ 217 D C++ d.cpp judged teammaam19 (1) YES
6290 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 217 D C D.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6291 1 [UFPB] fsociety - beta 217 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6292 1 [UNIOESTE] Ladies Coding 217 A C tempo.c judged teamfipr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6293 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 217 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6294 1 [FCT-UNESP] BrainOverflow 217 D C++ D2.cpp judged teammasp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6295 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Define 217 H C H.c judged teamolpe29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6296 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 217 D C problemad.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6297 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 217 A C A.c judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6298 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 217 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6299 1 [UDESC] Pollos Hermanos 218 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6300 1 [UEA] Assassin's Creept 218 L C++ l.cpp judged teammaam11 (1) YES
6301 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 218 J Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6302 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 218 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6303 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 218 D C d.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6304 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 218 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6305 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 218 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6306 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 218 D C D.c judged teamblsc17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6307 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 218 J C++ J.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6308 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] RTG 218 D C D.c judged teamrjrj26 (1) YES
6309 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 218 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) YES
6310 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 218 D C D.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6311 1 [UEG] The Horde 218 H Java judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6312 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 218 F C F.c judged teamsees12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6313 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 218 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) YES
6314 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 218 D Java judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6315 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 218 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6316 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 218 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6317 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 218 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6318 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 218 F C++ f.cpp judged teamctpr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6319 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 218 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6320 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 218 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6321 1 [UFSCar-Sor] C ilá 218 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6322 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 219 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6323 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 219 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6324 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 219 F Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6325 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 219 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6326 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 219 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6327 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 219 H C exe_h.c judged teambisp9 (1) YES
6328 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 219 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6329 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 219 D C Untitled4.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6330 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 219 F C++ F2.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6331 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 219 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6332 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 219 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6333 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Bit Please 219 I C++ i.cpp judged teamulmg15 (1) YES
6334 1 [IFSULMGMuz] DIG 219 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg4 (1) YES
6335 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 219 C C++ c.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) YES
6336 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 219 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6337 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 219 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Presentation error
6338 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 219 D C D.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6339 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 219 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6340 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/EC] Uberabassauro 219 D Java judged teamurmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6341 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 219 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6342 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 219 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6343 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 219 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6344 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Blackbirds 219 A C A.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
6345 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 219 H C codigo_de_problema_H.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6346 1 [USJT] Coxinhas voadoras 219 I Java judged teamspsp21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6347 1 [CCL-DF] Bodybuilders Aposentados 219 C C++ C.cpp judged teamcclbrdf1 (1) YES
6348 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 220 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6349 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 220 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6350 1 [IPRJ] String Things 220 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrjrj5 (1) YES
6351 1 [UFABC] Code Coxinha Builder 220 I C I.c judged teamsbsp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6352 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 220 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6353 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 220 D C D.c judged teamspsp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6354 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 220 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6355 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 220 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6356 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 220 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6357 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 220 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6358 1 [IFSP - Birigui] C.R.A.P. 220 D C problemad.c judged teambisp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6359 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 220 A C A.c judged teambisp4 (1) YES
6360 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 220 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6361 1 [UFOP] C || !C 220 B C++ b.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6362 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 220 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
6363 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 220 G C++ G.cpp judged teambhmg18 (1) YES
6364 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 220 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6365 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 220 G C++ G.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) YES
6366 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 220 D Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6367 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 220 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcclolpe7 (1) YES
6368 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 220 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Presentation error
6369 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 220 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6370 1 [ESPM] ParseInt 221 D Java judged teamspsp29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6371 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 221 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6372 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 221 D C D.c judged teamgogo21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6373 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 221 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6374 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 221 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6375 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 221 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6376 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 221 J C++ J.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) YES
6377 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 221 D C aeho.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6378 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 221 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6379 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 221 D Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6380 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 221 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6381 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 221 A Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Presentation error
6382 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 221 I C++ I.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
6383 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 221 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6384 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 221 D Java judged teamulmg16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6385 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 221 H C++ H.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6386 1 [UFES] Triplex 221 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6387 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 221 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6388 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 221 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6389 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 221 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6390 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 221 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6391 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] e-Coders 221 L C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe17 (1) YES
6392 1 [UNIOESTE] Presentation Error 221 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6393 1 [UPF] Hadoop 221 A Java judged teamerrs19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6394 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 221 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6395 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 222 F C++ F.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) YES
6396 1 [UFPB] fsociety - beta 222 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe30 (1) YES
6397 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 212 I C main.c judged teamctpr8 (1) YES
6398 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 222 D C D.c judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6399 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 222 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6400 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 222 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Presentation error
6401 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 222 I C I.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6402 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 222 G C++ G.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6403 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 222 D C D.c judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6404 1 [CCL-PE] Game of Drones 222 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclolpe1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6405 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Meu nome é Júlia 222 D C D.c judged teamcbmt14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6406 1 [UFOP] C || !C 222 B C++ b.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6407 1 [UVV] No Token: ; 222 D C D.c judged teamsees8 (1) YES
6408 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 222 H C untitled.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6409 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 222 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6410 1 [USP] Pégasus 222 D Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6411 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 222 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6412 1 [FEI] Instinct 222 F C++ f.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) YES
6413 1 [UFPA] Code com Farinha 222 D C++ q2.cpp judged teambepa3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6414 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 222 G C++ g.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) YES
6415 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 222 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6416 1 [UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe 222 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp4 (1) YES
6417 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 222 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6418 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 222 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6419 1 [CCL-GO] no hope 222 J C J.c judged teamcclgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6420 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 222 D Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6421 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 222 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6422 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 222 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) YES
6423 1 [Unifei Itabira] A Team Has A Name 223 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6424 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 223 D Python3 judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6425 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 223 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6426 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 223 A Java judged teamjpro3 (1) YES
6427 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 223 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6428 1 [UNIME] Sem net não da 223 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba3 (1) YES
6429 1 [UEG] The Horde 223 H Java judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6430 1 [UNICENTRO] Safadão 223 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6431 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 223 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6432 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 223 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6433 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 223 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6434 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 223 D C d.c judged teampisp21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6435 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 223 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6436 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 223 H C H.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6437 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 223 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6438 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 224 I C++ I.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
6439 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 224 H C H.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6440 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 224 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6441 1 [FATEC Americana] a; DROP TABLE user; -- 224 H C H.c judged teampisp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6442 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 224 I C++ i.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6443 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 224 D C D.c judged teamspsp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6444 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Hackers Modestos 224 D Java judged teamspsp33 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6445 1 [UFU] MME 224 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6446 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 224 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6447 1 [UFC-Quixadá] O que tiver que C vai C 224 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6448 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 224 H C H.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6449 1 [UFRGS] Code Runners 224 D C++ D.cpp judged teampars7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6450 1 [UFMG] just for fun 224 D C++ main.cpp judged teambhmg3 (1) YES
6451 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 224 D C D.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6452 1 [UNIARARAS] Go ahead! 224 D C D.c judged teampisp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6453 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 224 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6454 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 224 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6455 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 224 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6456 1 [FGOC] getBalao 224 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6457 1 [UFT] C de Cilada 224 L C++ L.cpp judged teampato1 (1) YES
6458 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 224 J C J.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6459 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 224 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6460 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 224 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6461 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 224 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6462 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 224 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6463 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 224 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6464 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-StrangerCodes 224 J C J.c judged teammaam1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6465 1 [UFPA] Kernel_panic 224 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa8 (1) YES
6466 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Ajuda o malloc() que tá doente 224 L C++ questao.cpp judged teamvamg21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6467 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 224 J C++ j.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6468 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 224 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6469 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 225 C C++ C.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6470 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 225 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6471 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 225 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6472 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 225 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6473 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 225 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6474 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 225 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6475 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 225 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6476 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 225 D C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6477 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 225 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6478 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 225 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6479 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 225 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6480 1 [UFJF] Khan 225 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6481 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 225 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6482 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 225 D C D.c judged teamsosp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6483 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 225 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6484 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 225 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
6485 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 225 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6486 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 225 D C++ d_alt.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6487 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 225 D C++ test2.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6488 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 225 L C++ L.cpp judged teampars10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6489 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 225 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6490 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 225 H C codigo_de_problema_H.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6491 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 225 F C++ F2.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6492 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 225 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6493 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 226 D C++ D.cpp judged teampars5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6494 1 [UFPel] Cyber Mocotó 226 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrgrs13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6495 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 226 I C I.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6496 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 226 D Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6497 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 226 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6498 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 226 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6499 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 226 F C++ F.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6500 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 226 D C++ test2.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6501 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 226 F C++ f.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6502 1 [UFU] MME 226 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6503 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 226 I C++ I.cpp judged teampars10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6504 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 226 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6505 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 226 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6506 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 226 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6507 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 226 I C++ i.cpp judged teammasp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6508 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 226 A Java judged teamjpro2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6509 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 226 J C J.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6510 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 226 L C++ L.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6511 1 [CESF] Marotos de Programa 226 H C H.c judged teammaam17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6512 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 226 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6513 1 [FEI] Instinct 226 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6514 1 [FACENS] B4TEU! 224 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamsosp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6515 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 226 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6516 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 226 I Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6517 1 [UNIVILLE] Biluzitos 226 D C++ ProblemaH.cpp judged teamblsc4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6518 1 [FATECZL] BagGuy 227 L Java judged teamspsp42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6519 1 [USJT] MET 227 D C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6520 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 227 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6521 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 3 227 F Java judged teamdimg8 (1) YES
6522 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Cyber Conda 227 H C risada.c judged teamerrs20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6523 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 227 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6524 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 227 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6525 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 227 D Python3 judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6526 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 227 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6527 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 227 D C aeho.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6528 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 227 D Python3 judged teamspsp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6529 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 227 C C++ C.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) YES
6530 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Agora Vai 227 D Java judged teamulmg49 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6531 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 227 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) YES
6532 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 227 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6533 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 227 D C D.c judged teamvamg9 (1) YES
6534 1 [UFAL] Code MAP 227 I C I.c judged teamscse2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6535 1 [UVA] Grape 227 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6536 1 [UFU] Jabba 227 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6537 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 227 H C H.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6538 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 227 F C++ F.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6539 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 227 I C++ I.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
6540 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 227 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6541 1 [USJT] MET 227 D C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6542 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 227 I C++ I.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) YES
6543 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 228 D Python3 judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6544 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 228 D C d.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6545 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 228 D Java judged teamijrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6546 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 228 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6547 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 228 D C d.c judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6548 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 228 D C++ test2.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6549 1 [FACISA] CompilouValeu 228 H Python3 judged teamolpe28 (1) YES
6550 1 [UFMG] TSP 228 C C++ C.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
6551 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 228 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6552 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 228 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6553 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 228 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6554 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 228 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6555 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 228 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6556 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 228 D C d.c judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6557 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 228 J C J.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6558 1 [UCG] majin bool 228 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo3 (1) YES
6559 1 [IME] Mr Pickles 228 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6560 1 [FJN] k3rnel_pan1c 228 D C D.c judged teamcrce5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6561 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 228 F C++ f.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6562 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 228 D C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6563 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 228 D C dd.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6564 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 228 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6565 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Developers 228 J C J.c judged teamitam1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6566 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 228 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6567 1 [UNIOESTE] Presentation Error 228 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6568 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 228 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6569 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 228 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6570 1 [UNICENTRO] Emulador MIPS 228 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6571 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 228 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6572 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 228 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6573 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 229 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6574 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 229 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6575 1 [USP] Pégasus 229 D Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6576 1 [UNIFOR] UNIFOR-1 229 D Python3 judged teamfoce12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6577 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 229 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6578 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 229 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6579 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 229 I C i.c judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6580 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 229 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6581 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 229 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6582 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 229 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6583 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 229 D C d.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6584 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 229 H C H.c judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6585 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 229 D C D.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6586 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 229 L C L.c judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6587 1 [UNIVASF] try {code} catch {pokemons} 229 I C++ I.cpp judged teamjuba2 (1) YES
6588 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 230 L C L.c judged teamscse11 (1) YES
6589 1 [UNIRG] MalditoPontoEVirgula 230 D C D.c judged teampato4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6590 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 230 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6591 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 230 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6592 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 230 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6593 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 2 230 I C I.c judged teammcmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6594 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 230 D C++ D.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6595 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 230 A Java judged teamjpro2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6596 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 230 F C++ H.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6597 1 [UnB/FGA] Nós Oceano 230 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6598 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 230 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6599 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 230 D C D.c judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6600 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] SuperMain 230 D C d.c judged teamrjrj22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6601 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 230 I Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6602 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 230 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6603 1 [FATEC Cruzeiro] FEIC#AS DE LUZ 230 D C D.c judged teamtasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6604 1 [UFTM] the big bang theory 230 D C D.c judged teamurmg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6605 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 230 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6606 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Eternal Debug 230 D C D.c judged teamsosp19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6607 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 230 D C D.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6608 1 [UNIRG] Black Lotus 230 H Java judged teampato3 (1) NO - Presentation error
6609 1 [EEP] SudoCode 230 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6610 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 230 D C c.c judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6611 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 230 I C I.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6612 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 230 H C h.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6613 1 [UESC] Devilopers 230 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6614 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 230 I C I.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6615 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 231 D Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6616 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 231 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6617 1 [UECE] CodeBIRLders 231 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6618 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 231 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6619 1 [UNESP] NULL POINTER 231 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6620 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 231 K C++ k.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6621 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 231 B C exeB.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6622 1 [UnB] deBuggers 231 F C++ f.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6623 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 231 F C++ f.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) YES
6624 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Os Enrolados 231 D Java judged teammcmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6625 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 231 I C++ i.cpp judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6626 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 231 H C H.c judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6627 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 231 D C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6628 1 [UFC-Quixadá] O que tiver que C vai C 231 L C++ L.cpp judged teamfoce8 (1) YES
6629 1 [UF Pernambuco] Vc foi a culpada do ACC ser WA 231 F C++ L.cpp judged teamolpe1 (1) YES
6630 1 [UFES] Triplex 231 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6631 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 231 D C D.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6632 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 231 H C H.c judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6633 1 [UFU] Jabba 231 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg38 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6634 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 231 I Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6635 1 [UFAC] Adas 231 J Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6636 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 231 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) YES
6637 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 231 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6638 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 231 H C untitled.c judged teamulmg41 (1) YES
6639 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 231 D C exeD.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6640 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 232 D C c.cpp judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6641 1 [UFRN] make balloons 232 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6642 1 [FGOC] getBalao 232 D C++ d.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
6643 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 232 A Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6644 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 232 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6645 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 232 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6646 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 232 H C H.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6647 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 232 D Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6648 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 232 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6649 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 232 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6650 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 232 I C++ i.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6651 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 232 D Java judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6652 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 232 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6653 1 [UDESC] Intruders 232 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc6 (1) YES
6654 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Ajuda o malloc() que tá doente 232 D C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6655 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 232 H Java judged teamdimg10 (1) YES
6656 1 [EEP] SudoCode 232 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6657 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 232 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6658 1 [CU - IESB] Programação Orientada a Cebola 232 L C l.c judged teambrdf7 (1) YES
6659 1 [UFPR-JA] NONAME 232 H C++ H.cpp judged teammasp1 (1) YES
6660 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 232 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6661 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 232 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6662 1 [FACENS] ASC1 232 L C++ L.cpp judged teamsosp11 (1) YES
6663 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 232 H Python3 judged teampisp9 (1) YES
6664 1 [UNIP] Os Mallocqueiros 232 D C programa.c judged teambisp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6665 1 [UEA] The Coders Girls 232 D Python3 judged teammaam8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6666 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 232 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6667 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 232 D Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6668 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 232 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6669 1 [UTFdP- Ponta Grossa] Bug Busters 232 F C++ f.cpp judged teamctpr7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6670 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 232 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6671 1 [CUEdA] Team Girl's 232 A C++ problemaA judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
6672 1 [ITA] Fast BIRL Transform 232 F C++ F.cpp judged teamtasp6 (1) YES
6673 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 232 D Java judged teambepa6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6674 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 232 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6675 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 232 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6676 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 232 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6677 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 233 I C++ I.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6678 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 233 D C++ d.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6679 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 233 D Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6680 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 233 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6681 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 233 D C divisores.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6682 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 233 F C++ F.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6683 1 [UFPel] NaN - Not a Name 233 G C++ main.cpp judged teamrgrs4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6684 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 233 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6685 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 233 H C H.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6686 1 [USP - São Carlos] OsKraNPara 233 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6687 1 [UNIRG] Black Lotus 233 A Java judged teampato3 (1) NO - Presentation error
6688 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 233 H C++ H.cpp judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
6689 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Access Violation 233 L C++ L.cpp judged teamcrce6 (1) YES
6690 1 [CESF] Error.Code32 233 H C H.c judged teammaam5 (1) YES
6691 1 [CCL-BA] A Arca 233 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclfsba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6692 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 233 H C H.c judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6693 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 233 A C A.c judged teambisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6694 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 233 D C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6695 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 233 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6696 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 233 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6697 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] ESC 233 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6698 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 233 L C++ l.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6699 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 234 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6700 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6701 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 234 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6702 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6703 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 234 E C++ e.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6704 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 234 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6705 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 234 D C c.cpp judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6706 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 234 D C D.c judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6707 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6708 1 [UESC] Devilopers 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6709 1 [UNIP] Os Mallocqueiros 234 D C programa.c judged teambisp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6710 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6711 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 234 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6712 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6713 1 [UFU] Deadlock 234 D C D.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6714 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] BugBusters 234 D C D.c judged teamcbmt11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6715 1 [UFSCar] EstouraCom9 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp13 (1) YES
6716 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6717 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6718 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 234 D C D.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6719 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 234 H C H.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6720 1 [UFPA] Mock 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6721 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 234 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6722 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 234 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe5 (1) YES
6723 1 [UNIVAP] new equipe 234 L C++ problema_l.cpp judged teamtasp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6724 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 234 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6725 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não Compilou 234 A C A.c judged teamvcba5 (1) NO - Presentation error
6726 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 234 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6727 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 235 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
6728 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 235 G C G.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6729 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 235 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6730 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 235 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6731 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 235 I C++ I.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6732 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 235 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6733 1 [UNORP] ZupaTeam 235 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6734 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 2 235 D Java judged teamdimg7 (1) YES
6735 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 235 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6736 1 [UFU] MME 235 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6737 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 235 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6738 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 235 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6739 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 235 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6740 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 235 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6741 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 235 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6742 1 [SETREM] Println 235 J Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
6743 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 235 D C++ D2.c judged teamfoce13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6744 1 [UVA] Grape 235 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6745 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 235 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6746 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 235 D C D.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6747 1 [UESB-Jequié] Oráculos do SI 235 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvcba15 (1) NO - Presentation error
6748 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 235 E C++ e.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6749 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 236 I C I.c judged teamvamg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6750 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 236 D C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6751 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 236 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) YES
6752 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Biiiirll 236 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6753 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 236 D C++ aCerto.c judged teamcasp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6754 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 236 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) YES
6755 1 [UDESC] Priviet 236 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6756 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 236 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6757 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 236 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6758 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 236 H C H.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6759 1 [FEI] Forzinho 236 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6760 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 236 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6761 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 236 D C dd.c judged teamsees11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6762 1 [FPU] Avengers 236 D C D.c judged teamulmg22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6763 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 236 D C D.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6764 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 236 I C++ I.cpp judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
6765 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 237 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6766 1 [UCG] majin bool 237 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6767 1 [UFMT - Várzea Grande] Vai dar bom 237 D C divisores.c judged teamcbmt7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6768 1 [UFU] J.O.N.A.S. 237 D C c.cpp judged teamulmg34 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6769 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 237 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6770 1 [UFU] Medalha++ 237 C C++ teste.cpp judged teamulmg7 (1) YES
6771 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 237 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6772 1 [IFBA-VC] NumberOne 237 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvcba6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6773 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 237 D C++ d.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6774 1 [UNIOESTE] Presentation Error 237 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr19 (1) YES
6775 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 237 C C++ c2.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6776 1 [UFU] Deadlock 237 D C D.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6777 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 237 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) YES
6778 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 237 D C D.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6779 1 [IFTM] Computação IFTM-2 237 A C andandonotempo.c judged teamulmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6780 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 237 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6781 1 [UNIVAS] Pergunta no Posto Ipiranga 237 H C H.c judged teamvamg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6782 1 [UFF-PURO] HUEligans 237 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6783 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 237 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6784 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Hackers Modestos 237 D Java judged teamspsp33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6785 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 237 H Java judged teamspsp13 (1) YES
6786 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 237 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6787 1 [UFABC] Code Coxinha Builder 237 I C I.c judged teamsbsp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6788 1 [UFMS/CPAN] X-Coders 234 L C L.c judged teamppms6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6789 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 238 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6790 1 [CPCX/UFMS] Não me byte 214 D Java judged teamppms3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6791 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 238 B Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
6792 1 [URI - Erechim] Mangojatos 238 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6793 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 214 L C++ L.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6794 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Esquadrão Classe C++ 222 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms5 (1) YES
6795 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 217 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6796 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Duas princesas e um sapo 220 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6797 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 238 D Java judged teamrbac7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6798 1 [UF Paraná] YouShallNot.cpp 238 F C++ f.cpp judged teamctpr6 (1) YES
6799 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 238 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6800 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 238 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6801 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 238 F C++ A.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6802 1 [UFC] Sem Nome 238 D C D.c judged teamfoce15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6803 1 [USJT] MET 238 D C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6804 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 238 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6805 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 238 C Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
6806 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 238 D C++ d.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
6807 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 238 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6808 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 238 D C++ d.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6809 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 238 H C H.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6810 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 238 D C++ probD.cpp judged teamgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6811 1 [UFAL] Holmes 238 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6812 1 [FACISA] Hamurábicos 238 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6813 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 238 L C++ L.cpp judged teampars10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6814 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 238 D C++ a.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6815 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 238 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6816 1 [FACISA] ProgramaTunes 238 D Java judged teamolpe18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6817 1 [UNIJUI] NullPointerException2 238 D Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
6818 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 238 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6819 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 238 D C D.c judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6820 1 [ITA] SubKT 238 C C++ C.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) YES
6821 1 [UFU] Inteligência Gráfica 238 D C++ d.cpp judged teamulmg29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6822 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 238 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6823 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 238 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6824 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 239 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6825 1 [IFES] Todo Mundo Null 239 D C dd.c judged teamsees11 (1) YES
6826 1 [Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Goiás] Calangos de Aço 239 J C++ J.cpp judged teamgogo17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6827 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 239 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6828 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 239 D C D.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6829 1 [UVA] Grape 239 J C++ J.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6830 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 239 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6831 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 239 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6832 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 239 F C F.c judged teamfoce7 (1) YES
6833 1 [USJT] MET 239 D C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6834 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 239 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6835 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 239 I C++ I.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6836 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 239 F C++ F2.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) YES
6837 1 [IFSULMGMuz] The dark side of the code 239 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6838 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] MeuCrôMacio 239 D C D.c judged teamcbmt6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6839 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 239 H Java judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
6840 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 239 D C++ d.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6841 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 239 D C D.c judged teamblsc17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6842 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 239 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6843 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 239 I C i.c judged teamsosp18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6844 1 [UFES] Triplex 239 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6845 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 239 D C aCerto.c judged teamcasp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6846 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 239 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6847 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 239 D C D.c judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6848 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 239 I C++ i.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6849 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 239 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6850 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 239 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6851 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Árvaro Binário 239 I C++ I.cpp judged teampars13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6852 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 239 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6853 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 239 I C pago100seaprovar.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6854 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 239 A C d.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6855 1 [UDESC] MeGA 239 L C++ l.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6856 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] VOID - Do not expect a return 239 D Java judged teamrgrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6857 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 239 L Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6858 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 240 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6859 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 240 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6860 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 240 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6861 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 240 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6862 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 240 F C++ f2.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) YES
6863 1 [UEFS] Untitled (2).cpp 240 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfsba2 (1) YES
6864 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 240 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6865 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 240 H C codigo_de_problema_H.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
6866 1 [UNIFEI] Never Lucky 240 F C++ F.cpp judged teamvamg23 (1) YES
6867 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 240 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6868 1 [UTFdP- Ponta Grossa] Bug Busters 240 F C++ f.cpp judged teamctpr7 (1) YES
6869 1 [FGOC] getBalao 240 D C++ d.cpp judged judgelfdorelli (1) NO - Compilation error
6870 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 240 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6871 1 [ITA] batata 240 F C++ f.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6872 1 [UnB] Só sei HTML 240 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6873 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 240 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6874 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 240 D Python3 judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6875 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 240 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
6876 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 240 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6877 1 [UVA] GLHF 240 D C++ problema_de_d.cpp judged teamsoce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6878 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 240 A C A.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
6879 1 [IFSULMGMuz] The dark side of the code 240 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg5 (1) YES
6880 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 240 H C H.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6881 1 [IFSULMGMuz] JesusIsOutput 240 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6882 1 [USJT] MET 241 D C D.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
6883 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 241 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6884 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 241 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6885 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 241 H C h.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6886 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 241 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Presentation error
6887 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 241 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6888 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] Gothan 241 D C D.c judged teamtepi12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6889 1 [UFU] Deadlock 241 D C D.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6890 1 [UFAL] Holmes 241 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6891 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 241 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6892 1 [UESB-Jequié] Derrota quase certa 241 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6893 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 241 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6894 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 241 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6895 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 241 F C F.c judged teamfoce5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6896 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 241 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6897 1 [UNIT] NullPointerException 241 D Java judged teamscse9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6898 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 241 G Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6899 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 241 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) YES
6900 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Um malloc no pedaço 241 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcbmt9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6901 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 241 H C problema_H.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6902 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 241 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6903 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 241 D C d.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6904 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 241 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6905 1 [UDESC] MeGA 241 L C++ l.cpp judged teamblsc20 (1) YES
6906 1 [UFU] MME 241 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6907 1 [IFSP - Birigui] Perdi 241 D C++ divis.cxx judged teambisp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6908 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 241 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6909 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 241 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6910 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6911 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 242 D Java judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6912 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Nerds no fim de semana 240 G Python3 judged teamjpro6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6913 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs14 (1) YES
6914 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 242 L C L.c judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6915 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU PotroVerdeSalgadinho++ 242 J C++ J.cpp judged teamerrs13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6916 1 [FEI] Forzinho 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6917 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 242 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6918 1 [UDESC] X+2 242 L C L.c judged teamblsc13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6919 1 [UnB] deBuggers 242 F C++ f.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6920 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 242 I C++ i2.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6921 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 242 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6922 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] ESC 242 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe31 (1) YES
6923 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6924 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6925 1 [UNIS] Unis1 242 D C++ d.cpp judged teamvamg7 (1) YES
6926 1 [UECE] CodeBIRLders 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6927 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 242 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6928 1 [UFPA] Mock 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6929 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 242 H C H.c judged teamfipr9 (1) YES
6930 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 242 I Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6931 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6932 1 [UNIBAVE] Orleans 242 I Java judged teamblsc12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6933 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 2 242 I C I.c judged teammcmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6934 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6935 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 242 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) YES
6936 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 238 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6937 1 [FPU] Avengers 242 D C D.c judged teamulmg22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6938 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 242 H Java judged teamfipr1 (1) YES
6939 1 [UFMA] UFMA Os Batutinhas 243 D C D.c judged teamslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6940 1 [Pitagoras/SI] DevOps 243 J Java judged teamulmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6941 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 243 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6942 1 [UFU] Deadlock 243 D C D.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6943 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 243 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6944 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 243 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6945 1 [FACISA] Hamurábicos 243 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6946 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 243 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6947 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 243 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) YES
6948 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 243 G C++ G.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6949 1 [UFRN] make balloons 243 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6950 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 243 D C++ d.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6951 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 243 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6952 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 243 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsmrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6953 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 243 D Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6954 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 243 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6955 1 [UEG] Muttley 243 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6956 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 243 F C++ F.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
6957 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 244 H C H.c judged teambisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6958 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU PotroVerdeSalgadinho++ 244 J C++ J.cpp judged teamerrs13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6959 1 [IF Goiano - Câmpus Iporá] VAI FALTAR BALÃO 244 D Java judged teamgogo19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6960 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 244 I C++ i4.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6961 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 244 D C D.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6962 1 [UFFS] BNR 244 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6963 1 [UTFPR] for(;;baloon++); 244 D C main.c judged teamctpr8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6964 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 244 D Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6965 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 244 F C++ F.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6966 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 244 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6967 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 244 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6968 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 244 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
6969 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 244 H C H.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6970 1 [FCT-UNESP] Code Squad 244 I C++ I.cpp judged teammasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6971 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] NP-Drada 244 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamrjrj4 (1) YES
6972 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 244 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6973 1 [INATEL] as mina 244 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6974 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 244 D Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6975 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 244 F C F.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6976 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 244 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6977 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU PotroVerdeSalgadinho++ 244 J C++ J.cpp judged teamerrs13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6978 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 244 L C L.c judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6979 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 244 H C H.c judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6980 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 244 L Java judged teampars4 (1) YES
6981 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 244 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6982 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 244 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6983 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 245 D C D.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6984 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 245 A C d.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6985 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 245 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6986 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Eternal Debug 245 D C D.c judged teamsosp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6987 1 [UniRV] Java.C_Fasoft 245 D Java judged teamgogo16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6988 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 245 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) YES
6989 1 [CUF] Loops 245 L Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
6990 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 245 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6991 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 245 D C D.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6992 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 245 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6993 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 245 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6994 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 245 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6995 1 [USJT] MET 245 D C D2.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
6996 1 [FAP] Batateam 245 I C I.c judged teamcrce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
6997 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 245 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6998 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 245 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
6999 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 245 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7000 1 [ESPM] ParseInt 245 D Java judged teamspsp29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7001 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 245 D C++ test2.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7002 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 245 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7003 1 [UFES] Triplex 245 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7004 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 245 D Java judged teamurmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7005 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] So_No_Compiuter 245 D C D.c judged teamcbmt15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7006 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 245 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7007 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 245 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7008 1 [UERJ] XOR 245 D Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
7009 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 246 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7010 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 246 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7011 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 1 246 H C H.c judged teamrgrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7012 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 246 I C I.c judged teamvamg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7013 1 [UFPA] Mock 246 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7014 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 246 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7015 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 246 D Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7016 1 [UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos 246 I C++ I.cpp judged teamslma1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7017 1 [UFPB] fsociety - beta 246 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7018 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 246 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7019 1 [FAJ] FAJ-VÉNUS 246 H C teste.c judged teamcasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7020 1 [IFPE] kill -9 bill 246 D C D.c judged teamolpe4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7021 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 246 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7022 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 246 D C D.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7023 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Eternal Debug 246 D C D.c judged teamsosp19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7024 1 [USJT] Buiatchaka 246 D Python3 judged teamspsp39 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7025 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 246 H C codigo_de_problema_H.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7026 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 246 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7027 1 [UDESC] Priviet 246 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7028 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 246 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7029 1 [UFOP] C || !C 246 D C++ d.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7030 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 246 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7031 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 246 H C++ H.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) YES
7032 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 246 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7033 1 [UFAC] Adas 246 H Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7034 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 246 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7035 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 246 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7036 1 [UENP] contando_com.sort() 246 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7037 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 246 D C d.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7038 1 [FAI] UAIFAI 247 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7039 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 247 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7040 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 247 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7041 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 247 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7042 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 247 D Java judged teamrbac4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7043 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 247 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7044 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 247 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7045 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 247 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
7046 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 247 D C D.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7047 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 247 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7048 1 [FCT-UNESP] O(log n) 247 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7049 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 247 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7050 1 [UniRV] Sof7w4r_Fasoft 247 H C huaauhahhuahau.c judged teamgogo10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7051 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 247 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7052 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 247 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7053 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 247 G Java judged teamspsp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7054 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 247 A Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7055 1 [FAGAMMON] Bug's++ 247 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7056 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 247 D Python3 judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7057 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 247 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7058 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 247 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7059 1 [USP] forEACH 247 I Java judged teamspsp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7060 1 [IME] Lorem Ipsum 247 E C++ e.cpp judged teamrjrj13 (1) YES
7061 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 247 A Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7062 1 [UEG] Muttley 247 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7063 1 [UEM] quit() 247 H C++ h.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7064 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 247 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7065 1 [UNIT] NullPointerException 248 D Java judged teamscse9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7066 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 248 D Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7067 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Loco cachorro 248 I C++ i.cpp judged teamulmg2 (1) YES
7068 1 [IFRSRestinga] Bravus 248 H Java judged teampars1 (1) YES
7069 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 248 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7070 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 248 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7071 1 [ESPM] ParseInt 248 D Java judged teamspsp29 (1) YES
7072 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 248 A C d.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7073 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 248 D C D.c judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7074 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 248 J C++ j.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7075 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 248 D C problemD.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7076 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 248 D C++ test2.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7077 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 248 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7078 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 248 I Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7079 1 [USJT] Tariraki 248 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7080 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 248 I C i.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7081 1 [USP] The WA Dead 248 I C++ I.cpp judged teamspsp49 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7082 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 248 H C H.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7083 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 248 J C++ J2.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7084 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 248 I C exeI.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7085 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 248 H C problema_D.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7086 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 248 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7087 1 [UDESC] Priviet 248 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7088 1 [UVA] teamUva 248 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7089 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 248 L C L.c judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7090 1 [UERJ] XOR 248 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) YES
7091 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 249 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7092 1 [UNIFEI] P.E.R.N.A. 249 D C++ test2.cpp judged teamvamg28 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7093 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 249 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7094 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 249 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7095 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 249 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7096 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 249 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7097 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 249 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7098 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 249 D C D.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7099 1 [CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis] Deu Ruim 249 D C++ D.cpp judged teamdimg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7100 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 249 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7101 1 [UEM] quit() 249 H C++ h.cpp judged teamfipr14 (1) YES
7102 1 [FAJ] FAJ-VÉNUS 249 H C teste.c judged teamcasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7103 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 249 G C++ g.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7104 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 249 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsmrs2 (1) YES
7105 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 249 I C++ ii.cpp judged teambisp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7106 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 249 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7107 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 249 D C D.c judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7108 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 249 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7109 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 249 D C D.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7110 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 249 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7111 1 [FAGAMMON] Bug's++ 249 A C++ a.cpp judged teamvamg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7112 1 [UNIVASF] try {code} catch {pokemons} 249 C C++ C.cpp judged teamjuba2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7113 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 249 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7114 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 249 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7115 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 249 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7116 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 249 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7117 1 [UFU] MME 250 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7118 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 250 I C I.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7119 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 250 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7120 1 [FAP] Batateam 250 I C I.c judged teamcrce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7121 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 250 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7122 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 250 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7123 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 250 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7124 1 [USJT] CoolGeeks 250 I Java judged teamspsp32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7125 1 [IFSP - Piracicaba] C+- 250 D C D.c judged teampisp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7126 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Corrinha 250 D Python3 judged teamolpe13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7127 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 250 C C++ c.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7128 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 250 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7129 1 [EEP] ASAP 250 I C++ i.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
7130 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 250 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7131 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 250 D Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7132 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 250 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
7133 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 250 I Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7134 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 250 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7135 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 250 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7136 1 [UFU] MME 250 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7137 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 250 D Python3 judged teampars8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7138 1 [IFPI] Equipe Foguete 250 D C D.c judged teamtepi9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7139 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 250 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7140 1 [USP - São Carlos] OsKraNPara 251 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7141 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 251 F C++ F.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7142 1 [Unifei Itabira] CodersJam 251 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg9 (1) YES
7143 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 251 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7144 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 251 D C D.c judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7145 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 251 D C++ D.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7146 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 251 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7147 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 251 F C++ F.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7148 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 251 D Java judged teamijrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7149 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 251 D C++ d.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7150 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 237 D Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
7151 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] BOOST 251 D C++ D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7152 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 251 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7153 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 251 F C++ problemaf.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7154 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 251 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7155 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 251 J C J.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7156 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] GAG 251 L C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teamulmg27 (1) YES
7157 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 251 D Java judged teamrbac4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7158 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-StrangerCodes 251 L C++ L.cpp judged teammaam1 (1) YES
7159 1 [FAJ] FAJ-VÉNUS 251 H C teste.c judged teamcasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7160 1 [UFFS] _Rasteiro 251 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7161 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 251 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7162 1 [UDESC] Pollos Hermanos 251 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7163 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 251 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7164 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 251 F C++ F.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7165 1 [IFSP-Salto] Tridentes de Salto 251 D C divisores.c judged teamsosp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7166 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 251 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7167 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 251 D Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7168 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 251 L C++ L.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) YES
7169 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 251 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7170 1 [Unisalesiano] RasenshurikenC 252 I C++ I.cpp judged teambisp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7171 1 [USJT] Tariraki 252 D Java judged teamspsp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7172 1 [FAP] Batateam 252 I C I.c judged teamcrce3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7173 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 252 D Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7174 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 252 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7175 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 252 I Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7176 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 252 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7177 1 [UFF-PURO] +paçoca -wa 252 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7178 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 252 D C D.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7179 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Ajuda o malloc() que tá doente 252 D C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7180 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 252 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7181 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] <<<coffee with milk>>> 252 D C++ problemD.cpp judged teamcrce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7182 1 [UnB/FGA] Nós Oceano 252 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7183 1 [UNIS] Unis2 252 D C divisores.c judged teamvamg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7184 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 252 F C++ f.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7185 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 252 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7186 1 [USJT] MET 252 D C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7187 1 [EEP] SudoCode 252 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7188 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 252 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7189 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 252 F C++ f.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) YES
7190 1 [UF Paraná] Trypanãosomos 252 F C++ f.cpp judged teamctpr5 (1) YES
7191 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 252 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7192 1 [UFCG] Deu wa de novo? 252 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7193 1 [UFES] Triplex 252 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7194 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 252 F C F.c judged teamfoce5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7195 1 [USJT] CoolGeeks 252 I Java judged teamspsp32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7196 1 [UFU] MME 252 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7197 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 252 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7198 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 252 D C D.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7199 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 252 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7200 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 252 H C H.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7201 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 252 D Python3 d.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
7202 1 [UFU] MME 252 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7203 1 [USP] forEACH 253 I Java judged teamspsp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7204 1 [UNIVILLE] Biluzitos 253 D C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teamblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7205 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 253 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7206 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 253 H C H.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7207 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 253 D C d.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7208 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 253 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7209 1 [FACIT] Rapadura com Farinha 253 H C++ H.cpp judged teammcmg8 (1) YES
7210 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 253 I C++ I.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7211 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 253 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7212 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 253 A Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
7213 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] TeamC++ 253 J C++ j.cpp judged teamurmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7214 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 253 D Python3 judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7215 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Cyber Conda 253 D C Divisores.c judged teamerrs20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7216 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 253 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7217 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 253 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7218 1 [UESB-Jequié] Não sei 253 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7219 1 [UFU] Deadlock 253 D C D.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7220 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 253 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7221 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 253 H C H.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) YES
7222 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 253 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7223 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 253 I C++ i.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7224 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 253 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7225 1 [UFSCar-Sor] Hyper Generic Kotusatsu 253 J C++ J.cpp judged teamsosp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7226 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 253 H C H.c judged teamscse8 (1) YES
7227 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 253 D C++ D.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7228 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 253 F C F.c judged teamctpr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7229 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 253 D C D.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7230 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 253 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7231 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 254 D C D.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7232 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] RTG 254 I C I.c judged teamrjrj26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7233 1 [UNIVAP] #teamSafadao 252 L Java judged teamtasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7234 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 254 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7235 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 254 A C a.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7236 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Blackbirds 254 A C A.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7237 1 [UnB] War Machine 254 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7238 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 254 I C++ i.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7239 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 254 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7240 1 [UNIBAVE] Orleans 254 I Java judged teamblsc12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7241 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] MainBox 254 H Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7242 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 254 L C++ L.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7243 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 254 D Java judged teamdimg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7244 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 254 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7245 1 [UFU] Deadlock 254 D C D.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7246 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 254 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7247 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 254 I C++ i.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7248 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 254 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7249 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 254 I C++ problemai.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7250 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 2 254 I C I.c judged teammcmg2 (1) YES
7251 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 254 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7252 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 254 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7253 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 254 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7254 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Ep. II: Padawans de Aderbal 254 D C D.c judged teamcrce7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7255 1 [UNIT] NullPointerException 255 D Java judged teamscse9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7256 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 255 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7257 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 255 D C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7258 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 255 I C++ i.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7259 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 255 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7260 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 255 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Presentation error
7261 1 [UFFS] Hu3++ 255 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7262 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 255 I C++ I.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7263 1 [FTC] Geany 255 D Java judged teamvcba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7264 1 [UVA] Grape 255 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7265 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 255 L Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7266 1 [PUC-MG] 255 I C i.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7267 1 [UFES] Triplex 255 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7268 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 255 I C i.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7269 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 255 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7270 1 [UFU] Malandramente 255 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7271 1 [UEFS] Just a Bit 255 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfsba1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7272 1 [UFU] Troia 255 D Java judged teamulmg36 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7273 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 255 C C++ C.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) YES
7274 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 255 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7275 1 [USJT] MET 255 D C D.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7276 1 [Área1] Filhos de ADA 255 D C++ D1.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7277 1 [UFTM] the big bang theory 255 D C D.c judged teamurmg18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7278 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 255 I C++ i.cpp judged teammasp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7279 1 [UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos 255 I C++ I.cpp judged teamslma1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7280 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 255 I C I.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) YES
7281 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 255 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7282 1 [UNOESTE] Batmain Returns 255 I C++ code.cpp judged teambisp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7283 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 255 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
7284 1 [UDESC] Priviet 255 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc8 (1) YES
7285 1 [UnB] Batutas 255 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7286 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 255 J C J.c judged teamscse11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7287 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 1 255 A Python3 judged teamcclsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7288 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 255 D C D.c judged teammasp10 (1) YES
7289 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] 3xTRA 255 D Python3 judged teamolpe20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7290 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 255 D Python3 judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7291 1 [UFOP] C || !C 255 I C++ i.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7292 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 255 B C++ B.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7293 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] MainBox 256 H Python3 judged teamspsp9 (1) YES
7294 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 256 C C++ c.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) YES
7295 1 [UESB-Jequié] POG 256 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvcba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7296 1 [UFAL] U_FALL 256 D C D.c judged teamscse13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7297 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 256 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7298 1 [UVV] Low Level Men 256 I C I.c judged teamsees12 (1) YES
7299 1 [CCL-DF] Bodybuilders Aposentados 256 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclbrdf1 (1) YES
7300 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 256 I C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7301 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 256 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7302 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 256 L C++ L.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7303 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 256 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7304 1 [USP] The WA Dead 256 I C++ I.cpp judged teamspsp49 (1) YES
7305 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 256 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7306 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 256 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7307 1 [UFABC] UFABC sudo balloon 256 I C I.c judged teamsbsp6 (1) YES
7308 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 256 D C problema_D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7309 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 256 G C++ G.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7310 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 256 J C++ J.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7311 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 256 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7312 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 256 L C++ l.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7313 1 [UFU] MME 256 D C dt.c judged teamulmg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7314 1 [FAP] NullLoseException 256 I C I.c judged teamcrce4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7315 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 256 D Java judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7316 1 [ITA] SubKT 256 J C++ J.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7317 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 256 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7318 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 257 D C++ D1.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7319 1 [EEP] SudoCode 257 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7320 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 257 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7321 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 257 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7322 1 [FATECZL] CodeBreaker 257 I Python3 judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7323 1 [UP] Bacon infernal 257 L C++ L.cpp judged teamctpr12 (1) YES
7324 1 [UNIFESP] Equipe muito Bacana 257 D C D.c judged teamtasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7325 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 257 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7326 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] TeamC++ 257 J C++ j.cpp judged teamurmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7327 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 257 L C++ L.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7328 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 257 D C d.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7329 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 257 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7330 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 257 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
7331 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 257 F C F.c judged teamfoce5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7332 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 257 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7333 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 257 J C J.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7334 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 257 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7335 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 257 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7336 1 [FATECZL] BagGuy 257 L Java judged teamspsp42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7337 1 [UFRGS] Son of a bit 257 D Python3 judged teampars8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7338 1 [FATEC-SJC] :wq! 257 I C++ i.cpp judged teamtasp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7339 1 [UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru 257 I C++ i.cpp judged teammasp18 (1) YES
7340 1 [UFES] Triplex 257 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) YES
7341 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 257 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7342 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 257 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7343 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 257 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7344 1 [UVA] Grape 257 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7345 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 257 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7346 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 257 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7347 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 257 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7348 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 257 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7349 1 [IFCE] Ctrl+Alt+Del 257 I C I.c judged teamfoce9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7350 1 [UDESC-CEAVI] 257 D Java judged teamblsc11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7351 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 258 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7352 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 258 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7353 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 258 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj10 (1) YES
7354 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 258 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7355 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 258 F C++ problemaf.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7356 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 258 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7357 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 258 D C D.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
7358 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 258 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7359 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Eternal Debug 258 D C D.c judged teamsosp19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7360 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 258 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7361 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 258 H C H.c judged teambisp13 (1) YES
7362 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 258 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7363 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 258 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7364 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 258 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7365 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] Several Developers 258 H C codigo_de_problema_H.c judged teamulmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7366 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 258 L Java judged teamrjrj24 (1) YES
7367 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 258 D C++ d.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7368 1 [Área1] Filhos de ADA 258 D C++ D1.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
7369 1 [Senai Cimatic] XGH Coders 258 H C H.c judged teamsaba13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7370 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] MainBox 258 A Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
7371 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 258 D Python3 judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7372 1 [FEI] Instinct 258 I C++ i.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) YES
7373 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 258 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7374 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 258 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
7375 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 258 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7376 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 258 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Presentation error
7377 1 [UFU] Deadlock 258 D C D.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7378 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 258 I C++ I.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7379 1 [IFRN - CNAT] No Coffee, No Code 258 I Python3 judged teamnarn10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7380 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 258 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7381 1 [CCL-BA] Ecompalouros 258 D C D.c judged teamcclfsba4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7382 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 258 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7383 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 258 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7384 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 258 F C++ F.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7385 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 258 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7386 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 258 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7387 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 259 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7388 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 259 I C I.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7389 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 259 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7390 1 [UDESC] X+2 259 L C L.c judged teamblsc13 (1) YES
7391 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 259 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7392 1 [IFSP-Salto] Deadlockers 259 J C j.c judged teamsosp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7393 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 259 J C++ J.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7394 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] AJ? 259 D C d.c judged teamcbmt5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7395 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 259 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7396 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 259 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7397 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 259 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7398 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 259 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7399 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 259 A Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Prob/Lang/File name mismatch
7400 1 [FACENS] HOUSE STARK 259 I C i.c judged teamsosp18 (1) YES
7401 1 [UEPI] Noobs 2.0 259 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7402 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 259 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7403 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 259 I Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7404 1 [UDESC] #teamLovelace 259 D C D.c judged teamblsc14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7405 1 [PUC-MG] 259 I C i.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7406 1 [CU - IESB] Pokemon IO 259 D C exercicio3.c judged teambrdf4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7407 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 259 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7408 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 259 J C++ J.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7409 1 [Pitagoras/SI] Experts Team 259 D Java judged teamulmg25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7410 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 259 J C J.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7411 1 [FEI] Instinct 259 I C++ g.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7412 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 259 D Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7413 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 259 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Presentation error
7414 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 259 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7415 1 [UFPA] Mock 259 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7416 1 [FAJ] FAJ-VÉNUS 259 H C teste.c judged teamcasp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7417 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] UNIFails 259 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg23 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7418 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 260 D C++ probD.cpp judged teamgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7419 1 [CPCX/UFMS] Não me byte 245 I Java judged teamppms3 (1) YES
7420 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 260 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7421 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 248 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7422 1 [IME] Mr Pickles 260 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj29 (1) YES
7423 1 [UNIS] Unis2 260 D C divisores.c judged teamvamg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7424 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Duas princesas e um sapo 241 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7425 1 [UNIFEI] Kirchoff 's Theorem 260 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7426 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 260 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7427 1 [FATECZS] Void Team 259 J C++ J.cpp judged teamspsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7428 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 260 H C H.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7429 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 260 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7430 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 260 A Java judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7431 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 260 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7432 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 260 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7433 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 260 D C++ D1.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7434 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 260 B C++ B.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7435 1 [UNIRG] MalditoPontoEVirgula 260 D C D.c judged teampato4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7436 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 260 D C D.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7437 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Girls++ 260 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg4 (1) YES
7438 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 260 D C D.c judged teamvamg32 (1) YES
7439 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 260 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7440 1 [UFPel] NaN - Not a Name 260 D C++ main.cpp judged teamrgrs4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7441 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 260 I C++ ii.cpp judged teambisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7442 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] UNIFails 260 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7443 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 260 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7444 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] MainBox 260 D Python3 judged teamspsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7445 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 260 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7446 1 [ESPM] Casa das Ovelhas 260 L Java judged teamspsp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7447 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 260 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7448 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 260 I C++ i3.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7449 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 260 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7450 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 260 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7451 1 [UNOESTE] Spidermain 260 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7452 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Ajuda o malloc() que tá doente 261 D C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg21 (1) YES
7453 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 261 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7454 1 [PUC-Campinas] Algomiticos 261 D C aCerto.c judged teamcasp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7455 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 261 D Java judged teamulmg16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7456 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 261 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7457 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 261 F C++ F.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) YES
7458 1 [URI - Erechim] Joe Montana 261 D C++ d.cpp judged teamerrs24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7459 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 261 C C++ C.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) YES
7460 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 261 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7461 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 261 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7462 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] Gothan 261 D C D.c judged teamtepi12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7463 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 261 D C D.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7464 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 261 D C exe_d.c judged teambisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7465 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 261 D C d.c judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7466 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] So_No_Compiuter 261 D Java judged teamcbmt15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7467 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 261 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7468 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 261 H C H.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7469 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 261 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7470 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 261 L C++ L.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7471 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 261 L C++ L.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) YES
7472 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Sinapse++; 261 J C J.c judged teamurmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7473 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 261 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7474 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 261 D Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7475 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 261 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7476 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 262 I Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7477 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 262 I C++ ii.cpp judged teambisp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7478 1 [UEG] The Horde 262 H Java judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7479 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 262 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7480 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 262 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) YES
7481 1 [FIBM] AESO 1 262 D Python3 judged teamolpe5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7482 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 262 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7483 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 262 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7484 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 262 D Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7485 1 [UFJF] Khan 262 I C++ I.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7486 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 262 D C d.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7487 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 262 J C++ J.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7488 1 [IFRN - CNAT] Potýmon Go 262 D C++ dcerto.cpp judged teamnarn9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7489 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 262 I Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7490 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 262 D Java judged teamdimg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7491 1 [UNIRG] MalditoPontoEVirgula 262 D C D.c judged teampato4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7492 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 262 H C H.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7493 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 262 D Python3 judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
7494 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 262 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7495 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Gama 262 D C D.c judged teamspsp24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7496 1 [PUC-MG] 262 I C i.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7497 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 262 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7498 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 262 L C++ L.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) YES
7499 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 262 F C++ F.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7500 1 [USP] Icarus 262 I Java judged teamspsp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7501 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 262 D C++ D1.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7502 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 262 D Java judged teamdimg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7503 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 263 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7504 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 263 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7505 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] NullPointException 263 L Java judged teamjpro7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7506 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 263 D C jogos.c judged teamsbsp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7507 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 263 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7508 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] MainBox 263 A Python3 judged teamspsp9 (1) YES
7509 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 263 D C problemad.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7510 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 263 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7511 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 263 J C jogos.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7512 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 263 I C++ isoceles.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7513 1 [UFAL] Holmes 263 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7514 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 263 D Java judged teamscse4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7515 1 [FAI] UAIFAI 263 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvamg25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7516 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 263 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7517 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 263 A Java judged teamslma5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7518 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 263 D C D.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7519 1 [USJT] Buiatchaka 263 D Python3 judged teamspsp39 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7520 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 263 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7521 1 [IFSULMGPoços] FJM 263 I C I.c judged teamvamg9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7522 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 263 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7523 1 [UEG] The Horde 263 H Java judged teamgogo15 (1) NO - Presentation error
7524 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 263 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7525 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-GVG 263 D C div.c judged teammaam9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7526 1 [FPU] Avengers 263 L Java judged teamulmg22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7527 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 263 D Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7528 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 264 I C exeI.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7529 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 264 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7530 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 264 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7531 1 [FATEC Garça] Team Beta 264 D Java judged teammasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7532 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 264 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7533 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 264 H C H.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7534 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 264 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7535 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 264 I C++ ii.cpp judged teambisp12 (1) YES
7536 1 [UFU] Malandramente 264 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7537 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 264 D C++ D.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Compilation error
7538 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 264 J C j.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7539 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 264 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7540 1 [UEG] The Horde 264 H Java judged teamgogo15 (1) YES
7541 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 264 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7542 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 264 D C problemad.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7543 1 [CCL-PE] WALL-E 264 D Java judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
7544 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 264 D C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7545 1 [UFU] Deadlock 264 D C D.c judged teamulmg44 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7546 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 264 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7547 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 264 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7548 1 [IFSULMGMuz] C+/- 264 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7549 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 264 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7550 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 264 J C j.c judged teamsosp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7551 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 264 D C D.c judged teammasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7552 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 264 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7553 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 264 L C++ L.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7554 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 264 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7555 1 [UNISAL] No meu PC FUNCIONA EXCEPTION 264 D C D.c judged teamtasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7556 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 264 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7557 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 264 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) YES
7558 1 [IFSP-Salto] Tridentes de Salto 263 D C divisores.c judged teamsosp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7559 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 264 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7560 1 [UFAC] Adas 264 D Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7561 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 264 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) YES
7562 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 265 H C H.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7563 1 [UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos 265 I C++ I.cpp judged teamslma1 (1) YES
7564 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 265 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7565 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 265 F C++ f.cpp judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7566 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 265 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7567 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 265 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7568 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 265 D C++ D1.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7569 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 265 A C A.c judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7570 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 265 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7571 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 265 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7572 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 265 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7573 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 265 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7574 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 265 L C++ L.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7575 1 [UNIVASF] try {code} catch {pokemons} 265 C C++ C.cpp judged teamjuba2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7576 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 265 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7577 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 265 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7578 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 265 C C++ C.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) YES
7579 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 265 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7580 1 [UFFS] AKM 265 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7581 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 265 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7582 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 265 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7583 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 265 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7584 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] BalloonsGottaCatchEmAll 265 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj14 (1) YES
7585 1 [UFPB - Campus IV] Programmers 265 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7586 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 265 D C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7587 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 265 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7588 1 [UNIME] push_front(equipeC++) 265 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsaba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7589 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 265 A Java judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7590 1 [PUC-MG] 265 I C i.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7591 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 266 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7592 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 266 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7593 1 [UFPA] Mock 266 G Java judged judgeranido (1) NO - Runtime error
7594 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 266 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7595 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 266 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7596 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Agora Vai 266 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg49 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7597 1 [FACISA] Hamurábicos 266 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7598 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 266 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7599 1 [UFF-PURO] +paçoca -wa 266 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7600 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 266 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7601 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 266 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7602 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 266 F C++ F.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) YES
7603 1 [FCT-UNESP] BrainOverflow 266 D C++ D2.cpp judged teammasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7604 1 [IFES] Mallocadores 266 D C D.c judged teamsees10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7605 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 266 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7606 1 [UERN] BitFera 266 H C H.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7607 1 [UFC] Zoeira Monster Season 266 F C F.c judged teamfoce5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7608 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 266 D C problemad.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7609 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 266 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) YES
7610 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] MainBox 266 D Python3 judged teamspsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7611 1 [FAGAMMON] Bug's++ 266 H C++ h.cpp judged teamvamg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7612 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 266 I C++ I2.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7613 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 266 D Java judged teamijrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7614 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 266 D Java judged teamulmg16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7615 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 266 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7616 1 [Unisep] Agora ou nunca! 266 D Java judged teamfipr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7617 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 266 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7618 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 266 J C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7619 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 266 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7620 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 266 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7621 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 266 I C exeI.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7622 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 266 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7623 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 267 J C J.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7624 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 267 F C++ f.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7625 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 267 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7626 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 267 J C jogos.c judged judgelfdorelli (1) NO - Runtime error
7627 1 [USP] forEACH 267 I Java judged teamspsp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7628 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 267 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7629 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 267 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Presentation error
7630 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 267 F C F.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7631 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 267 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7632 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 267 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7633 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 267 A C A.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7634 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 267 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7635 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 267 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7636 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 267 L Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7637 1 [FEI] Instinct 267 G C++ g.cpp judged teamsbsp11 (1) YES
7638 1 [UFPel] Ta Serto 267 L C++ L.cpp judged teamrgrs10 (1) YES
7639 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 267 H Java judged teamslma5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7640 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 267 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7641 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 267 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7642 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 267 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7643 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Blackbirds 267 A C A.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7644 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 267 D C D.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7645 1 [UNIME] push_front(equipeC++) 267 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsaba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7646 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 267 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7647 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 267 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7648 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 267 A C A.c judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Presentation error
7649 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 267 F C++ f.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) YES
7650 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 267 I C++ isoceles.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7651 1 [CUF] Texas Monkeys 267 I Java judged teamsmrs4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7652 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 268 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7653 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 268 I C I.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
7654 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 268 D C D.c judged teamgogo21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7655 1 [USP - São Carlos] OsKraNPara 268 C C++ C.cpp judged teampisp22 (1) YES
7656 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 268 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7657 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 268 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7658 1 [FATEC Cruzeiro] FEIC#AS DE LUZ 268 D C D.c judged teamtasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7659 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 268 D C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7660 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 268 D Java judged teamjpro2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7661 1 [FATEC IPE] Requisiiiiitos 268 J C++ j.cpp judged teamsosp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7662 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 268 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7663 1 [UFLA] JSus 268 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7664 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 268 A C++ A.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) YES
7665 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 268 D C D.c judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7666 1 [UFSCar] vai_na.sort(); 268 C C++ C.cpp judged teampisp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7667 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 268 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7668 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 268 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7669 1 [Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Goiás] Calangos de Aço 268 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7670 1 [UFG] A Fumada de Fourier 268 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo2 (1) YES
7671 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 268 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7672 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 268 G Python3 judged teamcclsaba2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7673 1 [UFU] Malandramente 268 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7674 1 [UNIJUI] Novatos 268 F Java judged teamijrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7675 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 268 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7676 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 268 K C++ K.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7677 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 268 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7678 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 268 J C J.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7679 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 268 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7680 1 [CESF] others errors 268 I C I.c judged teammaam4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7681 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 268 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7682 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 268 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7683 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 268 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7684 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 268 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7685 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 268 F C F.c judged teamfoce13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7686 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 268 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7687 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 268 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7688 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 268 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7689 1 [UFPA] Mock 269 G Java judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7690 1 [UFMS/CPAN] ++Strangers 269 J C J.c judged teamppms1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7691 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 269 J C J.c judged teamscse11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7692 1 [UFFS] AKM 269 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7693 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 269 I C++ isoceles.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7694 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 269 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7695 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 269 L C++ L.cpp judged teampars10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7696 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 269 J C++ J1.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7697 1 [UFU] Malandramente 269 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7698 1 [IFRN - CNAT] Potýmon Go 269 D C++ dcerto.cpp judged teamnarn9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7699 1 [IFES] NaoDeuTLE 269 D Python3 judged teamsees7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7700 1 [UTFPR] A Void 269 A C A.c judged teamctpr11 (1) YES
7701 1 [UNIOESTE] Num pode C 269 D C D.c judged teamfipr8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7702 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 269 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7703 1 [Unisep] Agora ou nunca! 269 D Java judged teamfipr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7704 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 269 G C++ G.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7705 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] Gothan 269 D C D.c judged teamtepi12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7706 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 269 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7707 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 269 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7708 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 269 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7709 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 269 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7710 1 [UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi 269 B C++ b.cpp judged teamcasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7711 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 269 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7712 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 269 D Java judged teamdimg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7713 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 269 I C++ isoce2.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7714 1 [UFRN] Adhocracy 269 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7715 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 269 J C jogos.c judged judgelucchesi (1) NO - Runtime error
7716 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 269 F Python3 judged teamrgrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7717 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 269 D C D.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7718 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 269 L C++ L.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7719 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 269 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7720 1 [UFRN] make balloons 269 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7721 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 269 D C D.c judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7722 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Red Code 269 I C++ i.cpp judged teamolpe8 (1) YES
7723 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 269 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7724 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 270 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7725 1 [IFPI-Picos] Corrida de Bits 269 D Java judged teamtepi4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7726 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 270 D C++ d.cpp judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7727 1 [UENP] contando_com.sort() 270 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7728 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 270 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7729 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 270 A C A.c judged teambisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7730 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 270 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7731 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Nerds no fim de semana 270 D Python3 judged teamjpro6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7732 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 270 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7733 1 [UFF-PURO] HUEligans 270 H C++ H3.cpp judged teamrjrj28 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7734 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 270 D Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7735 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 270 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7736 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 270 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) YES
7737 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 270 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7738 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 270 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7739 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 270 G C++ G.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7740 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 270 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7741 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 270 L Java judged teamijrs6 (1) YES
7742 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 270 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7743 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 270 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7744 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 271 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7745 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 271 C C++ c2.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7746 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 271 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7747 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 271 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7748 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 271 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7749 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 271 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7750 1 [Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Goiás] Calangos de Aço 271 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7751 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 271 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7752 1 [CEPLAN - UDESC] CEPLAN01 271 D C D.c judged teamblsc17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7753 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 271 J C++ J.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7754 1 [EEP] SudoCode 271 I C I.c judged teampisp6 (1) YES
7755 1 [USP] Icarus 271 D Java judged teamspsp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7756 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 271 J C++ J1.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7757 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 271 D Java judged teamjpro2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7758 1 [UENP] contando_com.sort() 271 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7759 1 [USP] Cadê o Baiano? 271 J C++ J.cpp judged teamspsp35 (1) YES
7760 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 271 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7761 1 [UNOESTE] Supermain Returns 271 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7762 1 [UNORP] ZupaTeam 271 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7763 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Nerds no fim de semana 271 D Python3 judged teamjpro6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7764 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 271 D C d.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7765 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 271 A C A.c judged teambisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7766 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 271 L C++ problemaL.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7767 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 271 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7768 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 1 271 D Java judged teampars4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7769 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 271 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7770 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 271 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7771 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 271 D Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7772 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 271 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7773 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 271 A Java judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7774 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 271 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7775 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 271 D C exeD.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7776 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 271 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7777 1 [UNIOESTE] Ladies Coding 271 A C tempo.c judged teamfipr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7778 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 271 H Java judged teamurmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7779 1 [UNIOESTE] Ladies Coding 271 H C kkk.c judged teamfipr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7780 1 [CCL-BA] Monkey Island 271 G Python3 judged teamcclsaba2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7781 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 271 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7782 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 272 D Java judged teamspsp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7783 1 [UFPA] De identado que eles gostam 272 D C problemD.c judged teambepa2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7784 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 272 D Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7785 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 272 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7786 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 272 J C++ J1.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7787 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 272 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7788 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 272 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7789 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 272 D Java judged teamulmg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7790 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 272 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Presentation error
7791 1 [ITA] batata 272 D C++ d.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) YES
7792 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 272 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7793 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 272 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7794 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-02 272 A C a.cpp judged teamulmg50 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7795 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 272 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7796 1 [IFRN - CNAT] Potýmon Go 272 D C++ dcerto.cpp judged teamnarn9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7797 1 [UFFS] AKM 272 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7798 1 [IFCE] Pythoneiros 272 I C I.c judged teamfoce11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7799 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 272 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7800 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 272 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7801 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 272 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7802 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 272 I C++ isoce2.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7803 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 272 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7804 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 272 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7805 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 272 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7806 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 272 D Java judged teamrjrj33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7807 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 272 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7808 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 272 G C G.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7809 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 272 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7810 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 272 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7811 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 272 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7812 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 272 A C A.c judged teamspsp30 (1) YES
7813 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Eternal Debug 273 D C D.c judged teamsosp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7814 1 [Chapecó] Pied Piper 273 H C problema_H.c judged teamerrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7815 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 273 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7816 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 273 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7817 1 [UNIFESP] Trio de 11 273 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7818 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 273 D Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7819 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 273 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7820 1 [IFSP-Salto] Deadlockers 273 J C j.c judged teamsosp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7821 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 273 A Java judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7822 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 273 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7823 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 273 D C D.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7824 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 273 H C H.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7825 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] A. A. A. Trojan 273 D C D.c judged teamcbmt2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7826 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 273 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7827 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 273 I C I.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7828 1 [FGOC] getBalao 273 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7829 1 [UFU] Digito, logo existo 273 H C++ H.cpp judged teamulmg21 (1) YES
7830 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 273 D Java judged teamscse4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7831 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 273 H C h.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7832 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 273 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7833 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 273 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7834 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 273 D C D.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7835 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 273 I C++ I.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7836 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 273 I C i.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7837 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 274 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7838 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] RTG 274 I C I.c judged teamrjrj26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7839 1 [Ufba] char mander, meleon, izard; 274 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7840 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] AJ? 274 D C d.c judged teamcbmt5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7841 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] Go Horse 274 D Java judged teamulmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7842 1 [Maurício de Nassau Parnaíba] Gothan 274 D C D.c judged teamtepi12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7843 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 274 I C I.c judged teamctpr2 (1) YES
7844 1 [IFSP-Salto] Tridentes de Salto 274 H C auhuahuah.c judged teamsosp13 (1) YES
7845 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 274 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7846 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 274 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7847 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 274 D Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7848 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 274 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7849 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 274 F C++ F.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7850 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 274 D Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7851 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 274 I Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
7852 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 274 D Python3 judged teamcclolpe7 (1) YES
7853 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 274 E C++ E.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7854 1 [UFPA] Code com Farinha 274 D C++ q2.cpp judged teambepa3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7855 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 274 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7856 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 274 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7857 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 274 L C++ L.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7858 1 [UFJF] Ah minhas roupa no varal! 274 I C++ I.cpp judged teamjfmg4 (1) YES
7859 1 [UNIME] push_front(equipeC++) 274 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsaba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7860 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 274 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7861 1 [CCL-AM] Hello Word 274 H C H.c judged teamcclitam3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7862 1 [IFTM - Campus Paracatu] New Zeppelin 274 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7863 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 274 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Presentation error
7864 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 274 E C E.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7865 1 [UDESC] POXX 274 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7866 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 274 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7867 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 274 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7868 1 [UNISAL] Time Teste 274 I C++ I.cpp judged teamtasp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7869 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 274 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7870 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 274 B C++ B.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7871 1 [CUEdA] Team Girl's 274 A C++ problemaA judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
7872 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 274 F C F.c judged teamfoce13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7873 1 [UERJ] XOR 274 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7874 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 275 D C problemad.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7875 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 275 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7876 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 275 I C I.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7877 1 [UFAM] KMPlayers 275 L C++ problemaL.cpp judged teammaam6 (1) YES
7878 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 275 I C I.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7879 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 275 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7880 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Deus++ 275 D C D.c judged teamcbmt12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7881 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] VOID - Do not expect a return 275 D Java judged teamrgrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7882 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 275 K C++ K.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7883 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 275 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7884 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 275 D Python3 judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7885 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 275 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7886 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 275 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) YES
7887 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 275 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7888 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 275 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7889 1 [UEPI] DESDOBRA 275 D C problema_D.c judged teamtepi6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7890 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 275 K C K.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7891 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 275 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7892 1 [CUF] Loops 275 L Java judged teamsmrs5 (1) YES
7893 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 275 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7894 1 [FATECZL] CodeBreaker 275 I Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
7895 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Time 7 275 H C H.c judged teamfipr21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7896 1 [UFU] SI > Comp 275 J C J.c judged teamulmg26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7897 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 275 J C j.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7898 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 275 J C++ J.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7899 1 [UF Pernambuco] 0xE 275 K C++ k.cpp judged teamolpe10 (1) YES
7900 1 [UDESC] POXX 275 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7901 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 275 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7902 1 [UNISANTOS] Power Guidos 275 D C d.c judged teamsbsp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7903 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 275 I Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7904 1 [IFES] Pointer to Hell 275 D C++ d_envio03.cpp judged teamsees15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7905 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] Coffee Team 275 L C L.c judged teamsosp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7906 1 [FTC] Geany 276 D Java judged teamvcba8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7907 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 4 275 J Java judged teamdimg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7908 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Access Violation 276 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcrce6 (1) YES
7909 1 [USP] Icarus 276 I Java judged teamspsp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7910 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Enigma 276 D Java judged teamjpro1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7911 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 276 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7912 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 276 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7913 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 276 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7914 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 276 D Java judged teamdimg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7915 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 276 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7916 1 [UFPI] Trinity 276 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7917 1 [IMT- CSCS] Maua++ 276 D C++ d2.cpp judged teamspsp41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7918 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 276 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7919 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 276 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7920 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 276 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7921 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 276 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7922 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 276 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7923 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 276 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7924 1 [FAP] Batateam 276 D C D.c judged teamcrce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7925 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 276 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7926 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 276 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7927 1 [UFJF] jambo livre 276 G C G.c judged teamjfmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7928 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 276 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7929 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 276 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7930 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 276 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7931 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 276 D C D.c judged teamrgrs8 (1) YES
7932 1 [UFRGS] Code Runners 276 D C++ D.cpp judged teampars7 (1) YES
7933 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 276 D Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7934 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 276 D Java judged teamrbac7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7935 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 276 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7936 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Na batida do cavaco 276 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7937 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 276 D C exe_d.c judged teambisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7938 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 276 D Java judged teamijrs9 (1) YES
7939 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 276 I C I.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7940 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 276 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7941 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 276 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7942 1 [UEG] Muttley 277 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7943 1 [EEP] ASAP 277 D C++ d.cpp judged teampisp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7944 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 277 I C++ isoceles.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7945 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 277 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7946 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 277 L C L.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7947 1 [IFSP-Salto] Deadlockers 277 J C j.c judged teamsosp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7948 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] char mander; 277 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj1 (1) YES
7949 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 277 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7950 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 277 J C H.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7951 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Nerds no fim de semana 277 D Python3 judged teamjpro6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7952 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 277 D C D.c judged teamspsp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7953 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 277 J C++ J.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7954 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 277 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7955 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 277 L C++ L.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7956 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Garotos_de_Programas 277 D C D.c judged teamitam4 (1) YES
7957 1 [UFU] Magníficos Pôneis Mancos 277 D C D.c judged teamulmg41 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7958 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 277 D C++ proB.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7959 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 277 J C ccc.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7960 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 277 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7961 1 [PUC-Campinas] Bascapas 277 J C J.c judged teamcasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7962 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 277 L C++ L.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7963 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 277 I Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7964 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 277 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7965 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 277 H C H.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7966 1 [Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia] Damassa 277 D Java judged teamspsp45 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7967 1 [UFFS] AKM 277 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7968 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 277 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7969 1 [FGOC] getBalao 277 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7970 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 277 A Java judged teamfipr9 (1) YES
7971 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 277 D C D.c judged teamgogo21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7972 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 277 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7973 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 277 F C++ F.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) YES
7974 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 277 J C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7975 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 277 J C J.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7976 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 277 I C I.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7977 1 [UFU] Malandramente 278 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7978 1 [UDESC] Pollos Hermanos 278 D C++ D2.cpp judged teamblsc3 (1) YES
7979 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 278 C C++ c2.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) YES
7980 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 278 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7981 1 [UFAM] UFAM-ICOMP-GameOfCodes 278 L C++ L.cpp judged teammaam2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7982 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 278 I C++ I.cpp judged teamnarn5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7983 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 278 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7984 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 278 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7985 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 278 F C++ f.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7986 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 278 I C++ i.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7987 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 278 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7988 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 278 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7989 1 [FATECZL] CodeBreaker 278 I Python3 judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
7990 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 278 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7991 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 278 I C++ problemai.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
7992 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 278 I C++ I.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
7993 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 278 F C++ F.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7994 1 [SETREM] Println 278 J Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
7995 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 278 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7996 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 278 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7997 1 [UNIBALSAS] Os sobreviventes 278 I Java judged teambama1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7998 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 278 I C I.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
7999 1 [CCL-BA] Alpha 2 278 D C D.c judged teamcclsaba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8000 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Stall Wars 278 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8001 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 278 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8002 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 278 H C h.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8003 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 279 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8004 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Flecha no Joelho 279 C C++ c.cpp judged teamvamg16 (1) YES
8005 1 [Ufba] Três Homens em Conflito 279 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8006 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 279 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8007 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 279 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8008 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 279 K C K.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8009 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 279 D Java judged teamdimg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8010 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 279 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8011 1 [ESPM] Casa das Ovelhas 279 D Java judged teamspsp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8012 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 279 L C L.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8013 1 [FGOC] Primary Key 279 I Java judged teamjfmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8014 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 279 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8015 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 279 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8016 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 279 J C J.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8017 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 279 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8018 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 279 C C++ C.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8019 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 279 I C I.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8020 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 279 F C++ f.cpp judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8021 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 279 D C D.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8022 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 279 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8023 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 279 E C E.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8024 1 [UFES] Cazalbeh Team 279 I C++ I.cpp judged teamsees9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8025 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 279 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8026 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 279 D C exe_d.c judged teambisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8027 1 [UnB/FGA] Carreta Furacão 279 F C++ F2.cpp judged teambrdf3 (1) YES
8028 1 [UERN] BitFera 279 D C D.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8029 1 [UFPA] Mock 279 I Java judged teambepa9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8030 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 279 L C L.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8031 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 279 D Java judged teamspsp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8032 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 279 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8033 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 279 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8034 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 279 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8035 1 [FIP] Faculdade Porto 279 D C D.c judged teamjpro5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8036 1 [FAGAMMON] ALFA 279 A C++ A.cpp judged teamvamg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8037 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Bugs From Hell 279 F C F.c judged teamerrs15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8038 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 279 L C L.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8039 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] AJ? 279 D C d.c judged teamcbmt5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8040 1 [CU - IESB] We can't see SharP 279 D C divisores.c judged teambrdf11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8041 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 279 D Python3 judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8042 1 [EEP] SudoCode 279 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8043 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 279 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8044 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Nerds no fim de semana 279 D Python3 judged teamjpro6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8045 1 [FATEC-Pelotas] Os desumildes 280 I Java judged teamrgrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8046 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] Define 280 D C D.c judged teamolpe29 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8047 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 280 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8048 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 280 D Java judged teamrjrj24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8049 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 280 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8050 1 [UFMS/CPAN] ++Strangers 276 J C J.c judged teamppms1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8051 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 280 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8052 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 280 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8053 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] AJ? 280 D C d.c judged teamcbmt5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8054 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 280 K C++ K.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8055 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 280 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8056 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 280 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8057 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 280 D C d.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8058 1 [Unisalesiano] KamehameJava 280 J C++ J.cpp judged teambisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8059 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 280 L C++ L.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) YES
8060 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 280 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8061 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 280 D C D.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8062 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 280 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8063 1 [USJT] CoolGeeks 280 I Java judged teamspsp32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8064 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 280 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8065 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 280 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8066 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 280 D Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8067 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 280 C C++ C.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8068 1 [UFAM] UFAM-ICOMP-GameOfCodes 280 L C++ L.cpp judged teammaam2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8069 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 280 D C exeD.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8070 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 280 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8071 1 [USP] forEACH 280 I Java judged teamspsp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8072 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 280 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8073 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 280 D C D.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8074 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 280 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8075 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] VDL 280 D C D.c judged teamcbmt8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8076 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 280 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8077 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 280 D Python3 judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8078 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 280 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8079 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 280 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8080 1 [CCL-SE] IFS-Team 280 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8081 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Agora Vai 280 D Java judged teamulmg49 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8082 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 280 D Java judged teamspsp40 (1) YES
8083 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 280 L Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8084 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 280 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8085 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 280 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8086 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 280 G C G.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8087 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 280 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8088 1 [UFRN] make balloons 280 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8089 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 280 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8090 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 280 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8091 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 280 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8092 1 [UFPI] Trinity 280 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8093 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 280 B C++ B.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8094 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 280 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8095 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 280 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8096 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 280 I C++ isoceles.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8097 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] The code has been implemented 280 I C++ I.cpp judged teamscse10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8098 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 280 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8099 1 [UF Pernambuco] Vc foi a culpada do ACC ser WA 280 G C++ A.cpp judged teamolpe1 (1) YES
8100 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 281 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8101 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 281 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8102 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 281 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8103 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU flloat Titanic = false; 281 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8104 1 [Ufba] spy C girls 281 D C++ d4.cpp judged teamsaba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8105 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 281 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8106 1 [UFAC] Error 404 281 J Java judged teamrbac8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8107 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 281 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8108 1 [UNIS] Unis2 281 D C divisores.c judged teamvamg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8109 1 [Chapecó] HexCode 281 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8110 1 [UFAM] UFAM-ICOMP-GameOfCodes 281 D C++ D.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
8111 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 281 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8112 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 281 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8113 1 [UNEB] RUBIKS 281 H C codigo_de_problema.c judged teamsaba5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8114 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 281 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8115 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Hackers Modestos 281 D Java judged teamspsp33 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8116 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 4 281 J Java judged teamdimg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8117 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 281 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8118 1 [UFC-Quixadá] formata_que_resolve 281 D C D2.c judged teamfoce13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8119 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 281 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8120 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 281 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8121 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 281 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8122 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 281 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8123 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Os Mario Verde 281 I C++ I.cpp judged teammasp17 (1) YES
8124 1 [IFPI] iVikings 281 D Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8125 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 281 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8126 1 [USP] Pégasus 281 D Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8127 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 281 I C I.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8128 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 281 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8129 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 281 J C++ J.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
8130 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 281 D C++ D2.cpp judged teamsmrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8131 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 281 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8132 1 [FPU] xterm-inate 281 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg43 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8133 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 281 D Java judged teamblsc19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8134 1 [CCL-SC] na minha máquina funciona 281 D Java judged teamcclblsc4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8135 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 281 K C++ K.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8136 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 281 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8137 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 281 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8138 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 281 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8139 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 281 D C D.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8140 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 282 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8141 1 [ESPM] Casa das Ovelhas 282 D Java judged teamspsp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8142 1 [UNITAU] Senhores Situação 281 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8143 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 282 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8144 1 [IFBA-VC] NumberOne 282 I C++ I.cpp judged teamvcba6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8145 1 [UEG] Muttley 282 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8146 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 282 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8147 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 282 D C D.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8148 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 282 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8149 1 [UCPEL] UCPEL Team 2 282 D C A.c judged teamrgrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8150 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 282 G C++ G.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8151 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 282 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8152 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 282 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8153 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 282 J C jogos.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
8154 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 282 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8155 1 [UFFS] AKM 282 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8156 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 282 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8157 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 282 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8158 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 282 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8159 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 282 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8160 1 [UNIUBE-Udi/EC] Geek++ 282 D Java judged teamulmg46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8161 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 282 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8162 1 [Ufba] Pokimon Descendente 282 F C++ F.cpp judged teamsaba4 (1) YES
8163 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 282 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8164 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 282 C C++ C.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) YES
8165 1 [FATEC Garça] Minions 282 D Java judged teammasp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8166 1 [CCL-MA] VelhaGuarda 282 G C++ G.cpp judged teamcclslma2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8167 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 282 D C D.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8168 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 282 J C++ J.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8169 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 282 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8170 1 [UFG] Meninas Superpoderosas 282 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teamgogo11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8171 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 282 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8172 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Código 312 282 D C D.c judged teamitam2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8173 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 282 J C++ J.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8174 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 282 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8175 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] <<<coffee with milk>>> 282 L Java judged teamcrce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8176 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 282 I C++ i.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8177 1 [USP] da mata e das florestas 282 C C++ C.cpp judged teamspsp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8178 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 282 J C++ J.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8179 1 [UFOP] C || !C 282 G C++ g.cpp judged teamdimg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8180 1 [UnB/FGA] Nós Oceano 282 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8181 1 [UEPI] 0OR1 282 D Java judged teamtepi8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8182 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 282 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8183 1 [UNIVAP] #teamSafadao 282 L Java judged teamtasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8184 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 282 D Java judged teamscse4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8185 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 282 J C++ J.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8186 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 282 D C D.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8187 1 [UNIMONTES] Equipe 282 D C D.c judged teammcmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8188 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 283 I C++ isoce2.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8189 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] SucoDeUVa 283 G C++ g.cpp judged teamrjrj11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8190 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 283 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8191 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva e CAD 283 I C++ I.cpp judged teamcclolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8192 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 283 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8193 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 283 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8194 1 [USP - São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero 283 J C++ J.cpp judged teampisp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8195 1 [IFCE] Ctrl+Alt+Del 283 I C I.c judged teamfoce9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8196 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 283 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8197 1 [UENP] contando_com.sort() 283 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8198 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 283 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8199 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 283 D C D.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8200 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 283 D Java judged teamspsp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8201 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 283 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8202 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 283 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8203 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 283 D C D.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8204 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 283 L Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8205 1 [CUF] Loops 283 D C D.c judged teamsmrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8206 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 283 J C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8207 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] VDL 283 D C D.c judged teamcbmt8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8208 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 283 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8209 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 283 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8210 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 283 I Java judged teampars14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8211 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 283 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8212 1 [UFLA] JSus 283 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvamg29 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8213 1 [FEOL] FEOL 283 H Java judged teamdimg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8214 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 283 D C D.c judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8215 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 283 D C D.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8216 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 283 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8217 1 [IFTM campus UPT] TriForce 283 D C divisores.c judged teamurmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8218 1 [HORUS-Pinhalzinho] Fenix 283 L Java judged teamerrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8219 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 283 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8220 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 283 D C++ D2.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8221 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 283 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8222 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 280 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8223 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 283 D C d.c judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8224 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 283 D C d.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8225 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 283 J C++ J.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8226 1 [FIBM] AESO 1 283 D Python3 judged teamolpe5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8227 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 283 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8228 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 283 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8229 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 283 D C exe_d.c judged teambisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8230 1 [IFGoiano - Campus Rio Verde] OS MULAMBOS 283 J C J.c judged teamgogo21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8231 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 283 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8232 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 283 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8233 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 283 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) YES
8234 1 [ESPM] Casa das Ovelhas 283 D Java judged teamspsp12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8235 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 283 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) YES
8236 1 [UESB] Ponto e vírgula 283 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8237 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU flloat Titanic = false; 283 H C++ h.cpp judged teamerrs17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8238 1 [UFPA] CAMTUC #2 283 D Java judged teambepa6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8239 1 [UFAC] Grove Street Coders 283 D Java judged teamrbac5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8240 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 283 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8241 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 283 J C J.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8242 1 [EEP] SudoCode 283 L C++ L.cpp judged teampisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8243 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 284 D Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8244 1 [USJT] CoolGeeks 284 I Java judged teamspsp32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8245 1 [UERN] BitFera 284 D C D.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8246 1 [UFC] O meu Python!? 284 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce3 (1) YES
8247 1 [UFJF] Ah minhas roupa no varal! 283 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8248 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 284 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8249 1 [SETREM] Println 284 L Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8250 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 284 D Java judged teamscse4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8251 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 284 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8252 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 284 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8253 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 284 K C++ K.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8254 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 284 K C++ K.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8255 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 284 D C D.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8256 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 284 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8257 1 [UFFS] AKM 284 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs23 (1) YES
8258 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 284 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8259 1 [FATECZL] BagGuy 284 D Java judged teamspsp42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8260 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 284 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8261 1 [FAZU/SI] game of baloons 284 D Java judged teamurmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8262 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 284 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8263 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] AJ? 284 D C untitled.c judged teamcbmt5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8264 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 284 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8265 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 284 I C H.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8266 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 284 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8267 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 284 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8268 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 284 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8269 1 [Fainor] G.E.A.R-FAINOR 284 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvcba3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8270 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 284 A C a.c judged teammaap1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8271 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 284 B C++ B.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8272 1 [EEP] ASAP 284 D C++ d2.cpp judged teampisp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8273 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Luminatti 284 K C++ k.cpp judged teamerrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8274 1 [CEFET/RJ] Sociedade Cafeísta 284 D C d.c judged teamrjrj19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8275 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 284 L C++ L.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) YES
8276 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 284 D Python3 judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8277 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 284 D C++ d.cpp judged teammasp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8278 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 284 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8279 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 284 D Python3 judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8280 1 [IFPI] iVikings 284 D Python3 judged teamtepi5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8281 1 [IPRJ] String Things 284 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8282 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] AJ? 284 H C untitled.c judged teamcbmt5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8283 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Null 284 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg7 (1) YES
8284 1 [UFC-Quixadá] O que tiver que C vai C 284 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfoce8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8285 1 [UNICENTRO] Emulador MIPS 284 H C++ H.cpp judged teamfipr12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8286 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 284 B C++ B.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8287 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 284 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8288 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 284 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8289 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 284 E C++ E.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8290 1 [IFS] //Sem comentários 284 D Java judged teamscse4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8291 1 [FACENS] ASC1 280 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8292 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 284 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8293 1 [FGOC] getBalao 284 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8294 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 284 D C D.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8295 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 284 I C i.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8296 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 284 J C++ j.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8297 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Baker 285 D Java judged teamfipr9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8298 1 [IFRN - CNAT] Potýmon Go 285 D C++ dcerto.cpp judged teamnarn9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8299 1 [UERN] BitFera 285 D C D.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8300 1 [Ceunes UFES] TLE 285 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8301 1 [UFJF] Khan 284 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8302 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Ceferberus 285 F C++ f.cpp judged teambhmg19 (1) YES
8303 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 285 H Java judged teamslma5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8304 1 [UDESC] Calouros++ 285 D C++ D.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8305 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 285 H C H.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8306 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 285 D C++ problemad.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8307 1 [UFG] The monkey wrote my code! 285 F C++ f.cpp judged teamgogo14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8308 1 [UFAM] UFAM-ICOMP-GameOfCodes 285 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8309 1 [UFMG] TSP 285 G C++ G.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
8310 1 [UNOESTE] Aquamain 285 D C D.c judged teambisp4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8311 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 285 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8312 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 285 H C H.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8313 1 [UFSCar] Cade as notas da p2? 285 D C d.c judged teampisp21 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8314 1 [UFRN] make balloons 285 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8315 1 [UNORP] ZupaTeam 285 D C++ D.cpp judged teambisp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8316 1 [UFRGS] Anarch Linux 285 J C J.c judged teampars2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8317 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 285 D C D.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8318 1 [UFPA] DestructHub 285 D Python3 judged teambepa7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8319 1 [URI-Santo Ângelo] EndOfFile 285 D C D.c judged teamijrs10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8320 1 [FCT-UNESP] O(log n) 285 L C++ L.cpp judged teammasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8321 1 [UEG] Os gatos do cerrado 285 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8322 1 [PUCPR] NullPointerAgain 285 D Python3 judged teamctpr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8323 1 [UESB-Jequié] log JMR 285 D C++ D.cpp judged teamvcba7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8324 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 285 D Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8325 1 [CUF] Os barbada 285 D Java judged teamsmrs3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8326 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Eu, você e o beelzebu mafuu 285 D C++ d.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8327 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 285 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8328 1 [UNIOESTE] Oscar Cavara 285 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8329 1 [FGOC] getBalao 285 D C++ d.cpp judged teamjfmg3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8330 1 [UFPB] fsociety - beta 285 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8331 1 [UFCG] Árysson borboleta e pupilos 285 G C++ G.cpp judged teamolpe19 (1) YES
8332 1 [CCL-GO] Monkeys Jr. 285 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo3 (1) YES
8333 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] Mountain Crew 285 D C D.c judged teamrjrj3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8334 1 [ESPM] Casa das Ovelhas 285 D Java judged teamspsp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8335 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 285 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8336 1 [CCL-PE] 3 Espiãs d+ 285 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclolpe4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8337 1 [IFTM-Udi/TSPI] MRT 286 D Java judged teamulmg16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8338 1 [ITA] EitaMah 286 F C++ F_2.cpp judged teamtasp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8339 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 286 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8340 1 [UFMG] Que qui ta Cunteçenu? 286 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8341 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 286 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8342 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 286 J C jogos.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8343 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 286 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8344 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 286 D C++ D.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8345 1 [IFRSRestinga] Bravus 286 D Java judged teampars1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8346 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 286 D Python3 judged teamolpe26 (1) YES
8347 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 286 C C++ C.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
8348 1 [USP] Icarus 286 I Java judged teamspsp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8349 1 [FATEB] int fateb[10]; 286 A C A.c judged teambisp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8350 1 [FAJ] FAJ-SATURNO 286 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8351 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 286 K C++ K.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8352 1 [ITA] SubKT 286 G C++ G.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) YES
8353 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 286 I C++ i.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) YES
8354 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 286 H C H.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
8355 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 286 D Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8356 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 286 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8357 1 [UNIOESTE] Ladies Coding 286 H C kkk.c judged teamfipr6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8358 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 286 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8359 1 [UFRN] make balloons 286 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8360 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 286 F Python3 judged teamrgrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8361 1 [UFMG] Que qui ta Cunteçenu? 286 D C++ d3.cpp judged teambhmg17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8362 1 [FAP] NullLoseException 286 D C D.c judged teamcrce4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8363 1 [ITA] batata 286 F C++ f.cpp judged teamtasp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8364 1 [FEOL] FEOL 286 H Java judged teamdimg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8365 1 [FAZU/SI] bazinga 286 H Java judged teamurmg1 (1) YES
8366 1 [UNISANTOS] Try {AgoraVai} 286 D C D.c judged teamsbsp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8367 1 [UERN] BitFera 286 D C D.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8368 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 286 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8369 1 [Federal Fluminense U] 0xDEADPICANHA 286 G Python3 judged teamrjrj25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8370 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Árvaro Binário 286 J C++ J.cpp judged teampars13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8371 1 [UFF] 11 men and 1 code 286 I Java judged teamrjrj24 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8372 1 [UERN] 404 name not found 287 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8373 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] So_No_Compiuter 287 I Java judged teamcbmt15 (1) YES
8374 1 [UFAC] Adas 287 D Java judged teamrbac6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8375 1 [UFSCar-Sor] nerf std::vector 287 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsosp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8376 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 287 I C++ isoce2.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8377 1 [UNIFESP] Equipe muito Bacana 287 J Java judged teamtasp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8378 1 [CEFET/RJ Petrópolis] SuperMain 287 D C d.c judged teamrjrj22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8379 1 [FTC] Geany 287 D Java judged teamvcba8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8380 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 287 C C++ C.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
8381 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 287 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8382 1 [UEG] Muttley 287 D Java judged teamgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8383 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 287 D C++ d.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8384 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 287 D C D.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8385 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG 287 F C++ f.cpp judged teammaam3 (1) YES
8386 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 287 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8387 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 287 D C D.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8388 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 287 D C problemad.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8389 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 287 D Java judged teamjpro2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8390 1 [UNIT - MG] Deployers 287 D C D.c judged teamulmg19 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8391 1 [UEM] PU éééééééééééééééééééé vida! 287 G C++ g.cpp judged teamfipr22 (1) YES
8392 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 287 I C++ I.cpp judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8393 1 [UFSCar] Divas do C++ 287 I C++ I.cpp judged teampisp17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8394 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 287 J C++ j.cpp judged teamulmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8395 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 287 C C++ C.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
8396 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 287 H C H.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
8397 1 [IFES] EAccess Violation 287 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsees3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8398 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 287 D C code.c judged teamspsp27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8399 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 287 F C F.c judged teamsosp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8400 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 287 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) YES
8401 1 [CCL-GO] old boys 287 D Java judged teamcclgogo2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8402 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 287 D Java judged teamspsp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8403 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 287 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8404 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Eternal Debug 287 D C D.c judged teamsosp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8405 1 [CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis] Deu Ruim 287 D C++ D.cpp judged teamdimg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8406 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 287 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8407 1 [FGOC] Primary Key 287 I Java judged teamjfmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8408 1 [USP] Pégasus 288 D Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8409 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 288 H C D.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8410 1 [UFSM] Escavadeira Crudívora 288 F C++ F.cpp judged teamsmrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8411 1 [USJT] Buiatchaka 288 D Python3 judged teamspsp39 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8412 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 288 D C D.c judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8413 1 [UFU-Monte Carmelo/SI] Peixe Babel 288 J C++ j.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8414 1 [UFF-PURO] BalloonCollectors 288 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8415 1 [FATEC IPE] Vetores da Sabedoria [] [] [] 288 D C D.c judged teamsosp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8416 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 288 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) YES
8417 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 288 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8418 1 [UFAL] U_FALL 288 J C J.c judged teamscse13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8419 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 288 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8420 1 [UFMG] TSP 288 G C++ G.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
8421 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 288 C C++ c.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8422 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 288 J C ccc.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8423 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 288 C C++ c2.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8424 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 288 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8425 1 [Unisep] Agora ou nunca! 288 D Java judged teamfipr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8426 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 288 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8427 1 [UFCG] A culpa é do coach 288 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8428 1 [UERN] BitFera 288 H C H.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8429 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 288 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8430 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 288 I C I.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8431 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 288 G C++ G.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) YES
8432 1 [UFAL] AGM-Team 288 D C D.c judged teamscse8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8433 1 [UFJF] Stack EvenFlow 288 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8434 1 [ITA] SubKT 288 G C++ G.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) YES
8435 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 288 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8436 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Grafos e Facas 288 D C d.c judged teamjfmg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8437 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 288 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8438 1 [UNIP] fsociety.dat 288 D C Divisores.c judged teambisp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8439 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 288 D C D.c judged teamspsp37 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8440 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 288 J Java J.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
8441 1 [UNIBALSAS] Study Group 282 H Java judged teambama3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8442 1 [FATEC São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented 288 D C code.c judged teamspsp27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8443 1 [UFRGS] Stop Zubat 288 I C++ I.cpp judged teampars10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8444 1 [IME] 99% Wrong Answer 288 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8445 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 288 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8446 1 [UNIUBE-Ura/SI] Tm^2 289 I Java judged teamurmg4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8447 1 [UF Santa Catarina] Os Três Ponteiros 289 I C I.c judged teampars9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8448 1 [UF Pernambuco] 2.0 289 E C++ E.cpp judged teamolpe3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8449 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 289 D C d.c judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8450 1 [CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis] Deu Ruim 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teamdimg3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8451 1 [UFRGS] Aithui Thimas e Leo 289 D C D.c judged teampars5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8452 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 289 L C++ L.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8453 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 289 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8454 1 [CESF] others errors 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8455 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Os Mario Verde 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8456 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 289 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8457 1 [UNIBALSAS] Bransky 289 D Java judged teambama2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8458 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 289 J C ccc.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8459 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8460 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8461 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 289 F C++ F.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8462 1 [IFES] NaoDeuTLE 289 D C D.c judged teamsees7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8463 1 [UERJ] XOR 289 F C++ F.cpp judged teamrjrj23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8464 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 289 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8465 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8466 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 289 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8467 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 289 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8468 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8469 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8470 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 289 D C exe_d.c judged teambisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8471 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 289 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8472 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8473 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 289 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8474 1 [UCG] majin bool 289 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8475 1 [PUC-MG] 289 D C d.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8476 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8477 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8478 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] SucoDeUVa 289 G C++ g.cpp judged teamrjrj11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8479 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 289 K C++ K.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8480 1 [Unisep] Agora ou nunca! 289 D Java judged teamfipr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8481 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 289 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8482 1 [FACENS] BRAINIAC 289 J C++ j.cpp judged teamsosp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8483 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 289 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8484 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 289 D C++ D1.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8485 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 289 J C++ J.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8486 1 [UFFS] BNR 289 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8487 1 [UFSCar] vai_na.sort(); 289 C C++ C.cpp judged teampisp10 (1) YES
8488 1 [UTFPR] Gatos Piratas Intergaláticos 289 D C D.c judged teamctpr2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8489 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 289 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8490 1 [UEA] mkdir -f 290 A C++ A.cpp judged teammaam14 (1) NO - Presentation error
8491 1 [UENP] Águias Binárias 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8492 1 [UFJF] Khan 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teamjfmg9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8493 1 [UFU] Estupendos Búfalos Carecas 290 H C++ H.cpp judged teamulmg47 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8494 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8495 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 290 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8496 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 290 J C++ j.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8497 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 290 F C++ F.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8498 1 [IMEPAC-ARAGUARI] IMEPAC-SIS-01 290 D Java judged teamulmg40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8499 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8500 1 [UEPG] POGamadores 290 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8501 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 290 I C i.c judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8502 1 [CCL-GO] Pombo fumado 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teamcclgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8503 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8504 1 [UNISANTOS] EscopoBuilders 290 J C jogos.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8505 1 [UFRN] make balloons 290 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8506 1 [UP] Queijo com casca 290 D C d.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
8507 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 290 J C J.c judged teamscse15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8508 1 [UFPI] Trinity 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtepi10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8509 1 [CAJ/UFG] CodeGO 290 D C D.cpp judged teamgogo1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8510 1 [UFMG] TSP 290 G C++ G.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8511 1 [USJT] CoolGeeks 290 I Java judged teamspsp32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8512 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8513 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 290 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8514 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 290 D C d.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8515 1 [UFPR-JA] Hidra 290 H C H.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8516 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 290 I C exeI.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8517 1 [UEA] UEA_Coders 290 F C++ f.cpp judged teammaam15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8518 1 [UNIVASF] Bug is coming 290 D C D.c judged teamjuba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8519 1 [IFTM Campus Patrocínio] Scriptease 290 H C++ H.cpp judged teamurmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8520 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 290 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8521 1 [UFMG] Menino Jefferson 100 time 290 C C++ c.cpp judged teambhmg2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8522 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 290 J C J.c judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
8523 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8524 1 [Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Goiás] Calangos de Aço 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8525 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 290 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8526 1 [UnB/FGA] Lone Wolves 290 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf10 (1) YES
8527 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 290 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8528 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 290 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8529 1 [IFNMG - Campus Januaria] Despreparados 290 D C d.c judged teammcmg11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8530 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 290 E C++ E.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8531 1 [FIP] Faculdade Porto 290 D C D.c judged teamjpro5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8532 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 290 D C++ D.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
8533 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8534 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 290 J C++ j.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8535 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Código 312 290 D C D.c judged teamitam2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8536 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 290 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8537 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 291 I C I.c judged teampisp20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8538 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 291 J C++ j.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8539 1 [UFU] reverse("UFU") == "UFU" 291 F C++ F.cpp judged teamulmg31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8540 1 [UEA] The Walking Dev 291 D C++ D.cpp judged teammaam10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8541 1 [FAJ] FAJ JÚPTER 291 I C++ teste.cpp judged teamcasp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8542 1 [IFES] The Coders 291 L Python3 judged teamsees1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8543 1 [UNIFEI] Nuclear Coders 291 J C++ j.cpp judged teamvamg20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8544 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 291 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8545 1 [Unisalesiano] Dragon Ball C 291 I C++ problemai.cpp judged teambisp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8546 1 [UNICENTRO] Shinobis do CEDETEG 291 D C D.c judged teamfipr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8547 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 291 D Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8548 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 291 K C++ K.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8549 1 [UNIFESO] Nome é o de menos 291 J C++ j.cpp judged teamrjrj16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8550 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 291 D C d.c judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8551 1 [INATEL] bumbumGranada 291 G C++ G.cpp judged teamvamg27 (1) YES
8552 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 291 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8553 1 [IMT- CSCS] Mauá 291 D Python3 judged teamspsp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8554 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 291 J C++ J.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8555 1 [UFRN] make balloons 291 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8556 1 [UECE] He-Man e o Grafo Guerreiro 291 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8557 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Bugs From Hell 291 F C F.c judged teamerrs15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8558 1 [IMED] Team Imed 291 L Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8559 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 291 E C++ E.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8560 1 [UNIFESO] Mais de 3 291 I C++ i.cpp judged teamrjrj18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8561 1 [UFPA] Code com Farinha 291 D C++ q2.cpp judged teambepa3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8562 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 291 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8563 1 [UFRN] make balloons 291 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8564 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 291 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8565 1 [UNIFOR/MG] UNIFORMG 291 D Java judged teamdimg2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8566 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 291 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8567 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 291 D C++ proB.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8568 1 [Mackenzie] ComicSomos 291 I Java judged teamspsp40 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8569 1 [UNIOESTE] Os Noob 291 D Pascal div.pas judged teamfipr11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8570 1 [UNIP-Socorcaba] CShark 291 D C D.c judged teamsosp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8571 1 [UFSM] Chuhaskell 291 D C++ D2.cpp judged teamsmrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8572 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] VDL 291 D C D.c judged teamcbmt8 (1) YES
8573 1 [UnB/FGA] Nós Oceano 291 I C++ I.cpp judged teambrdf12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8574 1 [CEFET/RJ] AlfaBytes 291 D Python3 judged teamrjrj31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8575 1 [UFRN] make balloons 291 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8576 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 291 G C G.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8577 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 291 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8578 1 [UNIVAP] Pedreiros da Matrix 291 D C D.c judged teamtasp7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8579 1 [UFMG] TSP 291 G C++ G.cpp judged teambhmg8 (1) YES
8580 1 [UFC-Quixadá] Deixa que o Sergio escolhe 291 D C D.c judged teamfoce7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8581 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 291 D C++ D1.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8582 1 [PUC-MG] 292 D C d.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8583 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] The Powerpuff Girls 292 D C D.c judged teamcbmt10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8584 1 [UNEB] Core Dumped 292 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba10 (1) YES
8585 1 [IFSP-Salto] Tridentes de Salto 292 D C divisores.c judged teamsosp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8586 1 [IFTM campus UPT] SmartCoders 292 J C ccc.c judged teamurmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8587 1 [FAM] DERIVADA 292 H C H.c judged teamspsp30 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8588 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 292 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8589 1 [USJT] PythonRangers 292 D Python3 judged teamspsp16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8590 1 [UFRN] make balloons 292 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8591 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 292 K C++ K.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8592 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 292 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8593 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 292 D Java judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8594 1 [PUC-MG] 292 D C d.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8595 1 [UFRN] make balloons 292 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8596 1 [IFSUL - Pelotas] TSI team 292 D C D.c judged teamrgrs11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8597 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 292 C C++ C.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
8598 1 [PUC-MG] 292 D C d.c judged teambhmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8599 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Cabeção++ 292 H C H.c judged teamcrce1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8600 1 [UNICAMP] TCR 292 L C L.c judged teamcasp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8601 1 [UFRN] make balloons 292 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8602 1 [FURB] undefined behavior 292 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8603 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 292 C C++ C.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) YES
8604 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 292 I C++ I.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8605 1 [UFC-Quixadá] O que tiver que C vai C 292 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfoce8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8606 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 292 K C++ K.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8607 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 292 E C++ E.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8608 1 [UFU] Carta na Manga 292 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8609 1 [UF Paraná] Barra Zero 292 I C++ I.cpp judged teamctpr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8610 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 292 I C I.c judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8611 1 [UERN] BitFera 292 D C D.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8612 1 [FJN] k3rnel_pan1c 292 D Java judged teamcrce5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8613 1 [IFRN - CNAT] IFRN 292 D C++ proB.cpp judged teamnarn6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8614 1 [UEG] TheAlliance 292 D C++ D.cpp judged teamgogo9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8615 1 [UFRN] Tsaramouts 292 I C++ I.cpp judged teamnarn5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8616 1 [UNISANTOS] Meta(void) 292 D C Divisores.c judged teamsbsp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8617 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 292 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8618 1 [UFFS] Hu3++ 292 J C++ j.cpp judged teamerrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8619 1 [UFMA] UFMA Fido's Door 293 I Java judged teamslma4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8620 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 293 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8621 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] NullPointException 293 J Java judged teamjpro7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8622 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 293 K C++ K.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8623 1 [UFAL] NOOB - TEAM 293 J C J.c judged teamscse11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8624 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 293 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) YES
8625 1 [UFRN] make balloons 293 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8626 1 [UCG] unsigned bool 293 F C++ F.cpp judged teamgogo7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8627 1 [UNIFESP] Equipe muito Bacana 293 D C D.c judged teamtasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8628 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 293 I C++ I.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8629 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 293 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8630 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 293 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8631 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 293 I Python3 judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8632 1 [UFRN] make balloons 293 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8633 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 293 A C letraA.c judged teamslma5 (1) YES
8634 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 293 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8635 1 [UFRN] make balloons 293 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8636 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 293 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8637 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 293 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8638 1 [UNIOESTE] That Was Easy 293 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfipr16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8639 1 [SETREM] Java-Li 293 J Java judged teamijrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8640 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-CviaJAVA 293 I C++ isoceles.cpp judged teammaam16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8641 1 [UFRN] make balloons 293 F C++ F.cpp judged teamnarn13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8642 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 293 I C++ isoce2.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8643 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 293 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8644 1 [Mackenzie] JavetaFuracao 293 D Java judged teamspsp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8645 1 [Área1] Filhos de ADA 293 D C++ D1.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8646 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 293 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8647 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 293 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8648 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 293 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8649 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 293 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8650 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 293 J C++ J.cpp judged teambhmg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8651 1 [UVA] GLHF 293 J C++ problema_de_j.cpp judged teamsoce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8652 1 [IFSP - Birigui] EasterEgg 293 L C++ l.cpp judged teambisp2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8653 1 [Pitágoras] Pitágoras 5 293 D Java judged teamdimg10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8654 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 293 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8655 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 293 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8656 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 293 F C++ f.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8657 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 294 D C D.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8658 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG House of Codes 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teammcmg7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8659 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 294 B C++ B3.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8660 1 [PUC-Campinas] Time Limite 294 D C D.c judged teamcasp3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8661 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8662 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8663 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8664 1 [IFSP - Birigui] vetor[3]; 294 D C exe_d.c judged teambisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8665 1 [IFCE] O importante é não zerar! 294 F C++ F.cpp judged teamfoce1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8666 1 [UFFS] BNR 294 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8667 1 [FURB] Despertar do Erro 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teamblsc18 (1) YES
8668 1 [CCL-RN] Trapézio Descendente 294 E C++ E.cpp judged teamcclnarn1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8669 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 294 D Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8670 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8671 1 [Área1] Filhos de ADA 294 G C++ D1.cpp judged teamsaba2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8672 1 [PUC-Campinas] 2pi 294 G C CopilaLogo.c judged teamcasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8673 1 [UnB/FGA] AlgOstrich 294 D C++ D.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8674 1 [Senai Cimatic] 3M 294 H C risada.c judged teamsaba15 (1) YES
8675 1 [FATECZL] BagGuy 294 D Java judged teamspsp42 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8676 1 [UEM] switch(taylor) 294 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8677 1 [IFES] Pointer to Hell 294 D C++ aqui_eh_body_bilder.cpp judged teamsees15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8678 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Javaleu 294 D Java judged teamjpro3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8679 1 [FGOC] Primary Key 294 I Java judged teamjfmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8680 1 [Área1] Filhos de ADA 294 H C++ D1.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8681 1 [UFU] BIIRRLLL 294 I C++ I.cpp judged teamulmg35 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8682 1 [UNICENTRO] Safadão 294 D Java judged teamfipr17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8683 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 294 J C j.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8684 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] 4002-8922 294 D C++ d.cpp judged teamcbmt3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8685 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 294 F Python3 judged teamrgrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8686 1 [Área1] Filhos de ADA 294 I C++ D1.cpp judged teamsaba2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8687 1 [Fatec Lins] Oudri Kanda LARRAY[] 294 I C i.c judged teammasp6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8688 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8689 1 [UPF] Schrödinger's Code 294 D C++ d.cpp judged teamerrs16 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8690 1 [FEI] Forzinho 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8691 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 294 B C++ B3.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8692 1 [UNIFOR] UNIFOR-1 294 I Python3 judged teamfoce12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8693 1 [UNOESC-Chapecó] Cyber Conda 294 D C Divisores.c judged teamerrs20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8694 1 [FATEC-Itu] POG ITU 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsosp8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8695 1 [Mackenzie] Lovelace 294 D Java judged teamspsp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8696 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 294 L C++ L.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) YES
8697 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8698 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 294 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8699 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 294 K C++ K.cpp judged teamolpe14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8700 1 [USJT] MET 294 H C H.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8701 1 [UFPel] Ballester Reserva 294 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrgrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8702 1 [IFTM campus UPT] while(Café) 294 D C problemad.c judged teamurmg15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8703 1 [INATEL] as mina 294 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8704 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] PUCiano 295 D C exeD.c judged teamrjrj17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8705 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 295 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8706 1 [UNIFESP] Trio de 11 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teamtasp13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8707 1 [UnB] Turkeys 295 E C++ E.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8708 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 295 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8709 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) YES
8710 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 295 B C++ B3.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8711 1 [CESF] Error.Code32 295 D C D.c judged teammaam5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8712 1 [CU - IESB] Programação Orientada a Cebola 295 I C i.c judged teambrdf7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8713 1 [IDEAU] IDEAU Pastel com Coca 295 L C++ L.cpp judged teamerrs11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8714 1 [PUCRS] PUCRS 2 295 I Java judged teampars3 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8715 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] TXT 295 D Java judged teamijrs6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8716 1 [Senai Cimatic] DRV 295 H C H.c judged teamsaba1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8717 1 [IFRSRestinga] /dev/null 295 I Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
8718 1 [IMED] Team Imed 295 L Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8719 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 295 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) YES
8720 1 [UNIP] Balão Chirrin 295 D C++ d.cpp judged teambisp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8721 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 295 B C++ B.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8722 1 [UNIOESTE] Presentation Error 295 G C++ G.cpp judged teamfipr19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8723 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Master PRO 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teambhmg11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8724 1 [UnB] Turkeys 295 E C++ E.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8725 1 [USJT] Predadores de Bytes 295 H C++ H.cpp judged teamspsp22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8726 1 [Senai Cimatic] Harambe 295 D C ProblemaD.c judged teamsaba11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8727 1 [FATEC São Paulo] stranger("$tr1ngS") 295 D C D.c judged teamspsp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8728 1 [UNIJUI] Novatos 295 F Java judged teamijrs2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8729 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 295 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8730 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8731 1 [IMT- CSCS] Poke Mongos 295 E C E.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
8732 1 [UDESC] Osmar Contato Farofa 295 D C++ d.cpp judged teamblsc10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8733 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 295 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8734 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] VDL 295 D C D.c judged teamcbmt8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8735 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 295 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8736 1 [USJT] MET 295 H C H.c judged teamspsp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8737 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 295 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8738 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 295 D C D.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8739 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 295 E C++ E.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8740 1 [UFES] Dijkstra Way 295 F C++ fa.cpp judged teamsees13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8741 1 [UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW 295 F C++ template.cpp judged teamtepi2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8742 1 [USP] Icarus 295 D Java judged teamspsp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8743 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8744 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 295 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8745 1 [URI - Erechim] URI Beginners 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8746 1 [UERN] BitFera 295 H C H.c judged teamnarn12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8747 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 295 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8748 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 295 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8749 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 295 J C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8750 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 295 J C++ J.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8751 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 295 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8752 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 295 D C++ d.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
8753 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8754 1 [UNIJUI] Ao infinito e além 295 D Java judged teamijrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8755 1 [UEG] printf("cadê meu balão"); 295 D C D.c judged teamgogo4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8756 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] VDL 295 D C D.c judged teamcbmt8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8757 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] CID-10 A Vingança 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teamolpe27 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8758 1 [FCT-UNESP] O(log n) 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8759 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8760 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 295 B C++ B.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8761 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Not 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teampisp9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8762 1 [UFRN] Exponentially Time 295 D C++ D.cpp judged teamnarn8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8763 1 [UFABC] Code Coxinha Builder 295 J C J.c judged teamsbsp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8764 1 [UNIBALSAS] Bransky 296 L Java judged teambama2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8765 1 [UFTM] the big bang theory 296 D C D.c judged teamurmg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8766 1 [UFRGS] Tragosort 296 D C D.c judged teampars6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8767 1 [IFPB - João Pessoa] ESC 295 D C D.c judged teamolpe31 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8768 1 [UNIVASF] try {code} catch {pokemons} 296 C C++ C.cpp judged teamjuba2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8769 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8770 1 [FURG] Nêmesis 296 I C I.c judged teamrgrs8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8771 1 [UnB] Turkeys 296 E C++ E.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8772 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8773 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8774 1 [UFABC] printf(justgoahead) 296 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsbsp10 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8775 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8776 1 [UnB] Turkeys 296 E C++ E.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8777 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 296 K C++ K.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8778 1 [UFJF] Rodou de primeira 296 D C D.c judged teamjfmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8779 1 [USP - São Carlos] Q 296 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8780 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8781 1 [UEM] Melhor feito do que perfeito 296 L C++ ladrilhos.cpp judged teamfipr13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8782 1 [CCL-PE] Motiva 01 296 F C++ F.cpp judged teamcclolpe5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8783 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 296 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8784 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 296 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8785 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8786 1 [UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca 296 B C++ B.cpp judged teamnarn2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8787 1 [UNIVASF] The Targaryens 296 D C++ d.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8788 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 296 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8789 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8790 1 [USJT] Scheduler Victory: 0x41301 296 D C d.c judged teamspsp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8791 1 [Mackenzie] Cocabouluskis 296 G Java judged teamspsp11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8792 1 [CCL-PE] WALL-E 296 J Java judged teamcclolpe2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8793 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 296 C C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8794 1 [CAJ/UFG] Debug is on the table 296 D C probD.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
8795 1 [UNIARARAS] FHO_Int 296 J C J.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
8796 1 [UDESC] X+2 296 D C D.c judged teamblsc13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8797 1 [UFRN] Bota mais um ai 296 K C++ K.cpp judged teamnarn3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8798 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 296 I Java judged teamrbac7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8799 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8800 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 296 B C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8801 1 [UDESC] POXX 296 I C++ i.cpp judged teamblsc5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8802 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 296 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8803 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 296 J C++ J.cpp judged judgebrunojadami (1) NO - Compilation error
8804 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8805 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8806 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8807 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8808 1 [UFMA] UFMA Bartoclub 296 D C++ divisores.cpp judged teamslma6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8809 1 [UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys 296 B C++ B.cpp judged teamvamg14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8810 1 [UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson 296 F C++ F.cpp judged teambrdf9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8811 1 [UERJ] Algum Ritmo 296 D C++ D.cpp judged teamrjrj32 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8812 1 [UNICENTRO] Safadão 296 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8813 1 [ITA] SubKT 296 J C++ J.cpp judged teamtasp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8814 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged teamrgrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8815 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 296 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8816 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 296 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8817 1 [FATEC-SJC] SEMPACTO 296 I C++ I.cpp judged teamtasp20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8818 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 296 J C++ J.cpp judged teambhmg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8819 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 296 G C++ G.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8820 1 [FGOC] getBalao 296 D C++ de.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
8821 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 296 G C G.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
8822 1 [UF Pernambuco] Not Made in China 296 F C++ F.cpp judged teamolpe25 (1) YES
8823 1 [UDESC] X+2 297 J C J.c judged teamblsc13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8824 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 297 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8825 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 297 I C I.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8826 1 [Chapecó] Pied Piper 297 H C problema_H.c judged teamerrs9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8827 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 297 G C G.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
8828 1 [Ufba] Nikki Hamblin 297 D C++ D.cpp judged teamsaba14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8829 1 [USP] The WA Dead 297 C C++ C.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
8830 1 [UFAL] RX Team 297 F C f.c judged teamscse12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8831 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 297 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8832 1 [UNIP-Sorocaba] Pachequinho 297 D Python3 judged teamsosp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8833 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 297 K C++ K.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
8834 1 [FATEC-Sorocaba] C-gmentation Fault 297 J C J.c judged teamsosp2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8835 1 [UFAC] The Mentes 297 D Java judged teamrbac4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8836 1 [UFF] m/_(>_<)_m/ 297 D C D.c judged teamrjrj33 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8837 1 [IFSP-Salto] Tridentes de Salto 297 J C olimpicos.c judged teamsosp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8838 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 297 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8839 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 297 G C++ G.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8840 1 [UFAL] 3XPL01T3R5 297 J C J.c judged teamscse15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8841 1 [IMED] Team Imed 297 L Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8842 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 297 B C++ B.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8843 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 297 J C++ j.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8844 1 [CU - IESB] Penúltimos sim, Últimos jamais 297 H C codigo_de_problemaH.c judged teambrdf6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8845 1 [CEFET/RJ] AlfaBytes 297 D Python3 judged teamrjrj31 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8846 1 [UFMG] Stenio Garcia 297 J C++ J.cpp judged teambhmg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8847 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 297 D C++ D2.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8848 1 [UF Pernambuco] Calouros Ousados 297 E C++ E.cpp judged teamolpe23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8849 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 297 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8850 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 297 E C++ E.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8851 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 297 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8852 1 [Unifei Itabira] Colonel Panic 297 I C++ I.cpp judged teambhmg16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8853 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 297 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8854 1 [UFT] code_builders 297 D C D.c judged teampato6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8855 1 [FATEC Garça] DevCJava 297 J Java judged teammasp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8856 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] VDL 297 D C D.c judged teamcbmt8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8857 1 [FURG] Equipe Rocket 297 I Python3 judged teamrgrs5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8858 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 297 J C++ E.cpp judged teamgogo13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8859 1 [USP - São Carlos] Snack Overflow 297 G C++ G.cpp judged teampisp18 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8860 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 297 I Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8861 1 [USFJ - SEDE] Pogstorm 297 H C H.c judged teamjfmg5 (1) YES
8862 1 [UFG] Where are the monkeys? 297 K C++ E.cpp judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
8863 1 [FACIT] Aqui nós constrói código 297 I C++ I.cpp judged teammcmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8864 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Ta Quentinho 297 I C I.c judged teamcbmt4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8865 1 [UDESC] POG-UDESC 297 I C++ I.cpp judged teamblsc16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8866 1 [UFAM - Itacoatiara] Blackbirds 297 A C A.c judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8867 1 [U Federal de Sergipe] Pra q nome? 297 D C++ D.cpp judged teamscse1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8868 1 [IMED] Team Imed 297 L Python3 judged teamerrs8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8869 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 297 G C++ G.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8870 1 [UFAC] Error 404 297 J Java judged teamrbac8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8871 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 297 J C++ J.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8872 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 297 D C++ d.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
8873 1 [UFF-PURO] MALT Knights 297 J C++ J1.cpp judged teamrjrj20 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8874 1 [UFJF] Rodou de primeira 297 D C D.c judged teamjfmg6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8875 1 [UEA] AlphaQ 297 F C++ f.cpp judged teammaam19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8876 1 [UNIVAS] Hoje não, hoje sim 297 I C I.c judged teamvamg32 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8877 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 297 A Java judged teamurmg8 (1) YES
8878 1 [UFPel] Horríver Plate 297 G C G.c judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Compilation error
8879 1 [UF Pernambuco] Elefante Assustado 297 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8880 1 [UTFPR] A Void 297 D C D.c judged teamctpr11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8881 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Alpha 297 I C I.c judged teamspsp48 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8882 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] Bug Funcional 297 D Java judged teamjpro8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8883 1 [UnB/FGA] Nós Oceano 297 D C++ D.cpp judged teambrdf12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8884 1 [UF Pernambuco] Wickaninnish 297 K C++ K.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
8885 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 297 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8886 1 [UFFS] BNR 298 F C++ f.cpp judged teamerrs5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8887 1 [CEFET/RJ] Spoder-Man 298 H C++ H.cpp judged teamrjrj2 (1) YES
8888 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 298 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8889 1 [USP - São Carlos] Not Even Twice 298 D C++ a.cpp judged teampisp19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8890 1 [IFTM] Sistemas IFTM 298 D C D.c judged teamulmg51 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8891 1 [FACAM] FACAM - OS FUROES 298 A C letraA.c judged teamslma5 (1) YES
8892 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 298 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8893 1 [PUC Rio de Janeiro] SIGKILL 298 D C d.c judged teamrjrj12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8894 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Monty py! 298 I C++ i.cpp judged teambhmg1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8895 1 [FAZU/SI] fazu team 298 D Java judged judgeguilherme.pinto (1) NO - Runtime error
8896 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 298 F C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) YES
8897 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 298 J C++ J.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8898 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 298 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8899 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 298 E C++ E.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8900 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 298 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8901 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] Cabeção++ 298 D C D.c judged teamcrce1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8902 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 298 J C++ J.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8903 1 [UFFS] _Rasteiro 298 D C D.c judged teamerrs26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8904 1 [FCT-UNESP] BrainOverflow 298 D C++ I.cpp judged teammasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8905 1 [CEFET-MG-C2] Verilov 298 I C++ I2.cpp judged teambhmg5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8906 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 298 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8907 1 [INATEL] as mina 298 L C++ L.cpp judged teamvamg12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8908 1 [UEG] Hardcore Parkour 298 J Java judged teamgogo8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8909 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 298 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8910 1 [UERN] Bug na Matriz 298 D C d.c judged teamnarn1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8911 1 [UF Paraná] Trypanãosomos 298 G C++ g.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8912 1 [FURG] Preferíamos Python 298 F Python3 judged teamrgrs14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8913 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 298 D Python3 judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8914 1 [IFNMG - Campus Montes Claros] IFNMG 3 298 D C D.c judged teammcmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8915 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] nullCoderException 298 J C++ J.cpp judged teammasp13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8916 1 [UNIFAP] Jump Of The Cat 298 A C a.c judged teammaap1 (1) YES
8917 1 [Unisalesiano] RasenshurikenC 298 J C++ J.cpp judged teambisp14 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8918 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 298 E C++ E.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8919 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 298 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8920 1 [CUML] Lacerda Team 298 D Java judged teampisp25 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8921 1 [FURB] Twisted Transistor 298 I Java judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8922 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 298 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8923 1 [UnB] deBuggers 298 F C++ f.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8924 1 [IFSULMGMuz] Ajuda o malloc() que tá doente 298 L C++ questao.cpp judged teamvamg21 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8925 1 [FCT-UNESP] BrainOverflow 298 I C++ I.cpp judged teammasp4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8926 1 [UEA] UEA_Coders 298 F C++ f.cpp judged teammaam15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8927 1 [UnB] deBuggers 298 F C++ f.cpp judged teambrdf8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8928 1 [CCL-GO] old boys 298 I Java judged teamcclgogo2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8929 1 [UFRGS] Tamo Call Confia 298 I C I.c judged teampars12 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8930 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 298 D C d.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8931 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 298 F C++ F.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8932 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 298 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8933 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 298 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8934 1 [UFSCar] ReturnTwo(); 298 F C++ F.cpp judged teampisp16 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8935 1 [DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas 298 B C++ b.cpp judged teamjfmg10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8936 1 [UFES] Triplex 298 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8937 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 298 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8938 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Code Go 298 G C++ G.cpp judged teamrjrj27 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8939 1 [UFAM] ICompUFAM-GVG 298 D C div.c judged teammaam9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8940 1 [UNIOESTE] Pode Pascal? 299 D C D.c judged teamfipr5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8941 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 299 D C++ d.cpp judged teamolpe24 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8942 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 299 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8943 1 [UFES] Triplex 299 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8944 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 299 K C++ K.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8945 1 [UnB] Turkeys 299 E C++ E.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8946 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 299 D C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8947 1 [Ufba] Wrong Answer 299 D C++ D1.cpp judged teamsaba17 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8948 1 [UNICAMP] Cyberus 299 C C++ c2.cpp judged teamcasp12 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8949 1 [UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware 299 I Java judged teamijrs1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8950 1 [UECE] Pokecode Go 299 D C++ D.cpp judged teamfoce14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8951 1 [FAJ] FAJ-URANO 299 D C++ codigo_de_problema.cpp judged teamcasp6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8952 1 [UTFPR] Diferenciado 299 D C++ D.cpp judged teamctpr1 (1) YES
8953 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Quero Café 299 I C i.c judged teamfipr20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8954 1 [IFCE - Campus Crato] <<<coffee with milk>>> 299 L Java judged teamcrce2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8955 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 299 J C++ j.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8956 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 299 E C++ E.cpp judged teamvamg18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8957 1 [UNIOESTE] QH 299 I C++ I.cpp judged teamfipr4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8958 1 [UnB] Turkeys 299 E C++ E.cpp judged teambrdf13 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8959 1 [USP] Pégasus 299 F Java judged teamspsp15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8960 1 [UEFS] Untitled (2).cpp 299 G C++ G.cpp judged teamfsba2 (1) YES
8961 1 [UNICAMP] Blue Team 299 F C++ F.cpp judged teamcasp10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8962 1 [UEA] UEA_Coders 299 F C++ f.cpp judged teammaam15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8963 1 [UFMT - Cuiabá] Rip Sort 299 D C d.c judged teamcbmt13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8964 1 [IFTM campus UPT] D_bug, gogo! 299 F Java judged teamurmg19 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8965 1 [UFCG] !xor&! 299 J C++ J.cpp judged teamolpe7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8966 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 299 G C++ G.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Runtime error
8967 1 [CCL-GO] Hell script 299 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8968 1 [UNESP] Atlantida 299 I C++ I.cpp judged teammasp9 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8969 1 [UFJF] Rodou de primeira 299 D C D.c judged teamjfmg6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8970 1 [UFG] The monkey stole my code! 299 I C++ I.cpp judged teamgogo20 (1) YES
8971 1 [Ufba] Robério e Seu Teclado 299 J C++ J.cpp judged teamsaba9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8972 1 [CESF] Error.Code32 299 D C D.c judged teammaam5 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8973 1 [UFMG] Continua Errado 299 C C++ judged teambhmg13 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8974 1 [UF Rio de Janeiro] Esse é meu time 299 J C++ J.cpp judged teamrjrj9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8975 1 [FCT-UNESP] O(log n) 299 C C++ C.cpp judged teammasp14 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8976 1 [USJT] PINGa ni mim 299 H C h.c judged teamspsp47 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8977 1 [UNINOVE] Uninove Beta 299 I C I.c judged teamspsp1 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8978 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 299 C C++ C.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
8979 1 [UNICAMP] Time Arroz 299 J C++ j.cpp judged teamcasp8 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8980 1 [UNIMONTES] UniMonsters 299 J C++ J.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8981 1 [UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial 299 B C++ B.cpp judged teamfipr3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8982 1 [FURB] JAVA_HOME = 0x29A 299 I Java judged teamblsc1 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8983 1 [UTFPR-Medianeira] Quero Café 299 I C i.c judged teamfipr20 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8984 1 [INATEL] stormtroop3rs 299 E C++ E.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
8985 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] IT Girls 299 D Java judged teamjpro2 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8986 1 [UFAL] Moriartys 299 G C++ G.cpp judged teamscse5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
8987 1 [CCL-GO] GMA 299 D C D.c judged teamcclgogo6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8988 1 [FACAM] FACAM - SMALL 299 A Java judged teamslma3 (1) YES
8989 1 [UNIT] NullPointerException 299 D Java judged teamscse9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8990 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 299 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8991 1 [UFFS] Euterpe 299 D C++ D.cpp judged teamerrs7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8992 1 [USP] O XOR é livre 299 K C++ K.cpp judged teamspsp26 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8993 1 [UEA] TheBuggados 299 G C++ g.cpp judged teammaam18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8994 1 [UF Pernambuco] Bugless 299 G C++ g.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Runtime error
8995 1 [UEPG] <std adios> 299 D C++ D2.cpp judged teamctpr9 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8996 1 [USP - São Carlos] MOCHILA VERDE DA MARATONA 299 B C++ B.cpp judged teampisp23 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8997 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 299 C C++ C.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
8998 1 [UFES] Triplex 299 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
8999 1 [UFAC] Malandra Mente 299 D Java judged teamrbac7 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
9000 1 [IFS] Pegasus Fantasy 299 A Java judged teamscse3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9001 1 [Ceunes UFES] Padrão FIFO 299 L C++ l.cpp judged teamsees6 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9002 1 [USJT] Infinity Looping 299 D C D.c judged teamspsp46 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9003 1 [CEULJI-ULBRA] The Boys of Java 299 H Java judged teamjpro4 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9004 1 [UFPA] Cvaicomnois 299 D C++ D.cpp judged teambepa4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
9005 1 [UDESC] Comando Anfíbio 299 D C++ base.cpp judged teamblsc15 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9006 1 [UPF] Skynet dos Pampas 299 I C++ I.cpp judged teamerrs22 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9007 1 [USP - São Carlos] I_Try 299 C C++ C.cpp judged judgevinicius.santos (1) NO - Compilation error
9008 1 [UNIVEM-Marília] Os Mario Verde 299 D C++ D.cpp judged teammasp17 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9009 1 [IFES] NaoDeuTLE 299 E C++ E.cpp judged judgepaulocezar.ufg (1) NO - Compilation error
9010 1 [UNIOESTE] Byte me 299 I C++ Ipossivel.cpp judged teamfipr18 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9011 1 [UFES] Triplex 299 D C++ d.cpp judged teamsees2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9012 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 299 F C++ F.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9013 1 [FACOM - UFMS] UFMSX 288 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms7 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9014 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 299 F C++ F.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9015 1 [UCDB] Testemunhas de Java 294 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms2 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9016 1 [CPCX/UFMS] Não me byte 284 J Java judged teamppms3 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9017 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 286 F C++ F.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
9018 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Esquadrão Classe C++ 297 D C++ D.cpp judged teamppms5 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
9019 1 [UCDB] Olha isso, IBM! 297 L C++ L.cpp judged teamppms11 (1) NO - Wrong answer
9020 1 [CPPP - UFMS] Duas princesas e um sapo 289 I C++ I.cpp judged teamppms8 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
9021 1 [FACOM - UFMS] CodebuildersMS 288 B C b.c judged teamppms4 (1) NO - Time limit exceeded
9022 1 [FACOM - UFMS] Maze Coders 297 F C++ F.cpp judged teamppms10 (1) NO - Wrong answer

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