BOCA Contest - Site


Runs by Problem

A balloon 10273 (72%)
B balloon 8830 (34%)
C balloon 54 (80%)
D balloon 9458 (62%)
F balloon 10772 (67%)
G balloon 657 (11%)
H balloon 13921 (15%)
I balloon 275 (19%)
J balloon 12241 (34%)
K balloon 14032 (23%)

Runs by Problem and Answer

Problems x AnswersNO - Compilation errorNO - Presentation errorNO - Runtime errorNO - Time limit exceededNO - Wrong answerNO - Wrong language choiceYESTotal
A balloon 2 (2%)00027 (26%)073 (72%)102
B balloon 1 (1%)07 (8%)20 (23%)30 (34%)030 (34%)88
C balloon 00001 (20%)04 (80%)5
D balloon 01 (1%)1 (1%)3 (3%)31 (33%)058 (62%)94
F balloon 1 (1%)1 (1%)4 (4%)029 (27%)072 (67%)107
G balloon 1 (2%)01 (2%)17 (26%)38 (58%)1 (2%)7 (11%)65
H balloon 3 (2%)09 (6%)34 (24%)72 (52%)021 (15%)139
I balloon 01 (4%)1 (4%)14 (52%)6 (22%)05 (19%)27
J balloon 1 (1%)02 (2%)6 (5%)72 (59%)041 (34%)122
K balloon 0002 (1%)105 (75%)1 (1%)32 (23%)140

Runs by Problem and Language

Problems x LanguagesCC++C++11JavaPython2Python3Total
A balloon 4 (4%)63 (62%)26 (25%)6 (6%)2 (2%)1 (1%)102
B balloon 041 (47%)42 (48%)5 (6%)0088
C balloon 01 (20%)4 (80%)0005
D balloon 045 (48%)42 (45%)6 (6%)1 (1%)094
F balloon 066 (62%)32 (30%)7 (7%)1 (1%)1 (1%)107
G balloon 039 (60%)19 (29%)6 (9%)01 (2%)65
H balloon 1 (1%)72 (52%)54 (39%)9 (6%)3 (2%)0139
I balloon 018 (67%)9 (33%)00027
J balloon 059 (48%)56 (46%)3 (2%)1 (1%)3 (2%)122
K balloon 069 (49%)68 (49%)3 (2%)00140

Runs by Language

C51 (20%)
C++473187 (40%)
C++11352136 (39%)
Java4513 (29%)
Python284 (50%)
Python362 (33%)

Runs by Language and Answer

Languages x AnswersNO - Compilation errorNO - Presentation errorNO - Runtime errorNO - Time limit exceededNO - Wrong answerNO - Wrong language choiceYESTotal
C0001 (20%)3 (60%)01 (20%)5
C++5 (1%)2 (0%)19 (4%)50 (11%)210 (44%)0187 (40%)473
C++113 (1%)1 (0%)4 (1%)37 (11%)169 (48%)2 (1%)136 (39%)352
Java1 (2%)007 (16%)24 (53%)013 (29%)45
Python2002 (25%)02 (25%)04 (50%)8
Python30001 (17%)3 (50%)02 (33%)6

Runs by Answer

NO - Compilation error9
NO - Presentation error3
NO - Runtime error25
NO - Time limit exceeded96
NO - Wrong answer411
NO - Wrong language choice2

Runs by User and Problem

Users x ProblemsA balloon B balloon C balloon D balloon F balloon G balloon H balloon I balloon J balloon K balloon TotalAccepted
[UFAM] ICompUFAM-POG1 (5%)2 (10%)001 (5%)6 (30%)5 (25%)02 (10%)3 (15%)202 (10%)
[UNIME] Sem net não da8 (73%)001 (9%)2 (18%)00000112 (18%)
[UFBA] Robério e Seu Teclado1 (11%)1 (11%)01 (11%)1 (11%)02 (22%)1 (11%)1 (11%)1 (11%)98 (89%)
[UESB] Ursos sem Curso1 (11%)001 (11%)1 (11%)1 (11%)002 (22%)3 (33%)93 (33%)
[IFCE] O importante é não zerar!1 (25%)001 (25%)2 (50%)0000043 (75%)
[UECE] Pokecode Go1 (8%)001 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)3 (25%)02 (17%)3 (25%)124 (33%)
[UnB/FGA] Teorema de Offson1 (9%)1 (9%)01 (9%)2 (18%)03 (27%)01 (9%)2 (18%)116 (55%)
[UnB] Turkeys1 (6%)5 (31%)1 (6%)2 (13%)1 (6%)02 (13%)01 (6%)3 (19%)168 (50%)
[Ceunes-UFES] TLE2 (13%)001 (6%)2 (13%)1 (6%)8 (50%)01 (6%)1 (6%)163 (19%)
[UFG] Where are the monkeys?2 (15%)1 (8%)01 (8%)2 (15%)1 (8%)2 (15%)02 (15%)2 (15%)137 (54%)
[UFMA] UFMA GIF de Gatinhos2 (29%)3 (43%)001 (14%)1 (14%)000072 (29%)
[UFMG] Stenio Garcia2 (9%)6 (27%)01 (5%)1 (5%)05 (23%)04 (18%)3 (14%)2210 (45%)
[CEFET-MG] Ceferberus1 (9%)002 (18%)2 (18%)1 (9%)003 (27%)2 (18%)113 (27%)
[Pitágoras] Pitágoras 32 (18%)002 (18%)1 (9%)3 (27%)3 (27%)000113 (27%)
[DPI-UFV] Grafo de Botas2 (13%)1 (7%)02 (13%)3 (20%)04 (27%)02 (13%)1 (7%)156 (40%)
[IFTM-Patrocínio] Carvalhos2 (17%)1 (8%)002 (17%)04 (33%)02 (17%)1 (8%)122 (17%)
[UFU] Medalha++1 (14%)001 (14%)1 (14%)0001 (14%)3 (43%)74 (57%)
[UFU-Monte Carmelo] Bit Please1 (8%)0004 (33%)0001 (8%)6 (50%)123 (25%)
[UNIFEI] Epic Sax Guys1 (4%)1 (4%)01 (4%)1 (4%)14 (58%)1 (4%)2 (8%)2 (8%)1 (4%)248 (33%)
[IFSULMG-Muzambinho] Flecha no Joelho2 (25%)002 (25%)1 (13%)0001 (13%)2 (25%)83 (38%)
[INATEL] stormtroop3rs1 (10%)002 (20%)1 (10%)04 (40%)01 (10%)1 (10%)105 (50%)
[FAI] UaiFAI1 (33%)0001 (33%)00001 (33%)32 (67%)
[FACOM-UFMS] Maze Coders2 (14%)1 (7%)01 (7%)1 (7%)05 (36%)03 (21%)1 (7%)143 (21%)
[UFCG] !xor&!1 (6%)2 (11%)02 (11%)1 (6%)2 (11%)3 (17%)3 (17%)2 (11%)2 (11%)188 (44%)
[UFPE] 0xE1 (7%)2 (14%)1 (7%)1 (7%)2 (14%)1 (7%)1 (7%)2 (14%)2 (14%)1 (7%)149 (64%)
[UFPE] Wickaninnish1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)3 (20%)3 (20%)01 (7%)3 (20%)158 (53%)
[IFPB-JP] e-Coders1 (20%)001 (20%)1 (20%)0001 (20%)1 (20%)53 (60%)
[UFPI] CAFEÍNA OVERFLOW1 (9%)001 (9%)1 (9%)1 (9%)1 (9%)06 (55%)0115 (45%)
[UNIOESTE] Ops! Solução Trivial1 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)2 (15%)3 (23%)3 (23%)01 (8%)1 (8%)135 (38%)
[UTFPR-PG] Bug Busters1 (8%)001 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)02 (17%)6 (50%)124 (33%)
[UFPR] NomeProvisorioTrypanossoMestre2 (18%)001 (9%)1 (9%)0001 (9%)6 (55%)114 (36%)
[PUC-Rio] char mander;1 (9%)1 (9%)002 (18%)03 (27%)01 (9%)3 (27%)112 (18%)
[UFRJ] Esse é meu time1 (8%)5 (38%)01 (8%)2 (15%)1 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)1 (8%)137 (54%)
[IME] Lorem Ipsum1 (5%)6 (32%)01 (5%)1 (5%)04 (21%)01 (5%)5 (26%)199 (47%)
[UERJ] XOR1 (9%)001 (9%)2 (18%)1 (9%)2 (18%)01 (9%)3 (27%)113 (27%)
[UFRN] Ginga com Tapioca1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)4 (27%)2 (13%)4 (27%)157 (47%)
[UFRN] Bota mais um aí2 (11%)2 (11%)01 (5%)2 (11%)04 (21%)01 (5%)7 (37%)196 (32%)
[URI-Erechim] URI Luminatti1 (8%)1 (8%)06 (50%)1 (8%)01 (8%)01 (8%)1 (8%)126 (50%)
[UFFS] AKM2 (17%)001 (8%)3 (25%)04 (33%)02 (17%)0123 (25%)
[UNIJUI-Santa Rosa] Spyware1 (7%)4 (27%)004 (27%)02 (13%)02 (13%)2 (13%)153 (20%)
[UFRGS] Code Runners1 (20%)0001 (20%)02 (40%)001 (20%)52 (40%)
[UFPel] Ta Serto1 (25%)001 (25%)1 (25%)00001 (25%)43 (75%)
[UDESC] Pollos Hermanos1 (14%)001 (14%)1 (14%)03 (43%)01 (14%)073 (43%)
[UFS] Pra q nome?2 (40%)1 (20%)002 (40%)0000052 (40%)
[UNOESTE] Supermain Returns1 (17%)001 (17%)1 (17%)0001 (17%)2 (33%)63 (50%)
[UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi1 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)2 (15%)2 (15%)1 (8%)3 (23%)139 (69%)
[UNESP-Bauru] UNESP Bauru5 (31%)0001 (6%)5 (31%)001 (6%)4 (25%)162 (13%)
[USP-São Carlos] Q1 (7%)5 (33%)01 (7%)1 (7%)02 (13%)01 (7%)4 (27%)155 (33%)
[UFSCar] vai_na.sort();1 (8%)001 (8%)2 (17%)02 (17%)02 (17%)4 (33%)124 (33%)
[USP-São Carlos] A Viagem de Shi Hero1 (11%)001 (11%)1 (11%)04 (44%)01 (11%)1 (11%)95 (56%)
[FEI] Instinct1 (8%)6 (50%)01 (8%)2 (17%)0002 (17%)0124 (33%)
[FATEC-São Paulo] Xtreme Go Horse Oriented1 (9%)2 (18%)01 (9%)3 (27%)01 (9%)02 (18%)1 (9%)115 (45%)
[USP] Cadê o Baiano?1 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)1 (8%)2 (17%)04 (33%)1 (8%)1 (8%)126 (50%)
[USJT] Scrumlambation2 (29%)0001 (14%)03 (43%)01 (14%)072 (29%)
[UNITAU] Maledictus Avus Pepe1 (5%)001 (5%)1 (5%)03 (14%)06 (27%)10 (45%)224 (18%)
[ITA] Fast BIRL Transform1 (7%)3 (21%)01 (7%)1 (7%)02 (14%)03 (21%)3 (21%)146 (43%)
[UFSCar-Sorocaba] Knights of Nlogonia1 (13%)003 (38%)1 (13%)0002 (25%)1 (13%)85 (63%)
[UFT] Valar Programmis1 (5%)003 (16%)2 (11%)08 (42%)01 (5%)4 (21%)194 (21%)
[CCL] Ez Game Ez Life1 (13%)1 (13%)01 (13%)1 (13%)0002 (25%)2 (25%)85 (63%)
[CCL] VERÃO O ANO TODO1 (14%)001 (14%)1 (14%)0003 (43%)1 (14%)73 (43%)
[CCL] In rand() we trust!1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)4 (29%)4 (29%)1 (7%)01 (7%)1 (7%)148 (57%)
[CCL] A Fumada de Fourier1 (13%)001 (13%)1 (13%)03 (38%)01 (13%)1 (13%)86 (75%)
[CCL] Queijo com goiabada4 (27%)5 (33%)01 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)003 (20%)153 (20%)
[CCL] deBuggers2 (7%)0015 (54%)3 (11%)0008 (29%)0282 (7%)
[CCL] Maluquise1 (6%)2 (11%)1 (6%)1 (6%)1 (6%)6 (33%)1 (6%)2 (11%)2 (11%)1 (6%)189 (50%)
[CCL] Rumpelstiltskin2 (15%)1 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)2 (15%)1 (8%)2 (15%)1 (8%)1311 (85%)
[CCL] Absurdo Clássico e Fulano1 (11%)1 (11%)01 (11%)1 (11%)2 (22%)1 (11%)01 (11%)1 (11%)98 (89%)
[CCL] Veterans Edition1 (7%)2 (14%)01 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)6 (43%)1 (7%)1 (7%)147 (50%)
[CCL] Never Lucky1 (5%)6 (27%)01 (5%)1 (5%)01 (5%)011 (50%)1 (5%)223 (14%)
[CCL] Nuclear Coders1 (14%)001 (14%)2 (29%)0003 (43%)074 (57%)
[CCL] Cabralgoritmo1 (7%)001 (7%)1 (7%)010 (71%)01 (7%)0143 (21%)
[CCL] santjuan's team1 (8%)1 (8%)04 (33%)1 (8%)3 (25%)1 (8%)001 (8%)125 (42%)

Runs by Time Period

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